316 Uppsatser om Nation - Sida 3 av 22
En riktig kvinna En studie om traditionell kvinnlig genusidentitet, vad som befäster den samt kvinnans roll inom staten och nationen
This thesis is an attempt to understand how the traditional female gender identity is constructed and what kind of structures that are maintaining it. I also study how this identity is reflected in young women's conception of themselves and in their views upon whether they should sign in to the military service or not.The theoretical framework that I use mainly consists of theories about gender construction, male dominance and the woman's role in the Nation-state.The purpose of using this theoretical approach is to illustrate that the traditional female gender identity consists of characteristics that are in opposition to the male ones. The woman should be weaker, less aggressive and more caretaking than men- in sum she is defined as the Other. The structures that constructs this identity is the male dominance, also known as the gender system and the patriarchy.This traditional female gender identity and citizenship role that historically has been allotted to women in the Nation-state is still today very vivant in Sweden and is reflected in the fact that the military service is optional for women. Certain parts of this identity is also reflected in the young women that I interview, in their sense of probably not fitting in to the military service, because of their sex and the characteristics discussed above, that are associated with it..
Konceptbyte på Värmlands nation : Projekthantering och organisationsstruktur vid en studentnation i Uppsala
Studentorganisationen Värmlands Nation i Uppsala genomdrev under våren och sommaren 2006 ett konceptbyte på sin dansklubb. Initiativet togs av Nationsledningen, men genomförandet skedde i form av ett självständigt projekt drivet av projektanställda Nationsmedlemmar. Den här uppsatsen studerar hur Nationens ideella organisationsstruktur har påverkat projektarbetet. Detta görs främst genom intervjuer med berörda individer inom både Nationen och projektet. Uppsatsen utgår från organisationsteori av Henry Mintzberg och projektteori av Anders Marttala, Kjell Nordberg och Anders Blomé.Värmlands Nations organisationsform kännetecknas av ideella drivkrafter, informell kommunikation och att många olika individers diversifierade insatser resulterar i en mångfasetterad och stundtals svåröverblickbar helhet.
Varumärket Sverige : En fallstudie om hur VisitSweden arbetar med varumärket Sverige mot internationella turister
Syftet med denna fallstudie är att undersöka på vilket sätt VisitSweden arbetar med Sveriges varumärke mot interNationella turister och besökare, samt hur de samarbetar med besöksnäringen för att stärka varumärket Sverige. Metodmässigt har vi genomfört en fallstudie på VisitSweden vars uppdrag är att marknadsföra Sverige till interNationella turister och besökare. Vi har genomfört kvalitativa intervjuer med marknadschefen på VisitSweden och aktörer i besöksnäringen. Fallstudien visar att VisitSweden i samarbete med NSU (Nämnden för Sverigefrämjande i Utlandet) arbetar med en strategi för Nation branding. Detta för att stärka Sverigebilden.
Svenska och finländska komsumenters attityder gentemot PIIGS-länderna : En studie om Country of origin
Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka de attityder som svenska och finländska konsumenter har beträffande ursprungslandsinformation, i synnerhet bilden av PIIGS-länderna. Teorierna i uppsatsen utgår ifrån Country of origin och dess effekter samt från tidigare forskning.Uppsatsen har en kvantitativ ansats där en enkätundersökning och statistiska beräkningar utförts. Slutsatserna i denna uppsats är att de svenska och finländska konsumenterna generellt inte tar hänsyn till ursprungslandsinformation. De påvisar även negativa attityder gentemotPIIGS-länderna gällande tillförlitlighet och produktkvalité i jämförelse med deras hemländer..
Bilder av Sverige i Italien
Title: Images of Sweden in ItalyNumber of pages: 5252 (589 including enclosures)Author: Oskar GustafssonTutor: Martin NilssonCourse: Political Science C level ? Bachelor?s ThesisPeriod: Spring term 2010University: School of Social SciencesLinnaeus UniversityPurpose/Aim: The purpose of my research study is to, through the use of political science theories on soft power and marketing theories about Nation branding and in comparison to previous studies on the image of Sweden in Italy, gains a better understanding of the image of Sweden in Italy, with special focus on National political institutions and young Italians.Method: The method of analysis is a combiNation of qualitative methods: interviews where information about the image of Sweden amongst National political institutions were gathered and a survey where information was gathered about the image of Sweden amongst young Italians.Main results: On the basis of the results I have gained it can be concluded that a positive and well informed image of Sweden emerges when it comes to cultural and social factors but a more restricted and somewhat negative image come to light when asking National political institutions and young citizens in Italy about their views and knowledge on Swedish domestic and interNational politics and economics.Keywords: Soft power, Public Diplomacy, Nation Branding, Images of Sweden, Italy..
Ainu-urbefolkning eller endast kultur?
The aim of this thesis has been to analyze and interpret several different discourses in Japan and from the findings see how the Ainu people and their existence in Japan have been defined in today's Japan and in who's interest it is to keep it this way. My findings was that the Japanese Nation in all channels of society are reinforcing and perpetuating the belief that it constitutes an ethnically homogenous Nation and that there exists no ethnic problems in the country. I found that schoolbooks don?t give adequate information about the Ainu people and its history, and the Japanese press is reinforcing the status quo by their selective silence and limited coverage on issues concerning the Ainu. The government has defined and legitimized the problem of Ainu within the framework of culture and tradition.
Lustfylld gård : en omgestaltning av Gästrike-Hälsinge nations gård i Uppsala
Gästrike-Hälsinge Nation firar sitt 200 års jubileum år 2011 och till dess är det tänkt att gården kring Nationshuset ska rustas upp och få en ny utformning. Eftersom många gamla medlemmar kommer att närvara vid jubileet är det viktigt att gården är representativ och välhållen. Idag är gården sliten och i behov av en upprustning.
Anledningen till att en ny utformning behövs är att gården idag är väldigt sliten samt i stort behov av en upprustning. Den ursprungliga tanken med den gestaltning som finns framgår inte. Eftersom ett jubileum är nära förestående är det viktigt att gården är representativ och snygg vid detta tillfälle.
Skötselplanen är till för att underlätta för Nationen att ta hand om gården på ett sätt som gör att gestaltningen framgår och att gården ser välhållen ut.
Att vara eller inte vara? Nationalstatens Roll i en Globaliserad Värld
Globalization is one of the most popular catchphrases in the interNational relations debate today. Globalization is a complex concept with as many definitions as authors. National borders or jurisdictions do not control the phenomenon, instead, it is moving without restraints from region to region. Is this a threat to the sovereignty of Nation-state and an end of the system of Westphalia? Does the globalization undermine the Nation-state by increased factor-mobility, less tax revenue and participations multilateral co-operations, as the globalists think? Or is it strengthens its importance by offering better allocation of resources through free and healthy competition, as the skeptics believe.The aim of this thesis is to analyze theories of globalization by applying them on Sweden and the Netherlands.
Att marknadsföra ett företag med hjälp av nationalitet : En studie i hur marknadsföring och varumärkesbyggande med fokus på nationalitet fungerar och uppfattas
AbstractTitle: To Market a Company with the Help of Nationality ? A study in how marketing and branding works and is being perceived when it focuses on NationalityAuthor: Frida HanssonSubject: Media and Communication Studies CPeriod: Fall semester 2010Length: 38 pagesTutor: Else NygrenAim: Companies and various corporations are always on the hunt for the next big thing in marketing. One idea to market themselves and give them a chance to separate themselves from the cluster of companies aspiring to take your costumers away could be to market themselves with Nationality. To investigate why and how some company?s chose to market themselves with Nationality, and also study how this kind of marketing is being perceived by customers and non ?costumers.
Sydafrikansk film som national cinema : En jämförande analys av ett forskningsfält
The purpose of this essay is to study the film culture in South Africa in a National cinema-context, focusing on the relationship between anti-apartheid film from 1974-1994 and the film in South Africa today. By pitching the South Africa-specific works of Lucia Saks and Jacqueline Maingard against the over-arching debate on National cinema as formulated by, amongst others, Stephen Crofts and Andrew Higson, this study aims to find whether or not a specific South African National cinema have existed, and exists today, or not. The study finds that an underground culture of documentaries and short films made by and for the black population has been in place since the apartheid, and the distribution method on video and television is still being used to reach the black population today. By re-examining the concepts of both the National, and of National cinema to also include film on video and television, the study shows that South Africa has indeed a film culture that can be called a National cinema..
Integrerad Kommunikation för att stärka ett Nation Brand
The aim of this paper is to explain how the European Union?s common strategy for theCommon Foreign- and Security Policy (CFSP) will change with the implementation of the Treaty of Lisbon. A comparative case study and qualitative method is used. On the basis of Smith?s theory of institutionalization we will analyze two member states: France and Denmark.
Glädje och lönsamhet på studentnationen : - en jämförande studie av Uplands och Västgöta nations redovisningssätt
Att styra en ideell organisation föranleder många utmaningar. Många gånger skiljer sig målet för en ideell sammanslutning markant från exempelvis ett aktieägt företag där utdelning till aktieägare och vinst är i fokus. Den ideella organisationen håller oftast mindre konkret mätbara sociala värden för viktigare. Personer som jobbar ideellt har inte heller som främsta incitament att tjäna pengar, vilket gör styrningsfrågor, belöningar och påföljder extra intressanta. Författarna har i sin studie sökt belysa dessa särskilda förutsättningar genom att studera två studentNationer vid Uppsala universitet, nämligen Uplands och Västgöta Nation.
Historieskrivning och nationellt minne i Turkiet: en studie i hur historia kan glömmas och omöjliggöra ett folks upprättelse
The aim of this study is to examine Turkish Nationalism in order to find what factors that play a part in Turkey's inability to confess and discuss such events as the Armenian Genocide, which took place between the years of 1915.-1923, by the fall of the Ottoman Empire. The factors found and examined closely are collective memory and the use of history. The paper is a case study of Turkey with a theoretical approach, trying to apply theories of Nationalism, collective memory and history-writing on Turkish Nationalism, in order to find an answer to how these factors stands in the way of reconciliation.Conclusions are that Turkey as a Nation is stuck in a romanticization and glorification of the time of their founding leader, Atatürk, and the thought of the pure, homogenous Turkishness. This makes the Nation incapable of discussing and accepting what others in this case acknowledges as historical facts. The taboo-making of these matters makes reconciliation today not possible..
Mediernas påverkan : En fallstudie inom djurrätt
AbstractIn the heart of Paris, you will find Sweden?s only cultural center abroad. Since the early 70?s a wealth of cultural activities has been offered, and every year the center receives more than 100,000 visitors. The center is a branch of the Swedish Institute (Si), a public authority which promotes mutual relationships between Sweden and other countries through culture, education, science and business.
Talar samlingarna? Hur bibliotekarier lär sig sina samlingar vid nationalbiblioteken
National libraries hold large, valuable repositories of often unique materials. How can we ensure that the knowledge is accessible without endangering the materials that hold the knowledge? Digital preservation is meant to solve this problem. With more and more material being accessible digitally, users are expected to do more and more of the finding on their own, instead of being guided by librarians. What kind of knowledge do the librarians have, that cannot be mediated through a system? How is the knowledge of experienced librarians passed on to new librarians? What is the difference between physical and digital materials? I have interviewed senior and junior librarians of Det Kongelige Bibliotek in Copenhagen, Nasjonalbiblioteket in Oslo, the National Library in Helsinki, and Kungliga Biblioteket in Stockholm to learn about their journey to knowledge of their collections.