

1797 Uppsatser om Motion picture - Sida 2 av 120

Att navigera med gester : Gestbaserad teknik för framtiden

Technology evolves quickly, with innovative ideas growing everywhere. Still, no technology is anywhere near challenging the mouse and keyboard for navigation of your standard computer. This study focuses on comparing the traditional technologies of mouse and keyboard with the new technology of gestures - in this case Leap Motion - in purpose of finding how the usage differs and what the potential users want from the competing technology. The experiment was executed in a controlled environment, with as few external factors as possible. We found that although the test subjects found Leap Motion fun, the test subjects do not want to surf the web with gestures.

Äta bör man? Kost, sömn och motions inverkan på elevers vakenhet i skolan

I detta arbete undersöker jag om kost, sömn och motion påverkar elevers vakenhet i skolan. Litteraturgenomgången behandlar aktuella rön kring näringslära, sömn, motion, riktlinjer för skolmat och skolfrukostförsök. Även Linköpings kommuns roll i skolmatfrågan behandlas. I en enkätundersökning bland 35 sjätteklassare kartläggs deras mat, sömn och motionsvanor under fyra dagar. Resultatet behandlas i en enkätanalys, där det framgår att kost och motion kan påverka elevernas vakenhet i skolan.

Bilderboken i förskolan En fokusgruppstudie av kanonprocessen

The aim of this masters thesis is to examine the picture book canonization process in pre-schools. To succeed in this I have examined what pre-school staff believe to be the criteria of a good picture book. Together with an observation of the pre-schools current collection, other factors which can influence the collection of the picture book are included. This constitutes the foundation for a description of the pre-school picture book canon. To pursue this goal, I have used the methodology of focus group interviews with staff from two pre-schools in a middle-sized town.

Bilderböcker utifrån ett genusperspektiv

The purpose of this study is to analyze picture books from a gender perspective. The books are found in a book box that the libraries send out to preschools. This study is based on the following questions:How are boys and girls portrayed in picture books?Do the picture books encourage or discourage the principles of equality found in the Curriculum for the Pre-School and the equality work conducted in the preschools?I performed a qualitative text and picture analysis of 12 picture books. I used Maria Nikolajeva and Kajsa Wahlströms schedule of typical masculine and feminine qualities and activities when analysing the picture books.

Motion och hälsa, en social förmån?

Detta examensarbete ifrågasätter om motion och hälsa kan sägas vara en social förmån. Avsikten har varit att undersöka barns attityd, motionsvanor och fritidssysselsättning med avseende på skillnader i deras boende. Min litteraturgenomgång omfattar såväl människors behov av motion i det dagliga livet som samhällets direktiv beträffande fysisk fostran uttryckt i tidigare och gällande läroplaner.För att få svar på mina uppställda frågor har jag genomfört en enkät på tre skolor som ligger i olika socialt ansedda områden. Min enkätundersökning är inte stor nog för att kunna ge några generaliserbara svar. Men vad jag kan se är tendenser som överensstämmer med tidigare forskning kring idrott och sociala skillnader.Forskarna slår larm om en allt sämre hälsa medan politikerna ser till att skära ned på idrotten..

I bilderboken är allt möjligt : bilderboksillustration ur en kommunikativ synvinkel

The general purpose of this dissertation is to study picture communication in picture books and it addresses the following questions:What is the illustrator?s role in the process of making a picture book? What communicative qualities do pictures have in picture books and how do pictures interact with texts? What methods do illustrators use to visualize the meaning of stories in picture books?A genre analysis, a literature study and an interview of a professional illustrator has been conducted to answer the questions. I found that all objects that make up pictures, the arrangement, colours and shapes contribute to the meaning in diverse ways. Pictures also communicate in a different way than texts. An important difference between pictures and texts in the context of picture books is that pictures are more open for interpretation.

Bilderbokens text och bild i samspel : En studie av Tove Janssons Hur gick det sen?-boken om Mymlan, Mumintrollet och lilla My

The Picture book - text and image in interaction. A study of Tove Jansson's picturebook: The Book About Moomin, Mymble and Little MyThis study examines Tove Jansson's picture book The Book About Moomin, Mymbleand Little My, to show relationships between text and image in the narration of thestory. This is done through an analysis based on Ulla Rhedins dissertation The picturebook - towards a theory where the conclusion is that the picture book as book mediumcan be divided in three different picture concepts. The various concepts are; the epicpicture book, the expanding text as well as the genuine picture book. This study hasperformed a text and image analysis showing that the image colors, the differentspreads, landscape scenes and characters' placement, et cetera play a role in placingthe picture book in its concept.Tove Jansson used more than text and image to work out the story of theMoomintroll, Mymble and Little My, there are holes in the picture book that have animportant role, which the analysis will show.

Blinkets påverkan - En studie om rörliga skyltar i butik och dess påverkan på försäljningen samt konsumenternas attityd, köpintention och beteende

Studies show that visual elements in store have a great impact on consumers. Of all the impressions that the brain receives the visual impressions count for 83 %. One of the visual elements that retailers can use in-store to influence consumers is signs. Today, there are a lot of studies on regular signs but this is very limited when it comes to motion displays. Motion displays are signs printed on electronic paper with animated messages.

Pengar, press & partiledare : En studie om porträtteringen av makt i svenska tidsskrifter

We have studied how power is portrayed in Swedish journals by analyzing eight portraits of Swedish persons with economic or political power. We have studied how they and their power are described by the journalist in text and picture. We wanted to see which picture the journalist shows of people with power, what properties they are given by the journalist and how this picture is shown by the texts and the pictures. We have also looked if there are any differences between people with political power and people with economic power. We have under our studies noticed that the persons with power are described as very successful and special and this picture are shown in a very clear and unproblematic way..

Marknaden och kulturarvet: Argumentationsanalys av moderaternas kulturmotion 2005/06Kr:233

The cultural policy area has a tendency to be seen as a consensus area, where there are no big conflicts between the parties. The aim of this master?s thesis is to study the moderate party?s cultural motion 2005/06Kr:233 with the party leader Fredrik Reinfeldt as first author. If consensus rules, the party?s ideology should not be visible in the motion, but the assumption in the thesis is that it is visible.

Barnets röst i barnavårdsutredningar : Hur får barn komma till tals?

The purpose of this study is to analyze picture books from a gender perspective. The books are found in a book box that the libraries send out to preschools. This study is based on the following questions:How are boys and girls portrayed in picture books?Do the picture books encourage or discourage the principles of equality found in the Curriculum for the Pre-School and the equality work conducted in the preschools?I performed a qualitative text and picture analysis of 12 picture books. I used Maria Nikolajeva and Kajsa Wahlströms schedule of typical masculine and feminine qualities and activities when analysing the picture books.

Om barns kost, motion och hälsa

Studiens syfte var att granska om i vilken utsträckning skolan tillgodoser elevers behov av undervisning gällande kost, motion och hälsa. Resultatet pekar på att skolan har goda intentioner men begränsade möjligheter att nå upp till Lpo 94: s krav på att elever utövar någon form av fysisk aktivitet varje dag. Vidare visar resultaten att skolan har svårigheter att kunna undervisa de yngre åldrarna, i kost och hälsa på ett tillfredställande sätt, då lärarna upplever det som svårt att hitta bra material på grund av skolans otillräckliga budget. Konsekvenser för detta utmynnar i att skolor har svårt att efterleva intentionerna i Lpo 94.

?Bollen susade in i bortre gaveln? - En studie i rörelsekonstruktioner och produktivitet

This paper investigates the grammatical construction intransitive motionconstruction with GOAL as it is used in Swedish (Swe. intransitivrörelsekonstruktion med MÅL).I examine in which ways the construction is productive, i.e. thepossibility to use the construction with new verbs as well as withordinary motion verbs with new functions. The notion of productivity isbased on the construction?s type frequency and semantic openness(Goldberg 1995, 2006; Barðdal 2008; Bybee 2010).

Lågbudget filmskapande och tillverkning av billigt Motion Capture system

Nya filmer som skapas innehåller mer och mer datorgenererade bilder och många filmer skapas även helt den digitala vägen, detta innebär att det krävs en rad olika dyra licenser för program och verktyg för att kunna skapa bra filmer.Genom ett projekt där en kortfilm skapas helt i 3D med en så låg budget som möjligt och som dessutom ska använda sig av Motion Capture som animerings-teknik så krävs det ett bra alternativ till att tillverka ett eget Motion Capture system för att så lite pengar som möjligt ska spenderas. Genom använding av Playstation kameror och lånade material kan ett billigt Motion Capture system tillverkas, samtidigt som kostnaden för kortfilmen hålls så låg som möjligt. Hur många timmar som lagts ned på modellering av objekt till filmen kan jämföras med ett uppskattat pris för anställning av professionell hjälp och dessutom se om detta verkligen är ett lönsamt alternativ istället för att skapa sina egna modeller till filmen. .

Mäklarkontorets geografiska placering : Och dess påverkan på kundens val av mäklarbyrå

Technology evolves quickly, with innovative ideas growing everywhere. Still, no technology is anywhere near challenging the mouse and keyboard for navigation of your standard computer. This study focuses on comparing the traditional technologies of mouse and keyboard with the new technology of gestures - in this case Leap Motion - in purpose of finding how the usage differs and what the potential users want from the competing technology. The experiment was executed in a controlled environment, with as few external factors as possible. We found that although the test subjects found Leap Motion fun, the test subjects do not want to surf the web with gestures.

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