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I have worked with Bergum in different courses on the IntegratedConservation of Built Environments program and I thought it was a veryinteresting subject. This is the main reason why I chosen to write mybachelor paper about Bergum.In 1650s Bergum was situated on the border between Sweden and Norway,because of that it occurred some war conflicts.Today Bergum is a socioeconomic border and is situated in an areabetween the city?s concrete suburb and the countryside.The difference between the city?s concrete suburb and the countryside mayfeel like two different worlds, were the social contact is fractional.With this paper, I will indicate a countryside area on the boundary to the citythrough time and try to survey the building history. I will also try todemonstrate the socioeconomic differences between the areas.I will demonstrate Bergum history from prehistory to present time, were I willdiscuss the agriculture history, Vättlefjäll?s forest history and also thedeforestation and replanting.
Att sälja en journalist ? Hur dagstidningar marknadsför sina journalister
Att sälja en journalist ? Hur dagstidningar marknadsför sina journalisterWritten by: Jonatan Fjelstad & Viktor MölneBachelor´s degree of JournalismDepartment of Journalism, Media & Communication.Autumn term 2013University of GothenburgThe purpose of this study is to determine if Swedish newspapers has increased the visibility of their own journalists between the years 2000 and 2012 and if that?s the case how they have done so. By doing so we hope to shed some light on how individual journalists are increasingly personalized and how this can be part of the newspapers branding strategy. The journalist?s personal brands have been the subject of more research lately.
Förskolekulturens möte med det mångkulturella samhället : ett möte mellan pedagogen och föräldrarna
My main question in this essay has been: why does the preschool advocate being outdoors? How should we respond to parents who have a different view on this? Children's right to participation and influence is also a question that I raise. How should we preschool teachers do when we stand between the child's desire to be out and the parents wish that their child should be indoors? By reading what is written in the preschool curriculum on children's influence, I have come to the conclusion that we preschool teachers must listen to what the children express that they wish to do, otherwise we go against our policy documents.My dilemma is about how to respond to parents who have a different opinion on being outdoors than we have. Many parents express an aversionagainst their children having to be outdoors.
Kommentera och sprid. : En kvalitativ studie i reklamproducenters syn pa? viral reklam i Sverige.
The purpose of this study has been to examine a few Swedish advertisment producers opinions on the subject of viral advertising and especially the ethical aspects of hidden viral advertising. The specified purpose of this paper is to:To clarify the underlying reasons for the use of viral advertising.To clarify the advertising producers ethical views on hidden viral advertising.The essay is based on a qualitive research metod of an abductive nature where the empirical data is derived from interviews with three advertisment producers. Through a stratified selection method we contacted agencies that in one way or another uses digital solutions as an advertisment method. All interviews were conducted via the digital chat room Skype, one of the interviews were conducted with both picture and sound and the other two with audio-only.The following points are the essential conclusions of our study:Hidden viral advertising is seen as a rare promotional method in Sweden today, however, the viral-spread effect is more commonly used.The economic factors together with the spreading capacity of the viral advertising is contributing to one of the biggest reasons behind the use of viral advertising. In addition to these, viral advertising is seen as an effective way to stand out from traditional advertising.Viral advertising where the sender is hidden or unclear is always seen as unethical.
Vår nådiga vilja och befallning : Kungl. Maj:ts brev till landshövdingen på Gotland 1735
This is a study of the letters from His Majesty the King to the county governor of Gotland in 1735. In the Age of Liberty the king had limited power. Royal decisions were made with the Council of the Realm where the King only had the advantage of having two votes and a casting vote. Furthermore, the Council had to act according to the decisions of the Estates of Parliament, if at least three of the four Estates were in agreement. The duties of the county governor were set out in a detailed instruction of which the most recent version was issued in 1734.
Bergum en kulturbygd i gränslandet
I have worked with Bergum in different courses on the IntegratedConservation of Built Environments program and I thought it was a veryinteresting subject. This is the main reason why I chosen to write mybachelor paper about Bergum.In 1650s Bergum was situated on the border between Sweden and Norway,because of that it occurred some war conflicts.Today Bergum is a socioeconomic border and is situated in an areabetween the city?s concrete suburb and the countryside.The difference between the city?s concrete suburb and the countryside mayfeel like two different worlds, were the social contact is fractional.With this paper, I will indicate a countryside area on the boundary to the citythrough time and try to survey the building history. I will also try todemonstrate the socioeconomic differences between the areas.I will demonstrate Bergum history from prehistory to present time, were I willdiscuss the agriculture history, Vättlefjäll?s forest history and also thedeforestation and replanting.
Sagt & gjort : förhållningssätt & arbetsmetoder inom arkitektur
This thesis was written during the autumn 2007. I wanted to
understand the situation of the contemporary architecture in a
perspective broader than merely the Swedish. I asked myself
what remained of architecture if one would eliminate purely
functional, aesthetical and ecological aspects. With help from
literature I interviewed theorists in architecture, practitioners
and a philosopher to hear their thoughts regarding what architecture
can or should be about. The result of the interviews
and the literature studies constitute the two initial parts of the
Vattenapeteorin: Paradigmskifte eller pseudovetenskap?
The Aquatic Ape theory was first formulated by Alister Hardy in year 1960. All from the beginning the theory has been criticized, ridiculed, ignored and a source to strong feelings in the anthropological community. The purpose of this essay is to investigate why the Aquatic Ape theory is so controversial and why it is understood so differently by scientists. After interviews with Swedish scientists and the general community, and after reading of anthropological books, I have tried to show that the aquatic ape-coldness depends on it challenging nature against the anthropological paradigm, which describes human beings as strong, hunting creatures who can live in any environment. The Aquatic Ape theory - on the other hand - picks out one of all these environments and says: "here has our evolution occurred: we have been aquatic apes".
Att tala ett främmande språk - Att behärska det nya landets kultur : En studie utifrån intervjuer med åtta ungdomar om flerspråkighet och identitetens betydelse
This work is an essay on language, multilingualism, and identity. My purpose in this work was to try and explore how today's young people views in their native language, identity and language development in a multicultural society. I was also interested in how young people find a balance between two very different cultures. Since my work will be based on interviews, I have chosen a qualitative approach. My choice of the qualitative method is primarily related to my purpose.
Barns pedagogiska material : En kvalitativ studie om barns användning av det pedagogiska materialet som finns på fem förskolor och om sex pedagogers tankar kring placeringen av det pedagogiska materialet
?Childs pedagogic material ? A qualitative study of child?s use of pedagogic materials available at five nursery schools and about their teachers thoughts about the display of the pedagogic material?In the nursery preschool the environment and the educational materials have always had a central place. That's why it has been chosen to study and observe five preschools and interview sex teachers, in an attempt to understand the teachers thought about the choice of material and the choices of material that the children used. The reason I do this is to see what the underlying idea about the materials the children use is, and why educators choose to make certain materials visible. The purpose of this study is to examine the educational materials that are used to stimulate children´s learning and examine what determines the choice of educational materials.
En studie av fenomenet mikronationer
ABSTRACTBachelor essay in political science by Hanna Richter, spring 2006Supervisor: Mats LindbergTitle: A study of the phenomenon of micronationsThe purpose of this essay is to study the phenomenon of ?micronations?, to describe it to the reader and to discuss why this phenomenon is interesting to study in the field of political science. The questions this essay seeks to answer are:- What are micronations, and which variations are to be found within the phenomenon?- Why are micronations interesting to study in the field of political science?Bary Buzans theory of the nature of the state works as a frame of reference to this investigation of micro ?state-like? units. The phenomenon of micronations has not been investigated by the social sciences in any extent worth mentioning yet.
På klasskampens väg : Tidningen Gruvarbetarens inställning till strategier och mål för arbetarrörelsens fackliga och politiska kamp 1917-1925
Abstract: The aim of this study is to investigate the attitudes towards the labour movement?s strategies, goals and organisational issues in Swedish Miners? Union?s (Gruvindustriarbetareförbundet, hereafter Gruv) paper, Gruvarbetaren 1917-1925.The theoretical starting point is Engels? view on the class state. This perspective turns the question of socialism and the way to get there into an issue of working class power over the state. Another theoretical perspective is the partition of the labour movement into a trade-unionistic branch, seeing unions as financial organisations of interest, and a pro-state one, considering unions as political organisations.During the period investigated Gruvarbetaren was quite radical and advocated a firm class struggle strategy towards employers. Since these were considered unreliable, class struggle was seen as the only way to better the conditions for the working class.
Sociala medier : och kundinteraktion i mindre företag
Title: Social Media ? And customer interaction in smaller firmsSeminar date: 2011-06-10Course: Information Logistics, D-level.Authors: Marie Stenhammar and Ulrika CarlssonAdvisor: Jaime CamposKey words: Social Media, Web 2.0, Co-creation, Viral marketing, Word of Mouth, smaller firmsPurpose: This paper aims to describe the relevance of social media to smaller firms, the challenges and opportunities they face and what strategies they use, in the interaction with their customers.Methodology: The study is qualitative in nature and has an abductive approach. The empirical material consists of in-depth interviews with chosen companies and Internet observations.Theoretical perspectives: Social Media, Web 2.0, Co-creation, Viral marketing, Word of MouthEmpirical foundation: The study takes its empirical base from in-depth interviews with representatives from the small companies and internet observations connected to these.Conclusions: Smaller companies have great interest in social media. They preferably use Facebook, blogs, YouTube and Twitter. Their strategy is mainly to be very active and update their social media regularly.
Skogsentreprenad idag och i framtiden : en kvalitativ studie av skogsmaskinentreprenörersverksamhet och framtidsvisioner
The Department of Forest Products and Management, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences has received means from Vinnova for a preliminary study of the organisation of logging work of today and how a better logging organisation should be brought about. This thesis reports results from qualitative interviews with nine forest machine contractors regarding the situation of their companies. The interviews have been analysed with respect to the genesis of the companies, which tasks they perform or that they could consider perform-ing, business relationships of the companies, relationships between the different partners of the companies, and the state of competition experienced by the contractors. The companies have developed either from the contractor previously being machine operator employee or from that the contractor in making has owned a machine and needed work. Their primary business is mechanised logging.
Marknadsföring av gymnasieskolan : En studie av kommunägda och privatägda gymnasieskolor
The authors of this paper intended to study and compare local secondary schools(municipally owned schools) and independent secondary schools(privately owned schools) in Stockholm County. The purpose oft his paper is to explore how secondary schools market themselves and whether the view and use of marketing is different between municipal and independent secondary schools. The essay is by nature multi-case study and interviews were conducted with representatives from four high schools, two municipal and two independent, one representative from Education Committee and one from Privet Schools? Association.The introduction of School reform in 1992 enabled opening of privately owned schools and empirical datas hows that before 1992 secondary schools did not have the same extent of competition and the need of marketing was not widespread, but today there is fierce competition among secondary schools. The introduction of School reform changed the conditions for the Swedish school market, greater freedom of choice led to atougherfight for the students, which in turn increases the competition between secondary schools.