

65 Uppsatser om Morality - Sida 3 av 5

The Mortality of Euthansia in the Light of the Catholic Church's Teaching

The question of euthanasia has kept pre-occupying and agitating the minds of thinkers, sweeping the globe, pummelling pedagogy, assailing assumptions, and bludgeoning biases. Both the moralist, ethicist, theologian, psychologist, educationist, anthropologist, politician, physician, patient as well as the common man in the street are interested in it. This pervading interest simply arises out of the fact that euthanasia involves the question of life, and life is something that is a common denominator to all men.The controversy hinges on the fact that, there are divergent views on the moral question of euthanasia. While some would unflinchingly opt for euthanasia others would prefer to oppose it to the best of their strength, yet others will remain agnostic about it. But the issue here remains: is euthanasia in any way morally justified? Has human life an intrinsic value? Or is human life valuable only when it is healthy? Are we the ones who decide when to die? Has the physician any right to either assist or terminate the life of the patient simply on account of suffering? Has the patient any right to end his/her life? Are there some conditions in which euthanasia could be allowed? Is suffering meaningless?The topic of my project is: THE Morality OF EUTHANASIA IN THE LIGHT OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH?S TEACHING.

Stöld på arbetsplatsen. En kvantitativ studie av stöld som begås av anställda utifrån Situationella handlingsteorin.

Den aktuella studien underso?ker sto?ld som bega?s av ansta?llda utifra?n en kriminologisk teori som integrerar individuella och kontextuella faktorer ? Situationella handlingsteorin. Syftet med studien a?r att testa huruvida denna teori utgo?r en la?mplig fo?rklaringsmodell fo?r sto?ld som bega?s av ansta?llda inom den svenska cafe?- och restaurangbranschen samt detalj- och partihandeln. Studien a?mnar a?ven underso?ka om individers sto?ldbena?genhet skiljer sig a?t pa? respektive utanfo?r arbetsplatsen.

Mixed martial arts och boxning i Sverige

In 1970 professional boxing became illegal in Sweden and in 2009 the prohibition was removed.Just before both of these changes in the law there were debates in media where people argued forand against ilegalization. In the later debate the focus has shifted from professional boxing toinclude Mixed Martial Arts(MMA) as well. MMA was governed and bound by the same law asprofessional boxing.This purpose of this paper is to compare the debate in 1968-1969 with the debate in 2006. The twodebates resulted in two different outcomes, ilegalization of professional boxing in 1970 and thenlegalization of it 2009. Are there any reason for these differences? What is the reasoning behindthis? By using hegemonic masculinity as a guidance when examining the debates this paper istrying to understand how the discourse have changed over time.

Kan man lagstifta om mod : En kvalitativ studie av förslaget på en civilkuragelag i Sverige

Jag vill med denna uppsats belysa frågan om man i Sverige bör införa en allmän skyldighet att hjälpa nödställda. Syftet är att undersöka vilken betydelse en sådan så kallad civilkuragelag skulle kunna få för samhällsmoralen. Genom att använda mig av relevant samhällsvetenskaplig teori om bland annat medmänsklighet, moral, tillit, normer och socialt kapital vill jag sätta frågan i ett sociologiskt perspektiv. Jag har genomfört intervjuer med jurister och juridikstudenter för att få deras perspektiv på frågan. Frågan har jag sedan analyserat utifrån deras svar och utifrån de teorier och den tidigare forskning jag använt mig av.

Attraktivitet och moral : Ett experiment om hur attraktivitet påverkar graden av moralisk förkastlighet

Syftet med studien var att studera om attraktiviteten hos en person kan påverka graden av hur moraliskt förkastlig en handling som utförs av personen bedöms vara och huruvida det föreligger någon könsskillnad. Med ett experiment undersöktes 151 studenter på ett medelstort universitet i södra Sverige. Deltagarna tilldelades ett fiktivt moraliskt scenario med ett bifogat foto av antingen en oattraktiv eller en attraktiv person. En kontrollgrupp blev tilldelade samma scenario men utan något foto. Därefter fick deltagarna svara på hur moraliskt förkastlig de upplevde handlingen som beskrevs i scenariot och hur attraktiv de upplevde personen på fotot vara.

Pudelns kärna : Vad det innebär att "göra en pudel" ur ett kommunikativt perspektiv

In this essay I want to investigate how the poodle strategy affects a person?s credibility when he or she uses it. The poodle strategy is a strategy, which someone uses when he or she is scrutinized by the media. It?s primary purpose is to suppress further media coverage but it is also a strategy for defending oneself and hence rescuing one?s reputation either as a private person or as an official.The essay?s research questions are:How has the strategy been applied for defensive purposes and what are the results?To which extent can the Stasis theory and Benoit?s theory on Apologia be connected to the strategy?Does the strategy affect the user?s credibility?To answer these questions four cases from the political sphere in Sweden where persons have been said to have ?done a poodle? have been analyzed.

Socialt Spelande : Etik och moral i onlinespel utifrån spelarnas egna upplevelser

I ett samhälle där datorspelare anses vistas i en högst amoralisk miljö, vill vi med den här studien granska hur etik och moral ter sig i den virtuella världen via ett symboliskt interaktionistiskt perspektiv. Genom kvalitativa intervjuer har elva spelare av onlinespel fått redogöra för sin egen upplevelse av den interaktion de genomgår dagligen. Med hjälp av utförliga teorier kring etik och moral, symbolisk interaktionism och spelkultur har studien ett brett teoretiskt underlag som appliceras i en hermeneutisk analys. Resultatet visar att etik och moral existerar i onlinespel, samtidigt som amoraliteten. Det verkar röra sig om två olika kulturer.

Utbildningssituationen i Norrland år 1813. : En undersökning av genus och etnicitet

Abortion remains a contentious issue, which greatly raises ethical problems. This thesis examines the leading arguments in the Swedish abortion debate around the ? in terms of legislation ? critical years of 1938 and 1974. With Foucault's genealogical method, Butler's theories of gender as a social construction in relation to power and doxa, the study examines what the development of the argumentation says about the views on Morality, the woman's body, life, individual and state? How has the arguments pro and against abortion changed over time and what does this say about the norms that guide and orientate the arguments? The most obvious change in argumentation is seen in the shift from an absolute moral and conservative position into an increasingly relativistic and liberal position, and this study will argue that this shift has its prerequisites in the changing status of the citizen and state.

Voluntary Euthanasia and Physician Assisted Suicide : A Critical Ethical Comparative Analysis

The two most controversial ends of life decisions are those in which physicians help patients take their lives and when the physician deliberately and directly intervenes to end the patients? life upon his request. These are often referred to as voluntary euthanasia and physician assisted suicide. Voluntary euthanasia and physician assisted suicide have continued to be controversial public issues. This controversy has agitated the minds of great thinkers including ethicians, physicians, psychologists, moralists, philosophers even the patient himself.

Kvinnans plats på fabriken ? underordnad mannen? : En studie av arbetsdelningen på Gotthards AB i Älmhult mellan åren 1917-1959

Abortion remains a contentious issue, which greatly raises ethical problems. This thesis examines the leading arguments in the Swedish abortion debate around the ? in terms of legislation ? critical years of 1938 and 1974. With Foucault's genealogical method, Butler's theories of gender as a social construction in relation to power and doxa, the study examines what the development of the argumentation says about the views on Morality, the woman's body, life, individual and state? How has the arguments pro and against abortion changed over time and what does this say about the norms that guide and orientate the arguments? The most obvious change in argumentation is seen in the shift from an absolute moral and conservative position into an increasingly relativistic and liberal position, and this study will argue that this shift has its prerequisites in the changing status of the citizen and state.

They see it? it´s real : Hur fem kenyanska life skills lärare resonerar kring hiv- och aidsundervisning

The purpose of this degree project is to clarify how five Kenyan Life Skills teachers discuss about hiv and aids education. Furthermore, to reveal whether the validity claims in their verbal communication refers to facts, Morality or personal experiences. This, I will study by examine the teachers knowledge of, and attitudes towards, the disease. The teaching methods they are using and the basis of their validity claims. I have chosen to use semi-structured interviews as method and the theoretical framework is based on Jürgen Habermas theory of universal pragmatics.My result shows that there is a dilemma about whether the respondents knowledge is sufficient or insufficient.

Livselixir : En studie om Harry Potter, moralisk utveckling, livsfrågor och religionsundervisning

This bachelor's thesis examines three books in the Harry Potter series, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. The aim is to increase understanding for what Harry Potter could contribute in terms of Morality in religious studies, and how the story about Harry Potter, as a popular literary phenomenon, can be helpful for this. Lawrence Kohlberg's theory of moral development is central to this essay.I have used an hermeneutic method for the analysis of the Harry Potter books. The result shows that the main character, Harry Potter, can be seen as kind of a role model when it comes to moral development. Pupils may benefit by reading this book series because it can open their eyes to life questions and moral values.

Den kvinnliga anatomins sociala konsekvenser : En kvalitativ studie av argumentation och doxa i förändring rörande den svenska aborträtten

Abortion remains a contentious issue, which greatly raises ethical problems. This thesis examines the leading arguments in the Swedish abortion debate around the ? in terms of legislation ? critical years of 1938 and 1974. With Foucault's genealogical method, Butler's theories of gender as a social construction in relation to power and doxa, the study examines what the development of the argumentation says about the views on Morality, the woman's body, life, individual and state? How has the arguments pro and against abortion changed over time and what does this say about the norms that guide and orientate the arguments? The most obvious change in argumentation is seen in the shift from an absolute moral and conservative position into an increasingly relativistic and liberal position, and this study will argue that this shift has its prerequisites in the changing status of the citizen and state.

Paternalism:The Conflict Between Autonomy And Beneficence In The Case Of The Temporarily Mentally Ill Patients

The health care formulation of the principle of autonomy can be expressed as follows; ?you shall not treat a patient without the informed consent of the patient, or his or her lawfulsurrogate, except in narrowly defined emergencies?. The principle of beneficence refers to a moral obligation to act for the benefit of others. In heath care, the good or benefit in question is the restoration of the health of the patient. In fulfilling this obligation of beneficence, the physician sometimes intentionally overrides the patient?s preferences or actions for the purpose of benefiting the patient.

Prostitution : Legitimt yrke eller förtryckande verksamhet?

Trafficking in human beings and prostitution is an increasing occurrence within the EU. However, vast differences in legal frameworks regarding prostitution can be detected among member states.The Netherlands is an example where prostitution is regarded a legal activity. In other member states legal standings toward prostitution remain ambivalent, where Sweden here serves an example. Finally, Lithuania is among member states where prostitution is considered illegal.The purpose of this paper is therefore to study underlying attitudes and approaches that these three countries have in this rather delicate political question. By interpreting the content and quoting parts of propositions, an ideology analysis is constructed.The theory chapter consists of Rousseau?s theories, Objectivism, Radical Feminist Theory, and Sex-positive Feminist Theory.

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