

1033 Uppsatser om Natural dyes - Sida 31 av 69

Ungdomars läsvanor och hur vi skulle kunna inspirera ungdomar att läsa mer skönlitteratur

AbstractThe purpose of this work is to try to find out how young people's reading habits among students look at different types of secondary school, ie. both theoretical and practical, and what factors might encourage them to read more. My questions have been; do young people read today? Is there any difference between city, gender or program? What can a teacher do to inspire young people to read more? I have made a questionnaire survey among different students at two different high schools in Skaraborg. The first school is a high school located in a medium sized town, where I made inquiries to the scientific program, social program, Business and Administration Program and the Electricity Program.

Åtgärder för att minimera trafikbullers påverkan på ett rekreationsområde

The aim of this inquiry was to investigate the most appropriate measures to reduce noise impacts from road traffic on the Nydala recreational area in Umeå municipality due to the planned re-routing of the E4 motorway to an existing road along this area. The sound environment is an important part in the experience when we are visiting recreational areas. Noise is not only disturbing; the liberty from unwanted sounds also allows us to perceive natural sounds that are a benefit for the cultural experience. Therefore it is important to take actions to protect this well used area from traffic noise. The reasonable options to avoid noise impact in this case are to lower the speed limit, using a noise reducing coating or use noise protection screens and walls.

Plesiomonas shigelloides ? en ovanlig orsak till diarré hos katt? :

Plesiomonas shigelloides is a gram-negative, oxidase-positive rodshaped bacterium of the family Enterobacteriaceae. P. shigelloides is most frequently isolated in tropical and subtropical areas, but has also been isolated in colder areas for instance in Sweden. The primary natural habitat of the bacterium is fresh water and indirectly waterliving animals, but the bacterium can also be recovered from humans, mammals (of which cats are over-represented), birds, insects and poikilothermic animals. P.

Synstörning vid fall och fallskador En registrering av det dokumenterade

Falls and fallinjuries are very common in peoples own homes in various institutions. Hospital inpatients often fall during daytime in connection with their visit to the toilet. Visual impairment such as cataract, glaucoma, macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy can cause falls. The purpose of this study was to examine patient´s records where falls and fallinjuries were documented at an emergency clinic and to examine if they were registered to visual impairment. The records from 68 hospital inpatients from the age of 65 years and older who did fall during the year of 2004, were examined.

Implementering av miljökvalitetsmål : En analys kring miljömålsarbetet vid länsstyrelserna i Blekinge, Skåne och Örebro län

The works of an employee within an authority involves many laws and rules that have to be followed at the same time every case is unique and the resources are limited. This study wants to illustrate how national environmental goals are applied by länsstyrelserna in Sweden. How does the implementation of the environmental goals works by länsstyrelserna in Blekinge, Skåne and Örebro län? Which problems creates obstacles in the implementation of the environmental goals according to länsstyrelserna? What differs between länsstyrelserna in the implementation? Mainly it is the complexity of problems that will be illustrated here, which may result in different implementation sof the environmental goals by länsstyrelserna or that the environmentalgoals do not applys like intended. In this study sixteen national environmentalgoal are examined; ?fresh air?.

Trattbägarkeramik i Väte : när jordbruket kom till Gotland

This essay is a study and analysis of the funnel beaker pottery at Gullarve 1:13 in Väte parish. The purpose of the study is to analyse the chronology of the settlement by determine the distribution, stratigraphic context and the ornamentation of the pottery. Another purpose is to discuss the geographical location of the settlement in the landscape.In this essay a short review of the pottery and the funnel beaker culture as well as a description of the pottery from the archaeological excavation from 1984 at Gullarve 1:13 is presented. Since the documentation of the archaeological excavation from 1984 is missing or is very inadequate, no spatial analysis can be carried out. The distribution of the pottery can?t contribute to the result of the essay, though if possible it probably would have provided some interesting results.

Häststallinredning och djurskyddslagstiftningen

This study describes and reviews horse stable equipment from companies who builds and sells the equipment. In the study the companies various equipment was compared with regulations in the law of prevention of cruelty to animals. The purpose with this study was to find out if the companies stable equipment are approved according to the regulations within this area. The study used at five randomly picked companies.This study showed that three of the five examined companies refered, in one way or another, to the law of prevention of cruelty to animals on their website. Unfortunately not any of the companies referred to todays existing law of prevention of cruelty to animals.

En jämförelse mellan får- och nötkreatursbetade hagmarker med avseende på populationsstorlek samt artsammansättning hos dagfjärilar och örter

Many of Europe?s day-living butterflies have shown decreasing populations during the last decades and many species are threatened. Many butterflies are dependent on managed semi-natural grasslands because of their richness in nectar sources and host plants for the butterfly larva. Swedish pastures are mostly managed through grazing. The number of cattle in Sweden have been decreasing while the number of sheep in the country increased by 30%.

Rekonditionering av IBC

This report describes how the system may be exposed to oscillations and how this can lead to resonance. Resonance is a phenomenon that occurs when a system is affected by external periodic oscillations with frequencies close to the system's natural frequencies. Structures subjected to resonance can risk great damage and destruction, why resonance is something that is important to take into account when designing structures. Alternative ways to counteract resonance is to supply damping in the system. Damping means that the resonance decreases instead of letting the amplitude increase.The report discusses some examples on constructions that have experienced the effect of resonance.

Mating behaviour and hierarchy among male warthogs (Phacochoerus africanus) in Kenya

Warthogs live under natural conditions in matriarchal groups, bachelor groups and yearling groups. Just like all pig species do warthogs have a complex behaviour repertoire. The semi-wild warthog population at Kichwa Tembo Lodge, outside Masai Mara National Reserve, lives in a fenced area with access to food all over the year and is protected from predators. The aim of this study was to observe the male warthogs? mating behaviour and their hierarchy during the mating season.

Can increased activity recorded with help of activity monitoring sensor indicate an upcoming calving?

The purpose of this study was to find out if motion movements, e.g. number of lying bouts and lying time with a registered activity monitoring sensor can detect an impending calving and thereby be used as a measure and an indicator for an upcoming calving. For this, automatically step sensors were used and were attached to one of the cows? hind leg. The sensor registered the individual step and movement activity of the cow.

?Av kvinnor, för kvinnor. Fy fan!? En kvalitativ studie av hur sex svenska folkbibliotek integrerar jämställdhetsaspekter i sin användarorienterade verksamhet.

This master?s thesis investigates how six Swedish public libraries integrate equality aspects in their user oriented activity. The theoretical starting point for the study is that Sweden is a part of a gender system characterized by gender separation and male superiority, as described by the Swedish historian Yvonne Hirdman and theories that argue that femininity and masculinity are social constructions. Another starting point is that the library sphere cannot be separated from the gender inequality in society. Since the library is part of a gender system that value individuals who are seen as males and separates men and women, some of the library users may be neglected.

Flyktingars upplevelse kring traumatiska händelser

The purpose of this study was to gain insight into refuges experience of traumatic events such as torture, political persecution, war, natural disasters and other trauma. For the study used theories which, inter alia, deals with many of the refugees coming to Sweden is influenced by various psychological trauma and may be accompanied by torture, political persecution, war, natural disasters and other trauma. To this study, a survey with 40 participants, 17 women and 23 men. There was also an interview on the Internet with a refugees consultant within the Red Cross. The men had higher average than women in all the perceived problems.

Algoritm för automatiserad generering av metadata

Sveriges Radio sparar sin data i stora arkiv vilket gör det svårt att hitta specifik information. På grund av denna storlek blir uppgiften att hitta specifik information om händelser ett stort problem. För att lösa problemet krävs en mer konsekvent användning av metadata, därför har en undersökning om metadata och nyckelordsgenerering gjorts.Arbetet gick ut på att utveckla en algoritm som automatisk kan generera nyckelord från transkriberade radioprogram. Det ingick också i arbetet att göra en undersökning av tidigare arbeten för att se vilka system och algoritmer som kan användas för att generera nyckelord. Dessutom utvecklades en applikation som generar färdiga nyckelord som förslag till en användare.

Välfärd i ekologisk och konventionell grishållning :

Organic animal husbandry has received a lot of criticism lately. The aim of this literature review was to examine if the rules and principles of organic pig farming give better or worse welfare in comparison to the conventional systems in Sweden. Health, physiology and behaviour have been used as indicators of welfare in this study. This is due to the importance of using more than one indicator in welfare assessments. Studies have shown that organic pigs have more remarks on joints when slaughtered, but these remarks can be reduced by vaccination against erysipelas.

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