2164 Uppsatser om Modern landskapsarkitektur - Sida 10 av 145
Grönskans betydelse som friskvård
Denna uppsats syftar till att diskutera grönskans betydelse för människan och hur landskapsarkitekter skulle kunna använda den på bästa sätt för att öka människors välbefinnande. Jag har valt att fokusera på dessa frågor ur ett friskvårdsperspektiv eftersom det skulle kunna bidra till att hjälpa människor redan innan de blir sjuka. Min huvudfråga har därför varit: Hur kan vi som landskapsarkitekter använda oss av grönskans betydelse som friskvård för att skapa givande miljöer för olika grupper av människor?.
Överraskning ? Tidlös eller totalt omkastad?
This essay deals with the principle of surprise warfare and its development as well as the adaptation of military action that had to be made to surprise the opponent in the modern era.The concept of surprise is divided into its components in order to clarify what is required to implement a surprising maneuver, to understand the complex concept and form a theoretical framework for gathering facts in the case study.Development and adaption are demonstrated by a comparative case study where Pearl Harbor illustrates an example of historical surprise and Operation Desert Storm illustrates a modern surprise. The product will then be analyzed in order to detect the development and how military conduct is forced to adapt in order to carry out a surprising maneuver. The results shows that the military action of performing a surprise attack has had a major development and is now carried out in a different stage of the attack..
Den Moderna Synthen : Hur påverkar dess valmöjligheter det musikaliska skapandet?
En fallstudie i huruvida mångfalden av valmöjligheter och funktioner i en modern synth påverkar musikskapandeprocessen. Undersökningen fokuseras på att undersöka hur dagens kompositörer använder sig av ljudskapande i moderna synthar. Syftet med denna undersökning är att se om mångfald av funktioner i en modern synth påverkar musikskapandet, för att ge läsaren en tankeställare angående arbetsflödet i sitt musikskapande, så att en effektivisering av processen kan tillämpas och att om möjligt, ge rum för mera musikskapande och mindre teknikförståelse. Denna undersökning gjordes genom att genomföra ett antal intervjuer samt en kompletterande enkätundersökning. Slutstsen jag kommit fram till är att en mångfald av funktioner påverkar musikskapandet, antingen negativt eller positivt beroende på genre och kompositörens erfarenhet av synthar..
Med en ny rikstillhörighet : lokalpolitik, ståndsskillnader och kollektiva identiteter - om skåningars agerande på riksdagen 1720
Undersökningen anknyter till Skånes danska förflutna. Riksdagen år 1720 bildar en bas för undersökningen, där de skånska deltagarnas agerande ska hamna i fokus. Deltagandet kommer att följas utifrån en diskussion kring statsbyggnadsprocesser och kollektiva identiteter, där jag är intresserad av att undersöka om det finns något i de skånska representanternas sätt att uttrycka sig som går att härleda till deras tidigare danska rikstillhörighet..
Barndeckare och genus. En studie av genusstereotyper i barndeckare från år 2006
The aim of this master?s thesis is to examine how male and female stereotypes are used to describe the characters in modern detective stories for children. We have analyzed six books in the aforementioned genre written for children between the ages of 9 and 12. This essay examines which inner qualities, appearances, activities and professions are used to describe the persons? character in the analyzed books and if these stereotypes agree with the person?s biological sex.
... vad säger chefen? En studie av chefers kommunikationsförmåga på en Volvo-arbetsplats
The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to examine what role the new city library in Halmstad has for its users. The questions posed in this study are: What do the users actually do at the library? What roles are the most significant according to the users? Have the politicians succeeded in their intention of realizing a modern library according to the users? The theoretical starting point is Andersson?s and Skot-Hansen?s theory of four different roles of public libraries. In order to extend the model we added a fifth function; the one of aesthetical experience.
Intranätet ur ett chefsperspektiv. En kvalitativ studie av Schenkers intranät NOVA
The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to examine what role the new city library in Halmstad has for its users. The questions posed in this study are: What do the users actually do at the library? What roles are the most significant according to the users? Have the politicians succeeded in their intention of realizing a modern library according to the users? The theoretical starting point is Andersson?s and Skot-Hansen?s theory of four different roles of public libraries. In order to extend the model we added a fifth function; the one of aesthetical experience.
Designteorier i landskapsarkitektur : utveckling, definition och tillämpning
Fytoremediering kallas metoden som utnyttjar växters
naturliga förmåga att ta ta upp, omvandla eller stabilisera
ämnen för att sanera föroreningar. Det är en mycket
miljövänlig metod som endast bygger på naturliga
processer. Idag nyexploateras i hög grad hamn- och
industriområden, vilka ofta kräver stora saneringsinsatser.
Dessa ligger ofta i stadsnära lägen där det generellt finns
ett behov av grönytor. Till detta hör att parkmark sällan
anläggs på förorenad mark, då det inte bär samma
möjlighet till lönsamhet som annan exploatering.
Fytoremediering är en långsam saneringsmetod och
förbises därför ofta som ett alternativ då det krävs snabba
lösningar inför exploatering, men i jämförelse med andra
saneringsmetoder har fytoremediering en mängd fördelar.
En aspekt som gör metoden högst intressant för oss i vår
yrkesroll är möjligheten att under saneringens gång kunna
skapa betydelsefulla gröna ytor av tidigare otillgängliga
områden. Tidsaspekten vänds från något negativt till
positivt genom att skapa estetiskt tilltalande, intressanta
och rekreativa uterum.
Den "Offantliga sektorn. en kvantitativ studie av myndigheters kommunikation och dess betydelse
The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to examine what role the new city library in Halmstad has for its users. The questions posed in this study are: What do the users actually do at the library? What roles are the most significant according to the users? Have the politicians succeeded in their intention of realizing a modern library according to the users? The theoretical starting point is Andersson?s and Skot-Hansen?s theory of four different roles of public libraries. In order to extend the model we added a fifth function; the one of aesthetical experience.
Får man säga pass? Blivande lärare diskuterar mobbing och dess nya vägar
The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to examine what role the new city library in Halmstad has for its users. The questions posed in this study are: What do the users actually do at the library? What roles are the most significant according to the users? Have the politicians succeeded in their intention of realizing a modern library according to the users? The theoretical starting point is Andersson?s and Skot-Hansen?s theory of four different roles of public libraries. In order to extend the model we added a fifth function; the one of aesthetical experience.
Kaffe, kunder och kunskap. En studie av Expresso House interna kommunikation
The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to examine what role the new city library in Halmstad has for its users. The questions posed in this study are: What do the users actually do at the library? What roles are the most significant according to the users? Have the politicians succeeded in their intention of realizing a modern library according to the users? The theoretical starting point is Andersson?s and Skot-Hansen?s theory of four different roles of public libraries. In order to extend the model we added a fifth function; the one of aesthetical experience.
En livsviktig utvärdering av Sahögrenska Universitetssjukhusets externa webbplats utifrån ett användarperspektiv
The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to examine what role the new city library in Halmstad has for its users. The questions posed in this study are: What do the users actually do at the library? What roles are the most significant according to the users? Have the politicians succeeded in their intention of realizing a modern library according to the users? The theoretical starting point is Andersson?s and Skot-Hansen?s theory of four different roles of public libraries. In order to extend the model we added a fifth function; the one of aesthetical experience.
Att kommunicera eller inte(rn)kommunicera? En kvantitativ studie om internkommuniikation på MKV
The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to examine what role the new city library in Halmstad has for its users. The questions posed in this study are: What do the users actually do at the library? What roles are the most significant according to the users? Have the politicians succeeded in their intention of realizing a modern library according to the users? The theoretical starting point is Andersson?s and Skot-Hansen?s theory of four different roles of public libraries. In order to extend the model we added a fifth function; the one of aesthetical experience.
Ideellt kårengagemang - Drivkrafter och resultat
The purpose of this study was to examine how modern information and communication technology influence collective action within the framework of social movements. By studying the protests in the Arab World 2011, and focusing on the social movements in Suleimanya in northern Iraq, by observation taken on place, the essay discusses that collective action is closely related to the use of technology, for example cell phones and Internet.Result shows that modern communication technology has enabled immeasurable access andconnection between individuals throughout the world, which seems to be different from previouscollective action. The new communication channels in the form of social media, has been used for the dissemination of information and news, documentation, organization and membership recruitment in the social movements in the Arab World and Suleimanya. The new social movements have the tendency to be decentralized and flattened organized, they are now self-organizing and that they only do a whole as global patterns, as evidenced by the social movements in the Arab World andSuleimanya..
Konstkritiken är död, länge leve konstkritiken!: Studie i publicitetens effekt på bedömning av modern konst
According to modern theory, PR is seen as something that creates value for majority of products. The art market is a market that is characterized by several actors in different value chains, where transparency is low and art critics, or PR creators, have a certain amount of impact on the view of art, at least had so historically. But how does PR vs. art galleries´ own marketing (art brochure) affect the view and price consideration of art and artists for non-expert art spectators? After performing a large quantitative study, we can conclude that PR has negative to no affect on the view of art and the artist compared to the case when the spectator did not receive any information prior to viewing an art piece.