2793 Uppsatser om Negative expectations - Sida 41 av 187
Det tredje könet : om intersexualism och olika diskursers användning av kön/genus
The purpose of this essay was to explore how the concept of gender identity is constructed, by doing a discourse analysis of texts from two different perspective discussing intersexuals, and to define the areas where the discourses doesn't agree. The two perspectives were; feminist- and medical perspective.How are sex/gender identity constructed in the chosen articles?What themes can be seen in the discourses?My method was discourse analysis. A discourse can be described as a way of talking about and understanding a part of the world. The analytics task is to define the discourses, which the world is constructed by.The areas of conflicts have been found.
Faktorer som påverkar lönsamheten vid köp av skogsfastigheter i Norrbotten
During the past 20 years, the price of forest estates in Sweden has raised more than the price of timber. The purpose of this study is to investigate if it, despite this development, is possible to buy a forest estate based on economic grounds. Different forest parameters will also be studied to analyse their effect on the profitability.
The study is done in cooperation with the company LRF Konsult. Purchase price of 34 forest estates near the coast of Norrbotten, Sweden, has been compared to yield valuation. For the valuation, guidelines from the Swedish author Lantmäteriet was used.
Vattenflödets betydelse för fångster av lekvandrande lax (Salmo salar) och öring (Salmo trutta) : En utvärdering av laxfällan vid vattenkraftverket i Forshaga
Many watersheds have lost stocks of migrating fish species because of the development of hydroelectric plants and other fragmenting barriers. The remaining stocks of migrating Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and brown trout (Salmo trutta) in River Klarälven, Sweden are five times smaller compared to one hundred years ago. A fish-trap at the hydroelectric plant in Forshaga has been vital for the continued existence of the stocks. This is the first hydroelectric plant of eight, blocking the way to the spawning grounds. Spawners are collected in the trap for both hatchery and transport by truck upstream and past seven more hydroelectric plants to the spawning grounds, where they are released for possible natural reproduction.
Kundlojalitet : En studie om hur långsiktiga kundrelationer skapas på en tjänstemarknad
Purpose: The study aims to, from a companys point of view, describe how strategic work with customer loyalty is done.Conclusion: Another possible way to try to create loyalty is to exceed the expectations whether the customer is a member of the loyalty program or not. A strong brand with a good reputation can also contribute to a stronger loyalty. Reward systems gradually reward the customers since they first need to collect points, or in this case miles, to be able to use them later on. The staff is often educated in service to be able to interact with the customer in a professional manner. One way to interact with the members of the loyalty program is through profiles on the internet.
Jag trodde aldrig det kunde vara så bra att vara pensionär : En intervjustudie av äldres tankar kring åldrande och livsstil i ett seniorboende
The aim for this thesis is to illuminate expectations and conceptions of senior housing from an individual perspective of seniors and how senior housing is put in relation to the process of ageing. Safety, community and accessibility are main notions for the seniors and therefore also in this essay. The method used for writing, analysing and interviewing is Grounded theory, with basis from social constructionism. Theoretical background comes from theories developed in social gerontology and gerotranscendence. These theories helps to give perspective to the analysis of the interviews.
Samverkan och stöd för närstående till personer med schizofreni
Background: Relatives to people with schizophrenia often experience a great burden and inmany cases takes a lot of responsibility for the person suffering from schizophrenia. Nationalguidelines emphasize the importance for relatives to be involved in mental health care, butunfortunately that is not always the case. Objective: The aim of this study is to investigateand describe how relatives to people with schizophrenia have experienced collaboration andsupport from mental health services, and what requests they might have for the futureregarding the design of collaboration and support. Method: Qualitative approach. Interviewbased study with qualitative content analysis as a method.
Public Relations - Positivt, negativt eller något däremellan? : En komparativ studie av unga och äldres syn på kommunikationsformen public relations
The public relations business has grown from almost nothing to a large international industry the last decades. Throughout the history the industry has struggled with a lot of critique and public relations has become a negative symbol for manipulation of information. Because of this negative view of the industry and the medial change taking place, the purpose of this study is to investigate how two different generations think about public relations. More accurate, the study will through a qualitative interview study explore how young people from a highschool in Luleå and elder people from Luleå township thinks about pubic relations, and most imortant why they have this particular view. By creating four focus groups, two with men and two with women, this also enables a comparative study between the gender. The focus groups were later analyzed and compared to two selected groups of theories on public relations, the theories were positive and critical theories compound in two categories.
Welcome to Stockholm? : En studie om destinationsmarknadsföring och exportmognad
An increasing global tourism offers great opportunities for Sweden as a tourist destination. However, an attractive destination requires competitive destination marketing strategies. Tourist destinations often include a complex network of stakeholders of small and large en-terprises that represent both the public and private sector. One condition for successful des-tination marketing is that all of these stakeholders collaborate in their marketing to create an integrated and powerful image. Another important aspect in terms of increasing the des-tinations competitiveness is that the local tourist companies are "export-oriented", in order to ensure that international tourists are looked after appropriately.This study has focused on the destination marketing of Stockholm.
Vi hör inte läraren! ? En enkätundersökning i årskurs sex om upplevd ljudmiljö i skolan
Noise in schools can have negative effect on the teaching environment and speech perception. The national Child Environmental Health Surveys (BMHE) conducted in 2003 and 2011 studied how 12-year olds experience their sound environment in school. Results showed that the number of pupils that experience annoyance from noise increased from 2003 to 2011.Aim: The aim of this study was to study how 12-year olds perceive their sound environment in school.Methodology and material: A quantitative questionnaire survey was conducted in the sixth grade at two schools. The questionnaire used included questions from BMHE and self-produced questions. Sixtynine students answered the questionnaire.Results: Over 50 % of the respondents experience annoyance from noise in school several times a week.
Gitarren i grundskolan : En utvärdering av gitarrundervisningen på högstadiet
What amount of knowledge of guitar playing can be expected after completing upper compulsory school? A qualitative research involving three different music teachers provides their view of knowledge. Their expectations have been compared to a quantitative research involving 58 upper secondary students from the social sciences programme. The idea is to compare their pedagogic intentions to the pedagogic realities of music teachings.The study shows a clear advantage for students who has attended some form of external music tuition as well as for those students who have someone in their families who play an instrumentIf the knowledge primarily is due to extracurricular activities perhaps there is time for a reformation of the music subject so that all may enjoy the education, not merely those who already possesses a curtain amount of knowledge...The experience must not be allowed to submit to the vast forests of chords, by doing so one misses the purpose entirely.
Komplexa behov i negativa spiraler : Ungdomar med neuropsykiatriska funktionshinder och dess anhöriga möter skola och vård
This study aims to examine how families that during a long time have lived with neuropsychiatric disabilities have experienced their contact with different authorities. The study builds on qualitative interviews with two young people and five parents, from four different families. Focus in the paper lies mainly on the families' experiences of the school and different care sectors.The result shows that there is a great number of aspects as lack of information, lack of knowledge, dislodges between different authorities lack of support from school and care sectors, incorrect medication and shortage of long-term plans for treatment, which the families experienced as problematic. These aspects have also brought dramatic consequences that have strengthened the disabilities' negative effects.The result also shows that the parents are very active and bears a great responsibility for the child's health. The parents are in large extent alone in search for care, arranging meetings, searching for information, taking care of the children's medication etc.
"Delaktighet är engagemang" : En kvalitativ studie om upplevelsen av delaktighet hos mellanchefer inom hemtjänst
The aim of this qualitative study is to examine the experience of participation among first line managers within community home care. The study is based on eight interviews with first line managers operating in a metropolitan area in Sweden. A majority of the interviewees worked in private companies.We have used two theories to interpret our empiri: Lean Production and Human Resource Management. The analysis resulted in seven themes: economy, leadership, participation, view on the organization, first line manager, private or municipally operated organization and expectations on the manager. Our results showed that all the interviewees experienced that they were participant in the organization.
Eldsjälar, svartfötter och byråkrater : En undersökning av konflikten kring Tensta Konsthall
The purpose of this essay was to overview the conflicts regarding the exhibition space (Kunsthalle) Tensta Konsthall during 2003 and 2004, in order to gain an understanding of the following: why the conflict started, if anyone exceeded their authority, how the case has been reviewed in the press, what kind of value judgements lay behind the actions and why this case has received so much attention. By studying mainly press material and political documents it has been made clear that Tensta Konsthall?s location in an ill reputed suburb of Stockholm has been the cause for its exposure to different demands and expectations compared to other similar exhibition spaces. Further the essay deals with questions raised by the conflict in the intersection of culture and politics..
Utvärdering av ett mikroalbuminuritest till hund :
The occurrence of small amounts of albumin in urine, microalbuminuria (MA), is used both in human- and veterinary medicine as an indicator for patients who have developing proteinuria. Proteinuria can be prerenal, renal or postrenal which is important to establish during an investigation. With conventional methods decreased renal function is not detected until 70 % of renal function is lost. The ability to detect and start a treatment earlier might reverse or slow the progression of disease.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the reliability of Heska® E.R.D.-Health Screen?, a test for microalbuminuria in dogs, to detect albuminuria.
Älska din nästa om du vågar! De homosexuellas syn på den heterosexuella normen
AbstractHomosexuality is surely accepted in today´s society - or isn´t it? Many things have changed, for instance laws, which are in favour for homosexuals, have been introduced, in Sweden that is. As we although know, many things are not only dependent on what laws tell us to do. The society also contains values and norms and they furthermore exist in individuals. Regarding sexuality, the norm is heterosexuality.How much does the norm affect our way of living? In what way is it encouraged? What happens to people who don´t live up to the norm? How is it to be homosexual in today´s society? These are some of the questions that we look upon in this paper.