2164 Uppsatser om Modern landskapsarkitektur - Sida 11 av 145
Fem Kristdemokrater är fler än fyra huvudtidningar? En kvantitativ studie av Kristdemokraterna i Skaraborgs mediebild
The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to examine what role the new city library in Halmstad has for its users. The questions posed in this study are: What do the users actually do at the library? What roles are the most significant according to the users? Have the politicians succeeded in their intention of realizing a modern library according to the users? The theoretical starting point is Andersson?s and Skot-Hansen?s theory of four different roles of public libraries. In order to extend the model we added a fifth function; the one of aesthetical experience.
Den onde, den ogde & deras offer. En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av genuskonstruktioner i vardagens fiktionsvåld
The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to examine what role the new city library in Halmstad has for its users. The questions posed in this study are: What do the users actually do at the library? What roles are the most significant according to the users? Have the politicians succeeded in their intention of realizing a modern library according to the users? The theoretical starting point is Andersson?s and Skot-Hansen?s theory of four different roles of public libraries. In order to extend the model we added a fifth function; the one of aesthetical experience.
"Nyheten är när George Bush gör något dumt". Fokusgruppsintervjuer med gymnasieungdomar om deras nyhetssyn
The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to examine what role the new city library in Halmstad has for its users. The questions posed in this study are: What do the users actually do at the library? What roles are the most significant according to the users? Have the politicians succeeded in their intention of realizing a modern library according to the users? The theoretical starting point is Andersson?s and Skot-Hansen?s theory of four different roles of public libraries. In order to extend the model we added a fifth function; the one of aesthetical experience.
Revisorers perspektiv på implementeringen av ett nytt regelverk : ? fallet komponentavskrivningar enligt regelverket K3
This essay deals with the principle of surprise warfare and its development as well as the adaptation of military action that had to be made to surprise the opponent in the modern era.The concept of surprise is divided into its components in order to clarify what is required to implement a surprising maneuver, to understand the complex concept and form a theoretical framework for gathering facts in the case study.Development and adaption are demonstrated by a comparative case study where Pearl Harbor illustrates an example of historical surprise and Operation Desert Storm illustrates a modern surprise. The product will then be analyzed in order to detect the development and how military conduct is forced to adapt in order to carry out a surprising maneuver. The results shows that the military action of performing a surprise attack has had a major development and is now carried out in a different stage of the attack..
Energi med fokus på synergi : fallstudie: Lunds Tekniska Högskolas campusområde
Energiarbete handlar inte bara om att energieffektivisera byggnaderna utan även om att skapa platser med god energi som gör att vi mår bra och vill vistas där. Vid energi- och miljöarbete där utemiljön är det centrala arbetsmaterialet kan man få fl era synergieffekter. Energi finns överallt. Det handlar inte bara om att gröna tak och väggar kan ha en isolerande funktion, utan på köpet får man mer funktionsanpassade utemiljöer som kan förbättra livsmiljön.Genom att klimatplanera, som innebär att vi på smarta sätt planerar utemiljön och använder oss av träd, buskar, klätterväxter, grönytor, dagvatt en och refl ekterandematerial kan vi minska behovet av energi egentligen utan att förändra vårt beteende. Däremot behöver vi dessutom ändra vårt beteende för att uppnå en större effekt av klimatplaneringen.
Landskapsarkitektur som länk mellan platsen och dess användare : att fnna mening i vår byggda omgivning
What gives a place meaning for it?s users? The intention of this paper is to investigate how landscape architecture is able to form places that evoke involvement from it?s users.
Ideas within architectural theory such as territoriality space and place is being explained and used when analyzing several different case studies. The places for my case studies are all distinct in their expression and can all most be treated as objects on their own. In my case studies I came to the conclusion that a designer can work in many different ways to create a site that appeals to it's
users, but that it is the sites that allow users to interact that become meaningful places..
Framtidens krav på kontorslokaler
Title: future demands for office spaceLevel: Final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Facility ManagementAuthor: Rickard Blomkvist & Nils WilanderSupervisor: Lars SteinerDate: 2012-05Aim: to examine how property owners can develop their properties to suit modern business needs and requirements of the office space they rent. Although the property owners should reason for their commercial properties will be attractive to the market. Investigate how a modern office looks like and in what are the trends?Issues used:What should property owners do to meet the new requirements of modern businesses place on the premises?How does the new work in the companies they use their premises?What is a good office today? Method: we used qualitative interviews to get answers to the issues.Conclusion: Today's office buildings have to be flexible so they can be adapted to the current tenant. Market mobility is high and the property owner must be prepared for tenants leaving.
Com(WO)mander In Chief. En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av tv-serien Commander in Chief ur ett organisations- och genusperspektiv
The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to examine what role the new city library in Halmstad has for its users. The questions posed in this study are: What do the users actually do at the library? What roles are the most significant according to the users? Have the politicians succeeded in their intention of realizing a modern library according to the users? The theoretical starting point is Andersson?s and Skot-Hansen?s theory of four different roles of public libraries. In order to extend the model we added a fifth function; the one of aesthetical experience.
Volvo On Call - en underskattad hjälp på vägen? En studie av internkommunikation mellan företag och återförsäljare
The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to examine what role the new city library in Halmstad has for its users. The questions posed in this study are: What do the users actually do at the library? What roles are the most significant according to the users? Have the politicians succeeded in their intention of realizing a modern library according to the users? The theoretical starting point is Andersson?s and Skot-Hansen?s theory of four different roles of public libraries. In order to extend the model we added a fifth function; the one of aesthetical experience.
Att läsa som det står. Hur individer i en organisationskultur som Volvo Personvagnar, läser meddelanden från ledningen
The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to examine what role the new city library in Halmstad has for its users. The questions posed in this study are: What do the users actually do at the library? What roles are the most significant according to the users? Have the politicians succeeded in their intention of realizing a modern library according to the users? The theoretical starting point is Andersson?s and Skot-Hansen?s theory of four different roles of public libraries. In order to extend the model we added a fifth function; the one of aesthetical experience.
Vem skyler vem? : En religionssociologisk studie om kön och kvinnlig muslimsk identitet i Dagens Nyheter 1951, 1989 & 2009
This is a sociological study of religion that examines how gender and female Muslim identity is expressed during the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan in the swedish paper Dagens Nyheter in the year 1951, 1989 and 2009. The aim is to see who creates the image of Islam and Muslims in general and in particular the image of the Muslim woman and whose Islam is given space in the article material. The picture has changed with the increase in immigration from Muslim countries and that we have gone from a modern to a late modern society in which other patterns shape our identity. The historical summary of the paper Dagens Nyheter illustrates how the Swedish society is formed in relation to Islam and Muslims. It provides a deeper understanding of the problems in the swedish multicultural society today..
Tillfällig ljussättning i stadsrummet
På natten är vi beroende av artificiellt ljus för att kunna orientera och ta oss fram i stadsrummet. Utöver detta kan ljussättningen ge andra typer av värden och påverka uppfattningen av staden. Huvudsyftet med detta arbete är att undersöka den temporära ljussättningen i stadsrummet. Uppsatsen består av två delar, där den första undersöker ljus, ljussättning i staden samt aspekter av mörker. Den andra delen behandlar temporär, tillfällig ljussättning och två städer, Lyon och Helsingborg, har studerats och redovisas som referensobjekt..
Brottkärrs förskola ? en jämförelse mellan landskapsarkitektens intentioner och hur utemiljön blev
Det här är ett examensarbete i Landskapsarkitektur. Arbetet handlar om tillkomsten
av en förskolegård och landskapsarkitektens intentioner jämfört med hur resultatet, den
färdiga gården, används av barnen.
I den jämförelse som utförts mellan arkitektens intentioner och det utfall som observerats
under ett antal tillfällen på plats kan man se att det är svårt att fullt ut sätta sig in
i barnens relation till den utemiljö de vistas i. Även om det nästan blir som arkitekten
tänkt sig finns det flera återkommande moment som riskerar att påverka designprocessen
på ett dåligt sätt. Några risker som förefaller uppenbara är att man ägnar kraft åt att
skapa miljöer för särskilda tillfällen som samlingar och scener för avslutningar, platser
som man inte använder i vardagsleken. En annan är att man tar avstamp i den vuxnes
syn på utemiljön där ord som säkerhet, skönhet och ekonomi får stor betydelse.
Miljöpromenader tillsammans med barnen är ett bra sätt att starta upp planeringsprocessen.
Observationer är lämpliga som avslutning av arbetet.
Att passera gränsen för det normala, : färger och mönster som landskapsarkitektoniska uttryck
Discussions about the sustainable city are now all over the world and many believe that the solutions are merely technical. But what gives the city its character is what is happening in the public places. It is these spaces that bring the people together. Design is the key to sustainable urban spaces. We must produce public places that reflect our society.
Information eller kommunikation? En kvantitativ studie av mellanchefers användning och uppfattning av intranätet Nova
The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to examine what role the new city library in Halmstad has for its users. The questions posed in this study are: What do the users actually do at the library? What roles are the most significant according to the users? Have the politicians succeeded in their intention of realizing a modern library according to the users? The theoretical starting point is Andersson?s and Skot-Hansen?s theory of four different roles of public libraries. In order to extend the model we added a fifth function; the one of aesthetical experience.