

2071 Uppsatser om National protectionism - Sida 44 av 139

Resande i tjänsten och dess effekter på arbetstagaren

Due to a globalised world business travel is flourishing. This paper examines how middle level executives, travelling a lot in their work at a multi-national company, feel about their travel. It looks for links between business travel and work satisfaction among them. A short presentation of the patterns of business travel and relevant motivational and stress theories is given. Data for the paper is collected using a survey (78 participants) and interviews.

"Som politiker ska man vara noga med att inte lägga sig i"- Om politisk påverkan i socialt arbete

This study is about the perception of politics in social work. The aim of the study was to seehow people working with social work in municipalities describe their perception of how politicsaffect their work. The study was conducted in two municipalities in middle Sweden,which had a transfer of power in the 2006 election. Six people; two social workers, two executivedirectors and two politicians was interviewed about their perceptions about politics, ifthe ideological direction of the municipal matters, and how politics effect social work and theorganization. As analyze method organizational theory with focus on change and power wereused.

Bosnien en studie av OHR statsbyggande

This essay examines the international communitys intervention in Bosnia. The purpuse i to give the reader a deaper understanding of the problems appeared in re-building the bosnianstate. Office of the higher representive (OHR), was to become the koordinator of therecontruction of the institutions and governance. The theory used fore the examination isstate-building, whith an alingnment of state-building trough the international community.The second part of the essay examine the ideas of the High representive (HR) trough threedifferent dimensions. The idea-analysies search to present the core of ideas of OHR, nationalparties and the reconstuction of media.

Hållbara transporter : Överföring från väg till järnväg

Road transports stand for a great part of Sweden?s total CO2-emissions. Transports are expected to increase over the coming years, and with those the emissions. A greater environmental awareness leads to increased demands for environmentally friendly transport. The aim of this thesis is to study the consequences of changing transportation modes from road to railway.

En studie om elever i årskurs nio, identitet, ungdomskultur och prövandet av narkotika

The purpose of our study was to look at the connection between theories, research work and concepts when it comes to teenagers and the testing of drugs. The theories we have used are Erikssons development theory, psychoanalysis and labelling theory. Concepts that we focused on for our study were youthculture, the search for identity and the testing of drugs. We did this by asking students, in ninth grade, to fill in questionnaire and interviews.Teenagers find themselves in a confusing stage in life and in a search for their identities they test many different things. The youthculture can be a contributing factor to them testing drugs.

Ett fönster in till den stora biblioteksvärlden : en uppsats om GÖK-projeket, med tyngdpunkt på Linnestadens bibliotek i Göteborg

This master's thesis deals with the public library project called the GÖK-project, whichconcerned three Swedish public libraries: Linnestaden (Göteborg), Örnskoldsvik and Kalmar.The general outlines for the project were: reconsideration of the conception of the literaryquality, improvement of the library services, adjustment to the library user and reconsiderationof the conception of adult education to the public libraries of the 90s. The projectcaused a big national debate with effort put on the conception of the literary quality.The topic of this master's thesis is partly the GÖK-project and its general outlines, partly theaccomplishment of the project, the main point put on the public library in Linnestaden(Göteborg)..

Drogförebyggande arbete riktat mot barn och ungdom : Vad som görs i skola och kommun i två kommuner i Skåne

This paper is about drug prevention. In my paper the aim is to examine when, where and how the drug prevention work, by law, is being realized, on local levels, in school and municipality, towards youth.My central questions are among others: What does it imply, how the municipality and school value the drug prevention work?, Which prevention programs do the municipality and school use? and Does the drug prevention work give any results? The method I've been using is qualitative interviews and studies of literature and research.The main results I gained with my studie are, that the work of politicians is not in phase with the development in society. And in spite of the fact that drug prevention programs are used, the young ones are using drugs and alcohol more than ever..

Securitization as An Alternative Tool of Financing Student Loans ? A Case Study for CSN

The purpose of the study is to highlight the issue of student loans securitization, and assure the importance and benefits that could be realized by performing such a transaction. The methodology is a case study for The National Board of Student Aid. It is a qualitative study, mainly using interviews, literature and scientific articles. By using this information we construct a securitization transaction structure ?CSN 2006-1?, and conduct a cost/benefit analysis.

Proveniensprincipen i den verksamhetsbaserade arkivredovisningen

In this essay I seek to examine how the Principle of Provenance can be discerned in the new activity-based wayof establishing an archival description. In which terms do authors of reports and works about archival descriptionspeak about provenance. Do they at all?In order to do so I have studied the history of the Principle of Provenance and what is to be its future ? theregulation from the Swedish National Archives, RA-FS 2008:4. I have also read the referrel that was sent out toSwedish authorities, universities and other archival institutions.

Underhållsbehandling ur socialtjänstens perspektiv

The aim of the study was to get a deeper understanding of how social workers at the welfare office think and act when it comes to methadone or buprenorphine treatment. What role does the welfare office take when it comes to methadone- or buprenorphine treatment, what does the welfare office think about this form of treatment, what possibilities does the welfare office have when it comes to decide the selection to this kind of treatment and what consideration does the welfare office take to the separate individuals demands when it comes to methadone- or buprenorphine treatment. The study is done in the perspective of society as a social construction. The method that was used was qualitative interviews with professionals at the welfare office and professionals at the reception of methadone- and buprenorphine treatment. The result of the study is that the attitude towards methadone- and buprenorphine treatment is complicated and the opinions are partly divided..

Regionkontor i Bryssel, En studie om regionala mål, medel och samarbeten i den europeiska sfären

The base for the study is laid during an internship at a regional office in Brussels. The study initially concentrates on the function and activities of different regional offices located in Brussels, in order to answer the core question.The main focus is to reveal an eventual change of cooperation patterns between different regional offices, and in particular the eventual redirection away from a main cooperation between offices deriving from the same national state.Through an empirical material, based on a series of interviews, an analysis is made using three hypotheses concerning the patterns of cooperation among regional offices.The notion of a coming change stated by, in particular, two older studies is used as a theoretical steppingstone with the conclusion that a change, in the way offices collaborate, has taken place..

På bredden, på djupet eller både och? : En studie av exhaustivity och musikvetenskapliga monografier i LIBRIS

This thesis contains an empirical study of exhaustivity in the Swedish National Union Catalogue LIBRIS. The purpose of the study is to examine if fewer numbers of indexing terms in general lead to lower exhaustivity. The study contains two parts, the first part examine the mean of indexing terms per monography in the selection, the second examines the grade of exhaustivity within three groups with a low, moderate or high number of indexing terms. The 55 randomly selected titles were graded on a scale that was created from the indexing theories of Wilfrid F. Lancaster.

Ungdomsvåld : Ungdomars föreställningar om ungdomsvåld och dess orsaker

The purpose of this essay was to examine teenager's views on violence among young people.Our main questions were: What kind of views on violence among young people do teenager's have? What do teenager's think about what causes violence among young people? In what way does scientific knowledge confirm young people's views about what causes violence among young people?To answer these questions we designed a questionnaire which we distributed in three 8th grade classes. We also interviewed five teenagers about violence among young people, to get a deeper knowledge about their views.The results of this study show that the teenagers think that violence among young people has increased and that the violence mostly appears between different groups of young people. The teenagers also think violence among young people as a phenomena due to different kind of reasons..

Borde Sverige gå från ett spelmonol till ett licenssystem gällande EMV lotterier? : En kostnadsnyttoanalys

The gambling industry goes from a national matter towards an international market. Since more and more members of EU does liberalise the gambling reforms and introduces a license system more participants will get an EU license for online gambling. With an EU license it is difficult for members of the EU to refuse a company to offer a gambling supply on the Internet if they don?t have an open license system. This paper tries to acknowledge the problem regarding the monopoly Sweden has today and calculate the effect if Sweden would move to a license system regarding online gambling by doing a cost benefit analysis.

Utvärdering av den nationella söktjänsten LIBRIS

LIBRIS is a national library search engine offering information about 6 million books, articles, dissertations and other materials held by Swedish university libraries, research libraries and public libraries. In December 2007 a new version of LIBRIS was launched, developed with focus on usability, simplicity and accessibility. This thesis examines how the new LIBRIS is used, what is working well and what could be improved and also what the users think of LIBRIS. The following report is based partly on a study of usability and partly on a series of tests where librarians, scientists, students and developers have executed a number of tasks while thinking aloud. The users also participated in an interview.

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