2210 Uppsatser om Negative mood - Sida 61 av 148
Från droger till förvandlande gemenskap : En studie om de sociala nätverkens betydelse utifrån LP-verksamhetens eftervård
The aim with our study was to understand former addict´s experience of social networks from the Lewi Pethrus foundation (LP foundation) aftercare. The method we have used is qualitative semi-structured interviews. We have interviewed eight persons, four men and four women. They have all been in contact with the LP foundation and are today drug free. The result of the study has shown that the fellowship, in the different social networks have been very important to maintain a drug free life.
Tillagning i mikrovågsugn och dess effekt på livsmedel : En jämförelse med konventionell tillagning
Microwave is a time- efficient device for heating and reheating of foods. Despite the fact that its effects on foods have been evaluated during a long period of time, without any more negative effects shown compared to conventional cooking, one third of the Swedish population believes (in 2010) it accounts for a higher loss of nutrition.
This literature review aim to compile studies regarding how food is affected by cooking in microwave, with respect to cooking losses, nutrition, secondary metabolites as well as sensory and textural aspects and compare it with conventional cooking.
The compilation shows that different combination of effect (W), time and amount of water during microwave cooking have different effects on foods. The contents of proteins, vitamin B and carbohydrates are generally higher after microwave cooking, while anti-nutritional substances are affected much less during conventional cooking. This also depends on if it is of animal or non-animal origin. However, for the majority of nutrition values the differences are quite small.
Balansgången ?mellan ?kommersiell? framgång? och? exklusiv? image : ? ?Att? lyckas ?med ?varumärkesutvidgning ?nedåt ?av ?lyxvarumärken
Many? luxury? companies? within? the? fashion? industry? today? choose? to? extend? their? brands downwards? in? order? to? reach? new? customer? segments? and? hence? increase? their? profitability.? A? brand? extension? strategy? that? leverages? the? core? values? of? the? luxury? brand? is? a ?new ?possibility ?for ?luxury ?brands ?to ?position ?themselves ?towards ?a ?broader ?customer ?base.?? Meanwhile? there? is? a? risk? that? the? extension? dilutes? the? image? of? the? luxury? brand? and? has? a? negative? effect? on? the? company? in? the? long? term.? Thus? a? tradeoff? exists? between? becoming? more? accessible? and? maintaining? the? exclusivity? of? the? luxury? brand.? The? objective? of? this? thesis ?is ?to ?investigate ?how ?luxury ?brands ?that ?perform? downward ?brand ?extensions ?to? reach? new? markets? can? succeed? with? this? strategy? without? diluting? the? brand? image.? This? is? achieved? by? studying? the? perceptions? of? the? new? target? segment? towards? the? extension? of? luxury? brands.? The? results? of? the? study? show? that? the? risk? of? brand? dilution? is? minimized when? the? core? values? of? the? luxury? brand? are? transferred? to? the? brand? extension? while? the extension ?at ?the ?same ?time ?is ?successfully ?targeted ?towards ?the ?specific ?customer? segment..
Tillagning i mikrova?gsugn och dess effekt pa? livsmedel : en ja?mfo?relse med konventionell tillagning
Microwave is a time- efficient device for heating and reheating of foods. Despite the fact that its effects on foods have been evaluated during a long period of time, without any more negative effects shown compared to conventional cooking, one third of the Swedish
population believes (in 2010) it accounts for a higher loss of nutrition.
This literature review aim to compile studies regarding how food is affected by cooking in microwave, with respect to cooking losses, nutrition, secondary metabolites as well as sensory and textural aspects and compare it with conventional cooking.
The compilation shows that different combination of effect (W), time and amount of water during microwave cooking have different effects on foods. The contents of proteins, vitamin B and carbohydrates are generally higher after microwave cooking, while anti-nutritional substances are affected much less during conventional cooking. This also depends on if it is of animal or non-animal origin.
However, for the majority of nutrition values the differences are quite small.
Dialogens betydelse för företag : Hur företag bör agera och uppträda när de marknadsför sig i sociala medier
The purpose of my study is to give a good picture of what social media really is and how companies can make use of it, in their marketing strategy. It gets more important for every day that companies fully understand how social media works and how to act in the new digital channels. To be an updated marketer today, you need to fully understand social media and how it can be implemented in the company marketing strategy. This study gives you a snapshot over todays situation in the area of social media marketing.I have interviewed four different persons, who I believe have a great competence and are highly qualified for this kind of study. All of the interviewed persons work with social media marketing at a daily basis.
Mjölk, gluten och ADHD : En litteraturundersökning om mjölk och glutens påverkan hos barn med ADHD
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is becoming a more common diagnosis of younger children. In recent years the perception that some ingredients in our food may have a negative effect regarding the symptoms in children with ADHD has grown stronger. Children with ADHD often suffer from irritated bowel syndromes which affect their ability to digest food. This may result in malnutrition as well as a release of substances that are harmful.The purpose of this report is to compile and illustrate the knowledge of how special food, particular milk protein and gluten, may affect the symptoms of children with ADHD. Also, the report aims to evaluate if there should be changes made in Kindergarten to increase the well-being of these children.
Makten, skolan och Johnny
The workplace has a direct impact on the physical, psychological, economic and social well-being of the workers. A healthy workplace leads to increased health among the employees which also makes the employees more productive (Källestål, 2004). A poor working environment can have negative consequences for individuals, companies and society (SOU, 2009:47).This is a qualitative study that investigates companies? view of health promotion and how they practice health promotion in working life. Five private and five public companies, with representatives from the management were interviewed.
Att motivera elever
Middle managers in social care find themselves in a middle position. The middle management position involves demands from several interested parties. The demands affect and generate feelings both within themselves and within others and the middle managers have to deal with them all.The aim of this study was to investigate the social care middle manager?s personal experiences of emotions in work.We have completed interviews with four middle managers who are assigned to carry out social care. When doing the interviews we used an interview guide divided into different interview areas.
Förtroendeproblematik för privata pensionsförsäkringar i Ryssland
The first aim of the thesis is to analyse the problems of trust, according to game theory, in the Russian market for private pensions insurance. The second aim is to find suitable strategies to solve the problems. Problems of trust have arisen because, (i) buyers of insurance have had negative experiences when dealing with insurance companies and corruption has decreased trust for all players in the market, (ii) incomplete information makes it difficult to separate honest actors from dishonest, and (iii) dishonest insurance companies do not get punished because of corruption and weaknesses in the law. Mutual risk-sharing is a potential solution as necessary conditions already exist in the Russian society. There are groups who (i) share the same type of risks, (ii) are aware of moral hazards, and (iii) are able to control each other.
CIRKUS I GRUNDSKOLA OCH GRUNDSÄRSKOLA - samspel, omgivningsfaktorer och relevanta krav i en träningssituation
This study looked at two groups of adolescents aged 12-17 years who had participated in circus training. One group had some form of disability while the other had none. The study was carried out as a qualitative study with observations, interviews and a questionnaire used as methods of gathering data. A small part of the study was quantitative and an observation chart was used. The purpose was to examine the importance of teamwork, environmental factors and the necessary requirements during a learning situation.
Vad påverkar vuxna observatörers intention att ingripa vid arbetsplatsmobbning?
Arbetsplatsmobbning har omfattande konsekvenser för individer i arbetslivet och samhället. Observatören har en viktig roll i arbetet mot mobbning, då dennes ingripande kan influera andra att göra detsamma. Denna studie undersökte om observatörens kön, locus of control och erfarenhet av observerad mobbning har en påverkan på intentionen att ingripa vid en mobbningssituation. Detta prövades utifrån sex hypoteser och frågeställningen hur relationen ser ut mellan ovangivna variabler i förhållandet till intentionen att ingripa vid mobbning. 165 individer i arbetslivet, varav 114 kvinnor, besvarade en enkät vilken innehöll Rotters The internal-external scale, en justerad Negative Acts Questionnaire-Revised och ett instrument inspirerat av Hektner och Swensons påstående om intentionen att ingripa.
Skötsel av tätortsnära skogliga rekreationsområden : besökares upplevelser i norra och södra Sverige
The main purpose of this M. Sc. thesis is to increase the knowledge about managing urban forestry for recreational use. The analysis is focusing on differences between visitors? experiences in the north and south of Sweden, represented by Nydalasjön and by Härlanda tjärn.
Let´s talk about sex: en studie av patienters uppfattning av samtal i samband med testning/smittspårning för sexuellt överförda infektioner med fokus på sexualitet
The aim of this study is to examine the patient's understanding of the counselling while testing for an STI. The method was an inquiry directed to patients at two receptions, where tests for STI are made, and on the Internet for patients who made a test within the last year. The study involves 95 participants, 39 answered the inquiry directly after the test. The main results show that most participants are positive to talk about their sexuality and sexual strategies with the personnel, irrespective of who takes the initiative to the counselling. Women are yet more negative then men to talk about their sexuality, even if the test is made voluntarily by the woman.
Nyutveckling av Nålträdarsystem
This thesis work is performed on VSM Group Ltd in Huskvarna that produces sewing machines under the trademarks Pfaff and Husqvarna Viking. On these sewing machines is an application that helps the user to thread the needle. The aim with the work has been to study today's applications on VSM and their competitors' sewing machines in order to since developing a new Needle-threader that divides itself from all the ones used today. The objective with the work has been an entire new concept with an operational prototype.As a base the competitor analysis was used where today's applications was studied in order to identify positive and negative aspects of these. This led to a number off ?concept families? where different variants off the same ideas were collected and evaluated.
Utveckla idag Bevara i morgon - Ett hot mot den historiska staden som destination
The aim of this thesis is to identify and analyse the antagonism between conservation and development which occurs in historical towns.The base of the study is theories in destination development and cultural heritage tourism in historical towns as well as the consequences expressed in these theories concerning conservation and development. The standpoint was that an empiric study needed to complement the theory. This filed study took place in Dubrovnik in Croatia. The thesis identifies the antagonism between conservation and development based on the theoretical research. Moreover the study adds a perspective to the research through the identification of further dimensions of this antagonism.