1246 Uppsatser om Mixed boreal forest - Sida 64 av 84
Den nyliberala staden : -Ett Kalmarperspektiv
Abstract Contemporary cities find themselves today in a fierce competition against other cities over company establishment and in -migration. In this competition, the city?s main objective is to become an attractive site of capital accumulation. As this happens, the pressure on the vulnerable groups in society increases, leading to a social geographic polarization. I have examined how the shift towards neoliberalism has affected a city on the fringe as Kalmar. How is the postindustrial urban space constructed? I found this important to analyze since it put two important questions in the light: For whom, and for which purpose do we build the city today? My questions have been:v What are Kalmar municipality?s strategies to develop Kalmar?v What are the results of this strategy in the urban space?v What are the consequences of this strategy?The research has been a case study of the city of Kalmar with a qualitative deductive approach where David Harvey?s theories about the city in a capitalist system have been the underpinning structure.
Stråkröjning och skogsbränsleuttag i unga granbestånd jämfört med konventionella metoder : Två fältstudier vid Asa försökspark
Den här uppsatsen grundar sig på två fältstudier i nyutlagda demonstrationsförsök på Asa försökspark som ska användas i utbildningssyfte. Studie 1 bestod av försöksytor i ett 13 år gammalt bestånd som röjts till samma röjningsförband men med tre skilda metoder; motormanuell selektiv röjning, maskinell stråkröjning och som en kombination av bägge metoderna. Syftet var att beskriva det nuvarande tillståndet, simulera fram prognoser för beståndsutvecklingen och beräkna dess ekonomiska konsekvenser fram till och med första gallring och jämföra de olika metoderna med varandra. Studie 2 bestod av försöksytor i ett 23 år gammalt eftersatt bestånd där fyra olika åtgärder testades; ingen röjning innan gallring, underröjning i samband med gallring, sen röjning och skogsbränsleuttag. Syftet var även här att jämföra de olika metoderna med varandra genom beskrivning av det nuvarande tillståndet, göra prognoser för beståndsutvecklingen och beräkna dess ekonomiska konsekvenser vid första gallring och i den här studien även fram till och med den andra gallringen.
Wildlife Detection Network
Traffic accidents where wild animals are involved represents between 60 and 80 percent of all reported accidents, depending on location in Sweden. In a country like Sweden, with a lot of forest, there is always risk of a collision with a wild animal. Imagine if you, as a road user, had the possibility to receive warnings when the risk of an accident according to statistics is extra high.Wildlife Detection Network is a wildlife warning system with an information service, which makes the whole concept unique. When an animal is approaching the road, it is registered by sensors, and warning lights along the road are lit to inform drivers of the potential danger. In conclusion, this is a direct warning to all drivers on the road where the system is placed.When an animal is registered by the sensors, information containing time, date, weather circumstances and coordinates are sent to a database.
Mjölksyrabakterier som tillsatser vid ensilering av majs :
The project was initiated by Medipharm which produce microbial inoculants which used
as additives to preserve forage. The main goal was to test three inoculants to produce
maize silege. The following Medipharm produced inoculants were tested, Milab 393,
Lactisil Wolecrop II, Lactisil 300 2. An untreated control was included in the study. The
trial was done at Swedish university of Agriculture and Science in Alnarp, Sweden.
Eurostar was the cultivar of the maize and was grown on 20, 5 hectares.
Foderbetor och kogödsel som substrat för biogasproduktion; anaerob mesofil samrötning i labbskala
One of Sweden?s sixteen national environmental objectives strives to decrease the impact on the climate. By 2020, green house gas emissions should be 40 % less compared to the levels of 1990 and a minimum of 50 % of the energy consumption should come from renewable energy sources. Because of this there is a great need of increasing the production of renewable energy. This is where biogas comes in as a competitive alternative.
Hur gör lärare när de lär barn att läsa och skriva? : En studie av fem erfarna lärares arbete vid läs- och skrivinlärningsstarten.
I den här uppsatsen behandlas lärares arbete vid läs- och skrivinlärning i år 1. I dagens samhälle är det av stor vikt att varje individ utvecklar en god läs- och skrivförmåga. Forskning visar på att lärarens kompetens kan vara avgörande för att alla elever ska utvecklas till goda läsare och skrivare. Därför har jag intresserat mig för hur lärare arbetar. Jag har, genom kvalitativa intervjuer med fem verksamma lärare, undersökt hur deras arbetssätt ser ut samt tittat på vad som förenar dem och skiljer dem åt i detta arbete.
Qualities and supply of suitable dead wood for Ceruchus chrysomelinus and its dispersal pattern in a translocated population
The wood-living beetle Ceruchus chrysomelinus is a rare species connected to natural
forests. In Sweden, it is red-listed as endangered (EN) and an action plan for its preservation
has been done by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency. In this work I have
therefore investigated how a translocation of the species succeeded after 17 years. I aimed
to study the species dispersal biology, its substrate preferences and the supply of suitable
wood on this site. The study was performed during 2012 in Pansaruddens nature reserve
close to Uppsala in Sweden, which is a spruce dominated forest.
Smärtskattning med CPOT inom neurokirurgisk intensivvård
Bakgrund: Sederade eller medvetslösa patienter kan inte verbalt kommunicera sin smärta. Smärta är svårt för sjukvårdspersonalen att bedöma om beteendebaserade smärtskattningsinstrument inte är implementerade. Forskning har visat att neurokirurgiska intensivvårdspatienter upplevt moderat till svår smärta under vårdtiden på intensivvårdsavdelningen och denna smärta har underbehandlats. Critical-Care Pain Observation Tool (CPOT) är ett smärtskattningsinstrument som nyligen validerats i Sverige för att kunna användas inom intensivvården på icke kommunikativa vuxna patienter, dock har neurokirurgiska intensivvårdspatienter exkluderats vid valideringen.Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka intensivvårdssjuksköterskans uppfattning om CPOTs användbarhet inom neurokirurgisk intensivvård.Metod: Mixed-method enkätstudie. En implementering av ett beteendebaserat smärtskattningsinstrument.Resultat: Elva sjuksköterskor inom neurokirurgisk intensivvård deltog.
Power Lines - Wasteland or Biodiversity Hotspots?
Det svenska kulturlandskapet har förändrats radikalt under de senaste 200 åren från ett varierat och heterogent landskap till ett mer monotont, homogeniserat landskap som följd av att olika former av mänskligt resursutnyttjande har effektiviserats. Detta har lett till en fragmentering av livsmiljöerna för flera av kulturlandskapets arter. Kraftledningsgator kan tänkas hysa naturtyper som påminner om vissa av de nu försvunna eller fragmenterade livsmiljöerna (t ex betad skogsmark och vissa typer av ängsmarker) och skulle kunna ha en viktig betydelse som reträttplats och/eller spridningskorridor för dessa arter.I en fallfällsinventering i Köpings och Strängnäs kommun i Mälardalen undersöktes förekomst och abundans av marklevande evertebrater i kraftledningsgator, skog och betesmark. Jämförelser i förekomst och abundans gjordes mellan dessa marktyper (d v s kraftledningsgator, skog och betesmark), samt mellan positioner inom kraftledningsgator (centrala och distala delar) och närliggande skogsmark. Jämförelserna innefattade dels analyser av artantal (eller snarare antal taxa) och flera olika biodiversitetsindex och dels analyser av likhet i artförekomst och individantal med "likhetsindex" (similarity index).
Vart sker besparingarna inom kommunens verksamheter?
I have worked with Bergum in different courses on the IntegratedConservation of Built Environments program and I thought it was a veryinteresting subject. This is the main reason why I chosen to write mybachelor paper about Bergum.In 1650s Bergum was situated on the border between Sweden and Norway,because of that it occurred some war conflicts.Today Bergum is a socioeconomic border and is situated in an areabetween the city?s concrete suburb and the countryside.The difference between the city?s concrete suburb and the countryside mayfeel like two different worlds, were the social contact is fractional.With this paper, I will indicate a countryside area on the boundary to the citythrough time and try to survey the building history. I will also try todemonstrate the socioeconomic differences between the areas.I will demonstrate Bergum history from prehistory to present time, were I willdiscuss the agriculture history, Vättlefjäll?s forest history and also thedeforestation and replanting.
Mjölkproduktion : planering för om-, till- och nybyggnad
The objective of this thesis was to get more knowledge about how to design a dairy
farm reducing the working hours and the work tasks whit high work load. I will try to
reduce the working hours and the tasks whit high work load on my own farm witch I
am about inherit. Today, the old stanchion barn has room for about 60 cows and 74
young cattle and need two men to run it every day. The total acre is 188 hectare, 100
hectare forest, 65 hectare farmlands and 23 hectare natural pasture.
I have studied two solutions. In the first solution, I will use my old barn for young
cattle and build a new barn for the cows.
Lantbruket som energiproducent : tekniska, ekonomiska och miljömässiga förutsättningar för fjärrvärmeproduktion med lokalt skogsbränsle
A third party access to district heating networks has been proposed in Sweden, to increase the competition
on the district heating market. Such third party access could create opportunities for the agricultural sector
as an energy producer. This study describes the technical, economical and environmental prerequisites for a farmer cluster to build and run a heating plant, fueled with local wood fuel.
The heating plant in the described scenario is 8 MW and will supply a village of 1000 houses, and is fueled with wood chips exclusively. Supplying a heating plant with fuel puts high demands on the logistics, since there need to be a continuous flow of fuel. In the scenario, wood residues from felling and thinning is stored in stacks in the forest, and a few times a year chipped and transported to a storage area at the heating plant.
In the study, an estimation of the profitability has been made by estimating the cost of the investment,
personnel, operating and maintenance costs and costs for the fuel and ash handling.
Bergum en kulturbygd i gränslandet
I have worked with Bergum in different courses on the IntegratedConservation of Built Environments program and I thought it was a veryinteresting subject. This is the main reason why I chosen to write mybachelor paper about Bergum.In 1650s Bergum was situated on the border between Sweden and Norway,because of that it occurred some war conflicts.Today Bergum is a socioeconomic border and is situated in an areabetween the city?s concrete suburb and the countryside.The difference between the city?s concrete suburb and the countryside mayfeel like two different worlds, were the social contact is fractional.With this paper, I will indicate a countryside area on the boundary to the citythrough time and try to survey the building history. I will also try todemonstrate the socioeconomic differences between the areas.I will demonstrate Bergum history from prehistory to present time, were I willdiscuss the agriculture history, Vättlefjäll?s forest history and also thedeforestation and replanting.
Granföryngring på tallmark, hur ofta förekommer det? :
This survey was made during the summer of 2004 and the spring of 2005, on commission
from the National Board of Forestry.
The aim of this report was to investigate how often Norway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst), is planted on poor Scotch pine (Pinus Silvestries) sites and if it affects the yield of Norway spruce? In order to investigate this, data from 29 stands witch had a lower site index than T24 was collected. The investigated stands were situated in the southern-eastern Sweden. In 20 plots in each stand, the highest tree, age, number of seedlings, site index and tree species per stand were measured.
Integration mellan skog & förädlingsindustri : en intervjuundersökning
The aim of this master thesis is to study the integration in Sweden between forestry and bulky industries as fiber- and sawmilling companies. The analysis is based on theories about transaction cost economies and competitive strategy. The studied companies are active on the Swedish roundwood market. The buying actors on this market were divided into two groups; fiber- and sawmill industries. Three companies from each group were chosen subjectively by the author.