

11614 Uppsatser om Motivation theory - Sida 62 av 775

Datorn - en motivationshöjare?

Detta är en studie som syftar till att ta reda på hur två pedagoger arbetarmed datorer och belöning. I bakgrunden presenterar vi bland annatbegreppet motivation samt att vi går igenom några centrala delar i behaviorismen.För att finna svar till vårt syfte använde vi oss av observationeroch semistrukturerade intervjuer. I analysen av resultatet inspireradesvi av hermeneutiken och vår tolkning är att pedagogerna blandannat använder sig av datorerna för att motivera eleverna. Vår studieavslutas med en kortare sammanfattning av resultatet där vi lyfter framnågra egna tankar samt att vi ger tips på vidare forskning..

Det Utvecklande Ledarskapets effekter på tillit, trivsel och motivation

Ledarskap har genom historien förändrats från att styra till att leda. Teorier och studier kring så kallat transformativt ledarskap har de senaste decennierna fått stort genomslag. Internationella studier har visat att transformativt ledarskap ökar tillit, arbetstrivsel och motivation. Den här studien undersöker effekterna av transformativt eller så kallat Utvecklande Ledarskap (ULL). En enkätundersökning genomfördes inom två svenska organisationer (N = 37) där medarbetare skattade sina chefers Utvecklande Ledarskap, sin egen motivation, trivsel och tillit till ledaren.

Högpresterande elever i grundskolans tidiga år : - hur lärare kan utmana och skapa motivation hos dem

I lärares uppdrag ingår att anpassa undervisningen till alla elever för att främja deras fortsatta lärande. Syftet med detta arbete är att ta reda på hur verksamma lärare anser att klassrumssituationen är för de högpresterande eleverna, samt hur lärare kan utmana, stimulera och skapa motivation hos de högpresterande eleverna. I studien presenteras tidigare forskning inom området samt resultatet av studiens insamlade empiri. Denna har samlats in genom kvalitativa intervjuer med fyra lärare på två olika skolor. Samtliga arbetar i årskurserna 1-6. Resultatet visar att de medverkande lärarna använder sig av öppna uppgifter som eleverna kan lösa med hjälp av olika strategier och därför kan ges till alla elever.

Att undervisa med didaktisk teori : en diskursanalys av grundskolans kursplaner för historia och religionskunskap

The aim of this exam is about possibility to position a didactical theory of Curriculum for compulsory school, preschool class and the leisure-time centre 2011 (Lgr11). I use Michael Foucault?s discourse analysis to study the syllabuses for social sciences subjects History and Religion. The main theme is to seek what kind of world does these two social study subjects construct for students in high school. The point of using Foucault?s discourse is to seek specific knowledge and words which is used for power positioning.

Varför arbeta utan lön?

Every year big events takes place in different cities, one of the largest half marathons in the world is located in Gothenburg and is called GöteborgsVarvet. These kind of events rely on volunteers to even be able to manage the pressure from the arrangement. The purpose of the study was to investigate the motivation factors among volunteers? at GöteborgsVarvet 2012. This study is a part of a bigger project called EVINN that is an EU-financial researchproject which aims to develop arrangements.

Varför tvättar vi inte våra händer? En litteraturstudie om bidragande orsaker till att sjukvårdspersonal brister i vårdhygien och aseptik

The purpose of this literature review is to visualize the contributing factors of insufficient hygiene routines and incorrect aseptic handling. The literature review contains ten scientific articles from England, USA, Italy and Sweden, and related literature. Factors causing the problem are presented as four themes, the most reoccurring in our material are lack of time, knowledge/education, equipment and attitudes/motivation..

?Det ?r vad hela jobbet g?r ut p?? Motivation, Motivation? - En kvalitativ intervjustudie om hur st?dassistenter arbetar p? boende med s?rskild service f?r att fr?mja motivation och delaktighet hos personer med psykiska funktionsneds?ttningar.

Bakgrund Personer med en psykisk funktionsneds?ttning och som bor p? boende med s?rskild service har l?gre energi, motivation och sj?lvf?rtroende ?n personer utan en psykisk funktionsneds?ttning. De har en l?gre delaktighet i sociala, fysiska och meningsfulla aktiviteter ?n ?vrig befolkning. St?dassistenter st?ttar personer med en psykisk funktionsneds?ttning i vardagliga aktiviteter som st?dning, handla mat, f?lja med p? l?karbes?k eller n?gon fritidsaktivitet.

Leken som ett verktyg för lärandet

The present study deals with the importance of play for children's learning in preschool. The purpose is to investigate the importance of play for children's learning in preschool from a pedagogue?s perspective. The study is based on two issues: How does the pedagogue´s who were interviewed reason about the impact the play has on children's development? How does the pedagogue´s approach to make play a learning situation? The empirical data is based on semi-structured interviews with four preschool pedagogue´s.

POLIS, POLIS, REGISTERKRIS : ? en retorisk analys av polisens kriskommunikation i samband med "registerskandalen"

AbstractTitel: Ur elden in i askan. En kvalitativ studie om det sociala nätverkets betydelse för ensamkommande barnKeywords: unaccompanied refugee children, social network, risk and resilience, social work.Authors: Karin Bodå och Leila Silva The main purpose of this study is to illuminate and describe the importance of having a social network for unaccompanied refugee children in Sweden. Using qualitative interviews this study looks at their possibilities to create a social network in Sweden and how their network helps them to solve problems. Knowledge of this subject is important for social workers, in order to be able to encourage and help unaccompanied refugee children to build a social network. The base for our analysis is attachment theory, coping theory, social network theory, KASAM theory, risk and resilience theory, system theory are used to give deeper insight into experiences of four unaccompanied refugee boys.

Från soptipp till naturreservat : En studie av makt i Lövsta-Kyrkhamn-Riddersvik genom actor-network theory

This paper investigates, through an actor-network theory perspective, how the recreation area Lo?vsta-Kyrkhamn-Riddersvik northwest of Stockholm has developed from being a dumping site into becoming a nature reserve. This investigation also tries to describe and explain which values that have been promoted in the area by the local voluntary associations and companies. Lo?vsta-Kyrkhamn-Riddersvik has been inhabited for more than 3000 years, originally with farming as the most important business.

Att attrahera och motivera medarbetare : Varumärket som ett strategiskt verktyg

Since Brand Management and Marketing in theory mainly been focusing on the consumer market, our main purpose of this essay is to analyze how a brand also can be appealing to the labour market, to attract and engage employees. Keywords attached to our essay are, brands, recruitment, Human Resource management, theories of motivation, corporate identity, employer branding and internal marketing. The study is based on a qualitative research. Our main reason for choosing this research was to get a closer insight for the phenomen and to establish a major understanding for the subject. To get a better knowledge and to answer and fulfil our purpose we have chosen to complete eight interviews, of whom six respondents representing Service firms.

Pedagogiska verktyg i arbetet för elevens motivation : En studie inom särskolan

This study was conducted at a special school for children with autism and developmental disabilities. The study consists of three interviews where pedagogues have different experiences of working with children in need of special support. The aim is to get an idea of how teachers think about working with children autism, but above all to find out what methods and educational tools that are used, and why they are used to best motivate students to a rewarding education. Sense of coherence (SOC) is a central concept and a theoretical basis of the study relating to the student to create comprehensibility, manageability and meaningfulness in life. All of these three are essential for the student to find a predictable environment.From the result shows how schools and teachers use different methods and different tools, but both have a focus to help the student find motivation in the learning process.

Det emotionella valet - ett alternativ och komplement till rationaliteten

The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate and develop a useful theory of human behavior that recognizes the importance of our emotions. The new framework, called the theory of emotional choice, is developed by a holistic method in which results from the fields of psychology, sociology and (neuro-) biology are used to mutually support the conclusions. The theory is distilled into six preliminary points, which are based on the finding that we are not thinking as logical, rational and longsighted as is often assumed. Instead the regular human thinking is suggested to be shortsighted, intuitive and ruled by our emotions and our needs for generality, causality and normality.To demonstrate the usefulness of the new framework, it is used in an analysis of financial bubbles. Additionally, the fields of negotiation, election and ethics are suggested as potentially interesting to analyze with the new theory..

Det var en gång... : En kvalitativ studie om pedagogers uppfattning om användandet av sagor i förskoleverksamheten

The purpose of this study is to find out how teachers work with fairytales in preschools raising several questions;How would the teachers describe the literary environment at the preschools? What does theory say about the literary environment?What type of fairytales do the teachers perceive that they work with? How does theory describe these fairytales?What is the underlying purpose for teachers working with fairytales? What purposes are described in theory?My study is based on qualitative interviews conducted with three teachers working in preschool in a small town. The study is based on hermeneutic theory.  I have also used other theory to complete the study.         The teachers all see the possibility of using storytelling as a means to developing the children´ s vocabulary. Some of the teachers also use books and stories as a way of indirectly addressing ongoing personal problems.                                                                                                      The results of my study show that fairytales can be a valuable tool for personal development for children. Working with fairytales could be crucial to how children develop their curiosity and desire to learn and manage ongoing traumas in their lives.

Motivation hos yrkeselever

Syftet med denna undersökning är att ta reda på hur det förhåller sig  med motivationen inom några ämnen hos elever som går på elprogrammet på en skola i Stockholmsregionen. Undersökningen baseras på en enkätstudie av 67 elever i årskurs ett till tre och en intervjustudie av fyra elever. Den kvalitativa studien genomfördes med strukturerade intervjuer medan den kvantitativa studien genomfördes med hjälp av Internetenkäter. Undersökningens resultat visar att eleverna tycker det är avgörande för motivationen att lärarna är duktiga och engagerade, samt att det är en praktisk utbildning. Vidare framkommer att krav och förväntningar från föräldrar, lärare och praktikplats har stor betydelse för elevernas prestationer.

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