

561 Uppsatser om Multinomial regression - Sida 7 av 38

Utvärdering av arbetsmarknadsprojektet Enter

This thesis purpose is to determine an explanation of the efficiency in a labour-market related project. ?Enter? is an EU-financed project with a focus on long-term unemployed workers in the district Härlanda, Gothenburg. Starting in September 2004, Enter offers individually based coaching and job guidance to totally 110 young persons with problems entering the labour market. The goal is to provide these people courage to find either full or part time employment or to start study.

Hur viktig är statens styrka för ekonomiskt välstånd?- En studie av alla världens länder

What role does the state play in economic development? This thesis seeks to investigate the relationship between a strong state and economic development. To define the concept of a strong state I focus on the relationship between the scope of state functions and the efficiency of which these functions are implemented. The concept of a strong state is in this thesis defined as the efficiency of the state functions. By using a database constructed by three economists; David Kaufman, Aart Kraay and Massimo Mastruzzi as a measurement of a strong state I test the relationship with economic development empirically.

Konst som investering: En studie av investeringar i svenska kvalitetsmålningar under perioden 1985-2006

This paper analyses how Swedish fine-art oil paintings sold at auctions has performed as a monetary investment during the period autumn 1985 until spring 2006. An average price technique as well as a hedonic regression technique, applied to a sample of 19 213 auction sales, is used to construct price indices. The indices show somewhat different results, which is explained by the inability of the average price model to adjust for relative differences in quality between periods. The hedonic regression model on the other hand captures this effect, why the hedonic index is applied in a financial return model. By adjusting for transaction cost, the financial return of an average investment in paintings is calculated.

Är rika områden friskare än fattiga? : en studie av sambandet mellan ett områdes ekonomiska nivå och dess invånares hälsa

En jämlikt fördelad hälsa är ett mål för den svenska folkhälsopolitiken, och därför är det viktigt att studera de sociala och ekonomiska faktorer som påverkar hälsan. Den här uppsatsen undersöker om det går att fastställa ett samband mellan medelinkomst och allmän hälsonivå i Sveriges församlingar. Tidigare studier visar att hälsan påverkas negativt av att leva under sämre ekonomiska förhållanden. Jag använder data från Socialstyrelsens patientregister från slutenvården samt IFAU-databasen och genomför en regression med hjälp av en fix effekt modell som rensar för områdesspecifika fixa effekter. Resultaten visar på ett negativt signifikant samband mellan medelinkomst och antalet inläggningar per capita i församlingarna.

Faktorer som påverkar kapitalstrukturen ? En studie utifrån den svenska industribranschen

Syfte:Huvudsyftet med vår uppsats var att testa om ett antal utvalda oberoende variabler påverkar skuldsättningsgraden i svenska börsnoterade industriföretag från 2003 till 2007. Detta utförde vi med hjälp av ett antal utvalda teorier och modeller. Vidare använde vi oss av respektive företags årsredovisningar. Metod:Variablerna undersöktes i två olika steg. Först genomfördes en enkel regression för respektive variabel, detta för att undersöka om ett samband mellan varje förklarande variabel och den beroende variabeln skuldsättningsgraden kunde säkerställas statistiskt.

Revisionsutskott i svenska aktiebolag: En statistisk analys

The recent development in several countries? legislation and best practice recommendations in relation to corporate governance in general and audit committees in particular have affected Swedish listed corporations in the form of the Swedish Corporate Governance Code and the coming EU-directive. This paper aims to discover what factors affected Swedish listed companies to form audit committees when this was entirely voluntary. We collected data from the annual reports of 121 Swedish listed companies and formed eleven hypotheses as to what factors we believed affected the voluntary formation of audit committees based on Agency Theory, economies of scale and circumstances specific to the Swedish environment. We then analyzed the data through the use of a multivariate logistic regression model.

Vaccinering mot H1N1 : En studie av vad som påverkade svenska individers vaccinationsbeslut 2009

The Swine flu (H1N1) erupted in 2009 and wasquickly spread over the world and developed into a pandemic, with a great threat against people?s health. It was soon discovered that the H1N1?virus had a different character than the seasonal flu, since it especially affected younger individuals and the consequences from the disease were expected to be more severe. In Sweden it was decided to provide a free of charge vaccination against the H1N1-virus, and the Swedish vaccination ratiobecome relatively high compared to other countries.

Alpin permafrost i Kebnekaisefjällen : Modellering med logistisk regression och BTS-data

Denna studie är ett försök att modellera den alpina permafrostens utbredning inom Kebnekaisemassivet i norra Lappland. En karta som visar sannolikheten för permafrostens utbredning har skapats med hjälp av data från Bottom Temperature of Snow cover (BTS) - mätningar samt statistisk modellering genom logistisk regression.Fältstudien genomfördes under mars till april 2011 med totalt 56 BTS-punkter från 1073 till 1805 m.ö.h. Permafrostförekomsten bestämdes vara en funktion av höjden. För att utreda detta användes stepwise selection som är en metod för att identifiera statistiskt signifikanta variabler gentemot en beroende variabel. De andra parametrarna som testades var topografins sluttningsgradient, riktningen av den maximala lutningen och den potentiella solinstrålningen.

Ärade Statsminister 2,0 : Breven till statsministern om den ekonomiska politiken

Vilka ekonomiska frågor ligger närmast de svenska brevskrivarnas hjärtan? Två svenska professorer, Becker och Jonung undersökte detta 1998. Denna studie undersöker i ett världsunikt data set innehållande 536 brev adresserade till statsminister Fredrik Reinfeldt under hans mandatperiod 2006-2014. Genom undersökningen ges en övergripande bild av brevskrivarnas mest centrala frågor rörande ekonomi. Utgångspunkten ligger i att undersöka skillnader i fördelningen av brev mellan denna och tidigare studie.

Extra ersättningar vid föräldraledighet : Dess inverkan på föräldraledighetslängden vid olika inkomster och kön

Mothers and fathers in Sweden receive an earnings-related benefit of 80 percent of their income when they take parental leave. There exists a ceiling in the allowance though, meaning that some people with high earnings don?t receive fully 80 percent of their ordinary salary. The length of the parental leave varies between women and men and also among men and women. Various reasons are used to explain this; one of them is economical.

Samband mellan en längre tillväxtsäsong och en ökad smoltstorlek i Vänerområdet

AbstractThe purpose of this study was to see if there is a connection between smolt length from Brattfors salmon cultivation and temperature. Climate changes are expected to give a higher temperature that could result in a longer growing season for the fish.Cultivated smolt is today bigger than it was before, it is also bigger than the wild salmon. The growth season of salmonids depend on the water temperature, salmonids need 6-80C to grow. Water temperature has been surveyd since the late 50´s in Brattfors. The result shows that it?s now considerable more days per year with higher temperature.

Beslutsmodell för lagerplacering

The study examined what NHL-teams should improve. This has been done by studying the significant statistics of NHL-seasons, and with linear regression identifying what NHL-teams should do to win many points and thereby get a good placement in the final table. The most interesting result of the study is that the statistics on faceoffs and shots on goal and power play efficiency most seasons where irrelevant for the outcome of a season..

Regressionsanalys av NHL-statistik

The study examined what NHL-teams should improve. This has been done by studying the significant statistics of NHL-seasons, and with linear regression identifying what NHL-teams should do to win many points and thereby get a good placement in the final table. The most interesting result of the study is that the statistics on faceoffs and shots on goal and power play efficiency most seasons where irrelevant for the outcome of a season..

Staten och socionomen. En kvantitativ studie av social bakgrund och välfärdspolitiska attitydmönster bland blivande socialarbetare.

The North-American sociologist Michael Lipsky has characterized social workers as street-level bureaucrats with a substantial discretion in the relationship between the welfare state and its citizens. Within Lipsky´s theoretical framework social workers appear as a powerful group that socializes the citizens to uphold certain expectations towards the welfare state and its (re)distributional programs. From this point of view, it is important to learn more about social workers and the attitudes they express towards the welfare state. The aim of this study is to analyze how the welfare-political attitudes of future social workers are affected by their social background (e.g. class background and ancestral homeland).

Prognostisering av sortimentsutfall från stående skog med hjälp av befintliga data : anpassat till Sveaskog Norrbottens planeringsprocess

This study in the subject of forest planning is made for Sveaskog and its aim is to develop tools that prognosticate outcome in terms of volumes per sort from not yet cut forest stands. The degree of detail is just to get reliable results for at least one months volumes, for Sveaskogs own forestland in the market region of Norrbotten that is about 100 000 m3fub. The course of action to accomplish this is regression analysis and the data consists of cut tracts on own forestland in Norrbotten during the years 2006, 2007 and 2008. That is a little more than 4 million m3fub. Two tools were made.

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