1282 Uppsatser om Nature spirit - Sida 61 av 86
Inte alltid lätt att ta det rätta: En fallstudie av en misslyckad fusion av jämbördiga parter
This thesis examines the established theories on the phenomena of merger of equals. In contrast to an acquisition, a merger of equals is complex since the very nature of it entails that none of the involved parties are in control. Merger of equals are therefore viewed as one of the most difficult types of partnership and data show that over fourty percent of all mergers fail to achieve their targets. Still, research on the phenomena is limited. The main purpose of this thesis is to analyse the implicit factors to why a merger of equals fail.
Boka biljetter online : Hur ska biljettbokningssystem designas för att tillfredställa kunden?
In today's society we are used to regularly visit the sport arena to cheer for our favorite team, we go to the cinema to enjoy a good movie or maybe to the theatre to experience a grand performance. It has become far more common in the last years to buy tickets to these kinds of events online. To make sure that the customer will keep on buying their tickets from the online booking companies the booking experience itself has to be hassle-free and easy to understand. The customer will most likely, if possible, avoid the website if the booking itself is experienced as having problems and insecurities. The purpose of this study is to determine some of the most fundamental designs and functions of online booking websites today as perceived by the general public.
?På en femgradig skala så tycker jag en fyra? : En kvalitativ studie om turistföretags syn på marknadskommunikation, mediekanaler & målgrupper
Tourism is a growing industry that brings in a lot of money each year, range ofactivities increases and people travel more than ever before. More and more chooseto move from rural areas to larger towns, at the same time when people are travellingthey want to visit quieter places that can offer outdoor experiences in the nature. Thisis something that tourism businesses located in rural areas have a great advantage of.But when the range is large, it becomes important for firms to communicate with themarket, to make the tourists choose to visit them.The purpose of this study is to investigate which media channels and target groupsthat tourism businesses use and how they reflect on the importance of communicatewith the market. To find this out, interviews have been conducted with tree differententrepreneur, all located in Jämtland. The theory?s that has been used is strategiccommunication, public relations, market communication, media channels, socialmedia and target groups.The result shows that all companies think that thecommunication with the market is an important part in the work with the company.The communication gets the business a chance to be seen and it becomes more easilyto create relationships with the stakeholders.
Biblioteks- och informationsvetenskapens överordnade identitet : ämnets betydelse för studentens yrkesinriktning
Library and information science (LIS), being a research area characterized by theoretical discord and definition disarray, provides an interesting field of inquiry. Its content, boundaries, scope and superior identity are not clearly stated. This Master s thesis focuses on a thus far unexplored perspective on the discipline: a conceivable statistic and causes- and- effect relationship between the LIS students appreciated identification with the superior identity of the discipline, and the chosen vocational direction within the field. This relationship is examined through testing a working hypothesis on the results of a major quantitative questionnaire survey. The theory behind our research derives mainly from Thomas Kuhn and Richard Whitley.
Stadsdelsparken Skälby i Kalmar : historia, nuläge och framtida utveckling
Skälby park is situated approximately 2,5 km
northwest of the central parts of Kalmar and is
one of fi ve town part parks. Originally Skälby
consisted of a village of four farms. In 1965
the municipality in Kalmar bought Skälby and
the agriculture ceased to appear. The land was
parcelled out into plots and new roads. Only
the area surrounding the old buildings remained,
turned to a park.
Fr. Alexander Schmemann och Kyrkan som mysterion
What is the Church? This question has been asked in many times and places. In Sweden, it seems asif there's a general identity crisis among the churches. It seems like many churches don't know whythey exist, or at least they have a very vague understanding of the full meaning of the Church.Some 50 years ago, we had a new encounter in Sweden. Immigrants from Orthodoxcountries came to live here, and they brought their church and tradition with them.
Val av fastighetsmäklare : En jämförelse småstad/storstad
The number of new estate agent offices is increasing yearly and each year many hundred new estate agents graduate. The comparing of estate agents by sellers has perhaps been most common in larger cities, but as competition has increased even in smaller towns we experience that it has become a common phenomenon even there. We both come from a small town but are not afraid of the idea of moving to a larger city as newly qualified estate agents. We ask ourselves, which are the determining factors in the choice of a estate agent in a large city as opposed to a small town? Can we see any differences? The purpose with this essay is to give us added knowledge about which factors private persons consider to be important in their choice of an estate agent when selling a house.The body of information is based on two parallel surveys, one in Hudiksvall and one in Stockholm, together with interviews of people in this line of business.
När en patient flyttar : Patientens upplevelser inför förflyttning från högsäkerhetsenhet till annan vårdenhet
The aim of this essay is to create an understanding, of how teachers comprehend knowledge, grades and tests in a school context. It is important to get a grip of the different parts of the teacher?s reality. The test, the grades and knowledge are deeply connected as a part of a whole. The teachers view on knowledge can not be understood without asking about the practical parts of their work and understand how the different parts are dependent on each other.The main material consists of interviews with four teachers that work in a public mandatory school in the south suburbs of Stockholm.
Mervärdesbeskattning av elektroniska tjänster : Är beskattningen förenlig med neutralitetsprincipen?
AbstractValue Added Tax, VAT, is a general consumption tax that is added to almost all consumption of goods and services. Despite the extensive work of harmonization of the VAT system relating to electronic services, it can be difficulties in determining the taxable land, something that could affect the internal market in a negative way. The Swedish companyStardollABwas double taxed on certain electronic services that they provided consumers in theUK. The problems that lead to double taxation must be identified to ensure free competition and free movement within the internal market. The principle of neutrality pervades the whole of the EU VAT system which can be derived from principles of the Treaty, establishing the common market, and the introduction of the VAT Directive.
EU:s omställning till en hållbar jordbruksnäring
Cultivable land is a limited resource and agriculture contributes to some of the most serious environmental problems facing the planet like, global warming, eutrophication and loss of biodiversity. The specialized, industrial agriculture with monoculture and extensive input of external energy, commercial fertilizer, and chemical pesticides are all essentially unsustainable. An adaptation to other methods of production is necessary to preserve the environment for future generations. The aim of this study is to describe the factors that distinguish sustainable from unsustainable agriculture. The results will be used to examine if and how the European Union (EU) works in order to create a more sustainable agricultural industry and to analyze the preconditions for such development.
Kvinnor, kriminalitet och könsmaktsordning : En kvalitativ studie om återanpassningsarbete på Färingsöanstalten ur ett genusperspektiv
This thesis explore women?s needs when reentering society after having served a sentence at the female prison Färingsö, outside Stockholm and whether those needs are being met in the reentry strategies that are being provided. Parallel to this the thesis also examines if there, based on nonconformity and gender theories, is a socially constructed representation of women maintained in the rehabilitation work.The method of this thesis applied semi-structured interviews and used snowball sampling to expand the network of informants to obtain the data necessary. Totally five interviews were carried out. Previous research has shown that women in prison have much more complex problems than men and that there is a need for reentry strategies that take gender in account.The results showed that in terms of being able to reenter back in society, women needed help to structure a previously chaotic life.
När det rör det sexuella, så... en analys av hivpositivas sexualitet och hiv-prevention
The sexuality of hivinfected people is quite controversial but nevertheless important when speaking of hivprevention. The aim of this work was to survey and analyze support and counseling practices around sexual issues given to hivpositive people by their treating medical doctors. We wanted to bring the question of hivinfected peoples sexuality and sexual behavior sometimes unprotected and the Swedish legislation and hivprevention efforts under discussion. Based on the results of a questionnaire answered by the doctors, previous research and different social constructionistic and interactionistic theories about the nature of sexuality we made our analysis. We found that the Swedish legislation offers a positive basis for successful hivprevention, but that there are some important obstacles to be overcome in order to really succeed and further reduce the number of new hivinfected people in Sweden.
Varumärken och dess relation till snowboardkulturen
The purpose of this study has been to analyze the relationship between commercial brands and a subculture, with a focus on a number of elements of success. These elements could be in the nature of sale stats as well as that of influence within the subculture. All of this within the context of the snowboard culture. In accossiation to this we have formulated a question of study:What marks brands which gains influence within a subculture in addittion to becoming an important factor in the self-expression process of the cultural members?In this study, we have practised a qualitative method based on six (6) independant interviews with participants, active within the snowboard culture as well as one outside marketing executive and one ethnological reseracher.
När världen kom till Föra : om forskningens syn på Ölands kristnande
This paper aims to give an account of, and to discuss the view-points and theories of different researchers on the christianization of Sweden, especially the province of Öland, during the early middle ages. Its purpose is to investigate how, and in what sense, their positions can be said to correspond to what we may know of the historical ?facts?. This will be possible by comparing different points of view with a study of the development in a single parish. An overall difficulty however, is the nature of the sources relating to the time in question, they are scarce or even non-existent.Part I of the paper consists of an outline of the field of research and the different theories put forward on the subject.
Är rättvisemärkt värdeskapande? : en kvantitativ undersökning ur ett studentperspektiv
Background: There is no guarantee that products should be equitable produced. Many products in today's trade is produced by minors, resulting in poor working environment, and gives the workers low payment. Fairtrade is the only label on the market that ensures that farmers receive fair payment for their products.
Aim: The central aim with our work is to see what the future consumers, in other words students from Lund's university, Malmö College and The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in Alnarp, think about products labeled with Fairtrade, and what they consider is value creation for food products. Students are often relatively young; they educate themselves and have new thoughts and valuations about how the world should be.