

6320 Uppsatser om Modern greek literature - Sida 29 av 422

Vårdpersonals attityder gentemot misshandlade kvinnor : en litteraturstudie

The aim of this study was to describe the attitudes against abused women. A literature review was used in this study. Information was collected from the literature and articles written about the subject and brought together and then critical analysed. To help with the organisation structure we used Ida Jean Orlando's theory as a theoretical framework. Our findings indicate that the nurses had a lack of acknowledgment about the women's situations and needed education about their situations.

Barn med autism : Integrera eller segregera

AbstractThe purpose of my study is to describe what view teachers, which are working with autistic children, have about how the individual autistic child will have a good schooling? If children with autism should be integrated or segregated. I also want to find out how ?a school for all? shall be worked out to fit children with autism. To reach my purpose I?ve chosen to use a qualitative method and to hand out questionnaire to three teachers which are working in a training school.To get a background to this study I?ve presented what researchers have to say about this subject.

Corpus Technologica : En religionshistorisk analys av Robert Anton Wilsons version av The Eight Circuit Model of Consciousness i ljuset av den västerländska esoterismen

This is a thesis about The Eight Circuit Model, a modern mind map developed for the purpose of illumination and enlighenment by Dr. Timothy Leary in the 1970s. Later, authors such as Robert Anton Wilson and Antero Alli elaborated upon the idea to make it more wholesome and compatible with other ideas expressing the same basic principle. In short, it is an intellectual abstraction of the evolution of consciousness through a series of eight stages, which Leary called Circuits. By looking at the brain as an evolving bio-computer, with thoughts working as software, upgrading itself through neurological imprints, Learys created a Hero's Journey for the modern age.The thesis tries to analyze this idea, as it is presented in Robert Anton Wilsons Prometheus Rising, through the lens of the discourse category ?Western Esoterism.? A hard-to-define subject but described as ?the dialectic of the hidden and the revealed in the field of religion.?.

Det digitala klassrummet : En kvalitativ studie av lärares användning av smartboard som ett språkutvecklande verktyg i undervisningen

Smartboard är en modern teknik som blir allt vanligare i våra svenska klassrum. Studiens syfte är att studera hur lärare i förskoleklass och årskurs 1-2 på en skola använder smartboard som ett verktyg/läromedel för barns språkutveckling. Undersökningen utgår ifrån en kvalitativ studie där observation och intervju används för att tolka och förstå människors uppfattningar. Observationer genomförs vid tre lektionstillfällen där smartboard används som ett verktyg i undervisningen. Intervjuer sker med sex lärare som använder sig av smartboard i sin undervisning.

Vem vinner: fackboken eller den skönlitterära boken? : en studie över lånevanor i en 3:e klass i en mindre by i norra Sverige

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the habits of borrowing books among third-grade pupils. My aim is also to study what significance their teacher and the librarian have on the pupils? borrowing habits. Based on the results from an experiment, two observations, interviews and by compiling a list of short summaries of literature relevant to my thesis. I wanted to compare earlier research with my own results and also reflect on remarks made by librarians and teachers concerning the children?s reading and use of the library.

Hur gymnasieläroböcker i fysik behandlar kursplansmål med kvantmekanisk anknytning

Inledningsvis identifieras de mål i kursplanen för fysik B på gymnasieskolan som har kvantmekaniskt innehåll. Syftet med detta arbete är att genom en textanalys utifrån dessa identifierade kursmål, beskriva hur fem gymnasieläroböcker i fysik B tar upp de utvalda målbeskrivningarna. När det gäller hur atomers struktur presenteras, saknar en av böckerna en modern kvantmekanisk beskrivning och tre böcker ger ingen modern kvantmekanisk beskrivning av elektronernas positioner i en atom. Problem med hur spinn ska beskrivas finns överlag i alla böckerna. Alla läroböckerna förankrar sin framställning om sambandet mellan energinivåer och atomspektra i Bohrs atommodell.

Teknik för en flerskiktadwebbapplikation

The report analyses if some common problems can be avoided by using modern technology. As a reference system ?Fartygsrapporteringssystemet? is used. It is an n-tier web application built with modern technology at time, 2003-2004. The aim is to examine whether ASP.Net MVC, Windows Communication Foundation, Workflow Foundation and SQL Server 2005 Service Broker can be used to create an n-tier web application which also communicate with other systems and facilitate automated testing.

Improvements in milking management through imitation of calf behaviour

Approximately 20% of the milk within the udder of a cow is stored in the cistern and immediately available for milk removal, while activation of the milk ejection reflex is required for removing the remaining milk stored in the alveolar compartment. The aim of this literature review is to describe, evaluate and consider implications of the three different suckling activities that the calf displays during a suckling bout. In terms of milking, these phases are represented by pre-stimulation, stimulation during milking and post-stimulation. Pre-stimulation is commonly performed in order to induce the milk ejection reflex, whereby the hormone oxytocin is released and the alveoli in the secretory tissue are contracted. Time requirements regarding pre-stimulation must be considered in relation to lactation stage and milking interval.

Låt oss inte glömma Lady Macbeth! : En komparativ studie av Lady Macbeth i Shakespeares tragedi samt i tre moderna TV- och filmadaptioner.

The work of Shakespeare has been popular to make film adaptations of from the birth of cinema. Macbeth, one of his most often played tragedies, is no exception. But how did Shakespeare portray Lady Macbeth in his play, and how do directors in the 21th century choose to portray her for a modern audience? I will try to find the answer to these questions by analyzing Shakespeare´s play as well as three modern adaptations. I will begin the thesis by looking at scholars´ view in questions regarding gender, free will, adaptations and genre before analyzing the play and the three movies.

Att torka tysta tårar : En ideologianalys om död, sorg och barns aktörskap i modern barnlitteratur

Arbetet undersöker hur områden som döden, sorg och barns aktörskap gestaltas inom modern barnlitteratur. Studien består av en ideologianalys av åtta bilderböcker som alla blivit utgivna under åren mellan 1999 ? 2011. Syftet är att granska vilka kunskaper och värderingar som kommer till uttryck i barnlitteraturen och hur dessa kan relateras till den forskning som idag existerar om barn i sorg och barns förståelse om döden. Undersökningens fokus kommer vara hur det krisdrabbade barnet skildras i böckerna och vilken syn på barnet som förmedlas.    Ideologianalysen genomförs med analysverktyget parametrar.

Interaktionen mellan en SS-organisation och ett svenskt ämbetsverk : Korrespondensen mellan Herman Wirth (Ahnenerbe) och Riksantikvarien (Riksantikvarieämbetet) 1935-1939

Uppsatsen är en induktiv studie med kvalitativa intervjuer, som undersöker gymnasielärare och historikers inställning till regeringens förslag om att historia A på gymnasiet ska fokusera på modern historia. Denna inställning ställer vi sedan i relation till begreppet historiemedvetande och får på detta sätt fram spännande resultat. Vi kunde se att åsikterna går isär, men att de alla i grund och botten har en gemensam tanke om vad som vore bäst för eleverna. Den stora skillnaden ligger i hur detta kan uppnås. Är det en fokusering på moderna tider, eller är det en lång tidsvandring som ger möjligheten att dra långa linjer som är det bästa? Vi kom fram till att en kurs på 100 poäng, som till största delen fokuserar på modern historia, och ger möjligheter att dra paralleller bakåt i tiden vore den bästa lösningen på problemet med dagens förslag.

"En gåva vi ska vara glada för" : Identitetspolitiska lässtrategier i den svenska receptionen av YAHYA HASSAN

This essay focuses on the reception of Yahya Hassan?s debut YAHYA HASSAN in Swedish media, mainly daily newspapers. Following the work of Magnus Nilsson it analyzes the ?reading strategy of the politics of identity? in ?immigrant literature? and outlines structural racism in the literary scene. By bringing attention to the critics? use of this reading strategy, it is possible to unveil the ?ethnic filter? through which literature by Swedish authors with a ?non-Swedish identity? is being read in contemporary Swedish literary criticism.

Skönlitteratur, inköp och folkbibliotek ? en kvalitativ ansats

The aim of this thesis is to examine the Swedish public libraries acquisition processes when it comes to fiction for adults. The thesis focus on how the librarians responsible for acquiring view literary quality when they manage their collections and how their views coincide with that of the user?s explicit wishes. Furthermore this thesis looks at the librarians reading habits and how they coincide with that of their perceived users.The study uses literature pedagogic perspective theory to see how the librarians look at fiction and what they value in it. In order to get answers six librarians have been interviewed in this study that uses a qualitative approach to getting answers.

Finsk sisu i svenskundervisningen : Om litteratururval, kulturell identitet och subjektiv relevans utifrån tre finskättade elevers upplevelser

This essay focuses on Finnish immigrants living in Sweden and their experiences of educationof literature in Swedish upper secondary school. It concerns the fact of how education ofliterature can be used to strengthen students? formation of cultural identity. The essay tries toidentify obstacles as well as possibilities in the teaching of literature with a view to deepenand enrich this process. The method consists of a phenomenological approach includinginterviews with a group of Finnish immigrants living in Sweden.

Vikten av bemötande: dyslektikers erfarenheter av bibliotek

The aim of this study is to gain an understanding of how dyslexic adults experience the library, their meeting with a librarian and how they feel they are being helped with finding literature. To answer the purpose of the study I have conducted six semi-structured interviews with dyslexic adults.. Two theoretical models were used as an analytical tool in this study. One was Michael Buckland's aspects of access to information. The other is four aspects that explains the significance of personal encounter at the library.

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