

1455 Uppsatser om Mining operation - Sida 42 av 97

Förbränning av träpellets och pelleterad halm i en 40 kW rosterreaktor

The project focus on combustion of softwood pellets and pellets in a 40 kW grate fire reactor at TEC-Lab. Dept Applied Physics and Electronics at Umeå University. Experiments were performed at four primary airs to fuel ratios (0.7 to 1.3), where aspects such as temperature profile, levels of gases (CO and NO), sintering-/-slagging and unburned fraction of the ashes were studied. Four different fuel loads were used for wood pellets (10, 20 and 30 kW) and one fuel load for straw (10 kW). Combustion of straw proved very difficult to ignite, and also led to other combustion-related technical problem such as slag formation due to the relatively low melting temperature-/-slag temperature of the straw.

Inventering och klassificering av kvarlämnad virkesvolym vid slutavverkning :

This final thesis is performed on commission of Hargs Bruk Ltd. Hargs Bruk manages one of Sweden?s largest privately owned forests. A main part of the managed forest is situated in Roslagen in eastern Uppland. Since 1934 felling calculations have been performed within the estate every tenth year.

Musik i omvårdnad. En litteraturstudie om musikens betydelse som omvårdnadsåtgärd

Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att undersöka musikens betydelse ur ett omvårdnadsperspektiv. Med ett holistiskt synsätt som vi börjar återfå efter en period av enbart kroppsligt synsätt behövs fler alternativa metoder undersökas och bli vedertagna för att möta patienternas ökade krav på fler komplementära behandlingar. Musik är en behandlingsmetod som egentligen uppkom för länge sedan och som nu börjar återvända. Orems teori om egenvårdsbalans ligger till grund för studien. Studien var baserad på 10 vetenskapliga artiklar.

Mätning av axiella magnetiska läckflöden i vattenkraftsgeneratorer

This thesis describes a method of measuring axial magnetic leakage flux in an operational hydropower generator. Axial magnetic leakage flux is the magnetic flux at the ends of a rotating generator, which goes through the stator parallel to the rotor axis. This flux can cause circulating currents in the stator iron, giving rise to losses, and can in the worst case overheat a generator, causing it to melt down. To measure the axial flux, and how it affects the generator temperature, a measurement system was constructed on behalf of Vattenfall. The system consists of search coil sensors and a signal-processing unit with amplifiers and active filtering.  To confirm the behaviour of the axial leakage flux and the functionality of the measurement system, a test installation was made.

Upplevelsen av att stå i transplantationskö ur ett patient- och anhörigperspektiv : en studie av självbiografier

Väntan på transplantation kan vara en komplex situation för patient och anhörig. Studiens syfte var att belysa vad patienter och deras anhöriga upplever när de står i kö för en organtransplantation. Metoden som användes var en kvalitativ ansats där fyra självbiografier lästes och analyserades.I resultatet framkom att upplevelserna startade med beskedet om att transplantation var nödvändig för den fortsatta överlevnaden, tills beskedet om transplantation kom och patienterna lades in för operation.Analysen av den insamlade datan resulterade i fem kategorier: Insikten om sjukdomens allvar, Mellan hopp och förtvivlan, Tankar kring döden, Samvetskval och Ett efterlängtat besked. Resultatet kan användas till att öka förståelsen hos vårdpersonal för vad patienterna och deras anhöriga genomgår känslomässigt under deras väntan på organtransplantation..


This thesis has been performed at consulting firm Sweco Position in Jönköping. The thesis is divided into two main sections: theoretical and practical. The theoretical section contains an investigation into the possibilities of implementing a geographical information system (GIS) for administrations of wells with the integration of Bing Maps for Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8. The practical work comprises the development of a prototype for Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8.The students review the Model-View-ViewModel-pattern on a theoretical basis, compares the differences between Windows 8 Pro and Windows RT. The thesis also contains and investigation into the pros and cons of a web based application compared to a native one.The result of the thesis will be comprised of a GIS-service developed in C# in co-operation with XAML with the options of saving data locally and a WMS-based service layer for Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8..

Utvärdering av Vida Skogs entreprenörer med inriktning entreprenörsportal och certifiering

Vida Skog is supplying the whole Vida Ltd?s mills with wood raw material. This study aims to evaluate Vida Skog?s contractors and the relatively new contractorportal and to identify measures that are important for the contractors? skills. The purpose with the portal is to facilitate co-operation between contractors and buyers by streamlining the logistics of the whole wood supply process.The study was conducted in the form of a questionnaire.Most of the respondents were positive to the portal.

Patienters uppfattning om preoperativ information

Hur informeras en person inför ett elektivt kirurgiskt ingrepp på bästa sätt? Syftet med denna uppsats var att undersöka hur patienter som ska genomgå elektiv kirurgi uppfattar den information de fått hemskickad tre till fyra veckor innan operation. Datainsamlingen genomfördes på en vårdavdelning på ett sjukhus i södra Sverige och 19 patienter intervjuades. Metod för datainsamling var semistrukturerade intervjuer vilka genomfördes med stöd av en intervjuguide och analyserades sedan med hjälp av innehållsanalys. Resultatet av studien visar att behov av information är individuellt och styrs av faktorer såsom tidigare vårderfarenhet, hur patienten tolkar information samt vilka känslor patienten upplever i samband med förestående ingrepp.

Barns bilder och skapande i kommunal och Reggio Emilia inspirerad förskola

This essay is focused on the questions of and responsibility for where, when, how and why communication and meetings through archaeology should take place. I have critically studied Swedish public archaeology through three diverse archaeological excava­tions, one took place in the end of the 1980s, and two others in 2012.I have asked for under what circum­stances and with which goals the public efforts become possible. I have inter­viewed leaders for the archaeological excavations and/or the public efforts and questi­o­ned how and why they reached out to the public. I also searched for results and effects in order to problematize and value the public activities.Through interpretation of the resear­ched material it becomes clear that economic issues as well as archaeo­logists interests and engagements are of vital importance for public archaeology. Co-operation in the local community and archaeological documentation is crucial for the deve­lopment of archaeology and its role in society.Keywords: Public archaeology, Community archaeology, Heritage, Communication, Manage­ment, Historic environment education, Time Travel, Living history.

Rökuppehåll i samband med kirurgi : en forskningsöversikt

I samband med kirurgi kan patienterna drabbas av postoperativa komplikationer. Rökning är en av riskfaktorerna för detta. Flera landsting arbetar nu aktivt för att förmå patienterna att göra rökuppehåll i samband med kirurgi. I Sverige röker cirka 10-12 procent av den vuxna befolkningen. Andelen rökare har minskat de senaste åren, men varierar fortfarande beroende på socioekonomisk bakgrund och utbildningsnivå.

Kulturella och ekonomiska överväganden för framtiden : En fältstudie om syriska flyktingar i jordanska värdsamhällen

This thesis examines the everyday resistance, and its interaction with cultural hybridity, of the Saami population in the administrative unit of Torne lappmark during the period 1639?1732. To do this, the thesis uses theoretical concept of everday resistance as it has been described by JamesC. Scott and the theories of cultural hybridity as they have been described by Peter Burke. Primary source material used in this thesis consists of the court records from Torne lappmark, specifically from the courts at Jukkasjärvi and Enontekis.The results of this thesis present a picture of the everyday resistance in early modern Torne lappmark.

Bibliotekarien som distansarbetare? : förutsättningar för bibliotekarien att utföra sina funktioner på distans

We studied how librarians would adapt to telework, the performance of job responsibilitiesfrom home. We found'that all duties could be accomplished. but to varied extents.Computerbased searches, interlibrary loans, acquisitions, indexing and telephone referenceservices are the duties most likely to adapt to telework whereas cataloguing andclassification probably are best performed in the ordinary workplace.Most duties would demand access to technical means of assistance when performed fromhome. Connections to the library's local network, directly or via modem, are requiredbecause it is unrealistic to expect librarians to telework with fewer tools than theyordinarily have available. Although librarians generally believe that teleworking will nothave a large irnpact on the operation of the library, most would like to telework.Whether teleworking is a viable strategy depends on the characteristics of the duties, thelibrarian's desire to telework, but also on the size of the library, the size of its staff, thelibrary's activities, and how work is distributed between librarians..

När, var och hur? : En studie av kontaktlinsanvändares köpbeslutsprocess

The purpose of this essay is to find out how two schools work with newly arrived children and to see how they differ. There is a lack of national directives for those who work with newly arrived children and teenagers; this makes the introduction very different between schools.The study is qualitative, based on interviews with four teachers in two different compulsory schools. One school is situated in a suburb of Stockholm and the other one is situated in a minor community in Dalarna. One schools got a preparatory class for newly immigrated pupils and the other school doesn?t.The theoretical frame that I have chosen to analyse these interviews are literature and research on Bilingualism, Children with PTSD, Intercultural Pedagogy and Special PedagogyMy results also show that these schools work very differently, and that there is very little co-operation within the school and with the units around the school, regarding these children.

Centerpartiet och kärnkraften : En studie av förändring i ett parti

ABSTRACTD Level Essay in Political Science, Autumn Semester 2008 by Mattias Andersson. Tutor: Alf Sundin. ?The Swedish Centre Party and Nuclear Power. A Study of Change in a Political Party?The aim of this essay is to examine the policy of the Swedish Centre Party on nuclear power.

Hållbar och framgångsrik? : samband mellan hållbarhetsprestanda och finansiella aspekter i börsföretag

Many companies have historically forced their interests through without any thoughts about the future needs of the humans and the society. In the last few years voices have been raised for a change, companies need to take their responsibility regarding sustainable development.The purpose of the report is to describe and explain possible relations between sustainabil-ity performance of companies and profitability, valuation, industry and size respectively.To be able to judge the sustainability performance of the companies Folksam (2006a) have been used. This is a solid investigation of the companies listed on the A- and O-lists of the Stockholm Stock Exchange by the end of 2005. The sustainability marks have been com-pared with the chosen key values for each hypothesis respectively. With this quantitative data as foundation, a quantitative approach and a deductive method have been used.In the first area of the investigation, profitability, the authors found correlation for the main hypothesis between sustainability performance and ?Return on Total Assets? through a statistical test.

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