

6320 Uppsatser om Modern greek literature - Sida 51 av 422

Vid filmkonstens trösklar : Intermedialitet i Svenska Bios filmer 1910-11

The thesis examines ?intermediality? in Svenska Bios (Swedish Biograph) first fiction films. Värmlänningarne (1910), Fänrik Ståls Sägner (1910), Bröllopet på Ulfåsa (1910), Regina von Emmeritz och Konung Gustaf II Adolf (1910), Amuletten (1910), Emigranten (1910) and Järnbäraren (1911) are analysed in relation to theatre, literature, music and ?reality?. A detailed discussion of intermediality is combined with specific theories relating to pictorialism and literary presentation in film.

Utveckling av ny produktfamilj med handskar för användare inom street- outdoor segmentet. : En liten bit av naturen till staden, en liten bit av staden till naturen

This thesis describes the new construction of a small house and it includes studies of three heating systems: geothermal heating, district heating and pellet. The purpose of this thesis is to project a small house which can manage Building Regulations, BBR conditions and then examine three possible heating systems for the small house. This thesis is a literature study which gives an understanding of the heating systems technical structure, properties and costs. An empirical study completes the literature study by giving a deeper understanding of district heating costs and pellet costs. The empirical study contains two interviews, one of which was conducted in a district heating corporation and the other interview was conducted in a pellet corporation.

Bokens resa till förskolan : En kvalitativ undersökning av läsinspiratörers roll i litteratururvalet till förskolan

Jag har valt att studera hur valet av barnlitteratur ser ut på tre förskolor. Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka hur barnlitteraturen kommer till förskolan. Den väg som jag inriktat mig på är pedagoger på förskolor som är verksamma som läsinspiratörer via biblioteket. Jag undersöker hur de påverkar urvalet av böcker som finns för barnen på förskolan. Genom att undersöka vägen som litteraturen tar innan den hamnar på förskolan vill jag synliggöra valet som biblioteket och pedagogerna gör av böcker och se hur anpassad litteratururvalet blir till barnen.

Methane emissions from Swedish sheep production

The quantity of methane emissions from sheep depend on several factors, for example, the composition of the diet, feed quality, the age of the animals, time of the day and maybe also breed and sex. A comprising literature review was made about which factors that affect the size of emissions. In addition, a questionnaire was sent to two farms, one with a more intensive production system and another with a more extensive system. Inventories of the two farms were made; the rest of the data needed to conduct the study was taken from literature and other sources. Meat produced at the more intensive farm caused emissions of 0.4 kg of methane per kg of bone free meat and the more extensive farm caused emissions of 0.9 kg methane per kg of bone free meat.

?Man behöver läsningen att ta sats ifrån, i sitt skrivande?: En kvalitativ intervjuundersökning om skrivande människors läsvanor

The aim of this Master thesis is to analyse the interaction in between reading and writing based on young writers experience. My approach was to investigate how writersread literature and how they look upon their reading in relation to their own writing.Seven young people has been interviewed in this qualitative study, based a theory about their reading and reading habits. They were asked questions about reading habits and theirview upon the connection between reading and their own writing.Previous studies of Swedes´ reading habits prove that relaxation and pleasure are the most common reasons for literary reading. This differs from the present study, where my findings shows that writing people, more than other, read literature, in the way people in general read non-fiction. That is with a purpose beyond the actual ?situation of reading?.

Sökandet efter en identitet i Fattigadel del 1 samt Mor gifter sig: en utvecklingstematisk studie

Denna studie beskriver en ung flickas utveckling i Agnes von Krusenstjernas roman "Fattigadel del 1" (1935) samt Moa Martinsons roman "Mor gifter sig" (1936) med särskilt beaktande av den sociologiska och psykoanalytiska teorin och dess betydelse för den uppväxande flickans identifikationsprocess och hur den kommer till uttryck i respektive verk. I denna del av arbetet har jag tagit hjälp av sociologen och psykoanalytikern Nancy Chodorows teorier vilka utgår från den gren av den feministiska psykoanalytiska teorin vilken benämns objektrelationsteorin. Studien visar att relationen mellan mor och dotter är fundamental för en flickas utveckling till kvinna. Den är navet kring vilket identifikationsprocessen utvecklas och om det finns en konflikt i relationen söker den uppväxande flickan stöd hos andra förebilder i sin omgivning eftersom den viktigta kontakten med modern saknas. Det ser vi tydliga exempel på i både "Fattigadel del 1" där Viveka von Lagercrona i första hand tyr sig till sin far för bekräftelse och ömhet och även till sin lärarinna där hon finner en ny förebild.

What influence does Tai Chi have on the risk for falling among elder?

Background: 2007 there was 42 000 fall related accidents in Sweden and they are expected to increase the next few years. Fall among elders results in both increasing economically costs and suffering, but they can be prevented. For example has physical exercise shown an increasing effect on the risk for falls. Aim: The aim of this literature review was to investigate what influence Tai Chi has on the risk for falling among elder. Method: A literature review was conducted where eleven scientific articles were analysed with inspiration of the content analysis.

"Det handlar om att hitta rätt bok till rätt person vid rätt tillfälle": En undersökning av läsfrämjande verksamhet för ungdomar i åldern 13-19 år.

The purpose of this Masters thesis is to investigate librarians views on reading and reading promotion for young people. The main issue is if activities in reading promotion for people between the ages of 13-19 years can result in inspiring non-readers to actually become readers. To find the answers, qualitative interviews were held with eight librarians. The literature review covers research on the reasoning of young people on reading, a historical review of fiction and reading, a review of arguments on the benefits of reading and finally a chapter which concerns reading promotion activities. The result of this study showed that the conceptions of reading promotion and book talk are very complex and that they each can have different meanings.

Lakvattenrening och kontroll vid deponier : granskning och sammanställning

If not purified leachate from landfills would cause damages on the environment. At most landfills in Sweden local treatment of leachate is achieved, at the rest the leachate is transported to sewertreatment. While no comprehensive legal provisions for discharge exist in Sweden there is a difference in discharges between the installations for landfill. If no comprehensive legal provisions is produced guidance must improve.Treatment of leachate and self monitoring system at fifteen installations in Sweden has been studied and compared. A study of literature about different treatment solutions has also been performed.

Modern aktionsforskning: kontextualiserad forskning syftande till enbart kunskapsproduktion?

Aktionsforskning är samlingsnamnet för en palett forskningsansatser där det som förenar är kombinationen av en forskningsstrategi och en förändringsstrategi samt två involverade parter, nämligen forskare och praktiker. Denna studie är en översikt över aktionsforskning som tar sin utgångspunkt i nutid. Studiens syfte är att undersöka och problematisera den moderna aktionsforskningens praktik och teori. I studien görs ett försök att besvara tre frågor; 1. Vad är aktionsforskning och vilka inriktningar finns det inom aktionsforskning? 2.

Omkonstruktion av armled tillhörande Bracke Forest högläggare

One of the main tasks of the Swedish Armed Forces over the past few years has been International assignments, which increased the importance of the Lessons Learned process. Methods of simulator training with computers have become more frequent and the technical ability to collect digital data from sensors has been developed as well. This work demonstrates how the experience of Lessons Learned can be communicated with the computer simulator StriSimPC and how modern technology in future support experiences from the Lessons Learned process at the tactical level in the Army.Currently knowledge sharing consists of several processes and strategies in the Swedish Armed Forces. This is done by written reports, oral presentations and different practical exercises.This case study shows the functions of the simulator StriSimPC, methods of training and how it is used today. The study also describes the future opportunities, where digital metadata acquired from the modern combat vehicles could contribute sharing of experience in the Lessons Learned process.The summarized conclusions indicate that StriSimPC can combine the two strategies for personalization and codification of knowledge transfer to reach a higher level of learning.

Celltal som mått på mjölkens kvalitet med avseende på mjölkens sammansättning

Mastitis, an inflammation of the udder mainly caused by a bacterial infection, induces an increase in the somatic cell count (SCC) in milk and is consequently one of several factors affecting SCC in milk. In this literature review it is investigated whether SCC; on udder quarter, cow composite or bulk tank milk level, can be used as a quality marker with focus on milk composition in terms of the content of fat, lactose, total protein, casein and whey protein. According to this literature review the relation between SCC and milk composition is not reliable either on udder quarter, cow composite or bulk tank milk level. SCC was related to lactose, casein and whey protein on udder quarter level; lactose and whey protein on cow composite level and lactose on bulk tank milk level.

Förnuft och känsla : En studie av kokböckers visuella kommunikation under det tidiga 90-talet och sena 00-talet

The interest for food and cooking has probably never engaged the people of Sweden as much as it does today. Especially cookbooks are selling better than ever which has been a quite constant trend since the mid 90's. This study explores the connection between visual communication in Swedish cookbooks and the post-modern values which have influenced the market climate and the visual culture. I have used a theoretical framework as reference consisting of theories of semiotics, visual rhetoric, marketing communications and postmodernism. I have been studying six cookbooks, three from the late 00's and three from the early 90's, from the two separate angles of their graphic design and photographic material.

Fri vilja? : En jämförelse och rimlighetsprövning av Augustinus och Luthers syn på den fria viljan

The aim of this essay is to examine what happens when Veronica Roths Divergent-trilogy is read with a lutheran theological pre-understanding. Using reader-response theory and lutheran theology written for and in a post-modern context, three lutheran figures of thought are presented as one way of understanding the trilogy. The conclusion is that it is possible to reveal lutheran ideas concerning justification, guilt, forgiveness, mercy and self-sacrificing love in the Divergent-story. .

Samarbete mellan bibliotek och förskola En studie om huruvida samarbete kan främja barns och särskilt invandrarbarns språkutveckling

This Masters thesis concerns how library and preschool can cooperate in supporting childrens language development and especially that of bilingual children. We have investigated how librarians and preschool teachers different competences can complement each other to gain the best result in work with childrens language development. This study is based on qualitative interviews with four librarians and three preschool teachers. The answers from them have been analysed according to different categories. Our results show that both librarians and preschool teachers think that bilingual children need extra support and that it takes longer to learn two languages.

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