

7411 Uppsatser om Muslims in Sweden - Sida 23 av 495

Tankar kring Torsk : Isotopanalyser av torskkotor för att undersöka vikten av torskimport i medeltida Sverige

This essay discusses the import of cod (Gadus morhua) in Sweden during the Middle Ages through isotope analysis of cod vertebrae. The isotope analysis is used to trace the cods origin to either the Baltic Sea or the Atlantic Ocean. The bones were subjected to d13C, d15N and d34S analysis; 64 of  the analyzed bones met the quality criteria. The isotop data showed that import of Atlantic cod was significant in medeval Sweden. The analysis suggests that there is no specific time or event that the sites start to import cod but this varies from site to site. .

"Ett lika fritt folk bör äga lika rätt" : Om förändringarna i jordägandet i Öja socken före och efter 1789 och 1809/10

During the time between 1660-1680 the nobility in Sweden came to be a gigantic landowner with 65 % of the total amount of land, but only 20 years later they lost almost half of their possessions. The eighteenth century was on its way ? a period in history were ?ordinary? people started to question the nobility?s right to be excused from tax, at the same time as farmers and the ?middlegroup? started to appropriate more and more land from the nobility and the Crown.Through King Gustav III:s document of 1789, land became free to own to whoever it was ? except from the prime nobility?s land; but the Swedish Parliament followed the wind of change, and 1809/10 this land was also free to own. At the end of 1840, the nobility owned about 19 % of the land in Sweden, and the farmers and middlegroup owned 69 %. The tide had turned...But Öja parish showed a different development compered to the rest of Sweden.

Bok- och grankonkurrens i Sydsverige - markegenskaper och naturlig föryngring :

In southern Sweden, beech (Fagus silvatica) and spruce (Picea abies) are two species with similar demands on soil properties. With increased global warming and high acid deposition the future may bring larger areas were the two species are overlapping, competing for the same soil. The aim of this study was to compare spruce and beech concerning distribution, cultivation and soil properties. From available data comparisons were made between spruce and beech forests in Sweden. Soil analyses were made on samples from beech forest in southern Sweden, with and without natural regeneration of spruce.

Bättre passform på blusar - ett examensarbete i samarbete med Ka of Sweden

Arbetet gjordes i samarbete med Ka of Sweden där uppgiften varit att framställa enbättre passform för blusar i vävt material. Den nuvarande passformen saknar en brabystanpassning och har liknande ärmhål bak och fram. Jag valde att arbeta fram denteoretiska delen först och sammanställa måttlistor för att sedan arbeta fram denempiriska delen med konstruktioner, avprovningar och färdigt första prov.Resultatet av mitt arbete blev mycket bra och det har varit kul att få arbeta mot ett företag.The work was done in collaboration with the Ka of Sweden where the task was to produce a better fit for the blouses of woven material. The current fit does not have a good bust adjustment and have similar armhole front and back. I chose to work out the theoretical part first and compile lists of measurements and then work out the empirical part of constructions, fittings and finished the first sample.

Läromedel i Samhällskunskap - En textanalys ur ett mångkulturellt samt interkulturellt perspektiv

This survey is a text analysis of 4 teaching books during a ten years period in Social studies from a multicultural and intercultural perspective. Taking as a starting point that society and the school in today?s Sweden are multicultural and in need of more intercultural teaching I explore teaching books in social science to se how they relate to Sweden as a multicultural society and their way of relating to intercultural teachings and compare them. The questions asked are: How do the different books describe the multicultural society in Sweden? What kind of intercultural tools are found in the books? And are there any similarities or differences among these books? The theories used as a starting point are reformulated by the author after theories of Von Wright and Lahdenperä to fit in to the context of a text analysis of teaching books and the method used is a content analysis with its purpose of describing how the books are constructed.

Frihet till hat? : Hatbrott, rasistiska organisationer och inskränkningar av yttrandefriheten

The present paper is part of a project carried on by the Swedish Section of the International Commission of Jurists. Sweden has ratified several major international human rights instruments. Most of the rights are covered by national law, and only in exception is there a discrepancy between national and international law. Such a discrepancy is found in the UN Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Racial Discrimination, in which the State parties agree on penalizing and prohibiting the founding of and participation in racist organizations. Sweden is not complying with this statute, despite the fact that the government has ratified the convention.

Förändring och Mening : En studie om copingprocessen och utmattningssyndrom  bland präster i Svenska Kyrkan

Burn out is common among people who work with other people and occurs in both ecclesiastical and non ecclesiastical context. In recent years, the phenomenon has attracted increasing attention in the Church of Sweden and among persons who hold a consecration service as priests.The purpose of this essay is to study the text material from the two authors (Lennart Belfrage 2009 and Martin Petré 2013) and to analyze and describe them. Another goal is to see how the coping theory may be helpful for this group of priests to handle the situation arising in the time of burnout.I have used the qualitative research and hermeneutics method for categorize and encode the material in order to interpret and understand the underlying causes that could explain burnout among priests in the Church of SwedenPargaments (1997) coping theory has been important for analysis and explanation of burnout among a group of priests in the Church of Sweden.In the result, I have found four components that may be useful in the understanding of the cause of burnout. The analysis shows that Pargaments (1997) coping theory is useful to manage complex situations for example burnout, among priests in the Church of Sweden..

Revisionspliktens försvinnande : -en kvalitativ studie om bankernas kreditbedömning av småföretag

Final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business Administration,Mid Sweden University in ÖstersundSpring term 2008Title: Abolishment of statutory audit ? a qualitative research on banks attitude when credit rating small businessesAuthor: Rima Harouki, Carina HoffmannSupervisor: Anna-Maria JanssonBackground & problem: In Sweden the statutory audit has been mandatory for every corporation since 1983. With the membership in European Union it became possible to allow exception from statutory audit for small businesses, according to the fourth commission of EG. Today, in the European Union, there are few countries that still have statutory audit for smaller businesses, Sweden is one of them. There are discussions about whether Sweden should follow the trend of abolishment and an analysis management by the justice of the Supreme Court Bo Svensson was recently presented, which ended in the conclusion that statutory audit ought to be abolished.

Byggnationsskillnader i Sverige, Finland och Tyskland

This paper is written as an examination paper at the University of Jönköping. The subject is chosen by Peab Sweden in Jönköping with whom further cooperation has been hold. The aim is to compare building methods and building materials in Sweden, Finland and Germany for further inspiration for Peab?s own market.BackgroundThe development of the construction industry develops new materials and methods to the market which has been forced by shorter construction times and the environment aspect. To pursue the development, further knowledge exchange should exist between the countries.

Det svenska försvaret : Från förråd till fält

This essay takes the three models from Allison and Zelikow book Essence of decision and applies them on the Swedish defense system. After the cold war the Swedish defense system had to undergo changes to be a more modern defense and be able to defend Sweden against threats. To also be able to cooperate with other countries in peacekeeping operations the Swedish defense had to be reorganized. The solution was to change direction from a defense system that was organized for invasion to instead be a movable defense ready for any challenge in Sweden or abroad. This reorganization will be analyzed according to the three different models..

Sveriges turismmarknadsföring : En fallstudie om bilden av Sverige internationellt

It today's global world we live in the media have started to examine businesses more and more. In addition consumers are expecting more from products, because they are well informed. This means that companies need to market themselves effectively, to convince and get across their message to their customers. Marketing is an extensive process in which different factors must be taken into account. A company must know what the coustomer needs in order to get through to them.

Kronunionens återkomst : En empirisk underso?kning av konjunkturscykler, arbetskraftsro?rlighet och handelsintegration fo?r att avgo?ra mo?jligheten att info?ra en gemensam valuta i Norden

This paper is an assessment of whether the Nordic countries constitute an optimum currency area (OCA) or not. Hodrick Prescott-­?filtered data of real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and rate of employment are used to investigate the similarity of business cycles between the target countries through a series of correlation analysis with Sweden as the base reference country and also by using a linear regression model. Additionally there is an evaluation of trade volume and labour mobility between the countries. Our results indicate that Iceland had the least similar business cycles within the Nordic countries and that the area should therefore possibly comprise Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. .

Rådet, kommissionen och den svenska sysselsättningpolitiken.

The aim of this paper is to see if Sweden has implemented the recommendations and taken notice of the guidelines for employment that the Commission and Council set up every year and from this see the role of the Commission and Council for the national employment politics. The years that I focused on in the paper are year 2000- 2004. The method that is used is a case study research that is exploratory and explanatory. The theoretical starting points are theories about delegation, cooperation and a variation of control and autonomy. This is recognized in the Principal- Agent theory and the Principal- Supervisor-Agent model.

Vare sig Kurd eller Svensk : En tredje identitet i ett mångkulturellt och transnationellt Sverige

The essay presents a qualitative study, which intends to investigate how the identityconstruction of the second generation of young people with Kurdish origin has been formedconsidering the complexity of living between two or more different cultures as well theinfluence of family norms and values. The theoretical basis lies inthe identity construction and ethnic identity in which we have tried toexpress and illustrate this complexity. Previous research we have assumed includes affiliation,and a third identity, where we have used a number of researchers studies to elucidatethis topic. In order to facilitate the study, ten in-depth interviews with Kurdish youths aged18-25 years have been applied. The common factor for these respondents is that they all cameto Sweden at a young age.

Vare sig Kurd eller Svensk : En tredje identitet i ett mångkulturellt och transnationelltSverigePerihan

AbstractThe essay presents a qualitative study, which intends to investigate how the identityconstruction of the second generation of young people with Kurdish origin has been formedconsidering the complexity of living between two or more different cultures as well theinfluence of family norms and values. The theoretical basis lies inthe identity construction and ethnic identity in which we have tried toexpress and illustrate this complexity. Previous research we have assumed includes affiliation,and a third identity, where we have used a number of researchers studies to elucidatethis topic. In order to facilitate the study, ten in-depth interviews with Kurdish youths aged18-25 years have been applied. The common factor for these respondents is that they all cameto Sweden at a young age.

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