2210 Uppsatser om Negative mood - Sida 38 av 148
Återköp av Aktier : En jämförande studie mellan Sverige och Kina
Share repurchases in Sweden has since legalization in 2000 gained momentum. Similar to other corporate events, there are studies that examine whether this affects the share price performance. With studies in the U.S. that measured excess returns of approximately 3,5 percent on the announcement day; Swedish buybacks, holding a tighter regulation is of interest to study. The Stockholm Stock Exchange regulation regarding reporting is also similar to the Stock Exchange in Hong Kong.
Event Marketing : En alternativ väg till kund lojalitet
Marks do not only work as an acknowledge of the effort that has been made under a long period of time, but also as a receipt for eligibility to further studies. Within the political debate, marks have often caused a big discussion among the political parties. That is due to the obvious difference between the political parties on the left, and their counterparts on the right. However, there is one thing that they all have in common. Everyone of them have plans of measure within their political agenda, regarding the use of marks.The aim of this study has been to try to understand the way pupils think about marks.
En-till-en på gymnasiet: En kvalitativ studie kring vad elever i behov av stöd anser att datorn har stöttat dem med i skolan angående språksvårigheter
The purpose of this study was to examine what students themselves think about using computers in school. The study was conducted in a school in central Sweden. The students in focus were students with reading and writing difficulties, dyslexia or language difficulties such as an other native language. A total of eight students were interviewed. The interviews were analyzed using thematic analysis.
Intern marknadsföring, hur påverkar den samarbetet med kunderna : En fallstudie på Flow Systems AB
This essay is a case study carried out at Flow Systems Ltd that foremost aims to treat the internal marketing at the company. The aim with the essay is to analyze and evaluate Flows internal marketing in connection with a process of change and how this reflects the external marketing in relation to customers.The method that has been used is qualitative in the form of depth interviews carried out with management, employees and customers. This type of data was chosen since it is a good way of gathering more specific information regarding the informants preferences about the company. Among other things the results of the interviews showed internal marketing deficiencies, but that has not influenced the customers in a negative way. The conclusion was that the inferior internal marketing does not affect the cooperation and the communication between the company and its customers, however it has a big effect on the employees..
Vilka faktorer påverkar företags kassahållning?: En studie av svenska börsbolag 1999 - 2009
This paper investigates the determinants of corporate cash holdings for a broad sample of Swedish non-financial firms in the 1999 - 2009 period. Using a fixed effect regression model, we find that firms with riskier cash flow hold relatively high ratios of cash to total assets. This is in line with both the precautionary motive and agency motive for cash holdings. Net working capital is found to be negatively related to corporate cash holdings. A result commonly interpreted as support for a negative substitution effect between net working capital and cash.
Resande i tjänsten och dess effekter på arbetstagaren
Due to a globalised world business travel is flourishing. This paper examines how middle level executives, travelling a lot in their work at a multi-national company, feel about their travel. It looks for links between business travel and work satisfaction among them. A short presentation of the patterns of business travel and relevant motivational and stress theories is given. Data for the paper is collected using a survey (78 participants) and interviews.
"Jag skulle vilja köpa 1 öra och 1 par lungor" : En innehållsanalys av uppgifterna i ett digitalt pedagogiskt matematikspel.
In this thesis, the four types of math problems that occur in the digital educational math game Zcooly Affären 2 have been analyzed. Focus has been aimed at how the problems mediate instructions and mathematical concepts to players, and how the mathematical content is supported by the context within the game. The result shows both positive and negative aspects of the math problems, based on the theories for math education used in this thesis. Apart from the analysis of the game, this thesis also presents earlier research regarding what possibilities digital games possess as tools for learning. Researchers have partly different views on how digital games should be designed to enhance learning, and whether or not games are efficient to use for learning purposes..
Hur kommer de svenska biblioteken att påverkas av bytet till Dewey? : En undersökning av tre folkbibliotek och ett forskningsbibliotek.
This bachelor thesis is a study about the change of the classificationsystems in Swedish libraries. The empirical data was collected through four qualitative interviews with both research and public libraries. The data was analyzed by the use of organizational theory based upon Joacim Hanssons book Libraries and identity: the role of institutional self-image and identity in emergence of new types of libraries. The empirical result points to a major change in how libraries and librarians look and work with their collections, it can also be said that the librarians do not seem to think that the users will be affected at all.The analysis was based on these issues: What positive and negative effects introducing DDC will there be on research- reflective public libraries?What will be the effects on the librarysector introducing the new classification system DDC?What will be the effects on the users introducing the new classification system DDC? .
Psykologiska mekanismer och miljöperspektivet - sambandet mellan attityder och beteendeintentioner inför samhällets miljöpåverkan
Syftet med studien var att pröva vilka psykologiska mekanismer som påverkar
sambandet mellan attityder och beteendeintentioner inför miljöpåverkan hos
individer i konsumtionssamhället. Hypotesen var att det finns ett
miljömedvetande hos människan, men att det är en skillnad mellan attityd och
Även emotioner inför miljöpåverkan hos deltagarna undersöktes, för att fördjupa
studien. Undersökningen har gjorts kvantitativt via en webbaserad enkät, genom
utskick via Facebook till vuxna individer i Sverige mellan 18-65 år (N=49).
Svarsprocenten var 46 procent. Huvudresultatet visar att det finns en oro hos
individer inför miljön och framtiden och 94 procent av deltagarna anser att
miljöfrågor är viktiga.
Konstruktion av en ensilageskärare
Designingenjörsstudenten Matilda Kälström har på Tibroköks uppdrag utvecklat ett sortiment för walk-in-closets där målgruppen för projektet är företagets befintliga kundkrets. Under projektets gång har en grundläggande förstudie gjorts för att bland annat ta reda på projektets förutsättningar, kartlägga konkurrenter och ta reda på vad kunder har för krav och önskemål. Exempel på krav och önskemål från kundernas sida var att produkten skall ge en överblick över innehållet och samla all klädvård på ett gemensamt ställe. En litteraturstudie gjordes där det lästes om förvaring, människans relation till hemmet och om arkitektur. Information som framkom var bland annat att det är väldigt viktigt för människan att kunna utforma sitt hem efter egna behov och en bra riktlinje att strukturera förvaring på är efter var på kroppen kläderna används.En central del i projektet är Kansei Engineering, vilket är ett koncept för att koppla människor uppfattningar till produkters utformning.
Hur uttrycker sig en företagskris på Facebook?
Facebook´s importance has grown significantly regarding crisis communication. A deficiency concerning what types of companies has been investigated earlier and how their crisis communication should be carried out on Facebook, has been identified. The aim of this study is to examine the crisis communication of a smaller company on Facebook and explore how this communication has been received by the company?s recipients. We apply an explorative approach on to a case study in order to answer the aim.
I huvudet på framtidens konsumenter. En studie om negativ kategorisering av konsumenter och sökords potential som marknadsföringsredskap.
This thesis examines effects that occur when consumers are placed in a negative category by the sender in an internet marketing context. The effects studied are attitude towards the ad, attitude towards the media, sense of being monitored and sense of being categorized. The authors argue that consumers will become increasingly aware of the fundamentals of internet marketing and how advertisements online are being directed towards them. Consumers will thus, to a larger extent than today, analyze advertisements and how they have been individually categorized by the sender. This will affect the way advertisements are perceived.
Ungdomars upplevelse av autonomi i sin vardag : En validering av skattningsskalan SDAA: Self-determination autonomy for adolescence
This is a qualitative study where the purpose was to investigate what professionals experience to be the reason for an individual to become addicted to gambling and continues to gamble even though it leads to negative consequences. The purpose was also to investigate what the professionals experienced was of importance for an individual to recover from a gambling addiction. The study was based on qualitative semi-structured interviews with knowledgeable individuals in the field. The main findings of the study were that the motivation for individuals with a gambling problem to continue gamble was that they saw gambling as the solution to their problems by winning back lost money. It was common that gambling was an escape from anxiety, guilt, shame, and other gambling-related problems such as financial liabilities.
Hälsoprofilbedömning - en metod för förändring av levnadsvanor?
It`s important that every person take responsebly for her own lifestyle to promote health.Today the individuel often knows the consequense of a certain lifestyle, but she doesn`t know how to change the negative behavior. Health profile assesment (HPA) is a method where you through conversation transfer knowledge and awarness about the member. The healthprofiler also motivate to a healthier lifestyle. Our purpose with this studie was to examine how individuels effects of a health profile assesment also illuminate which part of the health profile assesment the individuels have noticed and which way of living they change. To answer our purpose we used a quantitative transverse study in the way ofquestionnairexamination as we shared to a selection (n=193) on different companies inOstergotland and Scania.
Gynocide i Antichrist? : eller viljan att kategorisera. En diskursanalys av ?kvinnobilden? i Lars vonTrier´s Antichrist.
The aim with this essay is to penetrate the opinions of how women should be represented on screen. I am using a selection of contributions from the gender debate that Lars von Trier´s movie Antichrist caused in Sweden in spring 2009. The focus of the debate was mainly about the way the female actress was displayed. The provocative thing considered by many was that the female part could be interpreted as evil and in connection with Antichrist. But is that a obvious negative way to present women? In a historical view the discussion have been constantly fluctuated when it comes to the ideas of the correct way to visualize women in the movies which have left us without a true answer to that question.I am interested in investigating what is considered today as the best way to represent women by Swedish debaters.By using Michel Foucault?s term discourse as theory in a text analyse I am trying to look trough their language and see their ideological position..