

2726 Uppsatser om Mobilization of bias and power - Sida 43 av 182

Elkraftsystem för fälttest av Polygeneration system EXC

I ett modernt samhälle är elektricitet en nyckelkomponent för industrins, individens och samhällets utveckling. Naturkatastrofområden där elektriciteten slagits ut står inför stora prövningar för att kunna få samhällsviktiga funktioner att fungera igen. Med hjälp av den mobila miljövänlig energienhet Emergency Energy Module (EEM) kan elbehovet lindras.Detta examensarbetes mål var att ta fram en elsystemsbeskrivning för den kommande Export container (EXC), samt ta fram ett korrekt elschema för den befintliga EEM.Elsystemsbeskrivningen måste ta hänsyn till EXC:s kravspecifikation samt innehålla Bills of Material (BoM) och elschema. Problematiken ligger bl.a. i att få flera olika energikällor (sol, vind och biomassa förgasare) att fungera tillsammans i ett elsystem där likspänning, växelspänning, trefas och enfas blandas.

Hur kommer barn till tals i domen?

The purpose of this essay was to see how the child's voice was being heard in the verdicts in trials. I looked into court cases where parents wanted custody of their child/children. The focus of my analysis was on how the verdicts were presented and if the child/children were described in the court cases. The method that I used was qualitative documentanalysis. I chose seven court cases to investigate and analyse.I described theories of Foucault's power to get a different perspective on courtroom cases and the children's voice.

Politecast : ett nytt kommunikationsprimitiv för trådlösa sensornätverk

Wireless sensor networks have the potential for becoming a huge market. Ericsson predicts 50 billion devices interconnected to the Internet by the year 2020. Before that, the devices must be made to be able to withstand years of usage without having to change power source as that would be too costly. These devices are typically small, inexpensive and severally resource constrained. Communication is mainly wireless, and the wireless transceiver on the node is typically the most power hungry component.

Djurrättsrörelsen Mobilisering och Framgångar i Nederländerna och Storbritannien : En Komparativ Analys av Betydelsen av Politiska Institutioner i skenet av Political Opportunity Structure.

Several previous studies have in different ways tried to explain how new social movements are affected by the different sets of political and social contexts within different states and societies. This essay asks the question how much the institutional aspects within the theory of Political Opportunity Structures (POS) have determined how the rather successful animal rights movements in the Netherlands and Great Britain have mobilized and acted to gain progress. Since the Netherlands and Great Britain contains different kinds of political and institutional contexts, these two states are found to be suitable for a comparative analysis of the theory's durability. A qualitative portrayal of both state's institutional political opportunity structures are presented. Then the mobilization, progress, and actions of the political party ?Party for the Animals? in the Netherlands, and a wide group of animal rights organisations in Great Britain are determined.

Religionens roll i konsten och arkitekturen i antika Egypten

The purpose of this Bachelor thesis in religious history, is to examine how religion reflects in the artwork and in the architecture in old and new kingdom in ancient Egypt, also to explore how book of the death reflects in the artwork. By means of using the visual culture theory, I have analyzing the selected pice of art with myths and texts from the ancient religion, to been able to come the the results of this study. It was know that religion had a major part in the artwork of ancient Egypt, especially in the new kingdom. In the old kingdom pharaoh generally was in the centre of the art, but also the gods. In new kingdom they started to illustrate texts and myths from book of the death, and the life after death was of great matter.

Riskuppfattning och riskbenägenhet hos entreprenörer : En studie av bakomliggande faktorer i entreprenörers personlighet

Uppsatsen har som utgång att besvara de grundläggande frågor som vi ställer oss; (1) kan det vara så att individer som startar företag uppfattar risk annorlunda än individer som inte väljer att starta företag? (2) Stämmer den spridda uppfattningen om att entreprenörer är mer riskbenägna än andra? (3) Vilka faktorer kan förklara skillnader i riskbenägenhet och riskuppfattning? Utifrån dessa frågor går vi igenom och beskriver forskning inom området och skapar hypoteser som vi sedan empiriskt prövar. Utifrån resultaten som vår undersökning genererat tyder vissa svar på att entreprenörer som grupp påvisar liknande personlighetsdrag, samt att de har en annorlunda riskuppfattning jämfört med icke-entreprenörer, vilket kan ses som skillnader i dessa personers undermedvetna (cognitive bias) som vi antog. Men eftersom vår studie behandlade ett relativt litet urval, rekommenderar vi därför att vidare studier och forskning kring detta ämne bör genomfras för att ge en vidare inblick i detta ämne som kan underlätta för entreprenörer och framtida investerare..

Alkohol inom äldreomsorgen : Hur hanteras problematiken?

The purpose of our qualitative study is to investigate how the caretakers, in the elderly care,interpret and manage the issue of alcohol problems in elderly people. We have beenperforming semi-structured interviews on 9 people, on different levels in the elderly care.There were 3 elderly care managers, 1 nurse, 1 assistance administrator and 4 auxiliarynurses, who all, at some level, work with alcohol problems in elderly people. Thoseinterviews were performed singularly, with one exception: we interviewed an elderly caremanager and her 2 auxiliary nurses at the same time. To analyse our empirics, we have usedthe theories of Power and Ageism. Our study shows that the auxiliary nurses, who are theones who must deal with these problems, have great difficulties to perform their work becausethey have no qualified knowledge about alcohol problems.

Fröplacering vid hög såhastighet - Väderstad Rapid jämfört med Amazone Cirrus

In today's agriculture efficiency and the capacity of tools and machinery are crucial. In this work we investigate whether it is possible to enhance the capacity of sowing by increasing the work speed of seeders, how seed technology affects seed placement, and if there is any difference between two different brands of seeders and their sow techniques. The seeders we have chosen to compare are Väderstad Rapid drill and Amazon Cirrus drill. The tillage capacity of the seeders and their traction power needs were examined as well.Väderstad Rapid and Amazon Cirrus were tested in a randomized block design with four replicates at three different speeds, 8 km/h, 12 km/h and 15 km/h. The seed placement at the different speeds was examined by dividing the seedbed into four different zones from its surface to its bottom.

Estimering av GPS pålitlighet och GPS/INS fusion

The global Positioning System (GPS) provides location and time information as long as there are unobstructed lines of sight to four or more GPS satellites. However, when this is not the case the signal may be inaccurate or sometimes even completely blocked. In these situations the Inertial Navigation System (INS) is an appropriate choice for positioning.  An INS has already been proposed in a previous thesis by Erik Andersson and the objective of this thesis is to fuse the GPS with the INS in a proper way. A part of this project is to decide the reliability of the GPS.Three methods for GPS reliability detection have been proposed. One method based on the statistical properties of each of the separate systems, and two methods based on the statistical properties of the residuals between the GPS and INS.

Mediernas konstruktion av en politisk händelse En kritisk diskursanalys av två svenska morgontidningars medierapportering av oroligheterna till följd av presidentvalet i Kenya

News value is an essential part of which event media chooses to report about. Political events consider to bee news with potentional large value. Media has an enormous power and possibility to create news and construct there own reality and where the readers is given a false expression of what really happened. Today the media must show profit and that indirect affects how the media choose to describe political events. In the Kenya case is it therefore possible to draw the conclusion that the two news paper has different construction of the political event in Kenya.

Arbetsmarknadens spelregler : arbetslöshet bland utomnordiskt födda individer som bor i Finspångs kommun

Research has shown that immigrants in the Swedish society often, when seeking jobs, don?t get the same opportunities as the rest of the population. This thesis is a qualitative research that examines the problematic situation of unemployment among immigrants in the municipality of Finspång. The purpose of this study is to analyze how civil servants in Finspång apprehend and describe the labor market problems surrounding the immigrant groups that live in the municipality of Finspång. The empirical material is build upon seven qualitative interviews with eight civil servants working in Finspång.

Hur skolstarten framställs genom bilderböcker : Diskursanalytisk studie om framställningen av skola, lärare, känslor och makt

In this essay I have studied how the kid?s school start are described in picture books. The studied questions are: How the school is described in these selected picture books; what feeling does the main character have into the school start; how the teachers are described in this selected picture books and how are the power relationship described in these selected picture books?The method I have chosen for this essay is a discourse analysis of seven selected picture books with the meaning of starting school. All books studied are written during the 1990 and forward.

Mätsystem för effektförluster i en högfrekvenstransformator

To measure losses in a transformer with today?s methods is either slow or insecure. There s a new method developed by Alstom that hasn't been actualize in to a test-system and that has been the assignment in this project. The idea is built on a switched system and a CLR- circuit in the resonant frequency. The test-system has a calculated power-loss that make the efficiency to be as high as 99,8% and in reality over 95%.

Effekter av EDI

Background: It has been shown that EDI can yield positive effects within companies. Which effects are possible for a company to direct assign to the introduction of EDI and is it possible to estimate the total effect.Purpose: The purpose of this study is to estimate and analyze the effects of using EDI in electronic business. We also want to contribute with a model for measure and estimate the effects of EDI.Accomplishment: We have studied literature concering EDI and realized a preliminary studie in form of interviews with experts to establish deeper knowledge of EDI. We have also tried to estimate the effects obtained in companies in three different businesses, power, government and transport industry.Result: To obtain as good effects as possible it is important that the co- oporation is built on trust and engagement. Before implementing the EDI-system a thorough overhaul of the processes in the company should be done, involving both the top managers and the staff.

Att leva som andra : Makt och hjälp i insatsen personlig assistans

The purpose of the study is that based on focus groups with personal assistants understand how self-determination and participation, expresses itself in work with the users. The study has a focus on the concepts of power and help and social citizenship in the context of self-determination and participation. We are interested to explore how personal assistants reason and argue about different design cases and situations related to self-determination and participation in the relationship with the users. For this study we have used a qualitative method and to collect our data we have used focus groups and different design cases (vignettes). To analyze our data we used the theory about power and help and the theory about social citizenship.

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