

7411 Uppsatser om Muslims in Sweden - Sida 62 av 495

Flödeslayout på Fehrer Sweden AB : med hjälp av simuleringsverktyget Quest

Real-time systems are required to answer to external stimuli within a specified time-period. For this to be possible, the systems behaviour must be predictable. The use of active databases in real-time systems introduces unpredictability in the system, e.g. due to their use of active rules. The behaviour in active databases is usually specified in ECA-rules.

Somaliska pirater - ett mycket litet problem: En undersökning av Sveriges arbete gällande frågan om somaliska pirater under 2009-2010.

During 2009-2010 Sweden participated in an international military operation whose intention, according to the Swedish news media, was to fight Somali pirates. The purpose of this thesis is to study various decisions and documents behind the Swedish efforts, both military and foreign aid, regarding the matter of Somali pirates during the years 2009-2010 and analyze the results using an interpretation of the security-development-nexus-theory. The method used is text analysis based on the hermeneutic idea of understanding and interpretation.The thesis studies the international resolutions and national decisions that lead to the military operations in the Gulf of Aden and also the international strategies and national approaches regarding Sweden's assistance in the development of Somalia. The theoretical section contains an interpretation of the vast security-development-nexus-theory. The concepts of security and development are first presented separately and then collectively in terms of military security, societal security, economic security, regime security and human security.

Pressat läge : En pressundersökning av de påstådda kränkningarna under ubåtskrisen på 1980-talet

 The aim of this essay is, by using tree conductive Swedish newspapers, see how thesubmarine violations that Sweden suffered during 1980s, was depicted in the Swedish press in terms of threats. Two major submarine violations will be investigated in this paper, U137-incident in Karlskrona archipelago in 1981 and Hårsfjärden-incident in Stockholm archipelago in 1982. To achieve the purpose, I use a qualitativ method and a threatperspective to answer my questions. These questions are for instance- From which nation, according to press reports, comes the threat?- What is, according to the press, threatened?The results show that the press saw the submarine violations as a major and serious threat that mainly come from Soviet Union.

Föreningsliv och demokrati : Om politiska, demokratiska och integrationsmässiga förutsättningar i en somalisk förening

In contemporary Sweden political participation among foreign-born Swedes is viewed as low and it is well known that foreign-born individuals do not use their voting rights to the same extent as the general population. At the same time there are numerous ethnic associations around the country who work with various activities involving political, democratic and integration issues. This study aims to study how four members of a Somali association regard, relate to and work with politics, democracy and integration. The study is based on these four people, but also on their relationship with authorities and other agencies in the community. The conclusion of this study shows in brief that the desire to participate politically is great, but that democracy and politics is accessible to all, depending on the level of language skills and what political knowledge the individual has.

Laborativt material som konkretiseringsverktyg : Lärares kunskaper om och erfarenheter av laborativt material som arbetssätt

The purpose of this study is to find out teachers view on manipulatives as a way to concretize a certain mathematical content and to highlight knowledge and experiences within the range of using manipulatives to concretize. By answering the questions below different approaches a teacher may have towards the manipulatives and how that may impact on student?s learning will also be discussed in comparison to mainly traditional and socially constructive theories of learning.What is the teachers view on manipulatives as a way to concretize?What purpose do they have when using manipulatives?According to the teachers, what does it mean to concretize a certain mathematical content?According to the teachers, what connection is there between manipulatives and concretizing?Through interviews and observations conclusions can be made that the teachers are in general positive towards using manipulatives as a way to concretize a certain mathematical content although the definition of what a manipulative is differ somewhat between the teachers. The teachers working with manipulatives do it in a well thought out fashion but more research is needed to furthermore define the purpose of using manipulatives. Few countries spend so much time concretizing and working with manipulatives as Sweden do, but still Sweden score below the OECD-average on the mathematical PISA-tests.

Revisorsbranschen är under utveckling. Hur förändras revisorsrollen och därmed kravprofilen för revisorer?

A paper to analyse how the FAR and SRS associations in Sweden look upon the upcoming changes in the auditbusiness and how this may come to change the formal requirements when graduating auditors..

Kyrkobyggnader till salu En studie av försäljningsprocessen

Uppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen iKulturvård, Bebyggelseantikvariskt program15 hpInstitutionen för kulturvårdGöteborgs universitet2014:15.

Framtagning av OptimalInfästningsmetod av OGV mot Stag för Engine Product Systems Sweden : Development of optimum method of attachment of OGV to brace for Engine Product Systems Sweden

GKN Aerospace Sweden (GAS) utvecklar och tillverkar motorkomponenter för både den civila och militära flyg-och rymdindustrin. En av produkterna som GKN tillverkar är en outlet guide vane(OGV), vars funktion är att omdirigera det axiella luftflödet från fläkten. OGVn är den mekaniska länken mellan kärnstrukturen och fläkthuset. Ett viktigt mål är att minska vikten på motorn samtidigt som dess diameter ökar när motorerna blivit allt större.For att lösa detta krävs ett material med hög hållfasthet i förhallande till vikten. Ett examensarbete som föregår detta har utvecklat ett koncept som innefattar en OGV i en viss GKN-utvecklad tekonologi.

Ur elden in i askan : En kvalitativ studie om det sociala nätverkets betydelse för ensamkommande barn

AbstractTitel: Ur elden in i askan. En kvalitativ studie om det sociala nätverkets betydelse för ensamkommande barnKeywords: unaccompanied refugee children, social network, risk and resilience, social work.Authors: Karin Bodå och Leila Silva The main purpose of this study is to illuminate and describe the importance of having a social network for unaccompanied refugee children in Sweden. Using qualitative interviews this study looks at their possibilities to create a social network in Sweden and how their network helps them to solve problems. Knowledge of this subject is important for social workers, in order to be able to encourage and help unaccompanied refugee children to build a social network. The base for our analysis is attachment theory, coping theory, social network theory, KASAM theory, risk and resilience theory, system theory are used to give deeper insight into experiences of four unaccompanied refugee boys.

Akutvårdsavdelning och intensivvårdsavdelning - utformning, arbetsuppgifter och vad behöver finnas på plats?

Animals can be ill and need veterinary care for many reasons. The conditions can be more or less emergent, some can even be life-threatening. When an animal is in a life-threatening condition you can save the animals life just by having the right equipment near-by and ready to be used. This literature-study help you, as an active working veterinary nurse, with which these conditions are that can show up in your emergency ward and what you should have near-by to give animals with acute life-threatening conditions the care they need. The author also looked at work tasks at the emergency ward and found out that in Sweden it is not defined who can and/or should execute them. Interviews were also done with nine of the largest small-animal hospitals in Sweden to compare the studies found with the Swedish emergency wards.

The existence of low balling on the Swedish audit market -A study of companies listed on the NASDAQ OMX Stockholm that voluntarily changed audit firm 2002-2010

Background and Problem: The lack of auditor independence is discussed being oneof the reasons to scandals such as Enron and HQ. A pricing strategy that has beendebated impairing auditor independence is low balling. To win a new client in atender process, audit firms supposedly offer an audit fee below cost and then increasethe fee the following years to recover the initial loss. The auditors? future financialinterest in the company due to the initial loss is by some believed to impair auditorindependence, which makes low balling in Sweden a relevant phenomenon to study.Aim of study: This thesis aims to explain if low balling exists on the Swedish auditmarket and if the size of companies affects the results of low balling.Methodology: To achieve the purpose of this thesis, a statistical study wasconducted.

Fred och säkerhet? : En studie om det Svenska Försvaret utifrån tre perspektiv, Bonsdorff, Andrén och Clausewitz

Following an increase in hostile foreign activity. The discussion regarding Sweden?s defense force´s ability to perform its task has come to a new heading. With the end of the cold war as a major revolution in matters of international security, a major overhaul has taken place to transform the static total defense plan of the nation to a less rigid operational system.Following an analysis of the budgets total amount from the governments of 2002 until 2015 it is clear that while the amount of resources has never directly been lowered, it has shrunk in relation to the countries total GDP. The possible futures for the defense of Sweden bring three possibilities forward in correlation three unique perspectives on military and political policy.Out of the three possibilities the focus on military strength as a political resource seems to be garnering the most support with the latest incursions made my foreign submersibles and the ever growing presence of 5th generation of warfare.

"Om man inte vet hur ett gammalt spöke ser ut, hur ska man då kunna känna igen gengångaren när man möter den?" : En undersökning av hur dagens läromedel för gymnasiet handskas med Sveriges rasistiska och fördomsfulla förflutna.

My goal with this thesis was to investigate how educational material in the subjects of history, geography and social studies relate to the fact that Sweden has a history marked by prejudice and racism.I have chosen to focus on four areas in the Swedish history that I think deserves some special attention, these four areas have been: the Swedish slave trade on the island of Saint Barthelemy in the eighteenth century, Swedish eugenics and oppression of the Sami people, forced sterilization services during the twentieth century and Sweden's aid and concessions to Nazi Germany during World War II. With these areas in focus I?ve studied three textbooks in the courses Geography A, Civics A and History A to se how they deal with prejudice and racism in the Swedish history.The result I have come to is that none of the books addresses all four of the areas I?ve focused on. Even if the books are taken as a whole the image that they convey is not adequate. In the event that the four areas that I?ve focused on been mentioned the information have been scant and rarely, if ever, has Sweden been paired with phenomenons like racism, slavery, colonialism, eugenics, forced sterilization, etc.

Det civila samhällets roll för demokratin En kvalitativ textanalys av regeringarnas propositioner mellan 2002 och 2008

When Sweden acceded to the European Union in 1995 the term social economy was introduced to the Swedish context, gradually replacing the term civil society. This replacement can be seen as an indicator of a changing meaning of what the concept of civil society used to stand for.The aim of this essay is to study if it is possible to identify changing perceptions of the role of civil society for democracy in Sweden in government bills between 2002 and 2008, and, if so, what effect does this have on the delineation between the civil society and the government.An analytical model is proposed consisting of two dimensions which both capture the roles of civil society for democracy and the model examines how those roles relate to the government.The conclusion is that the government still sees the main function of civil society as a democratic school and a change agent for democracy. However, there is strong evidence to suggest that the civil society is increasingly regarded as more of a welfare producer than a fosterer of democracy..

Stormskador i stickvägsgallrade bestånd i sydvästra Sverige :

A storm in January 2005 felled 75 millions cubic metres of forest in South Sweden. Previous studies of wind damage in thinned stands indicated the importance of early thinnings. The risks of wind throw increased by increasing age and height of the stands. Previous studies also indicated increasing risk of wind throw along the strip roads. The aim of the present study was to investigate wind damage in Norway spruce stands in South Sweden in relation to time of the first thinning and different pattern of strip roads (width, length and direction).

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