

1910 Uppsatser om Muslim identity - Sida 31 av 128

Flyttprocessens påverkan på identiteten ? utveckling eller avveckling? : En fallstudie kring flytten av Hjalmar Lundbohmsgården i Kiruna

The purpose of the thesis is to investigate and analyze how three different actors linked to the urban transformation in the city of Kiruna, in this case LKAB, the Municipality of Kiruna and the County Administrative Board of Norrbotten, believe that the identity of a historical monument that is marked cultural heritage is affected by future relocation. The second part of the study is to investigate the impact the building might have on the city in the future. This study is based on the relocation of Hjalmar Lundbohmsgården.The study is based on a qualitative approach in which five informants from the three actors were interviewed. The interviews have been analyzed through thematic analysis, where a combination of theoretical thematic analysis and empirical thematic analysis was used. The result shows that the new location of Hjalmar Lundbohmsgården is preferred to be in a suitable context close to other cultural buildings. All informants agree that accessibility is a fundamental element in, which a synergistic effect is an increase in visitor numbers.

Regaining power through construction of identity? Experience of Multisystemic Therapy from a Youth?s Perspective

Literature and studies exist on how to create services in the best interest of the client or how these services have an impact on individuals. They are however mainly from a social work professional stand point and rarely from how clients would develop and create the services that can imply a life change for them. Especially when working with children under 18 years old issues of agency and age that can result in the disregard of the Convention on the Right of the Child (UNCRC). The target group of this study is therefore youth between the ages of 15 to 17 years old in three cities across Sweden to allow them to voice their opinion and experience of being in treatment. Resulting from that is the aim of this study ? to investigate how an intensive treatment method like Multisystemic Therapy is described from a client?s point of view.

Vi kan väl träffas och fika. Några muslimska invandrarkvinnors upplevelser av kontakten och samarbetet med svensk skola.

Institution: Högskolan i Halmstad Titel: Vi kan väl träffas och fika. Några muslimska invandrarkvinnors upplevelser av kontakten och samarbetet med svensk skola. Författare: Susanne Castro & Birgitta Johansson Typ: C-uppsats. Examensarbete i lärarprogrammet. Sidantal: 53 Handledare: Claes Ericsson & Ulrika Sjöberg Examinator: Anders Persson Medexaminatorer: Torbjörn Jansson & Ole Olsson Slutseminarium: 2007-01-10 Dagens svenska skola skall arbeta för en ökad föräldrakontakt då elevens sociala och kunskapsmässiga utveckling menas vara gynnad av det aktiva samarbetet mellan hem och skola. Genom uppsatsens litteraturforskning ses en skev fördelning av inflytandet till nackdel för föräldrar med invandrarbakgrund. Arbetets syfte har varit att med en hermeneutisk ansats intervjua och tolka fyra muslimska invandrarkvinnors framställning av sina erfarenheter av kontakten och samarbetet med sina barns svenska skolor. Vidare avsågs att jämföra dessa upplevelser med styrande texters budskap och resultat från tidigare forskning. I analysen avspeglas fyra individer med skilda men också jämförbara erfarenheter.

Vi kan väl träffas och fika : Några muslimska invandrarkvinnors upplevelser av kontakten och samarbetet med svensk skola.

Institution: Högskolan i HalmstadTitel: Vi kan väl träffas och fika.Några muslimska invandrarkvinnors upplevelser avkontakten och samarbetet med svensk skola.Författare: Susanne Castro & Birgitta JohanssonTyp: C-uppsats. Examensarbete i lärarprogrammet.Sidantal: 53Handledare: Claes Ericsson & Ulrika SjöbergExaminator: Anders PerssonMedexaminatorer: Torbjörn Jansson & Ole OlssonSlutseminarium: 2007-01-10Dagens svenska skola skall arbeta för en ökad föräldrakontakt då elevens sociala ochkunskapsmässiga utveckling menas vara gynnad av det aktiva samarbetet mellan hem ochskola. Genom uppsatsens litteraturforskning ses en skev fördelning av inflytandet till nackdelför föräldrar med invandrarbakgrund. Arbetets syfte har varit att med en hermeneutisk ansatsintervjua och tolka fyra muslimska invandrarkvinnors framställning av sina erfarenheter avkontakten och samarbetet med sina barns svenska skolor. Vidare avsågs att jämföra dessaupplevelser med styrande texters budskap och resultat från tidigare forskning.I analysen avspeglas fyra individer med skilda men också jämförbara erfarenheter.

"Jag visste inte vad jag skulle tycka om sjalen" : En genusteoretisk och postkolonial analys av Marjane Satrapis serieroman Persepolis

The purpose of this essay is to examine Marjane Satrapi?s comic novel Persepolis from a gender and postcolonial perspective. To reach this I have used several theories from mainly three different fields of theory: gender studies, postcolonial theories and theoretical texts which focus on the form of comics.My analysis has shown that idols, heroes and other cultural symbols are important for the creation of the main character Marji?s identity, but that she at the same time has many Marxistic influences. These casts of mind do not stand in opposition, but become an expression for her hybridity.

Finska dialekter i Sverige : En kvantitativ undersökning om sverigefinska skolans elevers syn på finska dialekter och tvåspråkighet

The purpose of this study was to investigate the view of Finnish dialects and identity of first, second and third generation of Sweden Finns students in 7th, 8th and 9th graders, in two Sweden Finn schools. The questions at issue for the essay were: How do Swedes of Finnish extraction think of the Finnish dialects? Is there a correlation between identifying as Finnish and knowledge and usage of the Finnish dialects, as opposed to Finns living in Finland? To which extent do the Finnish students have knowledge regarding the Finnish dialects? To answer the questions a quantitative method was used and a questionnaire was answered by over 100 students. The results of the study showed that the Finnish dialects did not exert any influence on the students? life nor their sense of identity.

Att vara kvinna och styrelseproffs : En kvalitativ studie om kvinnor i svenska bolagsstyrelser

AbstractThe purpose of this thesis is to examine the professional female members of a board in listed companies. During the 21st century the issue of female quotation into the executive boards was discussed in both the media and politically due to womens underrepresentation in these contexts.The main purpose of this thesis is to examine the professional female members of boards stories of the role models they have, what characteristics have evolved, the views of others, and the self image. In addition, we want to investigate how women perceive themselves in a male-dominated field to identify how the female identity is created at work.Through a qualitative research in the form of personal interviews, we have gathered empirical material that forms the basis of our results. The answers from the interviews have been analyzed with the help of relevant theories and a social constructionist approach throughout the thesis. For our theoretical approach, we primarily chose symbolic interactionism, identity theories, and concepts such as the glass ceiling and gender strategies to analyze the data.The result of the survey shows that there are many elements that play into how women form their identities.

Identitet och etnicitet - om ungrares förutsättningar till självförverkligande

The point of interest in this study is to identify whether ethnicity is a correlating factor regarding Hungarian immigrants? development of identity in Sweden. The general aim is to increase knowledge and understanding of the conditions for the Hungarian ethnical group in Sweden to reach self-realization. The main question is whether the general view of the background of this ethnical group has a connection to their self-realization in Sweden? Since the study involves a whole group of minority, a limitation has been made to adults living in the city of Halmstad, Sweden.

Hur kommer de svenska biblioteken att påverkas av bytet till Dewey? : En undersökning av tre folkbibliotek och ett forskningsbibliotek.

This bachelor thesis is a study about the change of the classificationsystems in Swedish libraries. The empirical data was collected through four qualitative interviews with both research and public libraries. The data was analyzed by the use of organizational theory based upon Joacim Hanssons book Libraries and identity: the role of institutional self-image and identity in emergence of new types of libraries. The empirical result points to a major change in how libraries and librarians look and work with their collections, it can also be said that the librarians do not seem to think that the users will be affected at all.The analysis was based on these issues: What positive and negative effects introducing DDC will there be on research- reflective public libraries?What will be the effects on the librarysector introducing the new classification system DDC?What will be the effects on the users introducing the new classification system DDC? .

?? Så kom insikten om att jag var likadan som de. Att jag var spelberoende ?? : ? en kvalitativ studie med fyra före detta spelberoende, deras erfarenheter av att komma ur ett spelberoende

Title: ?? Then came the realization that I was just like them. That I have a gambling addiction?? This is a qualitative study of four former gamblers and their experience of getting out of the gambling addiction. The study is about how individuals have overcome a gambling addiction.

Kommun 2.0 : En studie av Uppsala kommun och Tierps kommuns användande av sociala medier

Title: Brand evolving in identity shaping TV commercial ? a quantitative study of Gevalias commercial movies over time. (Varumärkesutveckling i identitetsskapande tv-reklam ? en kvantitativ studie av Gevalias reklamfilmer över tid) Number of pages: 35 Author: Julia Garellick Lindborg Tutor: Anne-Marie Morhed Course: Media and Communications studies C Period: Autumn of 2010 University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala University Purpose: The purpose of the study has been to investigate in what ways the concept of success is constructed in Gevalia?s TV commercials with the theme ?unexpected visit?. Eight identity evolving variables have been chosen to measure variations in the pattern of the unexpected visit in order to understand the essence of time.

Synen på kön och jämställdhet i den svenska förskolan

The present Equality Project in the Swedish preschool has been studied according to its view on sex and equality. The purpose was to find out how the Equality Project is described, interpreted and implemented.The research questions focused the central concepts sex (gender identity, gender roles and gender patterns) and equality in the political level, the educational level and the executing level of the Equality Project. From each level some central texts were chosen and analysed.The results indicated that equality is interpreted as connected to an absence of gender patterns and gender roles. The concept of gender identity is differently understood in the different texts. The normative focus and the lack of psychology in the Equality Project are discussed..

Krig, mäktiga kungar samt en och annan "påsmetad" notis om kvinnor : En genusstudie av läromedel i historia

This study revolves around calculating the extent of appearance of both anonymously and named men and women as well as determining whether or not Yvonne Hirdman?s gender theory is applicable on two versions of a Swedish educational history textbook called Epos: historia: för gymnasieskolans kurs A (2008) and Epos [historia] 1b (2012), published for two different curriculum. Our qualitative investigation of two parts of the book?s content proves that the two principles of gender system are present in both books, although to a lesser extent in the latter version. Calculating the material, results have shown that anonymous men and women are almost equally presented in Epos 2012, which is not the case in the 2008 version.

"Jag har lite mer av allt liksom" : en salutogen studie av unga kvinnors erfarenhet av olika kulturella bakgrunder

Young women with immigrant background are generally looked upon as victims of patriarchal structures and cultural determinism.The purpose of this bachelor thesis was therefore to have a salutogen perspective. We investigated how young women with a transcultural background are affected by and how they use their experiences from different backgrounds in their creating of identity.We based our essay on qualitative interviews and current research on the subjects of multi culture, identity and youth. The interviewees were seven young women with experience of multi cultural background and performing different kind of artistic activity.The theory and empirical material combined and compared resulted in three themes: affinity, cultural hybridization, and salutogen factors.We saw that for those young women affinity functioned as a basis for creating identity and that their double background enriches them in several aspects. The three major salutogen factors that the interviewees had in common, and we emphasize, are their struggle, open mind and awareness of freedom.The global youth culture has a great impact upon the young women and to some extent we could recognize cultural hybridization. We consider this neglected subject urgent and very relevant for social work in the multi cultural society of Sweden..

Anabola Androgena Steroider & Identiteter

There is little knowledge about abuse of anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) in Sweden. Thispaper aims to explore, from a discourse psychological angle, how persons with experience ofanabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) construct there identities.The theory and method used as a frame for the paper is discursive psychology, depending on thefocus in the paper of human beings use of language in the construction of identities. Forcollection of data interviews were made. The six respondents al had experience of use of AAS.The interviews illustrated how users of AAS speak about AAS, and create there identity, inrelation to AAS. In the interpretation of data we used two different tools, used by discursivepsychologists, interpretative repertoires and subject positions.

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