

3117 Uppsatser om Mobile Art Production - Sida 64 av 208

Automatisk Identifiering av Inandningspauser i Spontant Tal - ett HMM/ANN-hybridsystem i Matlab

This thesis presents a system which has been implemented to satisfy a need in theresearch on how speech planning interacts with syntactic and prosodic structure inspontaneous speech. The long-term purpose of the research is to provide models forautomatic parsing of spontaneous speech and for psycholinguistical modelling of speechproduction. Identification of inhalation pauses is an important step in the developmentof automatic methods for spontaneous speech parsing.Identification of inhalation pauses is considered to be a keyword-spotting speechrecognition problem. Hybrid HMM(Hidden Markov Models)/ANN(Artificial NeuralNetworks) approach is applied to this problem. Method gets 90,8% in Recall, 66,4% inPrecision and 76,7% in F-score.

MobileIP & AdHoc

Vår uppgift var att kombinera och modifiera funktionaliteten hos MobileIP och AdHoc för att få MobileIP att fungera tillsammans med AdHoc-nätverk. Vi skulle också testa två olika AdHoc-protokoll med MobileIP för att kunna jämföra och se vilket av dem som fungerade bäst tillsammans. Vi jobbade först med en nätverkssimulator (NS2) och simulerade olika slags nätverk i scenarion som vi gjort till den. Vi lyckades delvis koppla ihop MobileIP och AdHoc-protokollet DSDV efter modifieringar i nätverkssimulatorn. Vi gick över till att få det hela att fungera i verkligheten istället, och använde oss av operativsystemet Linux och programvaror för MobileIP och AdHoc-protokollet AODV, samt nätverkskomponenter som routrar och switchar till dessa verkliga kopplingar.

Analys och produktionsförbättring på monteringslinan Vensafe

This study is preformed at Westbaltic Components placed in Töcksfors Sweden. Themain target in this study is to make one of the company?s assembly lines better andmore effective. The assembly line constructs vending machines for different stores allover Europe.It will contain tobacco, snuff, cigarettes and shaving blades and many more similarproducts.The first step in our study is to locate the daily problems and find out a good way toreduce them and make them disappear. A good way to do this job easier was toconstruct a visualizing board.

Mobilapplikationer som hjälpmedel i underhållsindustrin : med fokusering på arbetsorderhantering

This thesis paper discusses the results of a survey which was conducted to investigate the potential usefulness of mobile apps in the maintenance department at Perstorp Specialty Chemicals AB. The paper contains four sections, a theory section, a method section , a section that explains the functionality of the app, and finally a results section where the results and conclusions of the survey are discussed. The theory section explains and discusses relevant terminology used in the computer science field and in the maintenance industry. The theoretical model used in this paper is also discussed. The methods section gives a stepwise description of the project and a description of platform and software used.

Organizing for value creation : a corporate perspective on urban farming

In the year 1800, about 5 % of the world population lived in cities (World Wide Fund for Nature, 2012, 3). Today that number is about 70 % in Europe and North America, and in 2050 it is expected to be 86 % in the developed world and 67 % in the developing world (www, UN, 2009). In addition, the global population is expected to increase with 2.2 billion people until 2050. As a result of the population increase more food has to be produced which requires more transport from the countryside to the cities. However, this flow of resources faces some difficulties.

En förstudie till kvalitetsutveckling på GD-tryck

The print- and mailroom at Gefle Dagblad (GD-tyck) is handling an increasing amount of commercial jobsalong with the newspaper production. Investments have above all been done in the mailroom to be able tooffer commercial costumers a higher degree of finishing and there are plans to expand further in the commercialmarket. GD-tryck is of the opinion that they need to secure the quality of their production to be ableto do such expansion, which is the reason why a quality system of some kind may be appropriate. Howeverthere are no plans to certify such a quality system according to ISO 9001:2000.In this exam report the present methods of working have been analysed from a quality perspective.Suggestions on how GD-tryck should be working with quality development is presented in the fields whereshortage of quality has been discovered. The suggestions taken together do not form a quality system butcan be looked at as ideas of approach to quality fields that have to be developed if a working quality systemshall be accomplished.Many of the quality fields that have been discussed do not have anything to do with technical qualitydirectly but are in some degree requirements for a working quality system.

Erfarenhetsåterföring : Hur kan en verkningsfull återföring skapas mellan produktion och kalkyl?

Sweden is dependent on secure sea transport. Shorter disruption of imports of fuel and crude oil can be managed with an emergency stock, but a prolonged halt in imports creates problems. For industry, the vulnerability is greater. Fragmented production chains in combination with expenditure reductions in inventory causes a dependency on proper transport of intermediate goods in the manufacturing industry. A lengthy disruption thus involves disruption of production for both domestic consumption and for export goods containing imported parts.In order to secure shipping routes with a limited number of vessels, Mine Counter Measures (MCM) capacity is required, and according to the Armed Forces, developed with new sensors and autonomous vehicles.

En studie av mobilplattformen Android : med implementering av musikigenkännings- och lokaliseringstjänster

Mobilmarknaden idag består av ett antal aktörer, Nokia är störst, med Samsung, Motorola, LG, Sony Ericsson och HTC bakom sig. Nokias telefoner bygger på operativsystemet Symbian som idag är det största operativsystemet på marknaden för smartphones. Open Handset Alliance har utvecklat ett eget operativsystem för främst mobiltelefoner, kallat Android, som är bygger på Linuxkärnan. Android är framtaget som ett gratisalternativ till de dyra konkurrerande operativsystemen.Examensarbetets syfte är att studera utvecklingsmiljön till Android och se vilka kunskaper som krävs för att effektivt kunna utveckla applikationer. I detta ingår även att identifiera vilka möjliga problem som kan uppstå under utveckling, samt dokumentera vilka utvecklingsverktyg som finns tillgängliga. Målet har varit att utreda hur applikationer utvecklas effektivt, det innebär att ta reda på svaren till vad som krävs av utvecklare för att kunna utveckla applikationer, vilka utvecklingsverktyg som finns, samt vilka problem som kan identifieras under utveckling.

En obetydlig kostnad för eleverna. Hur fyra svenska grundskolor tillämpar avgifter.

Current technology offers many possibilities for remotecommunication. Nevertheless, people with cognitive and communicativedisabilities have limited access to common communication technology like textmessaging via a mobile phone. This study is part of the project Text messagingwith picture symbols - a possibility for AAC users and people with cognitiveimpairments. Semi structured interviews were used to investigate three menand four women?s experiences of using Windows mobiles with adaptedfunctions for text messaging.

Praktisk tillämpning av virtuellt byggande i partneringprocessen

This thesis paper discusses the results of a survey which was conducted to investigate the potential usefulness of mobile apps in the maintenance department at Perstorp Specialty Chemicals AB. The paper contains four sections, a theory section, a method section , a section that explains the functionality of the app, and finally a results section where the results and conclusions of the survey are discussed. The theory section explains and discusses relevant terminology used in the computer science field and in the maintenance industry. The theoretical model used in this paper is also discussed. The methods section gives a stepwise description of the project and a description of platform and software used.

Framtidens avloppsvattenreningsverk ? en modern energiproducent : En fallstudie av Himmerfja?rdsverket

In a sustainable society the use of renewable energy and recycling of materials is of high importance. Wastewater treatment plants use large amounts of energy in the processing of wastewater. This study seeks to evaluate wastewater as an energy resource and to examine treatment plants potential to become sustainable energy producers. The study is based upon the internal processes of Himmerfja?rdsverket.

Vinster med återvinning, Stena Recycling

This project operate an environmental assessment of total waste was conducted by using a life cycle assessment (LCA), that examines the environmental benefits of recycling production waste from Atlas Copco at Stena recycling. Atlas Copco is a company engaged in the development and production of rig-mounted hydraulic breakers and handheld air breakers and handheld motorized rotisserie. Stena recycling is a recycling company engaged in recycling, processing and refining of metals, paper, electronics waste and hazardous waste.The purpose of this study is to focus on Stena customer Atlas Copco and evaluate environmental benefits between to recycle and not to do it. The result shows that the total energy gain, resulting from the recycling of waste fractions, lands at 6 990 089 MJ, corresponding to drive 3 times around the Equator with a truck (40 t). The result shows that recycling 3040 kg paper provides an energy gain of (38 600 MJ) compared with burning paper (19 500 MJ) is 19 100 MJ, which corresponds to heat a house for 11 weeks.

Utfodring av rapsfoderråvara i fodersystem till mjölkkor

The feed is a major cost in the dairy production and there is a constant interest in findingalternative cost-effective feedstuffs. Competitive dairy producers have to seek ways todecrease their production costs and the pursuit of cost-effective feed rations contributesto lower costs of production. An interesting group of protein concentrates are rapeseedproducts like ExPro (heat treated rapeseed) which have during the autumn 2008 andspring 2009 been very favourable compared to other protein feeds.This study focuses on the feedstuff products ExPro and Raps-Drank 60/40 (rapeseeddistillersgrain). The potential use of ExPro in dairy cow feed rations are also explored.ExPro is a well known feedstuff but Raps-Drank 60/40 is a relatively new product andnot known for many farmers.A field study on the use of rapeseed products was made on a limited number of dairyfarms. The main purpose was to study the management of the feedstuffs on the farms.The Farms were selected in cooperation with two local extension services.

Prestationsmätningar och Realtidsvisualisering på Sectra Mamea

Sectra Mameas is a medical technology company in an expansive phase that is planning to increase its volume capacity with 50 % in the beginning of 2009. This to be able to deliver the increased number of systems that the customers request. To be able to produce more units the takt time of the assembly line needs to be shortened. This could only be done by identifying and solving recurring problems. To be able to find the problems, create a common knowledge of which these are and eliminate them the production department of Sectra Mamea needs to visualize certainKey Performance Indicators (KPI) in the organization.

Bygglovsbefriad vindkraft till småhuset : -Ur ett tekniskt och ekonomiskt perspektiv

In connection with the property crises in many countries, caused by the financial crises, people are now more aware of the risks involved in poor property-investments. The unusually cold winters along with extreme prices of electricity in Sweden in recent years has also contributed to increased interest in energy-efficient buildings.The process of developing a modern family home in Kiruna, Sweden is presented the first part of this paper. The house has been designed to withstand very high stresses from snow, low energy consumption as well as a high standard of living comfort. Aspects of the house covered here involves everything from construction, heating and ventilation to sanitation. Each of these areas is presented based on their underlying, scientific methods or theories.

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