

2071 Uppsatser om National protectionism - Sida 58 av 139

Barns behov i centrum ? ett dokumenteringssystem som utvecklar socialtjänsten? : En studie i hur uppföljningarna av placerade barn har förändrats efter att Barns behov i centrum har införts

After repeated criticism of the social services about how they manage family care, the National Board of Health and Welfare decided to solve the problem by importing a model used in England (Integrated children's system). This was translated into Swedish conditions and named BBIC (Barns behov i centrum = Child?s needs at the center). Our study aims to investigate whether BBIC will contribute to more and more extensive follow-ups of children placed than before, with a focus on the child's best. This has been studied through qualitative interviews with six social workers who work with children investigations.

De nationella provens påverkan på det pedagogiska uppdraget : - en studie om lärares inställning till införandet av nationella prov i åk 3

Vid regeringsskiftet 2006 kom det att bli förändringar inom skolpolitiken och det blev startskottet för denna undersökning. Skolverket fick i uppdrag att utforma nya kunskapsmål att uppnå i ämnena matematik, svenska samt svenska som andra språk. Detta föregick införandet av nationella prov i årskurs tre. Syftet med undersökningen är att ta reda på grundskolelärares inställning till hur proven kan komma att påverka det pedagogiska uppdraget.Insamlandet av material har skett genom en enkät bestående av fasta svarsalternativ och det har getts möjligheten för skriftliga kommentarer.Resultatet visar att lärare anser att de nya problemformuleringarna är en vinst för elevernas kunskapsutveckling och inte proven i sig. De nationella proven ses som redskap att synliggöra elevernas kunskaper och till viss del kan de komma att ligga till grund för bedömningar av elevernas kunskapsutveckling..

De nationella provens påverkan på det pedagogiska uppdraget : - en studie om lärares inställning till införandet av nationella prov i åk 3

Vid regeringsskiftet 2006 kom det att bli förändringar inom skolpolitiken och det blev startskottet för denna undersökning. Skolverket fick i uppdrag att utforma nya kunskapsmål att uppnå i ämnena matematik, svenska samt svenska som andra språk. Detta föregick införandet av nationella prov i årskurs tre. Syftet med undersökningen är att ta reda på grundskolelärares inställning till hur proven kan komma att påverka det pedagogiska uppdraget.Insamlandet av material har skett genom en enkät bestående av fasta svarsalternativ och det har getts möjligheten för skriftliga kommentarer.Resultatet visar att lärare anser att de nya problemformuleringarna är en vinst för elevernas kunskapsutveckling och inte proven i sig. De nationella proven ses som redskap att synliggöra elevernas kunskaper och till viss del kan de komma att ligga till grund för bedömningar av elevernas kunskapsutveckling..

Sårbarheter i routrar och switchar

Det finns många olika källor där man kan få information om sårbarheter i routrar och switchar. Mängden information gör det dock svårt att på ett enkelt sätt ta reda på vilka tillverkare som drabbas och vilken typ av sårbarheter man hittar i nätverksutrustning. Därmed är det också svårt att veta hur man ska skydda sin utrustning mot attacker.I detta examensarbete analyseras ett antal befintliga sårbarheter i routrar och switchar. Dessa sårbarheter har valts ut genom att i National Vulnerability Database söka på orden ?router? och ?switch?.

Svensk Form : En studie om hur föreningen Svensk Form styrs i bakgrund av regeringens uppdrag och föreningens mål

Swedish design is known all over the world and is seen in national as well as in international arenas. There is only one design organization in Sweden that has the task to represent Swedish design in public. The organization is Swedish Form and it is the oldest design organization in the world. It has a huge influence in our society, within design and form. In the end of 1990 the association received its first government assignment, which still continues.

Att sälja ett beteende : En undersökning av en social marknadsföringskampanj

AbstractCommunication and information has become a large industry in today?s society. More and more organisations use these means as tools of influence. Non-profit organization?s campaigns, which aim to change a behavior, often have a political responsibility and it is therefore important that these are carefully planned and carried through.

Ensamkommande barn i vuxenlivet : en kartläggning om ensamkommande barns etablering i samhället

The paper aims to examine how well a small group unaccompanied children have established themselves in Swedish society. In order to determine how well they have established the empirical material which is primarily based on quantitative data has been measured with a theoretical model developed by the theorists Nancy Fraser and Alistair Ager and Alison Strang. Based on the theoretical framework the unaccompanied children establishments have been measured in example income, education, debts with Kronofogdemyndigheten and social network. It was found that the unaccompanied children had not achieved the establishment in the society that was expected from the theoretical framework. Their results were also generally below the national average for young adults in Sweden who are the same age.

Konstens dilemma : Hur ser politikerna på konstnärernas försörjning?

Politicians attract their voters by promising more jobs and investment in education, health and social care. Against this background, I wonder how the situation of artists will be affected by the followingquestions:? What political views on the artist's position in society appeared in propositions of Socialdemokraterna and Moderaterna?? In what way did these propositions influence the conditions of artists?? How have the artists of Värmland been affected by different (Socialdemokraterna and Moderaterna) cultural policies? With my investigation I find out more about the artists' conditions on a national level, but I also investigate the situation in Värmland. By examining policy proposals and reports, I learn more about the issues. I also conduct a survey and three in-depth interviews to obtain opinions from various sources.The respondents are the cultural departments of Värmland and representatives from cultural organizations.What is clear from my research is that politicians differ on some issues, especially those relating to commercialism and artist salaries.

Vägen ut - metadonpatientens sociala rehabilitering.

The purpose of the study was to examine what possibilities and obstacles, according to the personnel and patients in a methadone treatment, exist in the patient's social rehabilitation. How does the methadone treatment encourage the patient's social rehabilitation, what possibilities/obstacles are there according to personnel and patients? What does the patient see as important aspects of his/her social rehabilitation and what importance does the methadone have on the treatment? The results show that there are difficulties for patients to rebuild their life, find employment, start new social networks and get by with everyday tasks. The support from friends and family will simplify the patient's social rehabilitation, otherwise they get isolated and alone. Patients feel that they are fighting for a successful treatment so that they can have a relationship with friends and families again.

Läsförståelsekompetens. : En kvalitativ studie av några pojkars läsförståelse

AbstractThis essay concerns a qualitative case study seeking to understand six boys? reading habits and to investigate why it is that some boys who do not like reading nevertheless display good reading comprehension according to the results achieved for that skill in national tests. The study shows that the boys? perception of reading has a lot to do with the contact they have with books when they are small. Whether or not there are adult role models in the home and whether the early encounter with texts in school is a positive or negative experience is significant for the boys? later attitude to reading.

Revisionspliktens avskaffande : - En kvalitativ studie om påverkan på den ekonomiska brottsligheten och Skatteverkets arbete

Problemdiskussion: För 25 år sedan infördes revisionsplikt i Sverige för samtliga aktiebolag. Idag diskuteras huruvida den lagen ska avskaffas och vilka bolag som ska kunna avsäga sig revision.Syfte: Författarna vill utreda om en avskaffad revisionsplikt kan leda till en ökning av den ekonomiska brottsligheten, därtill hur denna lagförändring kan påverka Skatteverkets arbete att bekämpa den.Metod: En kvalitativ studie har genomförts. Där den empiriska datainsamlingen bygger på intervjuer med tre regionchefer på skattverket. Den övriga datainsamlingen har skett via Internet, litteratur och via databaser vid Örebro universitet.Slutsats: För att den ekonomiska brottsligheten ska öka som en följd av revisionspliktens avskaffande krävs det att företaget anser att nyttan att frånsäga sig revision är större än den hjälp revisorn bistår med idag. Många bedömer att företag i framtiden kommer att använda sig av frivillig revision eftersom deras intressenter kommer att kräva detta..

Anhöriga till spelberoende Vilket stöd och vilken hjälp kan socialtjänsten erbjuda

The aim of this essay was to examine what kind of help and support social services departement can offer gamblers and their relatives. We also want to examine what the relatives to the gamblers think about the help and support they have got from the social services departement. Central questions we asked were: What kind of help and support can social services department offer the gamblers and there relatives? What kind of help is there to get for children respectively adult relatives? Do the relatives consider that the social worker have enough knowledge about the problem? Do the social workers consider that they have enough knowledge about the problem? This is a qualitative study of three women relatives to the gamblers, three social workers and one specialist in this problem. We have delimited the study to one big city in Sweden.

Att skapa en digital samling: En kvalitativ studie kring de socialpolitiska faktorerna som rör KB:s val att inte använda DIGSAM i sin digitala verksamhet

This thesis purpose is to investigate the sociopolitical factors and causes that led to why KB chose not to use the criteria and guidelines for their digitization activities are described in DIGSAM. To do this I focused on three research questions;- What factors (internal / external) led to the decision not to use the criteria guidelines for digitization, which is described in the policy document DIGSAM and what arguments and opinions formed the basis for the decision.- What is the Library's digitization activities, the factors, criteria and guidelines governing activity in the current situation? - Will KB's choice not to use DIGSAM as a whole in their digitization activities affect national library's role as a beacon for the Swedish libraries digital work? In what way and why? In order to answer these questions I interviewed three of KB:s librarians who had extensive knowledge of digitization and DIGSAM. I chose to also use a pilotstudy that was conducted at KB in the of spring 2010. The idea was to use this material as a basis to build on.As a theoretical framework, I chose to use a socio-political theory of Ingrid Mason.

Grammar teaching - to be or not to be, that is the question : En kvalitativ studie om grammatikundervisningens plats i språkundervisning i grundskolans tidigare år

???This research traces the trajectory of those methods of teaching grammar that five different teachers in Swedish from Stockholm municipality use in their practice. ?Their both constructive and negative attitudes towards grammar were in fokus when looking after the connection between their own experience of learning/teaching native language grammar and the methods that they are actually using in their own classes. I was trying to gain knowledge and achieve the purpose of this research by means of a qualitativ method.

Korruption i Bosnien och Hercegovina

Since the war ended in Bosnia and Herzegovina in1995 the country's economic and political crisies has grown dramatically. As in so many other Post-communist states the corruption has become a large problem for the whole society. The ethnic entities in which Bosnia is divided makes it possible for the national parties to operate and rule the same political propaganda that was the result of the war in the first place. However the international forces like the EU and the USA have made this kind of no non-centralised governmentship possible through the Dayton peace agreement, according to many experts this has to change in the constitution by any means possible if Bosnia will have a future. By the thesis of Professor Susan Rose-Ackerman the theoretical analysing tool should be followed for the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

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