1245 Uppsatser om Mixed boreal forest - Sida 48 av 83
Faktorer som påverkar sjuksköterskors och sjuksköterskestudenters attityd gentemot patienter med HIV/AIDS : En litteraturstudie
Det har setts en ökning i att bedriva anhörigvård på grund av kortare vårdtider samt platsbrist på vårdhem. Vårdande ses som en krävande uppgift bland anhörigvårdare och kan påverka deras upplevda livskvalitet. Syftet med litteraturstudien var att beskriva vilka faktorer som påverkar anhörigvårdares upplevelse av livskvalitet. Metoden var en litteraturstudie. Litteratursökningen har skett i databaserna Cinahl samt PubMed.
Säljare och sociala medier : Hur säljare använder sociala medier för kompetensutveckling
In this study I have explored the profession sales people and how they use social media. I have also studied their needs for further education and how it can be addressed in social media, in order to learn how a B2B-company that educates in sales training can meet sales people in social media. It?s an empirical study based on individual interviews with a semi-structured interview template. Respondents were of mixed age, both men and women.
Kognitiva processer i fingeravtryckstolkning : Hur tänkter experter och noviser
Forensiska tekniker såsom fingeravtryckstolkning har under senare år genomgått stora förändringar vad gäller exempelvis tekniska hjälpmedel, dock är människans roll i tolkningen fortfarande central i processen. Denna studie syftar till att öka kunskaperna om individernas kognitiva processer i tolkning av fingeravtryck genom ett experiment där fingeravtrycksforensiker, forensiker från andra fält än fingeravtryck samt noviser fick avgöra huruvida ett antal fingeravtryck härrörde från samma finger eller ej. De kognitiva processerna studerades utifrån att testpersonerna fick rapportera sin tankar verbalt i form av att ?tänka-högt?. Resultaten transkriberades och analyserades sedan med mixade metoder (mixed methods), det vill säga med både kvantitativ och kvalitativ metod. Resultatet visar att fingeravtrycksforensiker signifikant bättre kan lösa denna typ av problem jämfört med övriga forensiker och noviser, men att det fortfarande finns kognitiva processer hos fingeravtrycksforesnikerna som medför risker i form av bias i förfarandeprocessen..
Unicefs tysta kommunikation som för barnens talan : En kvalitativ studie om icke-verbal kommunikation i en hjälporganisation
My study is focused on one organization with is Unicef, the organization that is workning on a UN mission. The mission is about children's rights and Unicef has brought children's actions since 1946.The purpose of this essay was to research whether the images can be used alone or as a complement to the text that the communication organizations use. By examining the way images are used, I hoped to be able to deduce the results of image use. I study if the effect out messages with only pictures will be more effective than the message in which the verbal mixed with the non-verbal.Theoretical part of this essay has a communication perspective. The essay is structure by tree elements, non-verbal communication, mass communication and intercultural communication.
Utvärdering av Hultdins prototyp för portabel bro (drivningsbro) :
Stronger demand has been put on forestry to show environmental considerations during harvesting. This is especially for crossings of brooks with sensitive elements and great care should be observed when they are to be crossed during harvesting by logging machines. For that reason Hultdins has constructed a portable bridge that can be used for those occasions. The bridge has been developed in accordance with wishes from SCA forest, since they have a great deal of brooks in their forests and in private forests from where they buy part of their wood supply.
The aim for this report is to investigate if this portable bridge can be of interest for the forestry market. The research has been made at SCA skog in Medelpad and Norrskog in Medelpad.
Hur främjar förskollärare barns motorik i förskolan och hur viktig anser de att den är?
AbstractThis work is about children?s motor activity. You can often hear in media about sedentary children, and that one of the factors which contributed to this is computers and things like that. The main goal with this work is to find out how preschool teachers take care of children?s joy of movement and how they work to promote children?s progress of motor activity.
Kvalitetssäkring av servicelämnare för skogsbrukets arbetsmaskiner : Intervjuer och förslag till utveckling
In this study we have examined the possible quality standards and methods for applications with service workshops in the forest industry. The purpose of the methods presented here was to start the work of standarardising the maintenance service in the industry and be of use for service providers in their quality effort.The methods we used to accomplish the study were interviews and field visits together with a comprehensive literature research. Our results are presented in the form of four solution proposals: a standard based on existing SIS standards for terminology and key indicators, checklists that are filled in by mechanics with customer participation, the construction of a instructions database, and the implementation of the method 5s.We believe our suggestions can help the service providers in the four problem areas that we have identified: long term strategy, documentation, recruitment of competent technicians, and standard procedures in their operations. These improvements will be beneficial for both the service provider and the customer..
Att leva med en inflammatorisk tarmsjukdom
Background: Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is an umbrella term for ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. These are characterized by a chronic inflammation of the intestinal mucosa. Living with chronic illness meant that life changed significantly. Quality of life was affected for these individuals and was stressful in their lives. Aim: The aim was to describe the experiences of living with inflammatory bowel disease. Method: A qualitative literature review was chosen to analyze articles that were related to the aim of this study. Results: Based on the chosen articles five themes were created; Commuting between hope and fear, symptoms of the disease and medication become everyday focus, struggling with the new identity, desire to control the disease- do I control my illness or does it control me and social relationships are affected. Conclusion: Inflammatory bowel disease is a distressing disease and can cause limitations in social life due to lack of knowledge by others about the disease. The affected felt a loss of control in their life due to the difficulty in managing the symptoms.
Utveckling av logistikflöde : En undersökning av införande av extern kittning av hydraulslang vid Komatsu Forest AB
Komatsu Forest AB tillverkar skogsmaskiner och aggregat. I monteringsprocessen är hydraulslangar en av komponenterna som hanteras och lagras per artikelnummer. Idag genomförs intern kittning då slangar plockas ur respektive lagerlösning mot en specifik monteringsoperation. Kittning innebär att delar och komponenter sorteras i set, så kallade kit, innan de levereras till monteringsoperationer. Genom extern kittning som utförs av leverantören kan eventuellt flödet av hydraulslang och utnyttjandet av ytan i anläggningen bli mer effektivt då kitten är färdiga när de anländer till anläggningen. Syftet med arbetet är att identifiera det mest produktiva och kostnadseffektiva arbetssättet gällande hantering av hydraulslangar från beställning till montage på maskin.
Neonicotinoids and honeybee health : the effect of the neonicotinoid clothianidin, applied as a seed dressing in Brassica napus, on pathogen and parasite prevalence and quantities in free-foraging adult honeybees (Apis mellifera)
Sub-lethal doses of neonicotinoids have been shown to negatively impact the health of honeybees. However, most studies to date have exposed bees only artificially to these pesticides under laboratory conditions. There have been just a few well designed and replicated studies of the
impacts of realistic neonicotinoid exposure on honeybees foraging under field conditions. In order to close this knowledge gap, and to test the influence of the neonicotinoid clothianidin on honeybees, we used a study system of 16 paired, spatially separated (>4 km) spring oilseed rape fields in the south of Sweden. The fields were paired according to land use, the surrounding landscape and
geographical proximity, using GIS.
Utvärdering av traktplanering på Holmen Skog
This study has been performed with the help of forest machine operators in order to improve the forestry planning at Holmen Skog Örnsköldsvik-region.
For Holmen Skog forestry planning is basic for a successful forestry. In a survey I have investigated what can be improved in some areas that are planned for harvesting. The result of the investigation will be used to support the machine operators as much as possible. The study has generated 49.5 % of responses and because of this low response rate, no clear conclusions to anyone else except the responding machine operators can be drawn.
It has been proved that there are some details in the forestry planning system that are inadequate, such as marked routs for trails, tractor paths and buffer zones against streams.
The quality of forestry planning varies greatly between different locations, as much as 50 % of the responding machine operators thought so. Over 40 % of the responding machine operators claim that the information from Holmen is insufficient.
One thing that would improve the forestry planning within Holmen would be to educate all forestry planners and then do continuous follow-ups..
Impact of hygiene training on dairy cows in northeast India : en hygientränings påverkan på mjölkkor i nordöstra Indien
Mastitis in dairy cows is an emerging and challenging disease in the tropics, including India. Nation-wide reports suggest that the incidence of clinical mastitis varies from 3.94% to 23.25%, and for subclinical mastitis from 15.78% to 81.60%. In Assam, a northeastern province of India, dairy is an essential part of the mixed farming system that exists in the state, but the milk yield is far below domestic standards. In 2009-2010, International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) and local associates started to develop a training program for local farmers in Assam, in order to enhance the informal bovine dairy sector in and around Guwahati, India. The project continued until mid-2013.
Miljöhänsyn vid offentlig upphandling :
One of the biggest challenges in the human history is to prevent environmental pollution. Everybody has an indirect or direct influence on the environment through his or her consumption. The stakeholders are not just interested in price and quality, they are also interested in the circumstances of production and how this affects the environment. By taking environmental concern in public procurement it is possible to speed up the environmental adjustment of services and products. Environmental awareness has become more and more self evident in the environmental work.
"I sagor kan det ju vara lite annorlunda" : En studie av genusperformans i barns tal kring boken Kivi och monsterhund
After recognizing a lack of children?s voices in the debate about the children?s book Kivi och monsterhund and the gender-neutral pronoun hen that occurred in the beginning of the year of 2012, I decided to interview pre-school children about the same book. My purpose with the study was, using semi-structured group interviews, to examine how 6-year olds talked about the main character Kivi. With the help of Judith Butler?s theory of performativity, I have studied how the children constructed Kivi?s gender in their speech.
Älgbetesinventering på Orsblecks viltvårdsområde
The purpose with this report is to compare moose browsing in young stands within a small game preservation, and if there are any differences between two areas.
The method used in the inventory is a local damage caused by moose browsing survey. It is suitable on areas that have more than 50 hectares but less than 250 hectares of young forest. Inventory of moose browsing is best done on bare ground in the spring and should preferably be done before the flushing begins at the pine.
Orsblecks game management area is divided into two different moose management areas, Noppikoski and Siljansringen. During the winter Siljansringen has a denser winter strain of moose, because of the moose seek out lower parts with less snow during the winter. This should also lead to the southernmost part should accommodate larger proportion of damages caused by browsing by moose.