3159 Uppsatser om Municipality planning - Sida 20 av 211
Västra Götalands kommunala kriskommunikation. Ett intersektionellt perspektiv på krisberedskap
This thesis examines the municipalities of Västra Götaland and the way they are prepared for crisis communication towards people with a foreign background. Over the past years there have been several studies that have examined the issue of crisis communications towards minorities but these are often focused on the target group. In this study, I focus on the authorities' actions. The theoretical approach is primarily an intersectional one and in this way the thesis is centred on the creation of different categories, the relationship between these categories and the possibilities working with these at the municipalities.On behalf of Region Västra Götaland, this investigation began with a survey that went out to the communications officers in charge of the crisis communication in each municipality. The ambition was to clarify the preparedness of each one and show how they relate to one another.
Vindkraftsplanering i skogsmark
The aim of this study about wind power planning in forest was to examine the factors and restrictions, which represent technical limitations, biodiversity, tourism and amount of energy for wind farms in Kronoberg County. Suitable areas for wind power were identified from the collected information about planning principles and potential conflicts. From the suitable areas the potential energy gain is calculated. Methods used were mainly a literature review, interviews with experts and practitioners, GIS analysis and a rough calculation of the energy gain. The section of information and facts describes in general wind power planning and possible conflicts.
Balanserat styrkort- en studie om hur införandeprocessen påverkar synen på modellen
Today`s society requires that municipalities focus must be more on effectivity and quality. Because of this it is important for municipalities to look after the controlling systems. Many municipalities choose to adopt models that reflect the efficacy. The municipality of Vellinge has chosen to implement balanced scorecard in all their efficacies. We found it interesting when it was exposed that 70 % of all implementations of balanced scorecard fails.
Att sälja ett beteende : En undersökning av en social marknadsföringskampanj
AbstractCommunication and information has become a large industry in today?s society. More and more organisations use these means as tools of influence. Non-profit organization?s campaigns, which aim to change a behavior, often have a political responsibility and it is therefore important that these are carefully planned and carried through.
Planering och val av metod i byggprojekt
This report describes the construction process and the aspects that should be taken into consideration. It includes models of decision and how these can be used in practice. Planning of a building project is very important for a successful execution. This will be the foundation of problems that will occur during the production. In the planning process people with different positions, search for the best suitable building methods.
Gestaltning av boendelandskapet i gränsen mellan stad och land : exemplet Norränga i Lund
This is a 20 credit Master thesis within the landscape architecture education at the Institute for Landscape Planning at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences at Alnarp.
Norränga is situated on the fringe of the city of Lund, east of the existing district of Linero.The city planning office of Lund municipality has come up with a ?in-depth comprehensive plan? for the exploatation of the eastern area of Lund. The plan concerns an area of 1035 square kilometre which contains at least 1500 nya buildings, two schools, primaryschools, stores and bus station for local bus traffic and the new bus line - Lundalänken. The townplan is inspired from the historical Square block city with defined street system. The municipality has visions of what the green areas should consist of.
Tillgänglighet hela vägen - för funktionshindrade men även för alla andra - fallstudie: några service- och rekreationsmålpunkter i Båstad tätort samt större stråk däremellan
Det är viktigt att alla kan känna sig fria att använda den fysiska miljön. För
det krävs bl.a. en god tillgänglighet.
År 2001 antog riksdagen en nationell handlingsplan för handikappolitiken som
ger riktlinjer om ökad tillgänglighet bl.a. ska enkelt avhjälpta hinder
åtgärdas senast år 2010.
Incorporating the future - a study of three companies? internalisation of future trends forecasting and scenario planning.
Purpose:The purpose of this thesis is: to determine key success factors for an organisation?s internal process of internalising future trends forecasting. Methodology:A qualitative approach has been chosen by examining three different companies (Electrolux, H&M and, Sony Ericsson) through interviews and other data. The empirical material have been analysed by using valid theory as a platform from where the analysis can be performed. This has created a conceptual analysis that enables the use of the conclusions in other similar companies.
Markskadefri avverkning - från traktplanering till plantering
This study is made for Södra skog and is concerning how to minimize soil damage from planning to plantation. The purpose of the study is from the respondent?s perspectives; their own ideas and approaches.
What emerged from the interviews is that the communication between the different organization levels can be improved.
It is also important to prevent damage on the soil and to have in mind that the process of planning tracks to plantation continues for a long time and because of that, the soil condition meanwhile will change..
Balanserat styrkort- en studie om hur införandeprocessen påverkar synen på modellen
Today`s society requires that municipalities focus must be more on effectivity and quality. Because of this it is important for municipalities to look after the controlling systems. Many municipalities choose to adopt models that reflect the efficacy. The municipality of Vellinge has chosen to implement balanced scorecard in all their efficacies. We found it interesting when it was exposed that 70 % of all implementations of balanced scorecard fails.
Riskkapitalägande i den svenska välfärdssektorn - kortaste vägen till (skatte-)paradiset
This thesis studies whether private equity owned firms within the Swedish welfare sector distinguish themselves in terms of tax planning and short-termism from a control group consisting of other privately owned welfare firms. For the first time, the comparison is made on the entire welfare sector, between 14 matched pairs within education, health care and elderly care. We use financial metrics associated with tax planning and short-termism in sign tests to examine whether the private equity owned firms differ from our control group. The financial metrics tested are actual and paid tax rates, level of interest, book-tax gap, investments, personnel expenses per employee, and cash earnings. We find that the private equity owned firms in terms of tax planning only differ in the level of interest, while no notable differences are found in terms of short-termism..
Kan man minska bilåkandet i staden? : sett ur ett stadsplanerarperspektiv
The reason why this essay is written can be parted in two, whereas one would be the global trend of urbanization that occurs to this moment and forward, whereas the other would be the debate of how motorism has come to be an issue of sustainable management of our cities and our environment. In purpose to deliver a thorough understanding of how the car and its capacity has come to shape the society of today, and to emphasize the problems it´s brought, a historical survey has been made, followed by the report of problems to the society formed by the needs of the car, discussed in several environmental issues, such as jamming, noise and air pollution. This is followed by the discussion of potential solutions for how city planning could return to the focus of the human scale and perspective, in purpose to correspond with the issue of ways to decrease the car use in towns. In conclusion, the given solutions are discussed, where examples like shared space, investment in public transport, mobility management and the theory of the assembled city are included, with aid from literature, to finally conclude the essay with personal thoughts of how the planning of today, or the given solutions, really are the result of sustainability for city planning from a human perspective.
Effektiv förvaltning och sökande politiker : Organisationsfo?ra?ndringars inverkan pa? kommunal demokrati, en ja?mfo?rande studie av kommunerna Mo?nstera?s och Mo?rbyla?nga.
This is a study of democracy on the local level. It?s a comparison between the municipalities of Mo?rbyla?nga and Mo?nstera?s in the region of Kalmar in Sweden based on most similar design. The question is if the structure of the political organisation affects the quality of democracy, with focus on the reorganisaton in Mo?rbyla?nga and the quality of the political process.
Den förvandlade kommunen : Ekonomisk och social tillväxt i Örnsköldsvik 1997-2007
The transformed municipality ? Economic and social growth in Örnsköldsvik 1997-2007Author: Kristina HanssonThis thesis focuses on the economic and social growth in the municipality of Örnsköldsvik. It is a single case study and the municipality is studied through economic theories concerning regional growth in the period of 1997-2007. The aim is to analyse whether these theories, such as Åke E. Anderssons and Ulf Strömquists K-society, and other more or less microeconomic assumptions, also are applicable in smaller local contexts.
Att Planera Efterträdare : En studie på svenska ungdomsakademier inom fotboll
Denna studie ämnade att undersöka förhållandet mellan termen succession planning och idrottsvärlden genom att ta reda på vilka målsättningar och strategier som svenska elitfotbollsföreningar har. Tre föreningar tillhörande det högsta seriesystemet inom svensk elitfotboll har medverkat i denna studie. Metoden för att utföra denna uppsats var fallstudiemetoden. Varje förening benämns som ett enskilt fall, där av berörs och jämförs tre olika fall i denna uppsats. Uppsatsens fokus ligger i utvalda föreningarnas ungdomsakademier, mer specifikt elitförberedande verksamhet för pojkar 15-19 år. Empirin har samlats in genom intervjuer med uppgiftslämnare från föreningarna medverkande i studien.