

2071 Uppsatser om National protectionism - Sida 51 av 139

Bankfonder : En jämförande studie av Sveriges fyra storbanker

The main purpose of the study is to investigate Sweden's four large banks, concerningrisk and return, to see if there are any differences between them. The paper will alsoinvestigate the following sub sections: are there any differences in how the banks havesucceeded in managing geographically targeted funds and if there are any differencesin how funds are performing according to the fund size.The study is based on a quantitative method and has a deductive approach. Theselection consists of all of the four banks Swedish and Nordic funds (according tomorningstar.se 's categories "Sverige" and "Norden"). The study is based on secondarydata gathered from sources such as Morningstar, Affärsvärlden, Dagens Industri andthe Swedish National Banks websites.Swedbank Robur has performed the highest results in the case of Swedish funds.Handelsbanken has performed the highest results in the case of Nordic funds and thetotal of all funds that are in the study. Based on the results of the study it was possibleto distinguish a link between fund size and the annual return. .

Litteraturhistoria i Gymnasiet : En undersökning över hur nationalitet skapas i läromedel och hur det förhåller sig till läroplanen för Svenska i gymnasiet

This essay discusses the problem of literary history in the Swedish school system. The aim of the essay is to discuss whether the textbook, Den Levande litteraturen, in literary history for Swedish high school students measures up to the demands of the curriculum in terms of obtaining knowledge about international literature and the historical and cultural framework that surrounds it. The essay establishes a theoretical framework that is used to distinguish the discourse that permeates the textbook and how it affects the means of sustaining the curriculum and the problems it may create.The textbook is broken down chronologically and analyzed showing quotes that points towards national and orientalistic discourses which in turn are discussed put in relation to the curriculum and the effects that these discourses might have on education in Swedish and literary history.This is in turn problematized with the current theories regarding comparative literary history..

Caligula och den Aggressiva Pojken : En diskursanalys av Skolverkets utsagor kringlärare och elever som mobbar

The aim of this study was to analyze discursive patterns in publications and attitude researches on bullying published by The Swedish National Agency for Education. The focus was largely on whether there is a pattern in the narration of how teachers and pupils are portrayed as perpetrators in a situation where bullying occurs. The empirical material of the study was acquired by use of a qualitative method where publications published between the years of 2002 and 2014 were selected. Dictums concerning teachers and pupils as bullies have been compared and surveyed where differences in how they were depicted was the object of analysis. To enable such a study, Foucault's theories on discourse and power were applied on the empirical material in the analysis.The result shows that bullying in general almost always refers to the pupil as the perpetrator while teachers are under-represented in the same context.

Myndigheternas medier : En studie av svenska myndigheters nya medieanvändning

The purpose of this thesis was to study a selection of Swedish government agencies and their usage of new media to convey information. We thought that the relationship between government agencies and the media should be addressed. This because of the current transitional period between traditional and new media. We have studied five different Swedish government agencies; Swedish Armed Forces, Swedish Tax Agency, Swedish National Institute of Public Health, Trafikverket and Sida.We used a qualitive content analysis and analyzed their homepages on the basis of six different criteria. In addition to this we studied their presence on external social communities and how the government agencies comply with the requirements of their communicative efforts.The study shows that the government agencies? media usage varies.

En valaffisch säger mer än tusen politiker : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av Sverigedemokraternas och Feministiskt Initiativs valaffischer i valet till Sveriges riksdag 2014

The purpose of this paper is to compare the content and political message in the election posters of the political parties Sverigedemokraterna and Feministiskt Initiativ. This is achieved through a qualitative content analysis combined with text and rhetorical analysis as well as semiotics. Out of all the election posters from Sverigedemokraterna and Feministiskt Initiativ with national spread, eight were analyzed. The conclusions of this analysis are that both political parties prefer posters with high text content with the main purpose of gathering votes, and that persons were used as motives with the objective to present the party representatives and strengthen their perceived ethos..

På väg mot flerstämmighet : Svenskämnet och medialiseringen

Abstract The use of electronic media plays an important part in the life of youth and especially Internet and mobile phones are important in the social and cultural networks of youth. The first step of this thesis is to examine the ICT-based activities of upper secondary school students through an online survey. The second step is to examine what didactic implications can be derived from the ICT-based activities in the subject of Swedish. Results from this survey and national and international research show that young people spend the majority of their leisure time on the Internet. The result also shows that media activities displace other school related activities such as traditional reading and writing.

Vad är NARCONON? : Synen på behandling inom ramen för en religiös ideologi

The purpose of this essay was to describe the opinions of different religious and non-religious ideologies and aspects of treatment, concerning use of drugs and drugsaddiction, and with a special focus at Narconon. We also wanted to try to understand the connection between professionalism and ideology in their treatment.Our central questions where;· How does the treatment Narconon's provides, look like?· What is Narconon's opinion on use of drugs and drugaddiction?· What is Narconon's connection to the Scientology?· Is there any scientific proof that Narconon's treatment is functioning?· How can we understand the connection between professionalism and ideology in treatment?We made intervjues with six social workers and six intervjues with staff at Narconon. Added to the intervjues, we studied articles and Internet research.From our work and through information we have got from Narconon, we have discovered the need of further research concerning their treatment. Narconon does continuous following-ups when the treatment is finished.

Debatten om det kommunala självstyret 1978 och 1998. En analys av en tillsynes odödlig debatt.

In this essay I will look at the independence of the Swedish municipalities. By looking at articles for the biggest journal in Sweden on this subject Kommun aktuellt I will look at the discussion for the years of 1978 and 1998 to see if one can draw some parallels in the debate and see if some subjects are always returning in the agenda for the independence. The autonomy of the Swedish municipalities is a very important part of the Swedish welfare model. The municipalities handles for example both the primary schools and the social welfare services. Both these institutions are money draining and the municipals right by law to claim local tax does far from all the time cover its expenses.

Reumatoid artrit hos kvinnor. En litteraturstudie om kvinnliga patienters upplevelser av att leva med reumatoid artrit.

One of the bigger national diseases that belongs to the field of rheumatology is rheumatoid arthritis and it is three to four times more usual among women. The purpose of this study was to describe female patients' experience of living with rheumatoid arthritis. The method, was a review of the literature with eight articles accomplished the criteria for scientific quality done in the accordance to Polit, Beck & Hungler (2001) and are the bases to the conclusions of this study. The result shows five main themes and ten sub themes that illuminate the female patient's experience of living with rheumatoid arthritis. The main themes are: a) the pain, b) the development, c) the relation, d) the well-being and e) the future.

Tjackhoran - finns hon? : en studie av föreställningar om den amfetaminmissbrukande kvinnan

The object of this study is the female user of amphetamines and the characteristica which she is often described by. Many of these descriptions regard the female amphetamine user's sexuality which also have come to form the assumption that these women make a living from having sexual relations with men in exchange of drugs.In order to be able to draw any kind of conclusions regarding this, we found it necessary to investigate how the stereotypical female user of amphetamines makes a living and also whether it is possible for a female drug user to decide for her self how to support her habit.The disposition is a qualitative study of literature and the perspectives that we focused on in this study are gender roles, relationships and sexuality, criminality and finally the drug using woman as a victim. The theories used deal with social constructivism, respectability and shame.The main discussion of our study has been how women amphetamine users are moulded to become victims through interaction with other people but also with the society as a whole..

Vinster med björkinblandning i granbestånd i syfte att höja markens pH-värde

The soil acidification and the pH-value of the soil have been discussed for many years. Many observations of the tree species effects on the soil pH have been done. We have discussed the effects on the soil surface pH-value with a birch (Betula spp. L.) admixture in Norway spruce stands (Picea abies L.).We have used data from the Swedish National Forest Inventory. We have also discussed how the wood production and the biodiversity can be increased in mixed stands, in according to the Swedish forestry act Skogsvårdslagen. Our sampling areas are located in Norrland, Sweden. The results show a significant correlation between an increased birch admixture and an increased pH-value of the soil.

Jag trivs bäst när havet svallar, och måsarna ger skri : En textanalytisk studie av biologisk mångfald i läroböcker

Biological diversity is one out of four dimensions, characterizing the subject of Biology ac-cording to the school curriculum. As a concept, biological diversity had its break through at the UN environmental conference in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, where the convention about bio-logical diversity, named CBD, was signed. According to the convention, almost all the na-tions of the world have engaged themselves to preserve the national diversity of species, in-cluding the diversity of genetics and ecological systems.This thesis focuses the biological diversity from the perspective of school books. The aim is to find out how the biological diversity is presented in biology books for students aged 12-15 years.In 1994, the current Swedish secondary and high school curriculum called LPO-94 was pre-sented. The biology books used in this study were published between 1994 and 2007, all of them exist in many editions and are published by three different publishers.The conclusion of the study is that all the biology books that were examined have reached different levels of the development in the field of biological diversity..

Kris: hur, när och vem får hjälp?

Our surroundings are currently vulnerable. People can not know when or how to expect nor prepare for a disaster or an accident. The purpose of this essay was to perform a study of the organization and accessibility of psychological and social support in a crisis situation within the community of Lund.To be able to carry out this study we put up a couple of questions that we hoped would guide us, for example; how do the community prepare and set up the service for people in need of support in connection to a crisis situation? As a method we have used qualitative interviews and literature.The results of our study have shown a discrepancy between the ways the community organizes their service for people in a crisis situation caused either by a catastrophe or an untimely death. In case of an untimely death, ordinary resources are estimated to be sufficient while in case of a catastrophe, extraordinary resources are required.

detection and quantification of almond (Prunus dulcis) in food with ELISA

Reliable methods to analyze food for the presence of almond are important ? not only for those allergic to almond, but also for monitoring the compliance with labelling regulations (EG directive 2003/89). Until now the Swedish National Food Administration has used methods like rocket immunoelectrophoresis and real-time PCR to detect almond in food. These methods are, however, not sensitive enough for protecting the most sensitive individuals. Therefore, the performance of a commercial ELISA kit was tested with regard to specificity/cross reactivity and limit of detection for almond both in solution and in different matrixes.The limit of quantitation was at least 3,1 ppm (mg/kg) in solution and similar concentrations were measured in bisquits and chocolate.

Kulturell Globalisering : en litteraturstudie

Today we are living in a time were impulses from other places and cultures constantly grow and the contact over the boundary is getting bigger. We se satellites pictures over the world, we hear about worldwide ecological problems, we learn about other different lifestyles, we cock food that are inspired from the worlds many kitchens, we shop more and we can travel to different parts of the world. My problem was to find out how cultural phenomenon spreads to a greater extent global and how this transference take place, but also be able to se what factors that has a part in the cultural spread.What I found with help from my literature study was that trough improved communication and transports has gained mobility in the world and people can take part off others culture.The world is shrinking and this means that human beings identity is changing and this create a so-called hybrid mixture. Culture is what we human beings create. Culture can be seen as a community phenomenon for the most parts.

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