2793 Uppsatser om Negative expectations - Sida 18 av 187
Specialpedagog på uppdrag : En studie av några lärares förväntningar på specialpedagogens yrkesfunktion
AbstractSince 1990, special needs educators have been working in both primary and junior school. It has not been easy for the special needs educators to take authority when working with broader educational issues due to the varying requirements placed upon them. The object of this study is to examine how certain primary and junior school teachers describe their expectations of special needs educators and their professional role.I have conducted individual interviews with three primary school teachers and three junior school teachers, who have at least five years experience of working within their respective fields. The interviews have been scrutinized, and the results are presented with the help of five different themes. The results were then analysed in accordance with the two perspectives of special needs education described by Persson (2001) those of both the relational and the categorical perspective.Amongst other things the results show that the view of primary and junior school teachers with regards to special needs educators differ one from another.
Legitimerade sjuksköterskors förhållningssätt till psykisk ohälsa : Med själen i fokus
Patients with mental illness experience dissatisfaction with their care due to lack of understanding and ignorance from the nurses. The nurses? approach might influence these patients' experience of their care. The purpose of the literature review was to describe nurses' approach in care of patients with mental illness. The literature review is based on an inductive approach and the result is based on 14 scientific papers, of which eight used a qualitative design and sex used a quantitative design.
Från underhållning till motstånd. Om kvinnors läsning av Harry Potter-böckerna
The purpose of this study is to examine how women?s reading of the Harry Potter books can be understood on the basis of gender theory and reader-response criticism. The empirical data is gathered through qualitative interviews with six female Harry Potter readers between the age of 21 and 35, and is analyzed through several theories regarding gender and reading. The results show that the readers are critical towards many aspects of the books, especially when it comes to the stereotyped depiction of women and men. The books are said to reproduce the gender dichotomy, the gender hierarchy and the heteronormativity in society.
På jakt efter den produkt som flytt - en studie om uppskjuten produktlansering och dess effekter
Many product launches are postponed today, however very little research regarding to customer responses to such events has been carried out. The purpose of this paper is to investigate how people react to a postponed product launch. An experimental study of responses to a postponed launch of a mobile phone, a mineral water and a music album is used to investigate customer reactions. The respondents exposed to the postponed launch showed a higher value of reactance. This reactance affects the attitude, purchase intention and perceived quality of the product in a negative way.
Alkohol till min nästa? Hur nattvardens gemenskapsmotiv i möte med Lögstrups etik, skulle kunna motivera ett alkoholfritt nattvardsvin i Svenska kyrkan
How the Eucharist?s motive of communion in combination with Lögstrup?s ethics could motivate a non-alcoholic sacramental wine in the Church of Sweden.The purpose of this essay is to illuminate the meeting between the person who gives out bread and wine in the Eucharist and the person who receives the wine, from tree perspectives: the communion in the Eucharist, the ethical demand of K.E. Lögstrup, and today?s knowledge of alcohol and it?s negative effects on the human being. I want to study how these three perspectives can affect the interpersonal meeting in the Eucharist when it comes to giving out alcoholic wine, and to investigate if Lögstrups ethical demand could be used by the Church of Sweden when to decide about a sacramental wine with or without alcohol.I have started to study K.E Lögstrup and his theory about the ethical demand, and then researched the Eucharist in the Church of Sweden and the results of recent sociological and medical research of alcohol?s effect on the individual and on society.
CSR i plast- och kemibranschen
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a topic that is becoming increasingly important in today's society. CSR is a concept whereby companies voluntarily integrate social and environmental concerns both in their business but also in interaction with their stakeholders. The society of today sets high expectations for how companies take their social responsibilities, especially in industries where the risks to individuals and the environment are high. In this study, we tried to answer the following questions; what kind of responsibility do companies in the plastics and chemicals industry claim to take and why might this be due? What differences exist between the investigated companies in the industry and what may these differences be rooted in? The purpose of this study was to obtain an understanding of the interest in working on sustainability in the plastics and chemicals industry.
Jag är viktig : Verksamma lärares tankar och arbete kring flerspråkiga elever
According to international and national literacy studies (PISA, PIRLS) Swedish boys are inferior to Swedish girls when it comes to reading. There can be numerous reasons to that statement. One is that Swedish teachers require more knowledge about communication as an important component in literacy. In spite of this shortcoming, Swedish girls manage to gain sufficient literacy. Why is that? The aim of this survey was to examine if there were any differences between girls and boys regarding communication skills when they begin in school.The main questions taken in account were:Which differences and/or similarities in communication skills are discernible between boys and girls this particular preschool?How do boys and girls communicate with each other in different room contexts on this particular preschool? To be able to answer the questions, I adopted observations and audio recordings from children aged five.
Gruppens betydelse för inlärning
In today?s individualistic society, I experience a need to bring forward the importance of collaboration. From a sociocultural perspective, I have chosen to highlight the positive and negative aspects of collaborative learning, with the intention of illustrating the effects for the individual learning and development. I have therefore made an interview with an educationalist, who?s been a teacher all her grown up life, with the intent of illustrating her thoughts on collaborative learning.
Muskuloskeletala besvär bland kvinnlig tandvårdspersonal : En kvantitativ studie
The purpose of this study was to investigate whether cannabis use can affect cognitive functions. The method that was chosen to answer the purpose of the study was a general literature review. Article search occurred in the databases PsycINFO and PubMed. Nine articles were selected based on the study?s inclusion criteria.
Ett folkbibliotek och dess användare: användares uppfattningar av service relaterade till verksamhetsintentioner
The aim of this MA thesis is to examine how users regard and receive the services offered by a specific public library. We also examine what the conception of service means to the users and how they perceive this service being offered by the library. We look upon if and to what extent the service conception depends on contact with the library staff. The methods used are qualitative interviews and analyses of documents directing the library activities. The public library we have examined in this respect is the public library of Västerås.
Det publika samtalet som curatorisk praktik
The focus of this study is on the nature of social support from the rape survivor's perspective. Research has shown that social support is essential to the survivor's ability to recover from rape and that it acts as a powerful tool for the survivor to effectively deal with the PTSD symptoms that follow rape. The research also shows that survivors often receive or interpret reactions after a rape as negative. Hence, these reactions can be detrimental tothe healing process.Qualitative interviews with six women on their experience of social support after rape form the base of this study and Anthony Giddens terms ontological security, fateful moments and bodily self-management are a part of the analytical apparatus. Rape is commonly analyzed from a feminist perspective.
Strong girls now and then - a comparison between strong girls in classic and modern children?s literature as : The Secret Garden and Harry Potter and the Philosopher?s Stone.
The aim with this essay is to compare strong girls in classic and modern literature and see how the differences in expectations on these girls are reflected in literature. This study is done with the aid of historical, feminist and new criticism..
Tro, Hopp och Tveksamhet : En studie om profil, image och kommunikation för Svenska kyrkan Västerås
What does the Swedish church Västerås stand for today according to the employees and how do they want to profile themselves to the target group? What image and what expectations does the target group have of the Swedish church Västerås? How can the Swedish church Västerås communicate uniform, with the intent to create mutual value with the target group?The purpose of the study is to make recommendations to the Swedish church Västerås for their prospective communication plan by examining their profile and target group's image and expectations of the organization. The study also aims to examine how the Swedish church Västerås can communicate their brand uniform.The study applies a qualitative research with deductive approach. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews with a sample of the employees and focus groups with a sample of the target group.Better match between profile and image means that SkVs employees better understand the organization and can communicate more uniform which leads to a stronger brand identity. If SkV understands what is relevant for their target group, they can reduce the total cost of customer delivered value and thus increase the total value.
Personvalet i det mångkulturella samhället : En studie av personvalets betydelse för kandidater med utländsk bakgrund
The purpose of this essay is to examine the importance of personal election for candidates of foreign background. I made this, first, by map and comparing the candidates of foreign background in the recent Swedish and Finnish parliamentary election. Second, I analyze what conceptions candidates of foreign background, who was nominated in the 2006 municipal election in Örebro, have about the personal election. The result from the first study shows that personal election had a negative impact on candidates of foreign background in both the Swedish and Finnish parliamentary elections. The result from the second study shows that candidates of foreign background have both positive and negative conceptions about the personal election.
Organisationsförändring och attityder : En fallstudie i en offentlig myndighet
Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to describe the change at Myndigheten and analyze its implementation to identify the employees' attitudes towards the change. The survey of attitudes is important to provide indicators of how they may affect the continued implementation of the process-oriented approach.Research methodology: This thesis is based on both quantitative and qualitative method. Surveys have been implemented on co-workers/employees and an interview has been implemented on a project participant.Theoretical framework: This thesis uses theories of organizations, organizational changes and attitudes.Conclusions: Both positive and negative attitudes are found for the employees and these attitudes are mainly weak. If Myndigheten makes interventions, it can help to minimize the negative consequences that the attitudes may lead to. By doing this the commitment for the change will increase, which is critical for the change to succeed..