

108 Uppsatser om Morally-minded - Sida 7 av 8

VD-bytets påverkan på aktiekursen : En studie ur ett genusperspektiv

In the last decades the Swedish labor market has been characterized by a stereotype perception on women?s role and position on the market. The perception speaks of the characteristics of female leadership as being less qualified causing the gaps between the two genders to transform into a gender segregated society. The historically slow progress has limited the career opportunities for women to reach top management. However the increasing discussions during the 21st century on how to reduce the gender differences in the labor market has made it more acceptable with women on higher positions.

Mötet med det svenska språket - flyktingar berättar om sina upplevelser

The purpose of this thesis is to study how swedishness is constructed and narrated in two Swedish documentary series that picture the Swedish participation in the international ISAF mission in Afghanistan. The main focus lies on how the Swedish soldier as such is portrayed, on which values, characteristics and qualities that they are said to embody and how these are linked to notions of swedishness, particularly the strong historical narrative, formed during the second half of the twentieth century, that defines Sweden as a peaceful, neutral and humanitarian state, with peaceful, enlightened and democratically minded citizens. Theoretically it draws on the concept of metanarrative to explain how ideas of shared national origin translates in to a broad organizing discourse, that defines, interprets and communicates notions of what it means to be a Swede and what is needed to make claims on swedishness. Another concept, that of national bodyscape, is also used to further define and explain how ideas of nationality are embodied and take the form of specific characteristics and  personal qualities. The meaning-making in these two series makes use of the above mentioned definition of swedishness as defined by humanitarian concerns, democratic ideals and moral superiority to construct an image of the Swedish soldiers as on the one hand soft, humanitarians, who are needed in Afghanistan because of their especially strong sense of justice and moral, and, on the other, as tough soldiers, who are able to participate in every aspect of the war as fighters.

Heligt vatten : En jämförande studie om två rituella bad och hur dessa kan kopplas till ämnet religionskunskap på gymnasieskolan.

This essay is about two Swedish folk musicians, Anders Rosén and Leif Stinnerbom, who have been playing two important rolls in the developing process of Swedish folk music, on their separate ways. The main part of this work is focused on the era called ?The Folk Music Vogue?, which was the era when my informants were in the limelight on the Swedish fiddler scene of the 70s.Our music culture is constantly lying under the change of progress and I find it interesting to reflect how these kinds of changes are affecting the role of the musician.In this essay I am reflecting on the different perspectives of the musicianship according to my informants and how they both are referring to their role as musicians. The purpose is further on to see how they have been relating to the change of progress on the field of the Swedish folk music during the 70s and up to this date. Throughout interviews with the informants I am analyzing their personal relationship to their life as folk musicians.

Svensken i fält : Svenskhet och soldatideal i dokumentära skildringar av den svenska insatsen i Afghanistan

The purpose of this thesis is to study how swedishness is constructed and narrated in two Swedish documentary series that picture the Swedish participation in the international ISAF mission in Afghanistan. The main focus lies on how the Swedish soldier as such is portrayed, on which values, characteristics and qualities that they are said to embody and how these are linked to notions of swedishness, particularly the strong historical narrative, formed during the second half of the twentieth century, that defines Sweden as a peaceful, neutral and humanitarian state, with peaceful, enlightened and democratically minded citizens. Theoretically it draws on the concept of metanarrative to explain how ideas of shared national origin translates in to a broad organizing discourse, that defines, interprets and communicates notions of what it means to be a Swede and what is needed to make claims on swedishness. Another concept, that of national bodyscape, is also used to further define and explain how ideas of nationality are embodied and take the form of specific characteristics and  personal qualities. The meaning-making in these two series makes use of the above mentioned definition of swedishness as defined by humanitarian concerns, democratic ideals and moral superiority to construct an image of the Swedish soldiers as on the one hand soft, humanitarians, who are needed in Afghanistan because of their especially strong sense of justice and moral, and, on the other, as tough soldiers, who are able to participate in every aspect of the war as fighters.

Hur kan vi ta emot nyanlända invandrarelever på bästa möjliga sätt? : En undersökning av Örebro kommuns sätt att ta hand om nyanlända invandrarelever med hänsyn till Skolverkets allmäna råd

The purpose of this thesis is to study how swedishness is constructed and narrated in two Swedish documentary series that picture the Swedish participation in the international ISAF mission in Afghanistan. The main focus lies on how the Swedish soldier as such is portrayed, on which values, characteristics and qualities that they are said to embody and how these are linked to notions of swedishness, particularly the strong historical narrative, formed during the second half of the twentieth century, that defines Sweden as a peaceful, neutral and humanitarian state, with peaceful, enlightened and democratically minded citizens. Theoretically it draws on the concept of metanarrative to explain how ideas of shared national origin translates in to a broad organizing discourse, that defines, interprets and communicates notions of what it means to be a Swede and what is needed to make claims on swedishness. Another concept, that of national bodyscape, is also used to further define and explain how ideas of nationality are embodied and take the form of specific characteristics and  personal qualities. The meaning-making in these two series makes use of the above mentioned definition of swedishness as defined by humanitarian concerns, democratic ideals and moral superiority to construct an image of the Swedish soldiers as on the one hand soft, humanitarians, who are needed in Afghanistan because of their especially strong sense of justice and moral, and, on the other, as tough soldiers, who are able to participate in every aspect of the war as fighters.

Yrkespersonlig utveckling på Musikhögskolan i Malmö - En undersökning av lärarstudenters tankar kring självreflektion i lärarrollen.

The aim of this thesis is to investigate whether personal development, from the professional perspective, could be a relevant part of the music education department at Malmö Academy of Music. The thesis explores whether students would gain a better understanding of the professional teacher's role through personal development, and also the kind of educational structure that would be most suitable to achieve this understanding. A qualitative focal group interview was used as a method, and the participants where four students at Malmö Academy of Music. The results show that the students generally would be open-minded to integrate personal development in their educational program, and they also have a lot of interesting ideas regarding how a framework for the integration of personal development in the educational program could be structured. A number of suggestions how to integrate self reflection in the educational program are presented in the thesis.

Investeringar i klädproducerande fabriker i Södra Indien

Given that the end-customer has become more demanding, the retailer has to deliver products according to the market demands, which have forced manufacturing companies to constantly search for new opportunities to reduce costs and improve efficiency. It is, therefore important to choose suppliers that are able to compete with the market demands.The market demands in the textile industry have lead to shorter product life cycles, which have caused manufacturers to deliver flexibility with high technology to compete successfully on the global market. To achieve the market requirements the underlying factor is to be aware and optimally use and control time. New technology can have a major influence in the production development, if the company choose to take benefit of the advantages, by optimal allocation of the internal resources the productivity and efficiency will increase, to accomplish a competitive advantage. One way to achieve this is by investing in a Unit Production System.In our thesis we have questioned what the main driving forces for an apparel manufacturing company is when it chooses to invest in new technology.

Etik och moral inom ridsporten : med fokus på fälttävlan

Eventing is often called as the formula 1 in equestrian sports and comprises three disciplines: dressage, show jumping and cross-country. The sport provides excitement, challenge and joy and is the ultimate sport for intelligent riders and horses. Many are fascinated by the challenges the sport offers while other consider it foolhardy to ride a cross-country. Eventing is not a risk-free sport and has even been given the label of being one of the world´s most dangerous sports. What do those risks mean to the horse? And particularly, is it associated with good animal ethics to use the horse for eventing? Finding answers to these questions is not easy as it probably is not a clear and simple answer.

Ingen besitter facit

I det dagliga mötet med elever ställs lärare inför utmaningar som kräver att läraren besitter en förmåga att ta ställning, både etiskt och moraliskt. Dessa utmaningar kan vara av det slaget att de resulterar i en konflikt. Denna konflikt blir ett dilemma då läraren tvingas göra avvägningar mellan olika etiska och moraliska hänsyn, i syfte att hantera situationen. Hanteringen av ett dilemma fodrar en god etisk medvetenhet. En etisk medvetenhet förutsätter ett ansenligt kunnande inom professionens yrkesetik.

Köpbeteende på mogna konsumentmarknader : ? En studie av generationerna Y samt 55 plus

A segmented market, according to traditional methods, appears increasingly difficult in mature consumer markets. A common explanation is that the mature markets are often characterised by over-supply which results in a great variety of choices for the consumer. Furthermore, the consumer of today has a more complex and flexible purchase behaviour which is difficult to catch. This makes consumer segmentation difficult. International studies indicate that dividing consumers into generation cohorts might be advantageous in understanding consumers of today.

Om förtryckande strukturer

This paper is a critique of an article in the Swedish magazine Filosofisk Tidskrift (Philosophical Magazine), in which professor Per Bauhn maintains that there is something wrong with having a group perspective in moral and political matters. In this article Bauhn makes three conclusions. The first one is that you violate Hume's law if you draw the conclusion that something is an oppression only from descriptive premises, which for example communitarians does according to Bauhn. He argues that ?oppression? is a normative term, and therefore it requires at least one normative premise.

Anledningar till staters anskaffande och behållande av kärnvapen och faktorer som påverkar staters kärnvapenpolitik

The purpose of this thesis is to explain why states obtain nuclear weapons and the role variousactors and interests play in the making of states´ nuclear policies. The main questions are asfollows: (1) What big theories exist concerning states obtaining nuclear weapon and nucleararmament in International Relations and what relevance do they have of the post cold-war period?,(2) What is the meaning of the perspective of the Military-Industrial Complex (MIC)?, and (3)Arethere empirical studies which supports the existence of a MIC in the United States?The focus lies on actors and driving forces that are internal to states and it is also important toinvestigate if the theories have relevance for the post 9/11-era. The study uses the method ofqualitative literature-study with some quantitative segments. It is claimed that states might beinterested in justifying their behaviour in a morally appealing way and that real reasons may behidden.

Corporate Social Responsibility in Corporate Sweden: Drivers and Business Impact from a Strategic Management Perspective

This thesis purpose was to contribute to knowledge which could explain the driving forces behind Corporate Social Responsibility in corporate Sweden and their strategic impact from a management perspective. The method used to archive this research was a qualitative interpretative study conducted by interviews. The thesis is based on descriptive theories of drivers for CSR, concepts of strategy and CSR and normative/instrumental theories suggesting a strategic approach to CSR and stakeholder management. The empirical study is based on interviews with Swedish business managers in a strategic board position as well as consultants working with CSR strategies, supported with internet information from companies? webpage.

Hur gör man motivation? - en studie i ett industriföretag - Vad en ledare skall tänka på för att motivera sin personal?

För att företagen skall kunna bevara sin konkurrenskraft har en hög motivation hos deanställda fått en allt större betydelse. Jag har i denna studie studerat motivation och vad somkommer att påverka motivationsgraden hos de anställda mest. Detta med utgångspunkt fråntre olika aspekter, vilka är; ledarskap, lärande organisation och utvecklingssamtalet. Somteoretisk bas har jag använt mig av fyra olika klassiska motivationsteorier. Alla dessa teorierhar som utgångspunkt förklarat vad som gör individer motiverade, däremot saknade jag enbeskrivning hur en ledare skall agera för att skapa motivation hos sin personal.

...så kom det ena ordet efter det andra : Att lära svenska som andraspråk med hjälp av skapande verksamhet.

Den teoretiska bakgrunden bygger på de i litteraturen tydliga grundstenarna för andraspråksinlärning, vilka är varierad undervisning, tryggt klassrumsklimat, kulturella variationer, behov och motivation. Dessutom har samtalets betydelse för andraspråksinlärning lyfts fram och huruvida skapande verksamhet bidrar till samtal mellan eleverna. Syftet med studien var att göra en jämförande studie mellan tidigare forskning och verksamma pedagogers uppfattningar angående vilka faktorer som upplevs viktiga vid svenska som andraspråksinlärning. Dessutom ville vi undersöka huruvida skapande verksamhet stimulerar till samtal och om det därmed kan underlätta svenska som andraspråksinlärning. Studien grundade sig på intervjuer som gjordes i en grundskola för yngre åldrar i ett mångkulturellt område.

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