

1631 Uppsatser om Natural places - Sida 53 av 109

Lycksabäcken, ett riksintresse med komplext deglaciationsförlopp : Presentation av ett möjligt scenario över deglaciationen i området

The area of Lycksabäcken northwest of Lycksele is a national interest of natural conservationbecause of its geological values with many unique landforms. Many of these landforms indicatethat the deglaciation process in the area was very complex. However, the deglaciation process inthe area has not previously been fully understood. The aim is to add to the knowledge of theevents that took place during the last deglaciation. To do this, the glaciofluvial landforms in thearea were mapped by studying aerial photographs with a Wild Aviopreter and a five-day fieldinventory of key areas for the interpretation.

Den förlorade dialogen. : Smartphone under arbetstid.

This paper aims to create a better understanding for how executing private matters during work hours affect the individual worker. In todays world the access to social medias, the Internet and all your friends is easy to access due to smartphones and computers. Prior research as described this both as a threat against the productivity of the worker and the moral of the workplace. While others mean that it is a source of recovery and something positive.This thesis uses a qualitative method and fifteen interviews where conducted with people between 20-30 years, who where working and living in Sweden. The theory of this paper is built on following areas: Time, the line between work and private, together alone, the brain and the affect it has on the dialogue between colleagues.

Den svenska biblioteksersättningen ur författarnas perspektiv

rspective [123][pdf.gif] The aim of this thesis is to study the Swedish Public Lending Right PLR from the authors perspective. I investigate what the Swedish authors of today think about the system for distributing the money in the Authors trust Författarfonden, and in what ways they want to change it. I also try to distinguish the authors thoughts about how the scolarships from the Authors trust are distributed. What kind of authors do they think are favoured when the money is distributed and what kind of authors are treated unfairly. Finally I investigate how the money is shared out in reality by using some of the literature sociologist Johan Svedjedals theories of the distribution, and compare these facts with the authors thoughts about how the money is distributed.

Sveriges förändrade inställning till EU-medlemskapet : en studie av elva regeringsdeklarationer

AbstractThe aim with this essay has been to investigate if Sweden?s attitude against the European Union has changed expressed in the statement of government policies, during the years 1988-1998. In the prolongation I want to see if the policies can be seen as examples of agenda-setting.My comprehensive objective is: In which way is the change of the Swedish attitude towards the European Union expressed in the statement of government policies during 1988-1998 shown?My other objectives are: In which ways describes the statements the integrations process in Europe generally?In which ways does the integrations process influences Sweden in generally?In which ways does the integrations process influences Sweden?s relations against the European Union?I have used qualitative text analysis as method in my essay to find the answers to the questions. I have classified a number of opinions, found in the policies, summarized under my three objectives.The result of my essay was shown that the changed not can be found in the policies and they are examples of agenda-setting.

Framgångsrikt strategiarbete : ett arbete om visioner och strategier inom Region Gotland

The usage of visions and strategies is something that helps an organisation to create an imaginary scenario and guide them of how to realize these goals. During the years of 2006-2008 Region Gotland presented a document that was supposed to show the region's visions. The theoretical framework of this thesis is based on the stakeholder theory, Balanced Scorecard (BSC) and Management Control Systems Package (MCS). Personal interviews were conducted within the organisation Region Gotland, with individuals whom are directly linked to the visions and strategies of the organisation. The purpose of this study is to clarify the concepts of vision and strategy, and what their impact is on the organisation's work on the operation level.

Museernas roll i samhället : En intervjustudie av Stockholms stadsmuseum, Länsmuseet Gävleborg och Världskulturmuseet

This is a two year master's thesis in the field of museum and cultural heritage studies. The purpose of the thesis is to examine different opinions among museum employees about the role of museums. The thesis also aims to find out to what extent and in what way these opinions are influenced by the museum's own policy documents, the national cultural policy and the academic field of museum studies. I have conducted qualitative research interviews with six employees from three different cultural history museums. The theoretical framework of the thesis is based on Laruajane Smith's term authorized heritage discourse.


The use of energy is an important question in today´s society, and a substantial part of the energy that is used today is used in our homes. To lower this usage is vital, and there are regulations in place both on the national and the local level, that say that new apartment blocks must be built to consume less energy, which in the end will lower the impact on the climate.One way to make the housing sector more environmentally sustainable, is to produce energy issions that are bad for the environment, for example to build wind turbines close to or even on the buildings, so called urban wind power. The scope for this report is to see if urban wind power could be a sustainable alternative for the residential area that Svenska Bostäder plans to build in Albano in Stockholm.There are extensive scientific theories regarding wind and wind power, and a literature study is made to investigate past knowledge in the area. Efforts have been made to find earlier trials with urban wind power and, both scientific research and trials where urban wind power actually has been installed. The theory chapter deals both with the wind itself and how electricity can be generated from wind.

Att vara anhörig eller anhörigvårdare

The purpose of this essay is to describe and analyze experiences of how the daily rounds and a persons role is changing when you go from being a family member to being a family member as well as being a kinship carer.Essential questions at issue was:- Which feelings are associated to the roll as kinship carer?- What are the motivations for the relative/family member to become a kinship carer?- What is the change of the role like before and after the disease.Six persons have been interviewed on the subject and symbolic interactionism and role theory has been our theoretical perspective. The essay has been related to the ideas of Meads on social interaction and to Goffmans theatre theorem.The result of the essay showed that feelings and motivations as regards to the daily rounds and the role of the kinship carer were individual, where similarities and differences occurred. When ones partner, parent or child got a disease/functional disability it generated in some changes regarding their daily rounds and it led to altering of roles. To assume a role was a natural result and often happened when a relative/family member got a disease or an injury..

Störningsregimer vid Skövde övnings- och skjutfält : Stridsfordons påverkan på olika naturtyper i militära övningsområden

A lot of habitats have declined or disappeared as the old cultural landscape changed to the modern agricultural landscape of today. Places such as power line corridors, racing tracks, gravel pits and military training sites have become refuges for many species associated with the old cultural landscape. These sites have been exposed to ecological disturbances that create the same type of habitats that were found in the old cultural landscape.The military training sites in Sweden has an impressive diversity of species. Disturbances from the military exercises have created habitats that are important for a wide range of species.The purpose of this thesis is to study some of the ecological disturbances occurring in the military training sites of the Swedish Armed Forces and examine how they affect different types of habitats. The thesis explains through litterateur and field studies the reason to the rich biodiversity often found at military training sites.

Är kunden lojal eller spontan? :  En studie om lösviktskonfektyr i Sverige

An impulse or unplanned purchase is a decision taken on the spot without further consideration or reflection. It is the spur of the moment that influences the purchase rather than a deliberated decision. Being loyal to a particular brand means a mutual relationship between customer and company created over time which may result in the customer experiencing a higher value and thus prefer a particular brand before another.Bulk confectionary can be characterized as an impulse product because it is purchased at times without any time of consideration or planning. The question that arises is whether all bulk confectionary purchases are unplanned? Through this study it shall be examined whether any brand loyalty actually exists regarding bulk confectionary; does the customer plan its confectionary purchases in beforehand or do most of them occur through impulses? Furthermore, the study will highlight who the customer is of bulk confectionary in Sweden.The survey was conducted through a combination of a quantitative and qualitative method.

Bortom det kroppsliga : Prostitution som martyrskap i europeisk film

Here I study some European films from the late 1950?s and the early 1960?s by directors like Fellini, Visconti, Pasolini and Godard. By comparing them with different sociological studies on the subject of female prostitution I try to find out if these films are interested in the actual situation of the prostitute, or in their own image of the phenomenon. Is she an object used for sex or just an sex object? Is she positively or negatively pictured? With realism or as a stereotype? Which aspects of her situation is shown and which ones are concealed? What is the view on the men who actually use her services?It seems natural that different types of films, with different types of prostitutes, illustrates different aspects of what prostitution might be.

Skolan och elevers hälsa : En studie om hur skolan arbetar med elevers fysiska och psykiska hälsa

AbstractThe purpose of my study is to examine the experiences and opportunities to support teachers in preschool to help children in vulnerable environments, a good self-esteem. Hindberg (1999) writes that of all children today are growing up in Sweden, so ten percent live in families where there is abuse. According Pousette (2011) as the National Public Health Institute has a new appreciation for families where there is hazardous and this means that drinking or abused so much that it can become an addiction. They appreciate the investigation that twenty percent of all children in Sweden are growing up in these conditions.The results show that teachers' work is about building a sense of security in the children, both the teacher and the environment. It also shows that teachers believe that it is important to work with the self-esteem of all children, but especially children living in abusive families.

Ta på era "hållbar utvecklingsglasögon"! : Ett idéhäfte som kan hjälpa pedagoger att arbeta mer med hållbar utveckling i förskolan

Natural and environmental issues are everyday parts in preschool but when educators shall consciously work with sustainable development they tend to stop at recycling and what is necessary to be done for achieving the Grön Flagg-certification. I have been observing various preschools and noticed that sustainable development is flawed, often because of the teachers lack of interest, knowledge and in some cases both. Out of this grew an idea of making a project that could help the teachers see how the work with the subject in a fun and educational way can become a part of the preschools everyday routine. I made a tutorial booklet with basic facts and activities relating to sustainable development and the three questions in my report were how much knowledge and interest the teachers initially have, if the tutorial booklet could help the teachers to produce new knowledge and interest for the topic and if it turned out to be easier for them to provide educational activities within the subject. There were three departments that participated in my survey and the methodology of collecting data was an anonymous survey with the teachers' own comments in response.

Är det slumpen som avgör? : Vad styr socialarbetarens val av institution vid placering av ungdomar?

The purpose of this study was investigating the means which rule the social worker?s choice of institution placing youths and how they match the youth?s individual need compared with the type of home. The questions were: Which significance has the characteristics of the youth and their family for the placing? Which significance has the characteristics of the institution? Which significance has the social workers? way of working, investigation, theories, economy etc.? A qualitative way of interviewing has been used. Eight interviews were done; six with social welfare secretaries who place youths and two social workers who work with coun­selling and placement.

Val av liggplats och väderskydd hos dikor vid utedrift vintertid

If you keep cattle in a herd outside all year round on big varying grounds, their possibilityto perform their natural behaviour increases. This way of keeping cattle requires that youprovide them with their other needs, like shelter and a dry and clean resting place.According to the animal welfare authority´s regulations on livestock farming, only animalsthat are suited to stay outside during the cold season are allowed to be kept outside. Theyshould also have access to a shelter or another building that gives them protection from theweather and wind and provides a dry and clean resting place.Research has shown that as long as cattle do not get exposed to precipitation and wind theywill manage low temperature well. Some of the things that will affect how well the animalshandle different climates are the isolation ability of the fur, the animals´ body size and thefeed intake. A dry lying place that is both insulating and moisture absorbent is also of greatimportance.

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