

1631 Uppsatser om Natural places - Sida 66 av 109

KLIMATTOLERANS HOS URBANA TR?D I G?TEBORG: Analys av klimatgr?nser och framtida klimathot

Urban trees contribute significantly to our society. By providing ecosystem services and a habitat that other urban species and ecosystems depend on, both biodiversity and the people in the city benefit. Some characteristics that the trees possess include functioning as biological filters for the atmosphere and water, as well as positively impacting people's mental health. However, urban trees are challenged by stressors such as pollution and a drier environment, making them particularly sensitive to climate change. The goal of this study was to estimate the expected magnitude of climate change in Gothenburg and compare it with the current urban species' natural climate boundaries to understand the extent of the climate threat and which species appear to be most at risk.

Rehabiliteringsträdgården : hur människan påverkas och utformningens betydelse

In today?s hectic society more and more people experience stress and our lifestyle gives us a very limited chance to recover. For some it sometimes goes that far that they get burnt-out, they have pushed themselves to the ultimate limit. There are different methods and treatments to recover but one very efficient treatment is to spend time in a rehabilitation garden. There the patients get treated by therapeutics that uses the garden as the main tool.The fact that gardens and parks have a positive effect on humans have been used by people for a long time but it?s not until recently that the research has taken speed.

Fiberföstärkning av Limträbalkar

Glulam is a product that was engineered to make use of timber in a more efficient way. Bychoosing timber of similar quality and discarding natural defects during production, thedevelopment of a stronger cross-section is achieved.Carbon fiber is a relatively new material with a high tension capacity. This feature is used toexamine how the bending capacity of the beams improve by adhering carbon fiber laminateson the lower edge of the beamsThe strength of the material is tested with three experiments: carbon fiber on the bottom of thebeam (a), carbon fiber attached to the lower sides of the beam (b) and carbon fiber in thebeam, covered with a layer of wood (c)The results show that the first case, where the carbon fiber is attached to the bottom of thebeam, gave the best result with an increase in capacity of 59 % compared to the nonreinforcedcontrol. The other two cases also show an improvement in capacity, beam-type 3had a capacity increase of 47% and beam-type 4 increased with 25 %Tests were also made with glulam beams reinforced with fiberglass, but these tests were notanalyzed in depth because the purpose was to compare the capacity to carbon fiber. Thisbeam improved its capacity by 40.3%.The tests show that carbon fiber as a reinforcement material for glulam is a good choice whenthere is a requirement for stronger cross-sections in both new production and renovation ofold buildings.

Omsorgspersonalens tankar och arbetssätt kring sexualitet : En kvalitativ studie på grupp- och serviceboenden för personer med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning

The aim of this study was to acquire a greater understanding and knowledge about how care staff at houses with special services for people with intellectual disabilities think and work (handle situations) regarding sexuality. To achieve our goal we carried out nine semi structured interviews using an interview guide. These interviews took place in two different communities in southern Sweden. The theoretical perspectives that were used to analyze the result were Sense of Coherence, Scope of action and Normalization. The result showed that the staff considered sexuality a part of their work and a natural subject to talk about.

Upplevelser på Visitor Centers: En konceptutveckling av utställningen på Visitor Centre i världsarvet Gammelstads kyrkstad

Visitor Centers were first established at various national parks in North America. Most Visitor Centers were built in the ten-year period following 1952. The purpose of the Visitor Centers was to welcome visitors and enhance their experience of the national parks. Today there are Visitor Centers all around the world, connected to different places or attractions. Many of the Visitor Centers that exist today, especially those in the national parks in North America, were built during the information society.

Vad händer när två blir en? En kvantitativ innehållsanalys av konsekvenser för lokaljournalistiken efter tidningsfusionen i Karlskoga.

Authors: Elina Haimi, Emelie Nordh, Kattis Sundén Title: What happens when two becomes one?Level: Bachelor of Journalism Location: University of Gothenburg Language: Swedish Number of pages: 50A simple rule that any handbook in journalism will tell you is that it?s better, if not necessary, to have at least two different sources, rather than one, when you tell a story. This will keep information accurate and non-biased. You will get closer to the truth if you hear more people. We started to wonder if this would be the case with news papers as well.

1 X 2 : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om unga vuxna som lever "mellan" två kulturer

The study seeks to investigate and understand how individuals create their identity from the perspective of two countries and cultures, and how these affect their current lives today. The focus of the study is aimed at young adults who have mostly or entirely grown up in Sweden to parents that have migrated. The material is based on seven qualitative, semi-structured interviews. The result is then divided into three themes; ethnic and cultural belonging, life impact, and the preservation and passing on of culture. The derivation of the first theme is that there are mixed views regarding the cultural association of the persons interviewed.

Grävlingar : En studie om grävlingar i fångenskap, deras naturliga beteenden och fysiologi

I det här arbetet presenteras en studie från ett projekt som ägde rum i Kolmården djurpark sommaren och hösten år 2003. Projektet bygger på ett uppdrag från jordbruksdepartementet. Det handlade om huruvida grävlingar i fångenskap reagerar i olika stressande situationer. För att kunna undersöka detta har grävlingarnas naturliga beteende studerats under fyra perioder från juni till september samma år. Det som studerats under perioden är grävlingarnas olika beteenden, lokationen i grävlingshägnet samt fysiologiska parametrar så som hjärtfrekvens och kroppstemperatur hos grävlingarna.

Modellstudie av föroreningsretention i Bäckaslövs våtmark : Tillämpning av modellverktygen MIKE SHE WET och MIKE 21

During the nineties, ecological handling of urban storm water became very popular in Sweden. Together with Chalmers University of Technology and two Swedish communities, DHI Water and Environment has been doing research of storm water ponds and constructed wetlands. This thesis work is a part of that research project. The work has been applied at the Bäckaslöv storm water treatment plant in Växjö, Sweden. The plant consists of one storm water pond and a downstream constructed wetland.

Fogar i prefabricerade betongelement

This report describes a project, which was carried out as a final thesis covering 30 ECTS during the final semester of the Master of Science programme Industrial Design. The assignment was issued by Fagerhults Belysning AB in Habo. The assignment was to design a family of products in which LED was to be used as a source of light. The main focus in the initial part of the project was to find a way to design the inside of armature which was suitable for LED technology. An armature, already in the range of products at Fagerhult, with the desired qualities that was to be strived after was the Zintra. The lighting source of the Zintra is a compact fluorescent lamp.

LNG - Framtidens fartygsbra?nsle : Vad a?r det som ha?mmar utvecklingen av LNG-drift i Sverige?

Sjo?farten sta?r idag info?r allt stra?ngare miljo?krav. Fo?r att uppna? miljo?va?nligare resultat har allt fler rederier bo?rjat se sig om efter ett miljo?va?nligare bra?nsle. O?stersjo?n a?r ett stort handelsomra?de da?r striktare krav fra?n SECA tra?der i kraft den 1 januari 2015.

En profession med mission Barnbibliotekariens yrkesidentitet

TitleThe profession of Children's Librarians. Identity and vocation.AbstractThe aim of this Master's thesis is to investigate the professional identity of Children's Librarians in order to contribute to a deeper understanding to the professions of librarians. This places the thesis in the field of Library and Information Science that studies the profession. The definition we use to understand profession suggests that all librarians take an active part in negotiating their professional role and library enterprise.Our empirical material consists of interviews with eight Children's Librarians. Using a qualitative method was the best way to gain an understanding for the participant's own experiences of their professional identity.

Interventioner för livsstilsförändring avseende kost och fysisk aktivitet inom primärvården

Background: Ill-health related to unhealthy lifestyle is increasing and despite existing knowledge about healthy lifestyle it is difficult to change behaviour. Counselling in the primary health care is often superficial and without critical elements for behaviour change. Aim: The aim of this paper to elucidate interventions for change of lifestyle with respect diet and physical activity. Method: A literature review was carried out and ten scientific articles were analyzed and compiled in two main categories: design of these interventions and participation in them. Results: Education, decision making, goal setting, feedback, social support and follow-up were identified as critical elements for behaviour change.

Studie i exteriör belysning : med tillämpning på Bokenäs, Volvos fritids- och konferensby

When creating a good lighting design it is crucial to know how different types of lamps work. Knowing what kind of light they emit and in which situations they work well is also very important. In this master thesis I present different types of lamps and give an account of how light is spread through the different shapes of luminaires, reflectors, filters and so on. I write about how our eyes register radiation and connections between lighting and how it makes us experience space. Furthermore I deal with the effect of artificial light on living organisms and the environment. After the theoretical studies I deal with the places I have visited to study how different lamps and luminaires work and look like in existing lighting designs. These visits have also been inspirational to my lighting proposal for Bokenäs. Bokenäs is Volvo?s resort and conference center which is situated on the Swedish west coast.

Inställningar till självläkning : - en studie av diskurser kring beroendeproblematik

Föreliggande rapport redovisar resultat från den svenska pilotstudien inom det internationella s.k. SINR-projektet (Societal Images of Natural Recovery). Detta projekt syftar till ökad kunskap om hur olika synsätt, hos allmänheten såväl som inom olika professionella grupper, påverkar människor möjligheter att komma tillrätta med olika former av missbruk. Som ett första steg i projektet har i hittills sex större städer i fem olika länder ett mindre antal svarande, representerande olika samhällsgrupper, tillfrågats om sin uppfattning om möjligheterna att på egen hand ta sig ur olika slag av missbruksproblem. Den svenska pilotstudien har, på uppdrag av FoU-enheten, av tre socionomstuderande vid Stockholms universitet i form av ett examensarbete.

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