1917 Uppsatser om Muslim identity - Sida 55 av 128
Samband på individnivå mellan akuta klövskador och cellhalten i mjölk hos mjölkkor :
The purpose of the present study was to investigate the cow-level association between acute hoof lesions and the somatic milk cell count in dairy cattle. Cows from three loose-housed Swedish dairy herds were enrolled in the study if they had an acute hoof lesion treated by a veterinarian or professional hoof trimmer during the preceding year, according to farmer records. Studied lesions were sole ulcer, dermatitis, interdigital necrobacillosis and hoof abscess, in each case causing lameness. For each hoof-diseased cow, 0 to 3 healthy cows were included, matched with respect to herd, breed, parity and lactation stage. Cell counts were obtained from monthly test recordings from one month before to three months after the hoof-lesion diagnosis, and log-transformed.
Den ständiga förändringen : En komparativ studie i vinstdrivande fo?retag och ideella organisationers varuma?rkesarbete pa? sociala medier
AbstractTitle: The constant change - A comparative study of profit companies and nonprofit organizations' brand management through social mediaAuthor: Agnes Nobel & Matilda VallgrenTutor: Daniel LövgrenPurpose: The purpose of this thesis was to study profit companies and nonprofit organizations? branding and strategic communication on social media. If social media has supported with new interaction with stakeholders and hence affected the branding work. Also if there are any differences between profit companies and nonprofit organizations.Method/Material: The method that is used in the article is a qualitative research. The research is based on conversations interviews conducted with eight organizations, four profit companies and four nonprofit organizations.Main results: The main result showed that all organizations are actively involved with social media in their strategic communication when in order to increase the interaction with stakeholders and thus strengthen their brand identity. It turned out that all organizations have not adapted the brand to social media, but worked with the organizations values ??and only applied the trademark on social media.
Att skriva någon annans liv. Porträtteringen av historiska kvinnor i tre fiktiva biografier
The purpose of this essay is to analyze three works that are regarded as fictional biographies. In all three selected works the protagonists are historical Swedish women who are known for being a part of the cultural sphere of their time. Two of them are also recognized as important and somewhat pivotal characters in the struggle for women?s rights at the turn of the 19th century. The analyzed works, however, accentuate the women?s private life.
?Vi läkare är inte utbytbara!?: - en studie om identitetsskapande vid fusioner i sjukvården
During the last 20 years, the Swedish health care system has faced major changes. One of them is the increasing pressure to generate economic profit due to private businesses entering the market. Health care units are forced to make some structural changes in order to become effective and efficient. As a result merger and acquisitions has become a part of the health care sector, and seems to be an increasing phenomenon. Mergers and acquisitions have mainly been studied in the industry.
Sjuksköterskans möte med patienter som tillskriver sig islam
Introduktion: Inom vården möts människor med olika kulturella och religiösatillhörigheter. Denna litteraturstudie har som mål att vara ett hjälpmedel till attmöta patienter som tillskriver sig islam. Studien beskriver kortfattat vad somkännetecknar islam som religion och att islam kan praktiseras på olika sätt.Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att beskriva kompetensområden som kan skapagoda förutsättningar i vårdmötet mellan sjuksköterskor och patienter som tillskriversig islam. Metod: Litteraturstudie. Vi har använt oss av databaserna Cinahl ochPubMed.
Graffiti och Nolltolerans : En kvalitativ studie om graffitikulturens utveckling till följd av Stockholm stads nolltolerans
This study is about howStockholm?s policy for zero tolerance of graffiti from 2007 affected the graffiti culture inStockholm. We have researched what consequences there were for the practice of graffiti, and what consequences there were for the stylistic performance of graffiti. In doing so, we have had two focus group interviews and one deep interview including eight graffiti writers from Stockholm. The individuals in the groups have been practising graffiti for a varied amount of time, but we have representation from both before, and after/during the policy of zero tolerance from 2007. Our study shows that the result ofStockholm?s policy for zero tolerance of graffiti for the graffiti culture inStockholmwas a ?subcultureification?, a ?stylistic generalization? and the ?subculture?s ambivalent identity?.
"Stress i en främmande kultur" : - En kvalitativ studie om hur en mindre grupp från Manavgat/Turkiet uppfattar och hanterar stress
AbstraktSyftet med studien är att försöka finna förståelse för hur muslimer uppfattar och hanterar stress utifrån deras egna kulturella normer. För att skapa en djupare inblick i den Islamska kulturen så utfördes en kvalitativ undersökning på plats i södra Turkiet. Fokus var riktat på det muslimska perspektivet av stress, då önskan var att undersöka vad stress innebar utifrån deras eget synsätt samt vad som användes i hanteringen av stress. Kvalitativa djupintervjuer genomfördes med fem kvinnor och sju män som var religiöst troende. Respondenterna hade relativt likartade upplevelser och tillväga- gångsätt i hanteringen av stress.
Digitala kläder? : En studie om traditionella klädföretags it-strategier
This paper focuses on traditional clothing enterprise IT strategies. The purpose was to investigate the correlation between traditional clothing companies IT strategies and their brand. In a market where the competition is high it has become more important that the company targets a customer segment. To reach their targeted customers the company builds their brand with different corporate strategies. This segmentation is necessary because of the high exposure to competition, and a well-established brand could be a prerequisite for profitability. In today?s market, IT has a major impact on the clothing business.
Om butikers identitet kan bevaras och samtidigt enas för att bli ett starkt gemensamt varumärke : En fallstudie om Saluhallen Slakteriet
SammanfattningDatum: 2014-06-10Författare: Dedic Alma, 920213 & Ölcer Ibrahim, 920301Handledare: Ulla PetterssonNivå: Kandidatuppsats i företagsekonomi, 15 HP Institution: Akademin för hållbar samhälls- och teknikutveckling, EST, Mälardalens HögskolaNyckelord: Skattebrott, Svartarbete, Oredovisade intäkter.Titel: Skattebrott inom kontantbransch - i form av svartarbetskraft och oredovisade intäkterFrågeställning: ? Hur arbetar Ekobrottsmyndigheten med hjälp av Skatteverket ochSkattebrottsenheten med att förhindra svartarbete och oredovisade intäkter i kontantbranschen? ? Vad anser Ekobrottsmyndigheten och Skatteverket vara anledningarna till svartarbete och oredovisade intäkter?Syfte: Denna studie syftar till att undersöka hur Sveriges Ekobrottsmyndighet med hjälp av Skatteverket och Skattebrottsenheten arbetar för att bekämpa skattebrott i form av svartarbete och oredovisade intäkter inom kontantbranschen. Utöver detta skall det tas reda på vad samtliga myndigheterna anser vara anledningarna till dessa skattebrott.Metod: Uppsatsens information har samlats in genom vetenskapliga artiklar, webbsidor och tre intervjuer. Uppsatsens intervjufrågor är upprättade på ett kvalitativt semi-strukturerat sätt och omfattar nio öppna frågor.Resultat: Myndigheterna förhindrar skattebrott svartarbete och oredovisade intäkter genom att utföra skattekontroller av näringsidkarens kassaregister och kontrollenhet samt avskräcka privatpersoner från att komma i kontakt med skattebrott. En av dem största anledningar till skattebrott är okunskap för det ekonomiska arbetet i en näringsverksamhet och näringsidkarens girighet för egenvinning..
Den gröna myten : En kommuns strategiska arbete mot hållbarhet, samarbetsanda och affärsmöjligheter
Our aim is to create a greater understanding for how Växjö Municipality is working with their vision, strategy and brand, and also how it is perceived by the business sector. This understanding will help us to highlight success factors and pitfalls that exist in the creation, implementation, and maintenance of a municipality?s identity, image and profile to convince the business sector to follow.Methodology: We have been using an abductive and qualitative research-method in which semi-structured interviews have been the basis of our empirical material. We had interviews with three employees, a communication manager and the mayor at Växjö Municipality as well as four organizations and two companies with sustainable focus. We did this to get different perspectives and thereby get a greater understanding.Analysis & conclusion: We have been able to identify both success factors and pitfalls in Växjö Municipality's strategic sustainability work.
?IDAG ?R JAG LIKA MYCKET SVENSK SOM CHILENARE? En antropologisk studie om stulna adopterades upplevelser av identitet och utanf?rskap i Sverige
In recent years, revelations about illegal international adoptions have made headlines around the world, and one notable country where many illegal adoptions have been facilitated is Chile. To find out that one's adoption wasn?t facilitated legally is a shock for the individual that raises many new questions about themselves and their origins. This study intends to examine how the identity of stolen adoptees has changed in their adulthood after they have found out that they were stolen, as well as to investigate how they experience alienation in Sweden from their position as both stolen and non-white adoptees. Qualitative methods have been employed in this study: participant observation, semi-structured in-depth interviews, and informal interviews.
Politiskt förtryck: orsaksförklaringar, mekanismer och uttryck : Rohingyafolket som Agambens homo sacer i kontrast till Kymlickas liberaldemokratiska perspektiv
The persecution of the Rohingya Muslim minority population in southwestern Burma has come to the fore in recent years. The aim of this study is to first analyse the degree and respects of biopolitical control in the case of political oppression. Secondly, the aim is to compare the similarities and differences when it comes to the causes, mechanisms and expressions of the two theoretical starting points in the case.Giorgio Agamben´s biopolitical theory, which tries to reconnect state control over life and death with modernity, forms the basis of the analysis. Will Kymlicka´s liberal theory on minority rights serves as a theoretical comparison tool. Methodological starting points to the specific bilateral purpose will be both of the textual and discursive analytical tradition.
Just idag är jag stark : En anarkistisk och intersektionell studie av läktarkultur och politiskt identitetsskapande
This thesis explores the relationship between the Swedish autonomous left and the terrace culture of European football. It has its geographic starting point in Stockholm, Sweden and follows the three larges tStockholm football clubs, AIK, Djurgården and Hammarby, and its supporters. The author has followed the football club Hammarby from the terrace for the entire 2011 football season, and has interviewed six political activists who visit, or used to visit, the terrace. The research context this study is incorporated into centres around the history of, and relationship between, the terrace cultures of AIK, Djurgården and Hammarby. Previous research has also focused on the radical potential of Ultras terrace culture (which is derived from Italian supporter culture) and the terrace culture from an intersectional perspective.
Vem är du? : En studie om företags granskande av Facebook profiler
Title: Who are you? A study on companies reviewing of Facebook profiles. Social media has opened up new possibilities in recruitment situations in forms of background checks on social networks such as facebook. Even though there are many advantages, there are few recruitment workers who choose to embrace the possibilities with social networking..
Släcker slöjan ljuset? : en studie av gymnasieelevers uppfattningar om muslimsk kvinnlig klädsel
Denna studie har gjorts bland ett antal gymnasieelever som studerar vid fordonsprogrammet och det samhällsvetenskapliga programmet. Undersökningen gick ut på att ta reda på dessa gymnasieelevers tankar om den muslimska kvinnliga klädseln, och detta gjordes genom en enkätundersökning och ett fåtal intervjuer.Resultatet från enkätundersökningen visade på att de flesta av dessa elever har en negativ hållning till den muslimska slöjan. De ser den muslimskt klädda kvinnan som förtryckt, osäker, religiös, underordnad mannen och orespekterad. Om man då tar bort den muslimska slöjan förknippas en kvinna från Mellanöstern med självständighet, respekt, frigörelse och öppenhet. Denna skillnad i resultat kan också bero på att dessa två bilder var lite olika utformade.Det fanns inga större skillnader mellan de parametrar jag ville undersöka, så som skillnader mellan kön, mellan olika program, skillnader mellan de elever som hade läst religionskunskap och skillnader mellan de elever som har erfarenheter av muslimskt klädda kvinnor och de som inte har det.