

1631 Uppsatser om Natural places - Sida 44 av 109

SILO 72 : Ombyggnad av Lantmännens silo i Östra Hamnen, Västerås

This project includes a small study of Västerås city's housing needs, and a proposal on theuse of the property 1:207, Lantmännens silo in the Eastern Harbour, Västerås.The project intends to produce a basic study of the useful systems for this rebuilding projectwith regards to sustainable development and energy saving light buildings.The end result, which consists of a detailed visualization of the proposal, intends to becomean iconic natural focus for the Eastern port of Västerås and an example of the use andadaptation of existing structures.The property must also link the eastern parts of Västerås with the center through anextension of Mälarleden.The work has been performed through literature studies, site visits, contacts with the City ofVästerås and by calculations.The proposal consists of architectural proposals drawings and visualizations.Furthermore, a suggestion is given of how the property can be used and fitted into theoverall plan for urban density development currently underway in the city of Västerås.Computer programs used have been Microsoft Office Excel, AutoCAD and ArchiCAD..

Trafikinformation via SMS

Abstract The technology has made it possible for you as a train traveller to be available in other places than stations and on the train. You now have the possibility to communicate by the phone or through the Internet to get information about the train you want to take. Development in mobile technology gives us new possibilities to communication. We want to find out whatever SMS would be a suitable approach to inform passengers about delays. The problem formulation is ?If the technology is available to inform the passengers about delays in an more effective way than today, then why not use it? The ?Kustpilen? that operates in Blekinge and Skåne is the case for our study.

????????????Pedagogers syn på utomhuspedagogik

The purpose of the research is to find out how the teacher of the pre-school looks at the value of the nature Pre-school. To get an understanding of what the nature pre-school enviorment can bring, we are talking about learning, knowledge, and experience combined with the everyday lessons learned from the natural world. The research is a stepping stone on the pre-school teacher?s thoughts and reflections of what a nature pre-school is. This is grounded in a view of how having options for alternative schools lead to wider research, and all conclusions where formed after multiple interviews and analysis.The results showed that the teachers involved are very positive to the nature pre-school environment and learning process.

Den gömda kyrkklockan : en studie om en kyrkklockas sägen

There is a legend about a church on the island of Orust in the small village of Tegneby. The legend tells a story about a hidden church bell in the mysterious hole in the creek.?During a war long time ago, people were afraid that the King Gustav Vasa would take their church bell to use as material for cannons. So the people in Tegneby hid their beloved church bell in a hole in the creek below the church and there it remained for seven years?  (main legend)The aim of this paper was to find out if this legend still is alive in the area of Tegneby.

Nervsjukdomar - Nästa stora satsning : Kartläggning av forskningsanslag i Sverige inomnaturvetenskap, medicin och life science

The aim with this project was to investigate how research grants in Sweden are distributed inthe selected fields; natural science, medicine and life science. Our client Olink producesdetection kits for biomarkers and our goal with this study was to give an indication of apossible new market area for their products. Three foundations were included in the study;VINNOVA, Vetenskapsrådet (Swedish Research Council) and Stiftelsen för strategiskforskning (Swedish foundation for strategic research). Nearly a thousand research grantswere analysed which included a total of 4,92 billion Swedish kronor. Seven selecteduniversities were contacted; Chalmers tekniska högskola, Karolinska Institutet, Kungligatekniska högskolan, Linköpings universitet, Lunds universitetet, Sverigeslantbruksuniversitet, Uppsala universitet.

Rysslands politiska utveckling : En fallstudie över svensk säkerhetspolitik

The Swedish security policy has changed from stressing neutrality to embrace co-operation within the EU and other organisations. New threats like terrorism, boarder-crossing criminality and natural disasters require new ways to deal with this type of problems to protect the society. Since the beginning of 21st century the high Russian economic growth has made it possible for the country to play an increasingly role as a superpower on the international political stage. In the same time the democratic development has been replaced by an autocratic rule which has obstructed the Russian- European relations. From a Swedish security policy view the Russian political development is of importance and the picture of Russian as a threat has changed from 1996 to 2008/09.

Varför blev det fred i Indonesien? ? Kan rational choice förklara fredsuppgörelsen??

The conflict in Aceh had been going on for 30 years time, but ended after a tsunami hit the area in 2004. The impact the natural catastrophe had on the conflict was that both GAM and the Indonesian government was brought together with the intent of reaching a peace agreement. The authors to this thesis paper ask the question of why it became peace after such long time of war, but also if rational choice theory can explain this event. The answer to the first question is that the tsunami was the main reason to why it became peace. As to the second question, the conclusion would be that, depending on which view of human nature one has, rational choice theory can only answer the question if cultural, religious and emotional factors are disregarded.

Friluftslivets inverkan på hälsan : En intervjustudie med friluftsaktiva individer

Lot?s of reasons are showing that outdoor life has a positive influence on the general publics health and studies are confirming this theory. On the other hand there are a few amount of Swedish science project?s regarding outdoor life. The aim of this study was to examine how people feel that their health influences by outdoor life.

Förändringen av tall- och granbestånden i eklandskapet söder om Linköping, 1927 jämfört med 2013

The aim of the study was to compare how the population of pine (Pinus sylvestris) and spruce (Picea abies) have changed between 1927 and 2013 in the oak landscape south of Linköping. A field study was carried out in 22 two kilometre lines which also had been studied in 1927. In these lines, which where ten meters broad and had a direction from west to east, the pines and spruces were counted, measured and classified by steam diameter. The obtained result was that the basal steam area (m²/ha) had increased for pine (44%) and spruce (57%) between 1927 and 2013. The amount of trees had increased in all diameter classes except thinner pine and spruce with a diameter of 5-10cm.

En undersökning av arbetssätt vid designprocesser

The aim of this study is to explain the paradox of the memberstates willingness to surrender power of important issues such as asylum and refugee policy and therefore partly abandon its sovereignty. We also discuss the relation between internationalization, regionalization and globalization since these processes form the context in which our research problem is found. A case study is used as a method in this paper.In our quest for answers we use a theory of internationalization that we place in its context by primarily discussing the relation between globalization and regionalization. The theory is used as an explanatory force and to give it a concrete form we operationalised its three processes; internationalization of problems, internationalization of the societies and internationalization of the descisionmaking.The result of the case study shows that the increase in asylumseekers leads to a higher risk of negative competition wich give rise to the memberstates need to coordinate their politics.We found that when societies and problems are being internationalized, the state finds it difficult to resolve problems on their own and this leads to the internationalization of the dedescisionmaking. The internationalization of the decision-making process is therefore natural, which in this case means the decisions are taken by the EU rather than by the member states..

?Undervisning är inte per automatik lärande?: en intervjustudie om användarundervisning ur ett sociokulturellt perspektiv

The aim of this Master thesis is, from a sociocultural perspective, to investigate the views the teaching librarians at Södertörn University Library (SHB) have on learning, information literacy, and their own pedagogical role, and how their views affect user education and their ideas about the future of user education.The research questions used were: How do the teaching librarians view learning? How is this view reflected in their work with user education? How do the teaching librarians envisage user education in the future, and how do they work to reach that goal?Five semi-structured interviews were conducted with the teaching librarians at SHB. The interviews were then analysed using qualitative content analysis.The results of the study show that the teaching librarians at SHB share a sociocultural view on learning, and take a communicative oriented approach to user education. They believe that communication and interaction support learning, and in the classroom they stimulate discussions both between librarian and student, and between the students themselves. In the future, they hope for improved collaboration between librarians and academic staff, and that user education will become a natural element of the curriculum..

Kvinnors roller i vikingatiden : utifrån exemplet Birka och skriftliga källor

This essay discusses the issue of the role of women and also whether they could obtain a strong social position during the Viking Age. Moreover, it does discuss the question of how frequent women were present in Viking Age scriptures, art and archaeological artefacts in comparison to our view of women and her position in the modern society. The archaeological material used is in majority that found in Birka, such as burial and habitational findings. These objects, as well as other comparable and similar findings from other places, when put together with written sources, show that women had different roles in the society. She was able to have a strong social role during the Viking Age not only becauseof the status her family had but also because of her own merit depending of her skills and ability.The archaeological findings found in female graves and other findings in the area, suggest a specializing within both textile production and trade for the women.

Det som andra kallar en kliché kallar vi för en klassiker

Abstract:Perennials in public areas have during the latest decades been more and more popular. This group of plants has become a more accepted komponent when creating pleasant public places, and people begin to see the functional aspects. Perennials do also give a colour- and senceexperience in a more detailed way than can be achieved with only trees and shrubs. One of the ojects of this essay is to give more examples of motives for using perennials in urban areas.Having in mind the increasing use of perennials, you can expect a growing need for better understading of how to create successfull perennial plantings. In spite of the increasing interest it is hard to find any written information in this subject.

Att leva med ett nytt hjärta : Uppleverser efter en transplantation

Background: A life with severe chronic heart failure is debilitating, and most patients die of the disease. The possibility of having a heart from a deceased donor is often the patient's only hope of continued life. Aim: To gain a deeper insight and understanding of the patients experiences after a heart transplant. Method: Literature study with results based on 13 scientific articles. Results: Gratitude was the great common experience for the recipients of new hearts.

Samverkan - en fråga om ansvarsfördelning och samsyn : en litteraturstudie kring samverkan mellan myndigheter och familjer med barn med funktionsnedsättning

Families of children with disabilities often have many different contacts with professional representing different principals. This places high demands on their professional work together to meet the needs of families and use resources efficiently. The method used is a literature review which aims to describe what is needed to achieve good collaboration between different professions around families with children with disabilities, and that from an organizational perspective to examine why there are often gaps in collaboration and how this affects the parents' life situation.The theories in this study originated from organizational and sociological theories. The most central concept in this study is collaboration from an organizational perspective. The results show that the interaction is problematic, due to that collaborative organizations often have rules which are incompatible and a lack of accountability on who is liable makes impairment in the interaction.

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