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Trafikverket : Kritiska faktorer i projekt inom avdelningen Nationella Projekt
This study has been made on behalf of the Swedish Transport Administration to study the work of the department National Projects. The Swedish construction industry has for many years been characterized by low productivity. By being the largest purchaser of contracts in the industry the Swedish Transport Administration has a unique opportunity to influence the productivity. In order to improve in productivity The Swedish Transport Administration is adopting a new role in which they will order more turnkey projects. In our study, we will focus on how one department within the Swedish Transport Administration, National Projects, can perform successful turnkey projects.To clarify how the department National Projects can perform successful projects, this study identifies critical factors for projects and their links to different phases of the project.
Musik i rörelse : Fyra lärares uppfattning om och användande av rörelse vid lärande av musik på estetiska programmet, inriktning musik
The purpose of this study is to shed light on how teachers on the upper secondary Arts with Music programme use movement in their teaching of music, and how they approach movement as an educational tool, by investigating the following three issues:1. What significance does movement have for teachers on the Arts with Music programme?2. How do teachers on the Arts with Music programme regard movement as an educational tool in the teaching of music?3.
Konstruktionen av alevitisk religiös identitet i turkisk media : - en diskursiv analys av de engelskspråkiga tidningarna Hürriyet DailyNews och Today´s Zaman
Alevism as such is both contested and difficult to define, despite the fact that nearly a quarter of the Turkish population can be said to identify with it (See egMarkussen, 2005; Sirin, 2013). Discussions regarding whether alevism should bedefined as a religious minority or not is going on both in the research communityas among the Alevis themselves. Also the meaning of Alevi religiosity as such isdebated and can be simply described as a discussion of whether alevism should beregarded as a part of Islam. The purpose of this discourse study is therefore to examine the construction of Alevi religious identity in two English-language Turkish newspaper, namely the Hürriyet Daily News and Today `s Zaman. With the overarching aim to achieve adeep understanding of the conditions that are given the Alevi group to form their own identity.
Bortom Könet : Om unga transpersoners villkor i skolan ur ett queerteoretiskt perspektiv
This essay discusses the students? thoughts about the teacher's response to their gender identity. The students discuss their right to have an intergender identity which means that they don?t identify themselves in the traditional sexes, man and woman, and the gender role each category has. They want to be called with a neutral pronoun and not be seen like boys or girls.
Utveckling av snabbfäste och verktyg för byte av sågklinga
This thesis is based upon the work done at Westinghouse electric company (WEC)inVästerås during the spring semester of 2015 and describes the development of a quickcoupler with associated blade changing tool. These are meant to be used togetherwith a sawing tool that the company uses for the dismantling of nuclear reactors,which is performed under water.The aim of the thesis was to develop a complete manufacturing documentation withdrawings and related CAD models which Westinghouse later can use to manufacturethe tool and the quick coupler. It was also included in the assignment to, if necessary,modify parts of the saw tool to adapt these to the intended blade changing tool.A number of visits to the company's workshop was made during the time to study thesaw that the thesis is based upon. The purpose of these visits was to get a better ideaof the dimensions, construction and the field of use of the saw. On three of thoseoccasions various engineers and consultants accompanied us to discuss possibleproblems with different ideas.This was interspersed with information in the form of literature studies on quickcouplers to create a clearer picture of the nature of the task.When enough information had been gathered a functional analysis was made to dividethe main problem into subthis phase the idea and concept generating process took place.The methods used for this was mainly brain writing and brainstorming.
Förloppslandskap : ett sätt att betrakta landskap
Begreppet landskap kan betyda både utsiktslandskap, så som det används på engelska , och område, region, som är grundbetydelsen i de germanska språken. Torsten Hägerstrand introducerade i början på 1990-talet begreppet förloppslandskap, som vänder sig mot ett statiskt betraktande av landskap och istället tar fasta på landskapets processer. Målet med denna litteraturstudie är att presentera en översikt av förloppslandskapets idéer. Syftet är att med detta som bakgrund föra en diskussion kring förloppslandskapets relevans i dagens planeringssituation. Europeiska landskapskonventionen företräder en landskapssyn där samspelet mellan natur och samhälle betonas, men till skillnad från förloppslandskapet så är fokus inställt på människans upplevelse.
Att nyttja marken 30 meter från järnvägen : hur platser, syften och miljö vävs samman
The purpose of this work is to raise ideas and interest for land that is very much forgotten,unused and neglected in terms of maintenance and usability. Railroads are often seen as adirty and loud intrusion in the landscape and therefore cities turn their backs on them. Theland around railroads is not considered useful despite its often central location and scrublandis common in these areas.The starting point of this work is the restrictions and possibilities linked to the land withinthe security distance 30 meters from the railroad center. Within this security distance thereare numerous limitations and regulations due to the nature of railroad use. These limitationsare counted for in the initial chapter and lay the foundation for the rest of the work.
Ett vetenskapsteoretiskt perspektiv på naturvetenskap i gymnasieskolan
Syftet med vår studie var att bedöma om det fanns någon skillnad mellan gymnasieelever årskurs 3 på naturvetenskaplig inriktning och samhällsvetenskaplig inriktning i medvetenhet om vetenskapsteoretiska begrepp och samband. För att få svar på detta har vi intervjuat 19 elever från vardera inriktning med frågor som rör det vetenskapsteoretiska perspektivet. Frågorna har utformats för att få en förståelse av elevernas medvetenhet om vad som karakteriserar naturvetenskapen på det teoretiska planet, naturvetenskapliga experiment, lagar och teorier, forskares del av naturvetenskapen och elevernas förståelse av kausala samband. Strävansmål och mål att uppnå från kursplanen för Naturkunskap A och B har också de en grund till frågornas utformning. Vi har valt att göra en kvalitativ insamling av data via elevintervjuer, som därefter har analyserats kvantitativt.
EU i nyheterna : En diskursanalys om EU och EU:s anseende i det svenska medieutbudet
The purpose of this essay is to analyze the EU discourse in the Swedish media. The questions that the analysis seeks to answer are; what image of EU is portrayed in the Swedish media? To which degree does the EU discourse fulfill media?s ?news values?? And what are the potential effects of the discourse on EU?s reputation? After several demarcations, I chose 8 articles form Sweden?s four largest newspapers to base the analysis on. The theoretical and methodical structure behind this analysis is the theories and practices of Fairclough?s critical discourse analysis. Added to the theoretical structure are also theories about reputation and theories about news values. The method used in the analysis is a modified version of Fairclough?s three-dimensional model of critical discourse analysis.
Utvärdering av produktionsledarens användning av Holmen Skogs datorbaserade stödsystem vid operativ planering av avverkning
The forestry companies? operational planning process is these days dependent on reliable, efficient and user-friendly computer-based support systems. This study is an evaluation of Holmen Skog's current computer-based systems.
The aim of this study is to:
? investigate the work pattern of the production managers when using the information system to plan the harvesting operation;
? investigate the efficiency and user friendliness of the information system with the different work patterns and to find the strengths, weaknesses and bottlenecks in the current system;
? find out if the type of object, the volume, the area of the harvesting object affects the time and work pattern;
? examine how this type of study is met by the employees and what factors that is critical to avoid feelings of intrusion.
The conclusions of the study were:
? there is a large variation between the work patterns of the production managers and the time spend to perform the operational planning;
? the mainframe computer system used by Holmen Skog is clear, has short response times, is robust and conveys relevant information;
? the computer systems are however divided in many subsystems.
Mundo mortus ses, sed Deo vivas? : en osteologisk studie med avsikt att bedöma klostret i Ny Varbergs karaktär
The main aim of this study is to determine whether the monastery in Ny Varberg has been used as a hospital during its active years. The second aim has been to investigate weather the buried individuals at the monastery at Ny Varberg exclusively are deceased monks. Only individuals from the monastery's active years has been included in this study. A total of 16 inhumated individuals was analysed. Both men, women and children was shown to be present, as well as wide spread of children and adults.
Dalsland som turistisk produkt : Föreställningar om turistifierade rum
Market capitalism sets the conditions for how the world is conceived, experienced and organized at various spatial scales (global to local). Currently, competitiveness, entrepreneurship and economic growth are key values that shape how the world is conceived, experienced and organized. Discourses of place marketing, place branding, and the construction of places as (economic) products, are part and parcel of the heightened commodification of space. Tourism has been a major factor in the commodification of place and space. More often than not, tourism has been seen as a possibility for peripheral places, in their struggle finding new ways towards development.
Bättre en bok i handen än tio på nätet? En studie av författares och förlags attityder till elektronisk publicering av skönlitteratur
This master thesis investigates attitudes toward electronic publishing of fiction among the key participants authors and publishers in Sweden with the overall purpose of analysing the nature of these attitudes and what sort of tensions that exist between the two groups. The major areas of concern were formulated as: what sort of attitudes do authors and publishers display toward electronic publishing of fiction?, how do these attitudes affect the way the two groups relate to electronic publishing and to each other? and how do they perceive the future of this practice?. Everett Rogers diffusion of innovations theory was applied to characterise electronic publishing as an innovation cluster, and to investigate innovation attributes in form of relative advantages and disadvantages, compatibility, complexity, trialability and observability. Data was gathered using quantitative questionnaires, but respondents were also given the opportunity to elaborate freely on some of the questions.
Replikering av komplexa kunskapssystem : En fråga om organisatorisk integration
Background: Many authors consider knowledge to be a significant source for competitive advantage. Replicating companies found their competitiveness on an ability to leverage its knowledge base by replicating its business model in new contexts, a process often referred to as the McDonalds approach. Several authors emphasize that an efficient method for knowledge transfer may increase the risk for imitation. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine in an explorative manner how strategies for replicating complex knowledge systems are employed and developed. Furthermore, our ambition is to explore the notion of replication strategy.
Utvärdering av offentlig verksamhet: begrepp kontext, motiv, strategier, användningen och aktörerna
Based on a review of literature on evalution of public activities and in purpose to introduce amore general framework, this study describes a picture of the concept, context, motives,strategies, use and actors in Evaluation as these are experienced outside the field of libraryand information. The background is the increased need for" evaluations in public libaries and aneed for new LIS knowledge about it. The reviewed literature has its origin in differentdisciplinary contexts and the study include contributions from policy studies, sociologi,education research, business administration, philosophy and anthropology. The focus, though,is not placed upon differences in the literature but on similarities.The review is organised in six parts. In the first part a presentation is given of how evaluationsare conceptualized and its meaning in a historical perspective.