1282 Uppsatser om Nature spirit - Sida 60 av 86
Ex - dagseffekt : En studie kring avkastning på ex - dagen för utdelning
Question:"Does the market possess perfect information as the efficient market hypothesis says?""Is there any significant relationship between the abnormal stock return on the ex ? day and the dividend?" Purpose: The purpose of this study is to enlighten and find understanding about stock return versus dividend on the ex ? day and try to figure out if abnormal returns occur on the portfolio during dividends.Methodology:The study was based in a quantitative nature and was derived with an event study and a hypothesis testing. The authors investigated the thirty most traded shares on the Stockholm stock exchange during a period of five years (2005 ? 2009). They were analyzed during a total of nine days; the estimation window was set to sixty days.
Modern, Intim, Beskrivande
The main aim of this study is to determine whether the monastery in Ny Varberg has been used as a hospital during its active years. The second aim has been to investigate weather the buried individuals at the monastery at Ny Varberg exclusively are deceased monks. Only individuals from the monastery's active years has been included in this study. A total of 16 inhumated individuals was analysed. Both men, women and children was shown to be present, as well as wide spread of children and adults.
Försvinn. Påminn. Eller återvinn? : om det industriella kulturarvets framtid genom Norra Sorgenfri
This essay deals with the industrial past, present and future and begins with the impact and importance the industrial revolution has had on us humans, socially, economically and structurally.
Today's society has developed from industrial production of goods to the production of services but the industrial sites remains. The essay examines issues concerning the protection of the industrial environment, their status as a cultural heritage, what is done with our industrial heritage and the opportunities it has for the future.
Malmö has a great industrial history and now one of the cities oldest industrial sites, the north of Sorgenfri, will be transformed. The essay compares the plan with guidelines for future development from the Town Building Office with an antiquarian investigation for the same area.
Definitionen av ett Investment Entity - En studie av de underliggande kriterierna i ED/2011/4 Investment Entities utifrån princip- och regelbaserad redovisningsteori
Recently, the IASB and the FASB initiated a joint project to determine which companies that could be defined as investment entities and thus subject to an exception from IFRS 10 Consolidated Financial Statements. The first draft, ED/2011/4 Investment Entities, was published in 2011 and included six criteria that a company must meet in order to be classified as an investment entity. Based on academic theory, the fact that the IASB and the FASB published a joint proposal is interesting for several reasons. Traditional accounting theory tends to distinguish between two different approaches in standard setting: principles- and rules-based. The IASB is considered to have a principles-based approach, while the FASB is considered to have a rules-based approach.
Revisorns oberoende i förhandlingen med klienten : Vilken betydelse har relationen?
Aim: Earlier studies have investigated what impact the relationship between the auditor and their clients have on the auditor?s objectivity. There are different opinions about whether a close relationship harms or promote the auditors work. Furthermore there are studies that show what strategies the auditor (and client) tends to use in the negotiation between the two of them. On this basis we have chosen to study if there are any correlation between the nature of the auditor client relationship, the auditor?s negotiation strategy against the client and the auditor?s objectivity.Method: Because of our purpose to study if there is any correlation between the relationship, the negotiation strategies and the auditor´s objectivity we have chosen to implement a quantitative survey.
H?RNERVMOSSANS P?VERKAN P? LJUNGHEDENS ARTM?NGFALD: En f?ltstudie fr?n Sandsj?backas naturreservat
Campylopus introflexus is a moss species that originates from the southern hemisphere and has spread worldwide during the 20th century. Today it is classified as an invasive alien species in many countries, and it has been seen during inventories that it has become widespread in Sweden as well. The purpose of this essay is to contribute to new knowledge about how this moss affects species diversity on Calluna heathlands in Sweden. The study includes both fieldwork and an analysis of scientific literature on the subject, and the question that is answered is if C. introflexus has an impact on species richness in the heather peat.
Fördelning av en medgäldenärs brist : Förhållandet mellan 2 § skuldebrevslagen och 9 § preskriptionslagen
AbstractValue Added Tax, VAT, is a general consumption tax that is added to almost all consumption of goods and services. Despite the extensive work of harmonization of the VAT system relating to electronic services, it can be difficulties in determining the taxable land, something that could affect the internal market in a negative way. The Swedish companyStardollABwas double taxed on certain electronic services that they provided consumers in theUK. The problems that lead to double taxation must be identified to ensure free competition and free movement within the internal market. The principle of neutrality pervades the whole of the EU VAT system which can be derived from principles of the Treaty, establishing the common market, and the introduction of the VAT Directive.
Lärares uppfattningar om utomhuspedagogik i årskurs 3-5 : Viktigt pedagogiskt verktyg eller utelek?
Sammanfattning Det talas just nu mycket om utomhuspedagogik. Med utomhuspedagogik menas då att undervisningen flyttas ut ur klassrummet, för att lära i, och av, omgivningen. Men är utomhuspedagogiken ett viktigt pedagogiskt verktyg i årskurs 3-5 eller är det bara utelek? För att ta reda på det har jag genomfört en enkätundersökning bland lärare som arbetar i årskurs 3-5 över stora delar av Sverige. Av 105 utskickade enkäter har 40 stycken besvarats.
Bloggares inflytande på varumärkens image
The purpose of our study is to examine the bloggers? influence on the brand?s image to see whether and if so in what way the blogging trend affects the brands. We also want to analyze how companies use bloggers in their marketing. This is a subject that has attracted our interest and that experience has not been touched in a higher extent. Our purpose has led us to the following research questions;Which relationships occur in collaborations between businesses and bloggers from a marketing perspective? In what way in terms of reciprocity can relations be described? To what extent can the credibility through blogs be affected in terms of how brands are presented in the blog? In this study we have used a qualitative method with an abductive nature to create a deeper understanding of our chosen subject.
Upplysning enligt IAS 36 : En kvantitativ fallstudie av två branscher
Background: Goodwill has been a hot and debated topic for a longer period of time. Researchers have debated how goodwill should be accounted for and have not come to a solution. In 2005 IFRS standards came which meant that goodwill no longer will be amortized according to plan, but to be put through a yearly impairment test.Problem: A number of disclosure requirements in the financial reports have been made in an effort to avoid companies to account for goodwill differently. Apparently there still is a problem of how companies account for goodwill and there are several studies in the subject. But no one has studied how it is between two different industries, which make this study interesting to execute.Purpose/questions: This study have the purpose to investigate how the industries day to day wares and health care regards the disclosure requirements for goodwill by the impairment tests.
Att arbeta med Scrum : Påverkan på arbetslag, kommunikation och social miljö
Systems development methods has always been an important part of the systems development process. It affects not only the product, but also the organization itself. Today more and more companies are abandoning the more rigid traditional methods for the more flexible agile ones. A transition like this is bound to affect the product and the organization, but in what ways? Is it a difficult transition to make, and how does it affect social environment and dynamics? Does it change how people communicate information to each other? This study was conducted at a local branch of a larger international IT-company.
Utanför 50-skyltarna Turisters informationssökning
This essay focuses on tourists' information seeking. The main focus was to examine whether there is a connection between how the informants in different tourist styles the different tourist styles are presented by Eva Wolf as the tourist of recreation, action, culture, compromise, and individualism seek information to their forthcoming vacation. The result was reached through a qualitative method, where ten informants with various tourist roles were interviewed separately. The informants were chosen by personal contacts. In addition to these interviews, three representatives from the tourist industry were contacted and interviewed by e-mail.
Jönsaplan blir Östra torget : ett torg för sin tid
This project is about Jönsaplan in Landskrona. Jönsaplan is situated at the center of Landskrona in a part called Södra centrum which the municipality is developing, mainly by building new residential buildings. Today, Jönsaplan is not a functioning square. This is due to a ferry terminal and its many fences that block the way for people. In this project, I have assumed that the ferry terminal will be moved somewhere else so that Jönsaplan can be a real square.
By studying The Concise Townscape by Gordon Cullen and Byens uttrykksformer by Thomas Thiis - Evensen and three reference places, Daniaparken, Raoul Wallenbergs torg and Norr Mälarstrand, I came up with a number of guidelines for my design proposal for Jönsaplan.
Gränsåtgärder mot varumärkesförfalskade varor
Infringement of intellectual property rights often causes significant economic damage. The problem with illegal activity concerning counterfeiting is constantly increasing. The development has lead to constitute an extensive international activity which is harmful for intellectual propery owners, consumers and the society in general. Competing products tend to be increasingly similar to each other, with rather similar marketing-, sales-, and pricingstrategies. As a result, the trademark strongly affects consumers? selection-process during purchase.
KUNDRELATIONER : - En fallstudie på Nyby Torshälla Ridklubb
Abstract ? ?Customer relationships ? A case study on Nyby Torshälla Riding Club?Date: December 20th 2011Level: Bachelor thesis, 15 ECTSInstitution: School of Sustainable development of society and technology, Mälardalen UniversityAuthors: Linn Ericsson, Elenor Flodin, Emma Jakobsson22nd June 1987 24th April 1987 24th May 1989Title: Customer relationships ? A case study about Nyby Torshälla Riding ClubTutor: Daniel TolstoyKeywords: Relationship marketing, customer relationships, customer loyalty.Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to analyze how Nyby Torshälla Riding Club maintains their customer relationships. This is to get a deeper insight into how small service companies, in a business to consumer market on a local basis, strategically can work with their customer care.Method: The study was qualitative in its nature and was based on an inductive approach. The primary data has been collected through personal interviews and since the respondents were selected strategically, this means that a non-probability sampling was used. The secondary data that has been used for this thesis was based largely on literature, articles and the Nyby Torshälla Riding Club website.Conclusion: This study indicates how small size service companies can benefit from nurturing their customer relationships.