

1455 Uppsatser om Mining operation - Sida 63 av 97

Den preoperativa nutritionens betydelse : för postoperativ återhämtning hos patienter med cancersjukdom

Som omva?rdnadsansvarig sjuksko?terska a?r uppgiften att tillgodose patientens olika omva?rdnadsbehov. Nutrition tillho?r ett av de mest basala omva?rdnadsbehoven vilket dessutom har en betydande roll fo?r det postoperativa fo?rloppet. Underna?ring a?r vanligt fo?rekommande bland patienter med cancer varfo?r det a?r viktigt att faststa?lla nutritionsstatus preoperativt och sa?tta in nutritionssto?d vid behov.

Miljöstyrning i byggprocessen. En kartläggning av pågående miljöarbete och framtida förbättringar.

A clean and affordable energy source for cooking is deficient in developing countries. People rely on fuels that contribute to environmental, social and health problems.Biogas is an alternative energy source and an increased investment in small-scale biogas production can in several developing countries be found. Several projects have started to use the technology in developing countries because of the benefits with biogas. Some cases in the establishment of biogas plants have succeeded and some have not. The study is a literature review supplemented by two field studies.

IMO:s barlastkonventions konsekvenser för sjöfarten inom Östersjön

Arbetet behandlade vilka konsekvenser inom driften (ekonomiska kostnader och teknologi) som rederier kommer att drabbas av när IMO:s barlastkonvention träder i kraft då barlastvattnet måste renas innan inträde i Östersjön. Arbetets syfte var att få fram vilka konsekvenser det blir för rederier när IMO:s barlastkonvention träder i kraft. Resultatet skulle jämföra skillnaden mellan lag och rekommendation då Helsingforskonventionens rekommendationer baseras på IMO:s barlastkonventions krav. En kvalitativ metod valdes för att komma fram till resultatet, i form av en öppen intervjustudie, där fyra olika företag har intervjuats. Syftet med intervjuerna var att se ifall de följde Helsingforskonventionens rekommendationer och vilka konsekvenser det skulle innebära och skulle komma att krävas då Barlastkonventionen träder i kraft.

Gestaltningsförslag till ny förskola på Zakrisdal

Due to increasing regulations regarding new diesel vehicles particulate matteremissions the new Scania truck, Scania Euro 6, has been equipped with a particulatefilter. This component effectively stores the particles in the exhaust gas but must becleaned in order to prevent itself from clogging. The filter is cleaned through aprocess named regeneration which is a thermodynamic process in which thetemperature of the filter is raised through fuel supplied to the exhaust gas.The purpose of this thesis is to contribute to the development of improved controlstrategies of the temperature during the regeneration process through thedevelopment of model-based controllers. These controllers are designed in order tohave good performance in stationary as well as automatic regeneration.In order to develop these model-based controllers a model of the system isconstructed. The model is described as a linear thermodynamic grey-box model withflow varying parameters, showing good results in validation.The model provides a simulation environment during the controller design, which isfocused around the development of linear regulators with the exhaust gas mass flowas a scheduling variable whose size determines controllers? mode of operation.

UAV/UCAV i fredens tjänst : UAV/UCAV och dess operativa betydelse i framtida Peace Support Operations

Luftstridskrafter har spelat en betydande roll i senare tiders Peace Support Operations (PSO). Obemannade flygande system har varit en del av dessa insatser, hur kommer rollfördelningen att vara i framtiden? Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka och göra en bedömning avseende hur obemannade flygsystem kan utnyttjas och ha en roll i framtida Peace Suport Operations. Litteratur- och dokumentstudier, föreläsningar och intervjuer ligger som faktabakgrund för bedömningen av hur en framtida PSO kan se ut samt vilken roll obemannade flygsystem kan ha i en framtida Peace Suport Operation. Jämförelse har skett mellan bemannade och obemannade flygande system varvid fördelar och nackdelar har belysts.

Byggnadsfysikaliska riskbedömningar : Metod för tidig hantering av fuktsäkerhetsfrågor

The purpose of this degree-project was to investigate the possibilities for primary air preheating into the two smallest waste incineration boilers of Halmstad Energy and Environment. The investigation is a pre-study which has the primary goal to evaluate technical and financial offers from companies that manufacture primary air preheater, and investigate if it is technically and financially profitable to do a purchase on primary air preheaters in the future.In the pre-study it is proposed that it is most efficient to have individual primary air preheater, one for each incineration boiler and the primary air are also proposed to be preheated by hot water in the pre-study. Further in the pre-study it is proposed that the heat-exchanger should have plain tubes instead of finned tubes, to avoid getting dirty fast. The space in the boiler-room is limited, and therefore the major problem was to fit in the primary air preheaters into the boiler-room. By comparing the different offers from the companies, the result in the pre-study shows that the offer from the company C.A.

Tillit inom illegal e-handel. En fallstudie av marknadsplatsen Silk Road

Since the beginning of the internet the criminal world has used the medium as a platform for operation.This dark web is a domain where illegal sites are flourishing due to the possibilities offered by newtechnology. Net-based criminal activity is a challenge for society as it uses hard proof technologicalsafety measures to avoid the law. Silk Road is the most prominent example, an online illicitmarketplace where drugs and illegal substances are being traded based on conventional e-commerceconcepts. This paper argues for trust as an important factor for the survival of illicit online trade andapplies existing theories on e-commerce and virtual communities. To identify patterns of trust andcommon trust-based issues among Silk Road users, a netnographic study was conducted on the site?sdiscussion forum.

Världssamfundets förändrade roll och dess effekter : En kartläggning av humanitära syften inom FN:s fredsbevarande operationer

The aim of this paper is to map out the purposes of the United Nations Peacekeeping Operations. This is done in order to see if humanitarian tendencies have been an increasingly cause for the UN to initiate an intervention with military means. This paper uses the time period from the end of the cold war until today, since that historic occurrence increased the U.N.?s involvement in peacekeeping. By using this time span it enables the survey to indicate changes in the mapping of humanitarian interventions.

"På det viset får vi ju någon sorts ofrivillig insikt, i deras ekonomiska problem då" : En kvalitativ studie om förskolechefers tankar kring barnfattigdom i Uppsala

This essay is included as a sub-study of a survey about child poverty, which the Department of Sociology at Uppsala University, the Ombudsman for Children and Gillbergska Stiftelsen (the Gillberg?s foundation) has been commissioned by Uppsala Town to implement. The intent of this essay is to investigate how three pre-school managers in the municipal preschool in Uppsala describe child poverty, how they see the preschool?s social responsibility and how they manage child poverty in their practical operation. The essay is a qualitative study and informants' responses has been analyzed and related to symbolic interactionism, the thesis theoretical basis.

En IT-forensikers kamp mot IT-brottsligheten : En studie om arbetssätt hos polisens IT-forensiker

The use of information technology (IT) is exploding. Today, it is in our daily routines to use some kind of information technology. The increase of users increases the number of cyber crimes, ie, crimes that in some way involve IT. As the cyber crimes grow in numbers, the workload for technical investigator increases, these are called digital crime investigators. The thesis is about how police digital crime investigators work and what problems they may encounter during an investigation.

Nationell bastaktik : Ett verktyg för mental träning och stresshantering

Under de senaste tio åren så har svensk polis blivit utsatt för ett en rad svårare händelser. En av dessa är t.ex. polismorden i Malexander där två poliser blev skjutna till döds. Dessa händelser har gjort att polisen utvecklat en gemensam nationell bastaktik för att underlätta arbetet i den egna myndigheten och vid gemensamma insatser. År 2004 togs beslutet om att införa en nationell bastaktik för Sveriges poliser.

Rationell produktion av platsgjutna stommar för flerbostadshus

The purpose of this degree-project was to investigate the possibilities for primary air preheating into the two smallest waste incineration boilers of Halmstad Energy and Environment. The investigation is a pre-study which has the primary goal to evaluate technical and financial offers from companies that manufacture primary air preheater, and investigate if it is technically and financially profitable to do a purchase on primary air preheaters in the future.In the pre-study it is proposed that it is most efficient to have individual primary air preheater, one for each incineration boiler and the primary air are also proposed to be preheated by hot water in the pre-study. Further in the pre-study it is proposed that the heat-exchanger should have plain tubes instead of finned tubes, to avoid getting dirty fast. The space in the boiler-room is limited, and therefore the major problem was to fit in the primary air preheaters into the boiler-room. By comparing the different offers from the companies, the result in the pre-study shows that the offer from the company C.A.

Stalkning ? olaga förföljelse : Polisens bemötande av stalkningsoffer

Stalkning, systematisk förföljelse är ett brott som ökar i Sverige, närmare 150 000 personer utsätts varje år visar Brå (2006) i en undersökning. Stalkningsoffrens tillvaro påverkas kraftigt och många är rädda. En tredjedel av stalkningsoffren anmäler förövaren men det finns brister i handläggningen av stalkningsärenden eftersom de inte prioriteras av rättsväsendet. Okunskap om brottets komplexitet och det lidande som brottsoffren utsätts för är vanligt bland poliser. Ny lagstiftning kommer dock att ge polis och åklagare möjligheter att agera kraftfullt i framtiden.

Implementering av en PSS i Trängslets kraftstation

The purpose of this master thesis is to implement and validate a Power System Stabilizer (PSS) to a generator at Trängslet hydropower station in Dalarna, Sweden. Problems with local rotor oscillations can occur at the hydropower station when power is transferred on a new power line (130 kV) from Northern to Southern part of Dalarna. To ensure good operation properties on this power line Fortum Generation AB and Fortum Distribution AB wants to activate a PSS on a generator.There have been investigations in which situations and what equipment that contributes to rotor oscillations. When this is known the PSS is tuned to damp these oscillations by choosing a good set of parameters. The most important parameters for good performance are to choose amount of gain and phase compensation.

Högtider och traditioner i förskolan : en kvalitativ studie om fem förskollärares beskrivningar och reflektioner kring firandet av högtider och traditoner i förskolan

This study is about the work around festivals and traditions that takes place in multicultural preschools. The purpose of this study is to describe and reflect upon the work around festivals and traditions in multicultural preschools from the view of five preschool teachers who are active in their profession.  The purpose is also to investigate which festivals and traditions that are given attention at preschool and for what reason according to the preschool teachers.The method of research chosen in this study is qualitative in the form of individual interviews with the intention of obtaining and interpreting the descriptions and reflections of the informants around the subject. The results will be analyzed from an intercultural perspective.The results show that all investigated preschools celebrate the traditional Swedish festivals Christmas, St. Lucia?s day, Easter and Midsummer, and that these festivals take up lots of space in terms of time and labor.

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