

1631 Uppsatser om Natural places - Sida 7 av 109

Akustisk trädgårdskonst : att ge sonisk karaktär åt en plats

Ljud och trädgård är kanske inte det första par man tänker sig som gifta men de tus historia kan spåras längre tillbaka i tiden än man kan föreställa sig. När jag bestämde mig för att skriva min kandidatuppsats om akustisk trädgårdskonst trodde jag att ljudinstallationer i trädgårdar och parker var ett nytt fenomen. En helt ny värld öppnade sig framför mina ögon då jag insåg att så inte var fallet. Konstgjorda ljudkällor, såsom gyllene fåglar och vattenorglar, har kommit och gått genom tiderna medan naturliga ljud, såsom vind och fågelsång, bestått. När det kommer till vår egen tid är trädgårdsljud, även om moderna material och tankesätt används, en konstform som starkt präglas och inspireras av sin historia. Du kan skapa olika sorters ljudmiljöer i din trädgård beroende på vad du väljer att använda för material.

Trafikklasser för markplattor av natursten : förslag till klassificeringstabell

This report deals with hard surfaces and the factors which are behind the criteria for dimensioning, also dependent on the level, or volume, of traffic. A test was made on slabs of two kinds of natural stone. This was made to see if the values that were reached for breakload was transferable to the same tables that the concrete industry is using for surface dimensions of slabs and paving stones. The test showed very high values and the result, together with the written study, led to the author?s suggestion for a classification table where slabs of natural stone were divided in to different classes depending on traffic, thickness and durability..

Intryck som ger avtryck i en krympande värld : En kvantitativ undersökning om utrikesnyheternas fokus de senaste 30 åren

We have inquired into how the amount of foreign news has changed over the last 30 years in two major Swedish newspapers, which subjects and regions has dominated the content of the foreign news and what subjects dominate the reporting from certain regions. This was done with a quantitative analysis of subjects and regions written about in 1100 news texts during a week in each year of 1978, 1988, 1998 and 2008. To further broaden our study, we also charted with the analysis how the newspapers domesticate foreign news and how they use international news agencies. As a basis for our discussion we use Van Ginnekens theories of world news centres, Westerståhl & Johanssons and Galtung & Ruges theories of foreign news selection as well as the theories of Hjarvard and Biltereyst about the domestication of foreign news due to commercial pressures and objectives on the newspapers. Our result of the amount of foreign news in the two newspapers is also compared to several similar empirical studies by different researchers.

Kulturens Bokhylla

?A culture center should be visually welcoming as well as attract a diverse range of visitors with different backgrounds.? This was the client?s request for a new cultural center in Nairobi. The location is in the heart of Nairobi?s industrial area, near several existing buildings that are already in use by the culture organization known as Go Down. I have chosen to keep most of the existing buildings and to use my new building as a complement for the desired program.

Bachelor nurses? experiences of working during a natural disaster: The earthquake in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, May 27th 2006

This is a Minor Field Study (MFS) which is a scholarship financed by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida). The study was held in 2007 in Yogyakarta, Indonesia and is based upon retrospective qualitative interviews with five Bachelor nurses who experienced the disaster work during the earthquake 27th of May, 2006. The aim of the study is to explore the experiences, feelings and thoughts of Bachelor nurses who were involved in this natural disaster. The interview, transcription and analyse work were made one year after the earthquake were a qualitative content analysis method was used. Two group interviews were held at the University of Gadjah Mada.

Naturgas i Australien år 2020 : Framtida konsumtion, export, import och produktion samt konsumtion under inverkan av ett klimatavtal

Australia is one of the largest producers and consumers of fossil fuels in the world. In a society where the effects of fossil fuels on global warming are constantly discussed, the nation?s production and consumption are subject to debate. Problems arise when negative aspects of consumption, such as emissions of greenhouse gases, are put in relation to an increased need of energy and economic growth. However, it is important to distinguish between different types of fossil fuels when it comes to their individual impact on the environment and to analyze the possibilities to increase the more environmental friendly ones.

Tyck om Hedemora! : en sociotopundersökning för Hedemora stad

Hedemora is the oldest town in Dalarna; traditionally acting as an important junction for trade. Nowadays, the town is suffering from a declining population and a poor economy. Therefore, it is important to explore how to best spend the money needed for Hedemora to become an attractive city once again. "Sociotops" are public spaces that have been evaluated by their users and by city planners, both working together. The result in the sociotop investigation will be used as a basis for city planning and as a foundation for discussing how to make the town a nicer environment. The sociotop investigation attempts to answer the questions: What places are popular and why? And What places are disliked? I approached the questions by using questionnaires, by arranging public walks in the city and by holding group interviews with children, along with my own observations. The information I have gathered is most detailed for children and youth between the ages of seven and twenty years old.

Rum i förändring - en studie av Stapelbäddsparken sedd ur ett genusperspektiv :

By doing a study of Stapelbäddsparken from a gender perspective I have been investigating and analysing physical planning and landscape architectural design. My intention with this thesis is to reflect on what a gender perspective in physical planning means and what kind of consequences and effects it could have on physical planning and outdoor design. Gender is something that is created, moulded and transformed by social and cultural processes. And it also includes a dimension of power concerning the knowledge of the relationships between women and men where the standard in today?s society is still men?s interests. To implement gender in my analysis of the park I have been observing how the park is used and who is using it. I have also been investigating who?s needs and wishes that has been provided for in planning and design.

I förfallet speglas staden : om det övergivna rummets betydelse

The Essay starts with studying the time after the Second World War and its boom, the force behind many of the abandoned locations we see in our city today. Thereafter the idea of place is looked into, its importance for the individual and how the own individual experience affects the experience of place. It is about how we can create own places and through that recapture the city and give it meaning and contents again. The social aspects are being discussed as an important component of creating a feeling of reality. Further studies the abandoned rooms historical values since the past have an ability to raise the experience of a place. How decayed depends highly of economy and how we have gotten so used to changes that we accept capitalism as a driving force to decay is also being discussed. Thereafter the planers roll for the abandoned places in the city is being raised.

The effects of mother trees and site conditions on the distribution of natural regeneration establishment in a Bornean rainforest disturbed by logging and fire

In the tropics, logging and wild fire can result in degraded secondary forests with lower biodiversity than in the natural forest. One way to limit forest degradation is to rehabilitate the present large areas of secondary forests. However, there is a lack of knowledge concerning the ecology of tropical tree species and further studies would be advantageous for future rehabilitation efforts of degraded rainforest. The objective of this study was to investigate how mother trees in secondary forest and different site factors affect the abundance and spatial distribution of natural regeneration of non-pioneer tree species in a tropical rainforest in Sabah, Malaysia. The study took place in the INIKEA Forest Rehabilitation Project area, which suffered from wild fire in 1983 and has been selectively logged over both before and after the fire. Natural regeneration and site variables were inventoried in plots, while mother trees were inventoried in the whole survey area.

Undervisning i naturkunskap, demokratiuppdraget och interkulturell pedagogik : Kan en interkulturell pedagogik öka intresset och motivationen för ämnet naturkunskap bland elever på samhällsprogrammet?

Since studies points out declining interest in science among students in Swedish schools, I have in this paper chosen to examine how some students at the Social Science Programme are experiencing the lessons in Natural Science and how to make lessons more interesting according to these students.The purpose of this study was to gain a greater understanding of how teachers would develop new perspectives and tools to make lessons in Natural Science more interesting. I also wanted to investigate whether an intercultural perspective could be a possible tool to increase students? interest and motivation.As a theoretical framework, I have assumed Vygotskij's sociocultural perspective, Habermas's theory of deliberative conversations and an intercultural perspective. Through a qualitative approach, I conducted interviews with students and teachers. The main results showed that students felt that natural Science lessons were too theoretical and undemocratic and that they wanted to have more student interactions, such as discussions and group works.

Folkbibliotek som mötesplats för flyktingar : En undersökning av två folkbibliotek och deras potential att öka socialt kapital i samhället

This essay points at the importance of public libraries as arenas of meetings between refugees and the local population, and by this - creating social kapital in the society as a whole. The researchers Aabø, Audunson and Vårheim have created theories about low-intensive meeting places, that means ? neutral, public places where accidential meetings with different strangers can happen, which can create social capital and trust among each other. To complement these theories I also use Vårheim who have implementet social capital-theories to the sphere of public libraries. These two theories complement each other and can help me investigate two public libraries in a rural area in Sweden.

Död och begraven : en analys av de avrättades behandling på galgbacken

This paper concerns the treatment of people at execution places and it is focusing on Gotland and the execution place called Galgberget. The material in the paper comes from Galgberget and a gallow in Denmark called Slots Bjergby. Together with this the laws of Gotland during the medieval and later periods are discussed and also how the archaeological material (especially the buttons) found on the excavation site can help to understand the people buried on the gallow site. The result of the analysis shows that the laws and the material found on the excavation site often tells different things. The punishments are often softer then what the law says.

Ruins of Wilderness : sensual Spaces in between

Ruins and derelict places have since long fascinated and attracted humans. With my starting point in the wild vegetation and the spontaneous activities taking place on derelict land and in industrial ruins, I explore with help from the theoretical sociology, what creates not only this fascination but also fear. The purpose of the thesis is to explore and exemplify how the industrial ruin as a place outside the restrictions and control as well as design intentions of modern society can be used as an inspiration in a landscape architecture context.The modern city consists of areas and places with a well defined purpose. A piece of derelict land or a disused building is instead ambiguous, undefined and open for new purposes. However described in negative terms, these placesare often perceived as places of mystery and magic.

Mätning av ekosystemtjänster i jordbrukslandskapet :

Abstract In order to make the modern agriculture less dependent on non-renewable external inputs, it has to rely more on ecosystem services. The agricultural system produce not only food, fiber and fuel, it also generates other ecosystem services such as e.g. photosynthesis, recycling of nutrients, influencing local microclimate, pollination, biological control and detoxification of noxious chemicals. This study is an attempt to get a better understanding about the interaction among different ecosystem services and different habitats capacity to generate them. An evaluation of eight different methods is done. The ecosystem services studied are the ability to absorb solar energy, biomass production, botanical diversity, decomposition and natural predation of aphids.

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