

1245 Uppsatser om Mixed boreal forest - Sida 37 av 83

Överlevnad, tillväxt och skador i planteringar av sitkagran (Picea sitchensis) efter stormen Gudrun

Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr) is just like Norway spruce (Picea abies) a species in thegenus picea. The natural range of Sitka spruce is a narrow strip along the west coast of North America. Itis the most coastal of all picea species, and very dependent on the mild and humid climate along thepacific coast.Sitka spruce has been grown a long time in the countries around the North Sea, particularly in GreatBritain where it currently is the most important species in British forestry. Sitka spruce has not beenplanted in Swedish forests to any large extent before the storm Gudrun in 2005. Several studies indicatethat the production of wood biomass is higher for Sitka spruce compared to Norway spruce.

För ändring. En undersökning av tidningen i iPadformat

My work has been to create a magazine for iPad to explore this format, whichthere are mixed feelings about. Instead of seeing the digital format as an enemy ofthe printed magazine, I have chosen to see it as an opportunity.I have given myself the task of designing a magazine that can justify the useof the digital magazine. I have looked at the identity of the magazine, but mainlyexplored the format and its prerequisites.I was triggered to do the project when I saw people who are just making a pdfof the printed magazine and publish it digitally. I have during my work discoveredhow near or far away you can be from the printed magazine.The format of the iPad has multiple aspects to look upon; one that turned outto be clear in my project was navigation. Working with a spread has its problemsand opportunities; the same applies to an article that is larger than a screen.

Behandling av konfliktbestånd - problem och möjligheter :

Overdue cleanings have for a long time been an important topic of discussion within the forestry sector. When stands that have not been pre-commercially thinned are reaching the level of commercial thinning, many problems occur in terms of decision-making and economical outcomes. These types of stands are commonly known as conflict-stands. The work was carried out partly as an interview survey towards representatives from the forest sector and the energy sector, partly as a case study of conflict-stands situated in Böksholm, north of Växjö and in Tönnersjö east of Halmstad. The criteria for the studied stands were that they had to be dominated by Norway spruce and be in a severe status of ?conflict?. The aim of the interview was to get an overview of the situation today, and also analyse trends in terms of conflict stands.

Kan risken för spontan contortaföryngring elimineras genom hyggesbränning? :

Sweden has almost 600 000 hectares planted with lodgepole pine, and large areas are soon ready to be clear-felled. The provenances that have been planted are producing high level of permanently closed, so called serotinous, cones. In their natural setting, the Canadian boreal forest, these cones are opened mainly after crown fires when the heat make the resin between the cone scales melt, which releases the seeds. This is viewed as an adaption to the fire regimes that prevail over the natural distribution area of lodgepole pine. Because of the short flame-exposure that occurs in a crown fire, the seeds can survive.

Fjällfåglar : En jämförande studie från dal till topp i ett nordligt och sydligt svenskt fjäll

Title: Mountain birds ? a comparative study from valley to mountaintop in a northern and southern Swedish fjeld  Author: Kristian Zackrisson Abstract Main aim in this study was to increase the knowledge about birds in the Swedish mountain area. Three questions were asked: 1) Which bird species can be found during the breeding season along a low mountain slope from a forested valley to a mountaintop with bare mountain environment? 2) Do the number of species and individuals differ in different elevation zones? 3) Is the composition of bird species along a low mountain slope the same in the Kebnekaise mountains inLaplandand the Grövelsjön mountains in Dalarna? Bird census in two study sites located in the Kebnekaise mountains and the Grövelsjön mountains and subsequent analysis of the results from the bird census was the main parts in this study. Totally 20 bird species were found along a low mountain slope in the Kebnekaise mountains.

Indirekta effekter på marklavars abundans och diversitet vid ökad kvävehalt i marken : en jämförelse mellan opåverkad och lågintensivt brukad mark

Lichens are adapted to bright and sparse forests on oligotrophic ground. Due to a slow growth rate and high light demand lichens will suffer from competition in eutrophic environments. Therefore, lichens have disappeared from managed forests where the forest industry has increased the productivity. A reduced abundance of lichens will affect both biodiversity of the forest and the reindeer winter graze lands. It is important to understand how and for how long fertilization affects the abundance and diversity of lichens in order to protect lichen rich ecosystems. We have registered the biomass and number of lichen species in eight plots (four nitrogen rich and four nitrogen deficient) and compared fertilized Sami settlements with their oligotrophic surroundings in the nature reserves of Tjeggelvas.

Satsa på leken! : en studie om skolgårdens betydelse för barns lek och utveckling

The intention of this final thesis is to examine how to create a schoolyard that inspires children at the age of 6 ? 12 years to play and give them possibility to develop. To get a lot of knowledge in this subject, I have combined studies of literature with practical studies at Hosjöskolan in Falun. During my practical studies I have done interviews, walks in the area with the children and visited other schoolyards. I have based a design proposal for the schoolyard of Hosjöskolan on these studies.

Jordförvärvslagens ändring 2005 och dess påverkan vid skogsfastighetsköp : The amendment of Lad Acquisition Act 2005 and its influence on forest property purchase

Since the beginning of the 1900s Sweden has had laws and rules governing the ownership of agricultural and forest land. The foundations of the current Land Ownership Law, ?Jordförvärvslagen 1979:230(JFL)?, are from 1979. The most recent review and adaptation of the law occurred in 2005. Its main purpose is to prevent a passive ownership of land in Sweden and to ensure that the land is actively worked.

Digitala Lathundar

Patrullerande poliser i Malmö har en varierande och oförutsägbar arbetsmiljö. När de kommer till händelser där de är osäkra på hur de ska agera kan de konsultera tryckt metodstödsmaterial. Dessa tryckta handböcker är ofta utdaterade och icke-standardiserade. Tillsammans med Polisen i Malmö har vi tagit fram ett förslag till hur en digital version av denna typ av material kan se ut, med förslag kring gränssnitt och informationsrepresentation, och en diskussion kring vilka potentiella konsekvenser ett mediebyte kan få för poliserna ute på fältet. För att ta fram dessa designförslag använde vi oss av ett antal interaktionsdesignmetoder. Dessa utvärderar och diskuterar vi, utifrån hur väl de fungerar inom en myndighet som Polisen, i kontexten patrullerande poliser i Malmö..

The Warrior vs The Underdog : En kritisk diskursanalys av filmen ?Warrior?

This study is focused on representations of power and masculinities in the movie ?Warrior?(2011). By using the notion of interdiscursivity, as discussed by Norman Fairclough, my goal isto analyze how the roles of the characters relate to existing discourses in today?s society. I amprimarily interested in discourses revolving around MMA-fighters, masculinities and familyrelations.The movie to be analysed in this study is suited for interpreting new sorts of masculinitiesthrough the sport of MMA, which itself is fairly new and therefore might represent a new type ofmasculinity in the making.

Större och mindre växtätares samexistens : Möjlig interaktion och effekt på lokal biodiversitet

The purpose of this report was to investigate to which extent local presence of large herbivore mammals (Alces alces, Cervus elaphus, Capreolus capreolus, Dama dama and Sus scrofa) covaries with small rodents (Myodes glaerolus, Apodemus flavicollis and Apodemus sylvaticus? The hypothesis was that high abundance of wild ungulates would inhibit the density of small forest rodents. The data was collected during field work within FoMA (Environmental Monitoring Assessment)/SLU (Swedish University of Agricultural Science). The Ungulate dropping inventory and rodent trappings, which is the base in this report, where performed 2012 ? 2014 in Gnesta/Nyköping municipalities (G/N) with a relatively high density of wild ungulates and Vetlanda/Växjö municipalities (V/V) with relatively lower wild ungulate density.

Användarcentrerad utveckling av mobilt IT-stöd

This exam paper has been a collaboration between the writers and SYSteam Utvecklingspartner in Huskvarna. The assignment was about finding a need for a mobile application, making a requirement specification document with design documents and parallel to this constructing a prototype. The assignment is summarized in the following questions:? How can companies in the forest industry benefit from mobile information technology?? How can a user centered perspective be used in the process of making the requirement specification document and the design documents?? How do guidelines for usability apply to a mobile application?Three visits to companies in the forest industry were made to find a need for mobile information technology solutions. After a small analysis of the different companies? problems and conditions the decision was to use Tenhults Impregneringsverk AB in the case study.We used the FA/SIM method in our job of finding the organization needs for change and the principles of User Centered Design in the work of constructing a prototype.The result of our work is a requirement specification with design documents and a prototype.

Spawning site selection of brown trout in habitat restored streams

During the timber floating era, most of Sweden?s watercourses were altered. This decreased the amount of available spawning habitats for salmonids, and hence had a negative effect on the riverine brown trout (Salmo trutta) populations. Reconstruction of spawning grounds is today a common measure in restoration of altered streams in Sweden. However, very little evaluation of the effectiveness of these reconstructed spawning grounds exists.

Varför slutar markberedningsförare?

The purpose of this study is to seek answers to an ongoing problem in the forest sector; why scarifying operators quit their job. Scarification quality is crucial for successful reforestation after clear felling. It is therefore important to keep good operators working in the business. To collect the desirable information interviews were made both with contractors who are working and operators who have stopped working with scarifying. The conclusion one can draw from this report is that the scarifying operator job needs improvement in multiple areas. The former operators are mostly dissatisfied with the stress, low wages and negative physical effects that this work brings..

Buskröjning längs skogsbilvägar : en produktivitetsstudie av två kättingslagor

To regularly remove woody vegetation along the roadside of forest roads is an important part of the road maintenance, since the vegetation binds moisture in the road side and, thus, the removal makes the road drying faster with results in improved bearing capacity. Vegetation removal also makes it easier to upgrade the road by material recycling from the ditch and, moreover, the visibility along the road is maintained.The aim of the study was to evaluate what type of chain flail is the best and most cost-effective for removal of different kind of woody vegetation along forest roadsides.Time studies were made on two chain flails when removing woody vegetation in three different classes; easy-, middle- and heavy shrub removal. The studied flails were one light and rather simple flail named Optimal M160 and a heavier and more advanced flail named Slagkraft H210. The removal was made according to Holmen Skogs? specification and the quality of the cleaning was measured by objective belt inventory.The productivity was higher with the heavy flail within all cleaning classes.

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