

2726 Uppsatser om Mobilization of bias and power - Sida 8 av 182

Den svenska kärnkraftsdebatten i skuggan av Fukushima : En studie i hur svenska kärnkraftsförespråkare i maktposition använder argumentation och auktoritet

Aim: The nuclear accident in Fukushima, Japan, raised global criticism against nuclear power. In Sweden, the criticism has not been very visible and the government now allows a renewal of the nuclear power plants. The purpose with the study is to have a closer look on how Swedes in position of power motivate their positive attitude to nuclear power and how they conduct themselves to each other and to their opponents. The rhetorical perspective will be in focus for the analysing.Method: Four different artifacts represented by Swedes in position of power having a positiveattitude to nuclear power were chosen. Three rhetorical theories (the rhetorical arena, stasis andethos, pathos and logos) were used with the research question in focus.Result & Conclusions: The analyses resulted in conclusions about the strategies used by the participants such as: the importance of contexts, meaning for example that the greenhouse effect legitimizes nuclear power as a source of energy with important benefits.

Effektmätning i pump

The interest for power and energy measurement has greatly raised with todays increasing electricity prices and enviromental awareness. In the search for energy efficient solutions, the measurements are more complex due to increasing of non linear components. Harmonics and non sinusoidal voltages put high demands on sampling and filtering. Meanwhile, the price must be controlled so the customer still will find it interesting to invest in smaller plants. ITT W&WW asks for a robust, heat resistant power meter with compact dimensions to allow mounting inside the casing of a pump.

Varför stannar en kvinna hos en man som slår? : Forskning kring mäns våld mot kvinnor i nära relationer

This study has a qualitative approach and deals with difficult issues that arise in connection to male violence against women in close relations. The purpose of this study is to bring clarity to why women stay in violent relationships. I have been studying two leading theories, one called the Normalization Process of Violence represented by Eva Lundgren (sociology and theology). The other leading theory is the Neutralization of Violence represented by Margareta Hydén (fil dr and leg psycho therapeut).I have also studied the fight between these two theories for the leading position in the research on male violence against women. Eva Lundgren presents her theory through a structural perspective.

Nätverk och makt - En fråga om makt och relation mellan politiker och tjänstemän

I have studied how network in a broad sense can affect decision-making. The primary purpose is to see if the political initiative somewhere disappears when it comes to understand the relations between power, actors and politics. The study discuss in a theoretical area that concerns the reliability in neoinstitutionalism to use as an analytical instrument. Some criticism is given to the theoretical standpoint in the sense that there is no power perspective included in the theory. I include a discussion about a concept of power, which I include to the theory.

EU som normativ makt i Vitryssland - ett kritiskt fall

ABSTRACTThe EU as a normative power in Belarus ? a critical caseBy Anna JohnssonUniversity of VäxjöSchool of Social SciencesSpring semester 2007The European Union?s identity is a much debated topic. Some say it?s a unique actor in the international arena because of the different tools it has at its disposal. Ian Manners claims that the EU is what he calls a normative power.

Frekvensreglering i det nordiska kraftsystemet

Svenska Kraftnät is (together with the other transmission system operators of the Nordic power system) responsible for keeping balance between the generated and demanded power in the Nordic power system. Spontaneous load variations and system disturbances, however, lead to power imbalance followed by frequency variations. The frequency deviations can be limited to an acceptable level by the spinning reserve, mainly by hydro power control. But there are also other system properties which have a great influence on the frequency and system stability. The frequency and voltage dependence of the loads have a direct influence on the power balance.

Nedskrivning av Goodwill. Bias och kulturella skillnader i nedskrivningsprövningen - case: Finland och Sverige

Bakgrund och problem: De noterade finska och svenska företagen har sedan redovisningsår2005 varit tvungna enligt IFRS-regelverket att utsätta sina goodwillposter för årliganedskrivningsprövningar. Förfarandet har förväntats öka på redovisningens relevans mensamtidigt har den också kritiserats för att öppna ett fönster för manipulation och bias. Problemetmed förfarandet är att det innefattar en hel del personlig bedömning och är för allmänheten enrelativt ogenomskinlig händelse. Den tidigare forskningen har för mestadels koncentrerat sig påden amerikanska marknaden och varit oense ifall den nya kutymen är lyckad eller inte. Diverseundersökningar har lett till olika resultat angående bias inflytande över nedskrivningsprövningar.Tillsvidare har IFRS-hemisfärens norra del (Nord Europa) dock inte berörts i denna forskning.Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att ta del i den tidigare diskussionen med att undersöka ifallde i Finland och i Sverige utförda nedskrivningarna varit igenomsnitt befogade och ifallberättigade ekvivalenta skjutits upp.

Migration och arbetsmarknadsintegration - den tyska återföreningen

Title: Migration and Labor Market Integration ? the German Reunification Since the German reunification former East Germany has been struggling with rising unemployment numbers and extensive emigration. The East German Länder are still well behind the West German and even though Germany unquestionably is united politically the old border divides the economy ? and the labor market ? in two. This thesis aims to describe the reunification process of the East German and the West German labor markets, and in particular the role of migration in this process.

Visst gör det ont när möten brister : En kvalitativ uppsats om fyra före detta klienters upplevelse av mötet med myndighetsutövare och institutionalisering som behandlingsmetod

The purpose with the essay is to illuminate four former clients? personal stories about the meeting with the authority in the Swedish welfare system and the institutionalization theywent through. The questions being asked in the essay focus on communication, the relationship concerning power and the former clients attitude towards the institutionalization as a treatment. Four interviews were held with former clients who were institutionalized sometime between the ages of 15-25. The results were then analyzed by theories focusing on communication as a way to gain power and how social interaction may influence the individual attitudes towards authorities.

En teori om konsumentmakt- Marknaden som en lösning på demokratiunderskottet?

How effective is consumer power? Can consumers regulate corporate behavior?And if so is the case, could the mechanisms where consumers regulate corporatebehavior have any democratic value to contribute with? These are the questionsthat this master's thesis comprehends with. The purpose of this writing is toconstruct a theory of consumer power that is compatible with democratic theory,this in order to contribute to the ongoing discussion within the discipline ofpolitical science about the third democratic transformation. A discussion that hasbeen actualized due to the democratic deficit created by the growing corporatepower and the shift of power from state to private enterprises. Besides showingfor a parallel between the democratic mechanisms that exists in the relationbetween citizens and state on the one hand, and the consumers and corporationson the other hand, this paper argues that consumers do have a great potential inregulating corporate behavior towards a higher social responsibility andawareness.

Snabba lån : Processen för finansbolagens riskhantering av snabba lån

Syftet med föreliggande studie var att försöka reda i litteraturen kring två välkända begrepp inom Affective Forecasting nämligen Impact Bias, som innebär att människor har en tendens att överskatta i vilken utsträckning de kommer att uppleva en viss känsla i en framtida situation än vad som senare visar sig vara fallet, och Empathy Gaps, som innebär att människor har en tendens att underskatta i vilken grad känslotillstånd kommer att påverka deras preferenser i en framtida situation samt pröva dessa begrepp i en och samma enkätundersökning. Etthundra sextiotvå studenter, slumpvist uppdelade i två grupper, Känslogrupp och Preferensgrupp, deltog frivilligt i undersökningen. Enkätundersökningen var en mixad design med grupp (känsla kontra preferens) som mellangruppsfaktor och förtest kontra eftertest som inomgruppsfaktor. I studien visade samtliga gruppers resultat i linje med Impact Bias teorin, dvs. att deltagarna i både Känslogrupp och Preferensgrupp skattade lägre i eftertest (actual) än pretest (forecasting).

Lämpliga områden för vindkraftsetablering på land i Norrbottens län

Wind power is becoming an increasingly important source of energy. There are several national and international goals set to increase to amount of renewable energy, and in order to meet these goals, the wind power production plays an important part and the establishment of new wind power farms are required. The Swedish national project Riksintresse Vindbruk has appointed areas in Sweden suitable for wind power, mainly when looking at the physical wind conditions of the area. In this study, I aim to define suitable areas for wind power establishment in Norrbottens län. In order to reach this goal, a critical regional method was developed and completed using GIS.

Marknadens implicita värde på det permanenta mätfelet på Stockholmsbörsen

This study investigates whether the permanent measurement bias (PMB) has changed over time for Swedish companies listed on the Stockholm Stock exchange at least one year during 1996-2000 or 2005-2010. By using the Residual Income Valuation-model the markets' implicit value on PMB is generated through reversed engineering, as values for all variables except PMB are entered such as the market perceived them at the specific valuation date each year. This implicit value is classified into industries and then sorted by their median. Statistical tests are performed to see if there is a difference between the industry median and the accounting-based values on PMB. The difference from period one to period two is also statistically tested for.The study finds that the implicit values on PMB have changed somewhat between the periods; however the fluctuations are not statistically significant.

Ett folkstyre i förvittring eller fortsatt demokratisk livskraft? En studie av de norska och danska maktutredningarnas slutrapporter

AbstractThis paper is a comparative study of the final reports of the Norwegian and Danish power studies performed in 2003. While the Danish study found that democracy is thriving, the conclusion of the Norwegian power study was that democracy is in a crisis. The purpose of this paper is to find explanations to why the studies in two Nordic countries arrived at such different results.Methodologically, the paper consists of an ideological text analysis and critical analyses of the discourse. In order to study how the results of the power studies can differ so considerably, the following aspects have been surveyed; 1) external contexts (government inquiries); 2) work process (the researchers? background, role and co-operation); 3) the problem areas and themes studied; and 4) power perspectives.

Kraftkabelförläggning i mark : - en studie av produktionsmetoder

The assignment given to us by NCC was to compose a degree project based on ground excavations for power cables. The aim of the study was to examine suitable excavation methods depending on different possible terrain conditions. The amount of previously written material within this subject is nearly non- existent and therefore there is a genuine interest by the NCC to receive a compilation of different production methods. The greater part of this study is based upon interviews with several companies active within this area of expertise. The technique of placing the electricity grid beneath ground for safety is today getting more and more common.

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