

2071 Uppsatser om National protectionism - Sida 56 av 139

Barns inflytande i förskolan : Förskollärarens didaktiska val

The aim of the current study was to examine the radical right-wing sympathizers in Sweden. To fulfill this aim, a quantitative case study on Sweden Democrats sympathizers was conducted. More specifically, this study has examined socio-economic backgrounds and political attitudes of the Sweden Democrat sympathizers. The results show that sympathizers of Sweden Democrats are higher among younger people and men. The results also show a higher support for Sweden Democrats among people with lower education and low income that also live in small towns and in the countryside.

Skogens produktionsvärden och dess betydelse för Sveriges ekonomi

The forest is characterized by many different values such as those related to forest productivity which are of a big importance for Swedish economy. History has proved that forest resources had helped the country in the transition from the agricultural to the industrial society. Today Swedish forest industry is among the strongest in Europe and significantly contributing to the Swedish export. The industry provides many direct and indirect job opportunities and is one of the biggest employers in the industry sector. It is also worth to notice that the forest can also generate an additional income for the owners, even if the forestry isn?t their primary income source.

Har muren fallit? En studie av policynätverk inom infrastrukturprocessen i Skåne

The creation of Region Skåne, and the transfer of the development responsibility from the national administrative country board (Länsstyrelsen) has given the state new challenges. New structures have grown between Region and State, and also between different municipalities. These can be characterized as Policy-networks, and the goal of this study is to analyze the planning process of the regional infrastructure with these theories.This is a qualitative study of the infrastructure process in Skåne, and the actors that acts within this process. It has been studied with the eyes of the theories of Governance and Policy-networks. The main method to collect material has been through interviews with different actors within the process, and very little written material has been used.

Innehållsliga och språkliga kvaliteter i relation till betygen : En studie av elevtexter i nationella provet i svenska för årskurs 9

The assessing of student texts is an ordinary and important task for teachers, and the purpose of this study is to investigate, analyze and discuss which aspects of writing that particularly have an effect on the assessment of the student texts. The aspects in focus are: contents, genre, text length, paragraphing, sentence structure and choice of words.The data is drawn from six texts in the national test in Swedish for the 9th grade. Thetexts are analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively regarding contents as well as language.The results show that the qualities of language influence the assessment more than the qualities of contents. Both word variation index and the number of long words increase in relation to raising marks. Uncommon words are also more frequent in texts which receive higher marks.

Spelet mellan Trollhättan och Rüsselsheim. En fallstudie om globaliseringens påverkan på fackföreningar.

AbstractGlobalisation has lead to changes on many levels of our society; -industrial, technological, and corporate to name a few. This is an ongoing process which affects the society we live in today. The process is affecting the working-conditions for everyone through the changes of the relations on the working market. The unions have enjoyed a very special role in Sweden for a long time, but that role is now affected by these changes. The relationship between state and unions is changing, and the unions? influence in politics is decreasing.

En studie om en kapitalförvaltares skapande och bibehållande av kunder genom mervärde

The aim of this paper is to see if Sweden has implemented the recommendations and taken notice of the guidelines for employment that the Commission and Council set up every year and from this see the role of the Commission and Council for the national employment politics. The years that I focused on in the paper are year 2000- 2004. The method that is used is a case study research that is exploratory and explanatory. The theoretical starting points are theories about delegation, cooperation and a variation of control and autonomy. This is recognized in the Principal- Agent theory and the Principal- Supervisor-Agent model.

Med fokus på fredssoldatens barn : En småskalig studie av hur barn och familj hanterat situationen i samband med en förälders utlandstjänst

The purpose of this essay was to study the family situation in connection to the absence of one parent due to participation in international peacekeeping and peace enforcement operations. Focus was on the temporarily absent parent's point of view. The study was based on five interviews with parents shortly after their returning home. The main questions has been how the parent described the child-parent relationship before, during and after the absence; the children's experience during this time according to the parent and the family's adjusting to and coping with the situation. Conclusions made from the study show that with a good stabile child-parent relationship and good parenting skills of both parents the families in this study were successful in coping with the situation.

Normkritisk kunskap inom socialtjänsten? : En studie om transsexualism och socialtjänsten

In light of health scandals and intense debate in the media about the elderly, the authors investigates two Swedish newspaper and their depiction of elder care in Sweden. Using Faircloughs three-dimensional model and critical discourse analysis, it is investigated if there is a more prominent discourse and if so the impact of globalization on this discourse concerning swedish elderly care. A sample of a total of ten articles in the Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter is analyzed. The authors found that older people who are granted home help or place of accommodation rarely make their voices heard. Rarely were also relatives of residents given the opportunity to speak.

Att vara elev på en resursskola : Barns uppfattningar och erfarenheter av sin skolgång

I carried out six interviews in a "resource-school". The pupils were between ten and fifteen years old and they were all boys with a conduct disorder. The purpose of my study was to find out how the pupils experience school and with that starting point I wanted to contribute to the understanding and the importance of the "resource-school" for the pupils' development. My main questions have been to investigate what the pupils recall from their earlier schools, what they consider to be the difference between their current school and earlier schools, why do they attend this school, do they see it like a punishment or a possibility and how do they see their future.One conclusion I got to in my study was the pupils' relation to the staff. Here they found reliable grown ups with whom they created a positive relation to, which gave them better possiblities to develop and grow stronger.

Invandrares möjligheter till samhällsorientering? : Implementering av samhällsorientering inom Kalmar län

This study examines implementation from national law in to local practice in the district of Kalmar to assure newly arrived immigrants orientation in civics. The study takes its starting point in Lipskys theory about street-level bureaucracy.  Questions that are discussed are about how  the education is understood by refugee?s coordinators, civic communicators and the new immigrates, how the organization has been and what role the demography and economic structures has played for the organization. It is a case study where interviews and enquete has been used.

Upplevelser av nedsatt sväljningsförmåga hos personer med dysfagi till följd av stroke

Stroke is one of the most common diseases in Sweden and the third most common cause of death (National guidelines concerning stroke, 2000). Dysphagia is a common problem for stroke patients with almost 50 percent of patients suffering from severe swallowing dysfunction (Axelsson, Asplund, Norberg & Eriksson, 1989). The purpose of this study was to investigate how stroke patients with dysphagia experience their swallowing disorders. The method used was a qualitative literature study. An analysis of content was carried out using ideas and inspiration from Graneheim and Lundman (2003).

Försäkringskassans förnyelsearbete - en studie av organisatoriskt lärande vid förändringsarbete

The Swedish government corporation Försäkringskassan is currently undergoing large organizational changes. Modifications are made regarding the national insurance system and work procedures. In this study we have investigated the procedures of change with the aim of identifying which pedagogical processes in work procedures that enables organizational learning. Furthermore, the study aimed at gaining insight of how the work procedures enable organizational learning in a learning organization. We have utilized case study tradition to examine specific occurrences in their natural environment to thereby understand the matter of investigation.

"Han har blivit en man, för det är ju väldigt manligt att klättra i berg" : En kvalitativ studie av ett behandlingshem med inriktning på äventyr

The purpose of this study was to examine why adventure treatment is mainly directed towards young men and how that can be related to the construction of masculinity.Our questions were:- What were the social workers thoughts and images about masculinity?- Why did they think adventure treatment were suitable for young men and for what reasons?- How did the social workers describe their role as treatment providers?This study was a qualitative study that was based on six interviews as well as observations. We tried to find patterns and deviations in our empirical material. Then we connected them with previous research and theories. The social workers described the typical client as a competitive kind of person, interested in physical activities and with boyish manners.

Medias bild av socialtjänsten : En kritisk diskursanalys av tidningsartiklar

The purpose of this study was to examine the discourses that can be identified in medias representation of social services. To answer the purpose we made a critical discourse analysis using Faircloughs three-dimensional model. The choice to focus our study on a local newspaper was based on earlier research that found it possible that a local paper has a greater impact on readers than a national newspaper. Readers can more easily connect with what's happening in the immediate environment than what is written nationally. We used articles published in 2013 containing ?social services?.

Musiken och folkbiblioteket: en studie av musikverksamheten på folkbiblioteken i Borås Stad

The purpose of the master thesis was to reflect and analyze music library activities and policies in the public libraries in the area around the city of Borås, in the south-western part of Sweden. With this thesis I also wanted to look at the interaction between the public libraries, the music school and the music associations in the same area. To investigate these matters, qualitative method was used in the form of interviews with seven librarians from seven different libraries and five representatives of different local music organizations. Other methods used were observations and source studies. The literature used discusses the role of the music department of public libraries as well as that of a music librarian working in a public library.

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