

565 Uppsatser om Multinomial regression - Sida 15 av 38

Psykologiska beslutsfällors inverkan på investeringsbeslut

Problem: The question is if investors falls into psychological decision traps when they are about to make an investments decision. Research in other areas suggests that this may be case. The reason is that they are not aware of that psychological decision traps exist. If so, it can lead to pernicious consequences for the return on the portfolios they manage. Purpose: To investigate if investors fall into four different psychological decisions traps: anchoring, confirming evidence, overconfidence and regression towards mean, at investments in IPOs Method: We have collected data through a form of experiment.

Svenska kyrkan i kris : Sambandet mellan demografi och Svenska kyrkans medlemsandel

Our aim in this work has been to redesign ModernFamilies and make a user-friendly interface for people with aphasia. The focus has been to identify general issues they might face while using different technology and applications, in order to find better alternative design for ModernFamilies, with a focus on usability. To approach this issue, we used a qualitative method. Our study includes several interviews and observations preformed in conjunction with the AGNES project (AGeing in a NEtworked Society) and speech therapists. Aphasia requires simple design that in the same time gives them support to understand and use technology and different applications.

Utvärdering av Transportstyrelsens flygtrafiksmodeller

The Swedish Transport Agency has for a long time collected data on a monthly basis for different variables that are used to make predictions, short projections as well as longer projections. They have used SAS for producing statistical models in air transport. The model with the largest value of coefficient of determination is the method that has been used for a long time. The Swedish Transport Agency felt it was time for an evaluation of their models and methods of how projections is estimated, they would also explore the possibilities to use different, completely new models for forecasting air travel. This Bachelor thesis examines how the Holt-Winters method does compare with SARIMA, error terms such as RMSE, MAPE, R2, AIC and BIC  will be compared between the methods. The results which have been produced showing that there may be a risk that the Holt-Winters models adepts a bit too well in a few variables in which Holt-Winters method has been adapted.

Korrelerar perfektionism med insomni samt dagtidsfunktion och predicerar perfektionism behandlingsutfall av KBT?

Syftet med studien var att undersöka sambandet mellan kortvarig insomni och perfektionism samt dess påverkan på dagtidsfunktion. Det undersöktes också om perfektionism var en prediktor för behandlingsutfall av insomni och dagtidsfunktion vid kognitiv beteendeterapi [KBT]. Samplet bestod av 136 deltagare som deltog i en prospektiv behandlingsstudie. Deltagarna randomiserades in i två grupper. 64 deltagare genomgick en KBT-behandling och 72 deltagare fungerade som kontrollgrupp.

Empirisk studie av den radiella förspänningskraftens variation i klassiska skärskruvförband

In this study, the pre-tension force in an insert screw connection are examined in order to establish a greater understanding of the system and to facilitate the process of making new metal cutting tools. Certain especially significant design variables such as the offset, the length of the contact thread and the shank length above the threaded hole, are selected to be closely examined. A comparison of the influence on the pre-tension force between threaded holes made with a worn, versus new, threading tool is also involved in the experiment. The study is limited to handling the screw sizes M2,5 and M3,5. The results show that a regression model, with good approximation, can be fitted to the measured values.

Hur planeras en väl fungerande APU?

År 2007 är det högkonjunktur och arbetslösheten sjunker i Sverige. Fler väljer att läsa vidare på högskola och universitet och färre människor föds. En attraktiv arbetsplats vinner konkurrensen om den kompetens som finns. Arbetslivsinstitutet startade därför, tillsammans med Högskolan Dalarna, ett gemensamt forskningsprojekt 2001 som avslutades 2003. Projektet resulterade bla.

Sambandet mellan institutionellt ägande och utdelning ? en studie av svenska börsnoterade bolag

Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka huruvida ett samband finns mellan institutionellt ägarskap och svenska företags utdelning. Om ett samband råder är avsikten att med statistisk signifikans säkerställa sambandet utifrån olika ägarkategoriseringar. Undersökningen baseras på 2007 års resultat av 261 företag på Stockholmsbörsen och NGM Equity Resultatet påvisar ett signifikant negativt samband mellan ägarkategorierna alla och övriga institutioner. Försäkringsbolag, pensionsrelaterade företag och fondförvaltare har ett negativt samband som inte går att statistiskt säkerställa. Resultatet kan tolkas utifrån två olika ägarstrategier, aktivt och passivt ägande, vilket medför att de har olika synsätt på utdelning..

Har ungdomsarbetslösheten påverkats av regeringens sänkning av arbetsgivaravgiften?

Sweden has for years been struggling with high youth unemployment. The problem is also a hot topic of discussion among experts and politicians, often leading to different proposals to solve the problem. The government chose in 2006 to do something about youth unemployment by lowering payroll taxes for employees up to 25 years. But many experts and studies show that the effects failed to materialize.This study will try to find out if the government subsidies have given any effect on the youth unenployment either by new jobs created or by movement in the labor force. I will use a regression model with an dependent, "difference in difference" variable where the change in the number of employed young people are compared to the change in the number of employed in the subsequent age group.The results show that subsidies are not given any positive effect on the youth employment rate in relation to the subsequent age group..

Utvärtes behandling av sarkoider på häst med Aldara eller Xxterra : en jämförande pilotstudie

Sarcoid is the most common tumor in horses all over the world. The sarcoid is a benign, locally invasive, usually fibroblastic proliferative skin neoplasm. Even if the etiology is not completley verified, the epidemiology and clinical behavior suggest a infectious intervention, probably BPV type 1 or type 2. However, it is known that the cause is multifactorial. A genetic prepdispositon has been identified associated to genes within the Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC), but also to breed, age and perhaps gender.

Utvärtes behandling av sarkoider på häst med Aldara TM eller Xxterra TM : en jämförande pilotstudie

Sarcoid is the most common tumor in horses all over the world. The sarcoid is a benign, locally invasive, usually fibroblastic proliferative skin neoplasm. Even if the etiology is not completley verified, the epidemiology and clinical behavior suggest a infectious intervention, probably BPV type 1 or type 2. However, it is known that the cause is multifactorial. A genetic prepdispositon has been identified associated to genes within the Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC), but also to breed, age and perhaps gender.

Utbildningens betydelse för hälsan : En studie i skillnad på ohälsa mellan akademiker och icke-akademiker

The main focus with this study was to investigate if there was a difference in level ofeducation and self-rated health and if it could be explained by the amount of control,demands and social support at work. Theories used in this essay are education, health,and the job strain-model (control, demands and social support at work). We used analready done study by Folkhälsoinstitutet (2004) to examine these questions. Theanalysed sample consists of respondents 12 166 aged 18-84 years. The decline was39, 2 %.

Vädrets påverkan på försäljningen inom svensk dagligvaruhandel : En studie om vädrets påverkan på ICA:s försäljning

ICA is the largest general dealer in the Swedish market as well as the largest supplier to the independent ICA-dealers. The principal and one of the biggest stakeholders of this thesis is the department Supply Chain Development who is responsible for the development of ICA?s Supply Chain.The purpose of this study is to examine how ICA?s sales are affected by weather and to make recommendations on how ICA should proceed with its work regarding this issue. By leveraging their forecasts by including weather, ICA hopes that their logistical metrics amount of spoilage, service levels and number of inventory days will improve. This thesis describes how ICA is working with weather currently, and furthermore it discusses the existing literature within this area.

Abnorm avkastning för konkurrenter till budmottagande företag - En empirisk studie av företag listade på Nasdaq OMX Nordic

This paper aims to investigate abnormal returns for rivals to bidder targets in connection with the announcement of the bid. The study is based on 38 bids placed between September 2006 - January 2011 and 137 rival firms listed on Nasdaq OMX Nordic. We measure cumulative abnormal returns, CAR, for rival firms through an event study. We find that rival firms earn significant positive CAR in connection with the announcement of the bid. This is in line with the two-sided signaling effect presented by Akhigbe et al.

Skatt på finansiella transaktioner : Securities Transaction Tax: Undsättning eller undergång?

Den 1 augusti 2012 infördes en skatt på finansiella transaktioner i Frankrike. Detta är ett av många exempel, nuvarande och i planeringsstadiet, på fenomenet där ekonomiska marknader beläggs med skatt. Hur detta påverkar marknaden är vad denna uppsats ämnar studera då tidigare teori och empiri pekar åt olika håll. För att uppnå detta syfte undersöks hur likviditeten och volatiliteten påverkades i anslutning till skattens införande i Frankrike. Likviditeten uppskattas genom spreaden samt handelsvolymen.

Capital Asset Pricing Model och Fama-French trefaktormodell - Hur väl förklarar dessa modeller avkastningen på den Svenska aktiemarknaden?

I denna studie har vi haft som avsikt att jämföra två modeller som förklarar avkastningen på aktiemarknaden. Modellerna är Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) och Fama-French trefaktormodell(FF3). Undersökningen har gjorts på Nasdaq OMX Nordic Stockholm över perioden 2002 till 2012. Vi har valt att göra denna undersökning för att se huruvida FF3 med två extra faktorer kan förklara avkastningen på aktiemarknaden bättre än CAPM. Sex portföljer konstruerades och vi har visat att FF3 statistiskt signifikant förklarar mer än CAPM för fem av sex portföljer.

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