

108 Uppsatser om Morally-minded - Sida 6 av 8

Lean leadership : the Toyota way in agricultural firms

Swedish agricultural businesses are facing challenges in order to achieve long-term profitability. The opportunity to improve profitability and efficiency on farm level may be enhanced by management. One way to work with leadership is to use Lean. It is a management system that aims to improve competitiveness. Currently, there is a project where Lean is implemented into 100 agricultural firms.

Två nyladdade batterier och en morotskaka : - Konsten att motivera sig själv som chef

When we started this study we quickly saw that almost all the previous research that we find was focused and concentrated on the fact that the employees should be motivated. The research also presents a top-down perspective which means from the head to the employee. A Swedish newspaper wrote in an article that 1/3 of all Swedish heads can?t motivate their employers. A Swedish internet platform discusses this and says that heads need to be motivated to be able to motivate people around himself.

Pragmatisk förmåga hos barn med hörselnedsättning : En samtalsanalytisk studie om begäran om förtydligande

Different abilities are of importance to pragmatics, there among hearing. Hearing impairment can affect language development and also pragmatic ability. The aim of the present paper was to study the pragmatic ability in terms of request for clarification in children with Hearing Impairment (HI) in conversation with children with no known hearing impairment, henceforth normally hearing (NH). The present study also describes requests for clarification sequentially in detail, and also highlights points where there may be observable differences between children with and without hearing impairment. Eight conversational pairs consisting of one child with HI and one NH child were studied.

Fingertoppskänsla : en essä om etik, bemötande och samspel på förskolan

In this text I will work on three situations from my daily work as a pedagogue at preschool. The situations are about how pedagogues at preschool relate to children in difficult situations, e.g. when they pee in their pants or long for their pacifier. Those are situations which occur frequently at preschool, but they are still rarely coming up for discussions. The problem in the situations is difficult to describe which makes the essay a suitable form for me to explore and discuss it.

Kulturarv, efterfrågan och musikalisk mångfald En fallstudie kring bibliotekariers och användares uppfattningar om musikbibliotekets uppdrag och roll

The main purpose with this Master's thesis has been to through a case study investigate and analyze the music library activity at the Public Library in Lund, in order to find out according to which ideas and principals this activity is run by. It also discusses how you at the music department handle your task as intermediary of music and how well this coincides with the users expectations. To give the research more depth a special analysis has been made, assuming the perspective of the B&I-researcher Sanna Taljas' three perspectives regarding the music department. She identifies three perspectives in maintaining a music library, which she calls the general education, alternative and demand repertoire.The examination is based on an empirical research, where five librarians were interviewed and fifty users have responded to a survey, but the essay also includes a literary study carried out to explore which ideas there are regarding the music department's missions and roles in the existing literature.Librarians and the user's opinions coincide quite well. What distinguish the most are the opinions surrounding the competency of the music library.

Bibliotek och ungdomar med annan språklig bakgrund än svenska ? en enkätundersökning

This thesis examines what and in which language young people in Sweden with other linguistic backgrounds than Swedish read, as well as if they have access to the literature that they demand, how they use the library and what kind of role the library plays to them. The chosen method was quantitative and it consisted of a questionnaire as this method is useful in quantifying phenomena, which is the purpose of this thesis. The investigation shows that the studied population is bilingual. I hope that the thesis points out the range of the problems and that these issues need to be solved within the society and not the within the family. We need to make use of the resources of the young immigrants, as their cultural competence, in some cases even bi-cultural competence, can be useful for the Swedish society.

Unga Vuxna med psykisk sjukdom : Att våga prata om sin sjukdom

Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the quality of the social network in regard to young adults, with psychological disorders, and their possibilities to be open about their disease. In addition the study aimed at identifying possible causes to perceived difficulties by young adults to talk about their disease. Method: The survey was a quantitative study with descriptive design. The data was collected using a study-specific questionnaire on a clinic for young adults with psychological disorders, between 18 and 25 years of age. Out of 123 potential participants 79 (64 %) answered the questionnaire, of which two were excluded because they did not see themselves as suffering from mental illness. Results: The results showed that the participants of the study stated that they had a social network and the majority (90%, n=69) considered they had someone to talk to about their disease, but most of them wanted to be more open about their illness.However, the majority had some form of difficulty to talk about their disease with their social network. The most common specified causes were to feel ashamed of their disease and that the mentally ill persons did not think they would be properly understood.Almost the half of the participant experienced that they had some form of difficulty to be open about their mental disorder in front of health professionals and the most common specified causes was that the participant did not thought that they would be properly  understood  or that they did not felt confidence before the health professionals. Conclusion: Young adults with psychological disease have difficulty to be open about their disease, partly because of stigma.

Att förlora en förälder i cancer-En kvalitativ studie över ungdomars behov av professionellt stöd

The aim of this study was to review six professionals supporters work to support adolescents in grief, and if this support is the kind of support adolescents actually need. These professional supporters are two hospital social workers, two hospice social workers and two support group leaders. The questions included in the work are; How does the professional support look like for adolescents aged 12-18, who has lost a parent in cancer? Are the adolescents getting the support they need from these professionals? The study is based on qualitative interviews based on interview guides, which where then analyzed thematically and linked to previous research and grief theory. The result indicate that adolescents may need different forms of support when their parent is dying or has died.

"Hej! Det är patriarkatet. Vi äger dig. Hejdå" : En kvalitativ studie av Instagramkontot Kvinnohats gestaltning av mediekritik

A qualitative study of the Swedish Instagram account Kvinnohat´s framing of media criticism. The Instagram account Kvinnohat is an example when citizens with a feminist agenda participate in a public debate. With a critical point of view Kvinnohat approach society; which media is a part of. Social network with photo-sharing implement such as Instagram is a quite new type of social media. Instagram has quickly become a part of many peoples everyday life, especially among adolescents.

Is the Use of the Rubber as a Preventive Measure to the Spread of HIV/AIDS Morally Justifiable? Ethical Reflections on the Controversy

Since the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) that causes Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) was discovered in the 1980s, the condom has scientifically proven to be the only technological device that can prevent transmission of the virus during sexual intercourse. This technical approach to the HIV has strongly emphasized that prevention is only possible if the condom is properly used. However, as a technological artifact the condom has shown that its use is laden with values. The question of values on condoms has brought in a heated debate on the moral justifications of its use. In Malawi, just as in other African countries, the Faith Community has rejected the Governmentsplea to promote condoms as the preventive measure against the virus.The Faith Community has emphasized on abstinence and mutual faithfulness as the only reliable means to the prevention of HIV/AIDS.

Elever och lärare på yrkesförberedande program - deras tankar kring undervisningsmetoder i samhällskunskapämnet : Students and teachers in vocational programmes - their thoughts regarding teaching methods in social sciences

In this examination project I look into what ways upper secondary school students conceive themselves as politically influenced before they voted for the general election of 2010. The purpose is to examine which influences the upper secondary school surroundings and the classes of civic education are contributing with to students before they voted. As a method, I have used personal, semi-structural interviews on eight upper secondary school students who all voted for a party represented in the parliament. I have asked questions about how they believe their parents, the surroundings of their school and the classes of civic education have influenced them. To separate which influences primarily the upper secondary school and the classes of civic educations have had on the students, I have selected two comparison groups of four students in each.

Urvalsproblematiken på folkbibliotek; en studie av etik och estetik kring urval av populärlitteratur och erotisk litteratur på sex svenska folkbibliotek

The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to investigate issues concerning librarians? view on three genres, (a) popular literature for women, (b) popular literature for men and (c) erotic literature, when choosing what to buy for their libraries. A qualitative method has been used and the empery consists of seven qualitative interviews with altogether eight librarians involved in choosing and buying literature. The theoretical framework is built on theories regarding concepts of hegemony and cultural hegemony; the male sex as norm; taste culture and quality. The results show that three of the libraries in the study have a written purchase policy and that the policies that exist are very general.

Ta parti! : Gymnasieelevers uppfattade påverkan inför riksdagsvalet 2010

In this examination project I look into what ways upper secondary school students conceive themselves as politically influenced before they voted for the general election of 2010. The purpose is to examine which influences the upper secondary school surroundings and the classes of civic education are contributing with to students before they voted. As a method, I have used personal, semi-structural interviews on eight upper secondary school students who all voted for a party represented in the parliament. I have asked questions about how they believe their parents, the surroundings of their school and the classes of civic education have influenced them. To separate which influences primarily the upper secondary school and the classes of civic educations have had on the students, I have selected two comparison groups of four students in each.

Vattenringar : En individstudie i folkmusikvågens efterdyningar

This essay is about two Swedish folk musicians, Anders Rosén and Leif Stinnerbom, who have been playing two important rolls in the developing process of Swedish folk music, on their separate ways. The main part of this work is focused on the era called ?The Folk Music Vogue?, which was the era when my informants were in the limelight on the Swedish fiddler scene of the 70s.Our music culture is constantly lying under the change of progress and I find it interesting to reflect how these kinds of changes are affecting the role of the musician.In this essay I am reflecting on the different perspectives of the musicianship according to my informants and how they both are referring to their role as musicians. The purpose is further on to see how they have been relating to the change of progress on the field of the Swedish folk music during the 70s and up to this date. Throughout interviews with the informants I am analyzing their personal relationship to their life as folk musicians.

I Huvudet på Pedro Almodovar : - Karaktäristiska drag som format hans filmskapande

This essay is about two Swedish folk musicians, Anders Rosén and Leif Stinnerbom, who have been playing two important rolls in the developing process of Swedish folk music, on their separate ways. The main part of this work is focused on the era called ?The Folk Music Vogue?, which was the era when my informants were in the limelight on the Swedish fiddler scene of the 70s.Our music culture is constantly lying under the change of progress and I find it interesting to reflect how these kinds of changes are affecting the role of the musician.In this essay I am reflecting on the different perspectives of the musicianship according to my informants and how they both are referring to their role as musicians. The purpose is further on to see how they have been relating to the change of progress on the field of the Swedish folk music during the 70s and up to this date. Throughout interviews with the informants I am analyzing their personal relationship to their life as folk musicians.

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