

1054 Uppsatser om Natural remedy - Sida 38 av 71

Qualities and supply of suitable dead wood for Ceruchus chrysomelinus and its dispersal pattern in a translocated population

The wood-living beetle Ceruchus chrysomelinus is a rare species connected to natural forests. In Sweden, it is red-listed as endangered (EN) and an action plan for its preservation has been done by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency. In this work I have therefore investigated how a translocation of the species succeeded after 17 years. I aimed to study the species dispersal biology, its substrate preferences and the supply of suitable wood on this site. The study was performed during 2012 in Pansaruddens nature reserve close to Uppsala in Sweden, which is a spruce dominated forest.

Måltiden som lärandesituation i förskolan : en kvalitativ studie om pedagogers syn på barns övergripande och hälsofrämjande lärande i förskolan genom den pedagogiska måltiden

The purpose of my study has been to find out how four preschool teachers at four different preschools looks at the pedagogical meal from a health and overall learning perspective. I also want to examine how, through the pedagogical meal the preschool teacher works to promote children´s learning and give them an understanding of need to safeguard their health. To achieve my aim I set the following questions;What are the different types of learning preschool teachers believe that children can acquire the basis of the pedagogic meal?How do preschool teachers describe their work from the pedagogical meal to benefit children´s overall learning?How do preschool teachers describe their work at the pedagogical meal for the children to gain an understanding of their health?The study is based on a qualitative method with interviews and observations, triangulation. The theoretical approach to this study is based on the socio-cultural perspective to learning and development.

Mjölkproduktion : planering för om-, till- och nybyggnad

The objective of this thesis was to get more knowledge about how to design a dairy farm reducing the working hours and the work tasks whit high work load. I will try to reduce the working hours and the tasks whit high work load on my own farm witch I am about inherit. Today, the old stanchion barn has room for about 60 cows and 74 young cattle and need two men to run it every day. The total acre is 188 hectare, 100 hectare forest, 65 hectare farmlands and 23 hectare natural pasture. I have studied two solutions. In the first solution, I will use my old barn for young cattle and build a new barn for the cows.

"Det är ett kluvet grattis!": en studie om unga mammors föräldraskap ur professionellas perspektiv.

The purpose of this study was to examine parenthood of young mothers from a professional point of view. The professionals work in a medium-sized city in Sweden and they represent different professions to give a broad perspective of the subject. The questions in the study were: What were the advantages of being a young mother of today and were there any problems with being a young mother, from the professionals perspective? What role did young mothers network and family play, from a professional point of view? From a professional point of view, how well did society handle young parenthood? How do the professionals handle the young mothers they met? Studies with reference to professionals' thoughts and expectations of young mothers were few, therefore the professionals were given a central position in this study. A qualitative method was chosen, for this study.

Invandrarkvinnor i Borlänge och Gemensamma Krafters betydelse för kvinnorna

To end up as an immigrant in an unknown country and to try to participate in the majority society means both psychological and physical difficulties where their whole life is changing. Gemensamma Krafter is a prevention changing work in a housing area in Borlänge. It works among other things as a meeting place for people from different cultures. The aim with this study was to describe and to get increased understanding for the lives of a number of immigrant women who lives in Borlänge/Sweden and which importance ?Gemensamma Krafter? has had for them.

I ljugen, I ljugen, jag är ej en kvinna! : En queerteoretisk analys av huvudkaraktären Tinto och maskeradmotivet i C.J.L. Almqvists Drottningens juvelsmycke.

The purpose of this paper is to do an analysis of the characters and the theater/masquerade motif in C.J.L. Almqvist?s Drottningens juvelsmycke (The Queen?s Diadem), based on queer theory, by using Judith Butlers?s Gender Trouble. As an alternative to the Swedish, gender determined, feminine pronoun ?hon?, which has been used by earlier critics concerning the main character of the book, ?hen? is proposed.

Att erbjuda sanningens ögonblick : En undersökning av bokförlaget Novellix kommunikation och koncept

The Library of Uppsala University has decided to change their classification system from the Swedish SAB system to the American Dewey Decimal Classification. One of the main reasons for this decison was that Kungliga biblioteket also has made an exchange between these systems. Due to that, the national bibliography of Sweden classifies Swedish documents according to Dewey Decimal Classification and the SAB system is no longer maintained. A transition to Dewey Decimal Classification will enable Swedish librarians to import foreign catalouge posts and classification codes and will provide them with a common standard between their libraries and other libraries due to the use of the same international classification system. It is disputed whether the Dewey Decimal Classification is equally suitable for all subjects.

Varje mynt har två sidor : en undersökning om hur den kommande generationsväxlingen påverkar turismföretag

A central discussion within society and businesses today, is the change of generations in the business market which occurs within the upcoming years. A change of generations is unavoidable and a natural step in business. The challenge of the forthcoming reform is the large number of people leaving the labour market and the grand entrance of new labour; Generation Y. The characteristics of Generation Y differ from the older generation which enhances the challenges for the businesses to attract a new workforce. It may also be necessary for the organisations to adapt to the younger generation.

Building Information Modeling : En möjlig modern arbetsmetod för Sweco Theorells AB

To challenge the competition within the construction business there are requirements ineffectiveness and use of operating computer based programs and work-methods. Thecomputer based programs are continuously improved and can at some point be the start of anew work-method. The work-method of tomorrow can be Building Information Modeling(BIM).This Master of Science Thesis gives an understanding in what BIM is and what therequirements for Sweco Theorells are in a future BIM-use as a consulting-firm. Theunderstanding is presented through a study of theory within the subject. The way of thinkingand acting among different disciplines and individuals within the building process isexplained through an interview study.The term BIM is regularly used.

Informationskompetens i pedagogiska praktiker: Gymnasielärares syn på elevernas informationssökning vid projektarbete.

The main purpose of this thesis is to examine upper secondary school teachers? views of their students? information seeking practices and their perspectives on consider the concept of information literary. The theoretical framework consists of a sociocultural perspective and the empirical material has been collected through interviews with six upper secondary school teachers. The material is analyzed phenomenographically and revealed three practices. Social science teachers consider the library and librarian to be valuable resources for students? information seeking, particularly in view of information overload in society today.

A risk analysis of moose close to roads

For many decades the increase in traffic volume, expansion of highways and infrastructure has lead to an increase of wildlife vehicle collisions which are unfortunately very common in many countries today. They cause great deal of material damage and even kill humans or wildlife. Measures in the form of warning signs, under- and overpasses and fencing have been implemented for a long time with the help of observation by hunters and collisions sites. However this study focuses on the moose?s perspective and the variables that, both spatially and temporally, could have an effect on why and when moose are close to certain types of roads.

Internal Market Harmonisation and Trade Implications for Non-EU Companies

After the formation of the European Union internal market in 1992, member state specific obstacles and barriers were largely removed. This was especially the case in harmonised industries where standardisation and technical regulation have led to legal certainty. Despite this, a large range of trade regulation continues to remain distortional to trade, in addition to the ongoing tariffs and subsidies. The key trade regulations relate to a number of areas involving technical regulations such as production labelling and the protection of intellectual property rights. Whilst policy makers claim justification based around the need to correct market failure in delivering desired outcomes, the question is whether these regulations are appropriate responses to market failures or if they have simply been imposed in an attempt to protect domestic markets.

Kol-14 datering : En litteraturstudie över hur kol-14 isotopen används för datering, samt utveckling och tillämpning av djup-åldersmodeller inom naturgeografin.

This literature study concerned the use and function of the radioactive isotope carbon-14, as a dating method of organic material, within the scientific field of physical geography. In this report it is presented the need of atmospheric calibration curves and the development of these as a necessity to translate carbon-14 years to calibrated calendar years. A number of common age-depth models that is used to give an approximation of an accumulation sequence and its related dates over the actual time period in different natural archives is presented and discussed. Different problems that commonly occur when age-depth models are utilized as for instance reservoir effects, contaminations or other age deviations are addressed and analyzed. The software CLAM in presented and discussed and was also used to produce age-depth models.

Bergum en kulturbygd i gränslandet

I have worked with Bergum in different courses on the IntegratedConservation of Built Environments program and I thought it was a veryinteresting subject. This is the main reason why I chosen to write mybachelor paper about Bergum.In 1650s Bergum was situated on the border between Sweden and Norway,because of that it occurred some war conflicts.Today Bergum is a socioeconomic border and is situated in an areabetween the city?s concrete suburb and the countryside.The difference between the city?s concrete suburb and the countryside mayfeel like two different worlds, were the social contact is fractional.With this paper, I will indicate a countryside area on the boundary to the citythrough time and try to survey the building history. I will also try todemonstrate the socioeconomic differences between the areas.I will demonstrate Bergum history from prehistory to present time, were I willdiscuss the agriculture history, Vättlefjäll?s forest history and also thedeforestation and replanting.

Helicobacter spp. i digestionskanalen hos svenska katter : en metodologisk och klinisk studie

Following the accident at the nuclear power plant in Chernobyl in 1986, great volumes of137Cs were distributed over large parts of the former Soviet Union and Europe. Over Scotland,radiocaesium was deposited as wet deposition. Due to the relatively long physical half-life of30 years, there are still measurable activity concentrations in the natural environment. Thisstudy was made on two organic soils, Knockandy Hill and Rora Moss, situated in the easternpart of the central highlands of Scotland. At these two sites, studies on migration and transferbetween soil and plants were conducted.

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