

12466 Uppsatser om Need for social closure - Sida 44 av 832

Är det slumpen som avgör? : Vad styr socialarbetarens val av institution vid placering av ungdomar?

The purpose of this study was investigating the means which rule the social worker?s choice of institution placing youths and how they match the youth?s individual need compared with the type of home. The questions were: Which significance has the characteristics of the youth and their family for the placing? Which significance has the characteristics of the institution? Which significance has the social workers? way of working, investigation, theories, economy etc.? A qualitative way of interviewing has been used. Eight interviews were done; six with social welfare secretaries who place youths and two social workers who work with coun­selling and placement.

?En dag är aldrig en annan lik? : En studie om Arbetsforum Sydost i Rågsved

This paper is a case study of a local labour market project. The aim of the study is to investigate the staff?s way of working with unemployed people, receiving social assistance, in order to reduce the payment of social assistance in four adjacent city districts of Stockholm. Other objectives of the study are to investigate which criteria the staff uses when selecting participants for the project, in which way the participants? background affects the measures taken by the staff and how the staff experiences working as part of a project.

I vilkas intressen förs den nya svenska biståndspolitiken? En textanalytisk studie i vilkas intresse den svenska biståndspolitiken har förändrats och vilkas intressen som återspeglas i den nya biståndspolitiken.

Introduction: The health for individuals with intellectual disabilities is asubject that is prioritized by the Swedish Institute for Public Health. Socialsupport has been proven to be important for health and quality of life. Despitethis fact there is no research available regarding the influence social support hason health and quality of life for people with intellectual disabilities in Sweden.Aim: To describe social support and the consequence of social support forhealth and quality of life for individuals with intellectual disabilities. Method:A litterature review of research in a defined area with a descriptive design.Systematic searches for articles were done in several databases and ultimately16 articles were chosen. Themes and categories were created with respect to theaim of this study during the analysis of the articles.

Elevers sociala bakgrund och skolprestation

Syftet med denna uppsats har varit att undersöka sambandet mellan social bakgrund och skolprestationer. Metoden har varit en litteraturstudie med en hermeneutisk ansats. I uppsatsen definieras social bakgrund som den bakgrund en grupp av människor har beroende på att de delar likartade grundläggande materiella, sociala och existentiella villkor. Den sociala bakgrund som en elev har påverkar hur han eller hon ser på skolan, kunskap, sina möjligheter, sin framtid mm. Det är entydigt i materialet att det finns ett samband mellan social bakgrund och skolprestation. Fram till och med grundskolans införande på 60-talet och femton till tjugo år efter införandet hade skolan en tydlig idé om att med likvärdig utbildning försöka utjämna klasskillnader. Då var det skolsystemets organisation som skulle lösa den uppgiften. Principen om alla elevers rätt till en likvärdig utbildning finns fortfarande i skollagen.

iPod - Var mans leksak? : Den sociala bakgrundens betydelse för användning av och attityd till Apples mp3-modell

AbstractPurpose/Aim: My study aims to analyse, using Pierre Bourdieu´s theory, whether the social background plays a significant part in the attitudes and use of Apples mp3-player iPod. The study also aims to determine whether it is possible to group the focus groups used in my study and iPod into Bourdieu´s model.Material/Method: The reference material used in this paper is mainly gathered from books concerning Pierre Bourdieu´s theories. I have also had four focus groups of two different characters, to study their attitudes towards Apples mp3-player iPod. I have then applied the results of the focus groups to Bourdieu´s theories and models concerning habitus, social fields, capital and lifestyles, and studied whether there are any divergences in attitudes between the groups.Main results: My findings are that the focus groups as well as iPod can be put into Bourdieu´s model. According to the responses from the people in the focus groups, the attitude and usage of iPod do not mirror people?s social class or background, which goes against Bourdieu´s? theory.

"Vill du missbruka så blir vägen rätt smal" - Förklaringar till varför hemlösa kvinnor med missbruksproblematik utesluts från den reguljära bostadsmarknaden

The background of this study stemmed from the notion that the majority of homeless women with substance abuse, most of all, wanted a secured place of their own to stay. Few involved professionals agreed and instead of perceiving housing as a human right the women were mostly offered various types of short-term social housing. The purpose of this study was thus to examine and analyze how professionals attached to the social services and public housing companies in Gothenburg explained that homeless women with substance abuse were excluded from accommodation on the open housing market. The qualitative approach included ten interviews with eleven professionals in Gothenburg. The theoretical framework consisted mainly of Bourdieu's analytical concepts of field, doxa as well as social, economic and cultural, alongside symbolic capital.

Information inom den kommunala socialtjänsten. En studie av socionomers upplevelse av information i det dagliga arbetet med barnavårdsutredningar.

The aim of this Masters thesis is to investigate how trained social workers experience information in their daily work. The thesis focussed on three major questions: - What type of information and information sources are mostly used by the trained social workers? - What kind of information barriers are described by the participants? - How can the patterns of information seeking and information use be understood on the basis of the trained social workers professional and social context? Semi-structured interviews were carried out with trained social workers working with child welfare enquiries. My theoretical framework consists of user and context oriented theories about classifications of information, information barriers and models of information sources. My conclusions are that trained social workers working with risk assessment in child protection services, need to use different kinds of information in their daily work, such as problem information, domain information and problem-solving information.

Stökiga pojkar och rara flickor!

The aim of this qualitative study was to examine bereaved individuals? experiences of support from their social networks and participation in support groups. The theoretical framework is based on theories about social support and parts of the attachment theory. Data were collected from four interviews and analysed by the study?s theoretical framework.

Spindeln i nätet : En kvalitativ studie om skolkuratorers möjligheter och hinder i arbetet kring elever som har föräldrar med alkohol- eller annat drogmissbruk.

The aim of this essay was to describe how school social workers can help and support students with parents who abuse alcohol or other drugs. We wanted to see how school social workers room for action is presented and how it affects their work with students living with parents who are abusing. We used a qualitative method to elucidate how school social workers handle this issue in a more profound way. By conducting semistructured interviews with six school social workers in one province in southern Sweden we gained exhaustive and detailed answers. In the analysis we used street level bureaucracy and theory of recognition.

Marknadsföring via sociala medier : Vilka marknadsföringsmöjligheter ger sociala medier för småföretag inom turism- och upplevelseindustrin?

This paper intends to show how micro- and small businesses in the tourism and experience industry makes use of social media as a marketing tool. The study also shows the possibilities for businesses to market themselves to customers through social media. Small businesses usually don?t have the same conditions or the same marketing resources that larger companies have. For small businesses that lack marketing resources, social media is a great addition to marketing since the technology around social media is relatively simple.

Hoppa på tåget eller stå kvar vid stationen? : Organisationers användning av sociala medier

Purpose:The purpose of this paper is to investigate and clarify some of the factors that influence organizations to adopt or reject the social media, and if the emergence of social media influenced the organization's communication.Metohodology:A qualitative methodology has been used to execute the study. The source has been semi structured interviews with chosen representatives from several organizations.Theoretical perspective:The theoretical basis for the execution of the methodology is based on the provisional theoretical demarcation uses and gratifications theory. For analysis diffusion of innovations theory is applied.Emperical findings:The empirical material includes interviews with representatives from twelve selected organizations, defined as companies in the industry and authorities, in seven different industries.Conclusion: The main factors affecting an adoption of social media is the organization?s open structure, the ability to see opportunities with social media and that they are seen as a natural part of development in the communications field. The main factors affecting a rejection of social media is ignorance, the organization's governance and that there must be a need that social media can fill.

Effekten av neutrala påståenden på social önskvärdhet i självskattningsformulär

This study investigated the effect different contexts have on personality items when they are framed more neutrally. The study was based on a five-factor personality inventory originating from International Personality Item Pool. The inventory consisted of 50 original and 50 neutral personality items and in addition 28 items measuring social desirability. The sample consisted of 150 students from the Department of Psychology, Lund. The students were divided into three instruction groups differing in context.

"matt i lacken kan man säga att man blir" : -en studie om hur enhetschefer i social omsorgsverksamhet upplever emotioner i arbete

Middle managers in social care find themselves in a middle position. The middle management position involves demands from several interested parties. The demands affect and generate feelings both within themselves and within others and the middle managers have to deal with them all.The aim of this study was to investigate the social care middle manager?s personal experiences of emotions in work.We have completed interviews with four middle managers who are assigned to carry out social care. When doing the interviews we used an interview guide divided into different interview areas.

Value Creation Through Corporate Social Responsibility - An illustrative study of five Swedish insurance companies

Corporate Social Responsibility is a concept whereby companies integrate social and environmental concerns into their core business and in their interaction with stakeholders on a voluntarily basis. The purpose with our thesis is to study how Swedish insurance companies work with Corporate Social Responsibility and to analyse the underlying strategies of the companies? social, environmental and economical activities. We will analyse where, how and for whom value can be created with CSR. Where does the value creation take place, how can it be created through these activities and who will benefit from Corporate Social Responsibility? Theories point out that companies need to assemble and value the total package of benefits to be able to create successful corporate initiatives.

Sociala medier som strategisk kommunikationsresurs för varumärkesbyggande inom hotell- och turismbranschen

The social media arena is rapidly growing and more and moreorganisations take part in the daily ongoing conversations indifferent social media channels. Conversations are being heldacross borders on every available topic and ratings and reviews ofconsumer products and services is one of them. This focus onglobalisation is also the reality of the hospitality- and tourismindustry. Their customers travel across borders and are eager,given the opportunity, to share their experiences with each other.As organisations within the hospitality- and tourism industry meetthese demands in terms of providing technological infrastructurefor information sharing and involve themselves in theseconversations there are some issues that need to be addressed.What does the logic of social media look like? How iscommunicating in social media any different from traditionalmarket communication? And how can hospitality- and tourismorganisations adapt their communication to fit into the logic ofsocial media?To conclude how organisations within the hospitality- and tourismindustry can benefit from the use of social media, I haveinterviewed representatives from a number of organisations andstudied their communication.

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