

3620 Uppsatser om Modern marketing - Sida 52 av 242

När tid är pengar : En marknadsundersökning om hur data-, IT- och telekommunikationsföretag ser på ekonomiska tjänster

Datum3 juni, 2010 KursMagisteruppsats i företagsekonomi, FÖA 400, 15HP FörfattareCarl Friberg & Erik Norell HandledareFinn Wiedersheim-Paul NyckelordRevisorsplikten, SIVA, Marketing Mix, tjänsteerbjudande, ekonomiska tjänster, administrativa tjänster. TitelNär tid är pengar - En marknadsundersökning om hur data-, IT- och telekommunikationsföretag ser på ekonomiska tjänster SyfteSyftet med denna studie är att förse Per Silvin KB med information som kan ligga till grund när företaget expanderar sitt tjänsteerbjudande. FrågeställningVad bör Per Silvin KB ha i åtanke när man formar sitt tjänsteerbjudande för att bäst tillgodose målgruppens behov?Vilka administrativa tjänster efterfrågas av Per Silvin KBs tilltänkta målgrupp? MetodUndersökningen är av kvalitativ karaktär. Data samlades in via personliga intervjuer och mejlintervjuer.

Municipalsamhället Nyfors - En studie om byggnadsnämndens agerande i ett municipalsamhälle mellan 1889 och 1906

Denna uppsats belyser byggnadsnämndens agerande i ett municipalsamhälle genom en analys av protokoll från byggnadsnämnden. Uppsatsen hanterar även frågan om hur Sveriges lagar kring stadsplanering påverkade byggnadsnämndens agerande. Det municipalsamhälle som ligger i fokus för denna uppsats är Nyfors som växte fram vid utkanten av Eskilstuna mellan 1889 och 1906. Syftet med studien är att belysa Nyfors stadsrum och bebyggelse. Det som är intressant med studien är att se hur en modern stadsdel växer fram utefter Sveriges lagar om stadsplanering.

Cause-Related Marketing : En undersökning av generation y?s attityder till CRM-begreppet

Syftet med denna studie har varit att studera kulturskillnader mellan Sverige och Baltikum upplevda av medarbetare på nyckelpositioner inom Swedbank. Medarbetare från både Sverige och de baltiska staterna har intervjuats för att ge sin syn på Swedbanks internationalisering. Studien har utgått från Geert Hofstedes begreppsapparat om kulturskillnader och senare forskning inom ämnet, samt forskning om svenska bankers internationalisering. För att operationalisera syftet har fyra frågor skapats med utgångspunkt i teorin, dessa frågor används senare för att kategorisera källmaterialet. Studien visar att kulturskillnader upplevs tydligare i samband med organisatoriska förändringar eller när en lågkonjunktur inträffar och att den svenska synen på konsensus inte är gällande överallt.

Dokumentation med ipad : Barnet som subjekt eller objekt?

Title: Time to renovate ? The effect of communication on the relationship between company and customer in a change situationCourse/subject:Busniess administration, Leadership, 15hpAuthors:Fredrik Elghag, Ossian OlssonTutors:Ingemar WictorKeywords:The Million Programme, Communication, Relationship Marketing, Tentant, Landlord.Problem formulation:How does communication affect the relationship between company and customer in a change situation?Purpose:Examining how different parts of a communication process affects customers trust, commitment and loyalty to their company.Theoretical framework:The starting point for the study?s theoretical perspectives have been Morgan and Hunt?s (1994) previous studies on relationship marketing and Laswell?s (1948) communication model.Methodology:The paper is performed with a qualitative research approach and a deductive approach to answer the research question. Personal interviews were conducted with four employees in real estate companies and two tenants in each company stock.Conclusion:We have found that communication affects the relationship between company and customer. Tentants have experinced credibility of businesses is important for them to have a confidence and loyalty in the relationship. .

Hur varumärkeskapital kan byggas via apotek : En fallstudie av Ferrosans varumärkeskommunikationsstrategi

Purpose: The aim of this study is to test four different hypotheses from the aspect of the title of this paper. H 1 Consumers trust the pharmacy employees? advice and suggestions for their purchase decisions more than the brand awareness they have received through the companies marketing communication H 2 Consumers are enough affected of a company?s marketing communication to choose their brand even if the pharmacy employees recommend other brands. H 3 Building brand equity through pharmacies can only be successful if the company has built up a trust for their brand among the pharmacy employees. H 4 Without building brand equity the marketing communication strategy for Ferrosan cannot increase their brand value and create loyalty.


The aim of this paper is to examine the American movie trailer particularly its history, marketing and functions, presented as an historical overview from the serials of the early 1910s to the trailers of today. A trailer from each decade of the twentieth- and twenty-first centuries is selected which represent typical trends and shows how trailers historically functioned, including their formal, generic differences.The introduction focuses on the market in which the trailer operates, and raises the issue of the entertainment value of art or marketing, how the film industry works and to role of advertising. The second part of the introduction focuses on the development of film stars, and their importance in trailer campaigns. This brings in the question of the growth of Hollywood and new media forms/technologies. The manner in which new media also create a new type of audience is considered, which demonstrates how the trailers capture audience attention in new ways.The second part of the paper focuses on the history of the trailer and examines typical structures, of the different periods.The third part analyses how different trailers operate, and how the trailer industry stands at the beginning of a new era, the so-called Post-interactive era, which is discussed with regard to Spider-Man 2 and The Da Vinci Code..

Upplevelser av rovdjursturism : en studie av resereportage

This essay contains a discoursive analysis of fifteen travel reports from five of the largest papers in Sweden. The travel reports contains recaptions from wildlife tourism experiences were the predators are the main target, or at least one of the main targets. Seven of the reports are from Sweden and eight of them from Russia, Rumania, Finland, Turkey and the United States. Predators in this essay aims to those in Sweden called ?the big five?, these are: bears, wolves, lynxes , wolverines and golden eagles.

Simon K. Bobergs iscensättning av Spiro Scimones "Konvolutten". En samtida samhällssatir med kopplingar till Commedia dell' arte

La Busta/Konvolutten/The envelope was written in 2006 by the Italian playwright, director and actor Spiro Scimone. It is a contemporary political farce with clear roots and inspiration from Commedia dell´arte. As the main structure for this essay, comparisons have been made between a modern Danish production of Konvolutten by the director Simon K. Boberg and the form and structure of Commedia dell´arte. The importance and use of the political context in both Commedia dell´arte and Konvolutten are explored.The sociopolitical conditions under which Husets Teater (The House´s Theatre) works is analyzed.

Att synas i butikshyllan -  En fallstudie om varumärkesexponering i butikshyllan för Brunneby Musteri och deras konkurrenter

This report aims to examine how Brunneby Musteri is to update the brand attention for Brunneby Musteri at retail stores. Brunneby wish to assure their brand will catch the customers? eye in the store and therefore get assistance to discover what to improve. The family business Brunneby Musteri (Brunneby) was founded in 1941 and is located nearby Göta Kanal in the county of Östergötland. Brunneby produce products such as lemonade, jam, jelly, marmelade, cider and vinegar.

Alla kan sjunga : det spelar ingen roll hur vi låter för det hjälper barnens språkutveckling

Title: Time to renovate ? The effect of communication on the relationship between company and customer in a change situationCourse/subject:Busniess administration, Leadership, 15hpAuthors:Fredrik Elghag, Ossian OlssonTutors:Ingemar WictorKeywords:The Million Programme, Communication, Relationship Marketing, Tentant, Landlord.Problem formulation:How does communication affect the relationship between company and customer in a change situation?Purpose:Examining how different parts of a communication process affects customers trust, commitment and loyalty to their company.Theoretical framework:The starting point for the study?s theoretical perspectives have been Morgan and Hunt?s (1994) previous studies on relationship marketing and Laswell?s (1948) communication model.Methodology:The paper is performed with a qualitative research approach and a deductive approach to answer the research question. Personal interviews were conducted with four employees in real estate companies and two tenants in each company stock.Conclusion:We have found that communication affects the relationship between company and customer. Tentants have experinced credibility of businesses is important for them to have a confidence and loyalty in the relationship. .

Markus syn på blindhet : Analys av en metafor, dess funktion och dysfunktion

This essay examines the theme of blindness in the Gospel of Mark. The two main questions asked are: 1) ?What is Mark?s view on blindness?? and 2) ?How does the Gospel of Mark?s view on blindness inform the current discourse of disability studies and how can we interpret Mark?s view on blindness today?? By the methods of metaphor analysis and character analysis, four passages of the Gospel are studied (Mark 4:10-12; 8:14-21; 22-26; 10:46-52). The analysis concludes that blindness is depicted by the author of the Gospel as a disability which also consist of a lack of cognitive ability and a hopeless state that is in need of healing.  The depiction of blindness in Mark originates out of the authors use of blindness as a metaphor for lack of cognitive ability (Mk 4:12; 8:18) and the lack of characterization of the blind man at Bethsaida (8:22-23). This view on blindness is, in comparison to a modern view, difficult, as it marginalizes persons with blindness as inconsiderate and not fully human.

Från elev till student : En jämförelse av tre högskolors studentrekrytering och gymnasieelevers perspektiv

Background: The competition is getting harder between the universities. To reach the high school students and discover which means of contact they prefer and how they perceive student recruitment are important issues in order to succeed in marketing strategies.Purpose: The purpose with our report is to investigate, analyze and compare the student recruitment in three universities and investigate how the high school students want to be contacted. Then we compare to see if they think alike.Method: We have done a qualitative study and chosen to use focus group interviews for the high school students and interviews for the universities to collect our empirical data. We have compared the empirical data and analyzed it with communication processes and marketing communication as theoretical grounds.Result: All of the universities work approximately the same way with their student recruitment. They put a large effort in the Internet and social networks as well as the personal contact.

Verksamhetsstyrning med fokus på intressenters och medarbetares betydelse : ett fundament för företagens varaktiga framgång?

We would like to gain a more in depth knowledge of whether the modern orientations both within corporate governance and control philosophy lay the foundation for enterprises? more sustainable success. These both modern orientations are increasingly focusing on the importance of enterprises? setting of goals and visions on the basis of stake holders? interests and the employees? more active engagement in and motivation for the goal achievement. Despite these common inherent characteristics, it is not evident from current scientific debate how such integration actually emerges in the control philosophies of the enterprises.

Att uppnå varumärkesframgång genom dagens designtrender

The purpose of this thesis is to examine how investments are justified in the Swedish data center industry, with a focus on cooling equipment. This is achieved through semi-structured interviews with 20 different interviewees. These interviewees represent different facets of the industry and facilitate an understanding of which factors, such as: investment costs, operating costs, reliability, environmental impact and the influence of external and internal actors, come into play and to which degree they impact the investment decision-making process. The results show that primarily low operating cost in the form of low energy consumption is the driving factor when it comes to the procurement of new equipment. A lower environmental impact is a positive side-effect of lower energy consumption.

Teknologins utveckling och kommersiella värden i butik ? Detaljisters syn på modebutikers utveckling.

Utvecklingen av modern teknologi går framåt i en rasande takt och de fysiska butikerna behöver skapa unika lösningar vilket gör att de kan locka konsumenter med både emotionella och funktionella shoppingvärden. Internetbutikerna lockar med deras tillgänglighet, vilket har lett till att de flesta detaljister idag har en webbshop. Flera detaljister har även börjat integrera deras onlinebutik med deras fysiska butik genom användning av surfplattor i butikerna; vilket har banat väg för omnichannel. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka om teknologins möjligheter och fördelar går att kombinera med den fysiska butikens företräden i säljprocessen. Författaren har undersöka hur ett framtida butikskoncept kan komma att se ut.

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