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Den våldsutövande mannen - som vilken man som helst? : En diskursanalys av hur mäns våld mot kvinnor förstås i regeringens handlingsplan
The purpose of this essay is to identify how violence against women is understood in the government's policy action plan called Handlingsplan för att bekämpa mäns våld mot kvinnor, hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck samt våld i samkönade relationer. The main issue that the study is based on, is whether there is a feminist gendered understanding that permeates the action plan. To examine this, I have formulated two more specific questions: - What is considered to be the main problem of men's violence against women? - What is considered to be the reasons for men's violence against women? The empirical material of the study consists of the government's action plan. With the help of Carol Bacchis discourse analytical approach "What's the problem approach", important patterns in the material have been detected.
"Balansgången mellan den äldres rätt och anhörigas rätt är inte alltid så lätt" Biståndshandläggares upplevelse av samverkan med anhöriga inom äldreomsorgen"The balance between the rights of the elderly and the rights of the relatives are not always easy"
The aim of our study has been to come to an understanding of how the executive officials within the care of the elderly experience the cooperation with relatives to elderly people who is in need and apply for public home help according to the law of social services. Our expectation of this study is that we gain an increased insight how they as executive officials manage this cooperation situations. The method we used in this study has a qualitative research approach. This design was chosen as the most appropriate approached to illuminate and exploring the experience of the executive officials. Nine executive officials has described their experience in this matter in an interview were we both participate.
"Det går inte att badda in elever helt" : - om lärares möjlighet att påverka förekomsten av självutlämnande elevtexter.
Several researches asserts that as teachers are responsible for the content of teaching and by formulating teaching "Why, ""How" and "What", that will also give signals to students about what is important knowledge. This essay addresses the difficulties teachers may face in terms of self-disclosure student texts and awareness of this in the design of teaching and writing tasks. Research shows that self-disclosure and self-therapy student texts exist and that teachers are experiencing a difficulty with regard to assessment and treatment.Through qualitative interviews examined seven teachers' design of any, to the student, self-disclosure information from curriculum and policy documents. Another purpose of this paper is to examine the extent to which teachers, through the information they give to their pupils, may affect the texts students submit. It turns out that the respondents are united in the belief that they, through their data, may affect the texts they receive from their students when they are the ones that control the content of teaching, and they agree that the curricula gives them a great choice for design data. The survey shows that the perception of the curriculum that will open up for self-disclosure texts differ as some of the respondents believe that the curriculum is very much about the students way to express feelings and opinions, while others believe that they may try to package this data in another purpose or exercise.
"Det är klart att de inte blir som de vanliga ärendena vi har" : Biståndsbedömares förståelse av äldre personers riskbruk av alkohol
CSR har kommit att bli centralt i många företags strategier. Vissa akademiker hävdar att företag söker sig till intresseorganisationer som arbetar med CSR för att förbättra sitt CSR-arbete medan andra påstår att det endast är ett sätt att framhäva sitt företag i ett positivt ljus. Till skillnad från de många artiklar som skrivits om vad företag kan vinna på medlemskap i intresseorganisationer fokuserar denna uppsats istället likt Knudsen (2011) på vilka företag som har något att vinna på engagemang i intresseorganisationen The Global Compact. Undersökningen utgår från Knudsens påståenden och prövar om dessa stämmer för svenska företag, via intervjuer med fyra företag av varierande storlek. Våra resultat pekar mot att påståendena i huvudsak stämmer men att de bakomliggande orsakerna varierar när man jämför vår geografiska begränsning mot Knudsens mer globala fokus.
Interpersonell problematik och arbetsallians i psykoterapi : Klientens upplevelse och förändring av interpersonell problematik och dess relation till arbetsallians i psykoterapi
The purpose of this study was to examine interpersonal problems and its relationship to the working alliance in psychotherapy. To examine this, data was used from Umeå and Lund University psychology practice client database, which clients responded to by using the self-assessment scales Inventory of Interpersonal Problems Circumplex Scales and the Working Alliance Inventory. The sample consisted of 201 participants that answered the questionnaires both before and after psychotherapy. A second sample consisted of 93 clients who specifically sought help for interpersonal problems. Results showed that the level of interpersonal problems before and after psychotherapy changes.
Nervmobilisering som sjukgymnastisk behandlingsmetod
Background: Nerve mobilisation is a controversial subject which has undergone great development in recent decades. Nerve mobilisation is based on a concept of both examination and treatment of the nervous system. Purpose: To study nerve mobilisation as a treatment in physical therapy with emphasis on evidence regarding the method. Method: A literature review. The search was made through the databases: PubMed/Medline, Academic search, PEDro and CINAHL/webspirs.
Att åter fungera som vilken medborgare som helst - om att bli integrerad i samhället efter drogmissbruk
The decisions for investment are forward-looking and the base of a long-term strategy. The research within investment have focused on diverse formulas which are used in financial assessment, which also should be complemented with qualitative evaluation. Consequently, the focus should not only be on the execution of the formulas. Less time have been spent on research concerning what actually initiates the investment proposals and affects the decision-making. This will be highlighted in this essay.
Den osynliga smärtan : Sjuksköterskans smärtbedömning av patienter med långvarig smärta
Problem: Trots den kunskap som idag finns om smärtbe-dömningens betydelse för en adekvat smärtbehandling kvar-står på många sjukhus problem med smärtbedömning av pa-tienter med långvarig smärta. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturstudien var att belysa faktorer som inverkar på sjuksköterskans smärtbedömning av patienter med långvarig smärta. Metod: Studien var en litteraturstudie, 14 artiklar (10 kvanti-tativa och 4 kvalitativa) som motsvarade litteraturstudiens syfte granskades och analyserades. Resultat: Resultatet utföll i två kategorier: sjuksköterskans kunskap, kommunikation och attityd samt patientens upple-velser och uttryck av långvarig smärta. Att tro på patientens upplevelse och uttryck av smärta var en av de viktigaste tyngdpunkterna i smärtbedömningen av patienter med lång-varig smärta.
Anestesisjuksköterskans smärtskattning jämfört med patientens egenskattade smärta
Syfte: Syftet med denna pilotstudie var att undersöka om anestesisjuksköterskans skattning av postoperativ smärta skiljer sig fran patientens egenskattade VAS. Bakgrund: Flertalet studier visar att sjuksköterskor underskattar patienters smärta och att VAS inte används i tillräcklig utsträckning vid smärtskattning. Många erfarna sjuksköterskor tenderar att lita mer på sin intuitiva känsla om patientens smärta än på vad patienten säger. Metod: Åtta anestesisjuksköterskor på ett sjukhus i storstadsregionen fick genom ett frågeformulär skatta 44 patienters postoperativa smärta utifrån en beteenderelaterad skala och fysiologiska parametrar. Detta värde jämfördes med patientens egenskattade VAS/NRS.
Lean IT Assessment Tool : Ett verktyg för att utvärdera en IT avdelnings möjligheter till effektivisering genom att implementera lean pä IT service management
Detta examensarbete har syftat till att utveckla ett verktyg för att utvärdera en IT-avdelnings möjligheter till effektivisering genom att implementera Lean på IT Service Management. Verktyget har utvecklats i samarbete med Tina Eriksson på uppdrag av management och IT-management konsultbolaget Connecta AB. Connecta AB har som syfte att använda verktyget för framtida affärer. För att verktyget ska vara användbart och uppfylla Connectas krav så har fyra mål satts upp. Verktyget ska vara trovärdigt, resurseffektivt, användarvänligt samt underlätta för fortsatt arbete och implementering av Lean på IT Service Management.
Magkänsla mot matematik : Kan mekanisk rekrytering förhindra diskriminering?
The aim of this study was to investigate if a mechanical recruitment process could be a useful tool for employers to avoid discrimination. National and international law protect jobseekers from discrimination during the recruiting process. Despite this individuals frequently report that they are treated unfairly when they apply for a job. In line with this research shows that some individuals do not have the same opportunities in the labour market as the rest of the population. This study focus on discrimination based on ethnicity, age, gender or disability.Today most of the hiring decisions are based on employers professional judgement.
Vägprojekt: nya E4:an, delsträckan mellan Uppsala och Läby : Så gick besluts- och samrådsprocessen till
A Road project?s frame is built up of a decision- and consultation process, where the results of the preparatory studies are being discussed. The aim with a consultation process is that all theopinions and knowledge from the operators' will be taken into count in the basis of information, that is needed in order to the different involved operators' to take a decision.The aim of the essay was to investigate how the decision- and consultation process for a road project, the E4 section between Uppsala Läby, turned out. The aim is also to bring up how theprocess could have been done more correctly. The study was carried out through a qualitative method with an analysis of materials from the National Road Administration's archives, the associated Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and through interviews of the different operators.My theoretical basis has been a Stakeholder Analysis and its principles, and theory about different executions of social planning.The result showed that the decision- and consultation process has been bursting in democracy and consideration taking of the different operators' opinions, has been poor from the developer?s, in this case the National Road Administration's, side.
Information inom den kommunala socialtjänsten. En studie av socionomers upplevelse av information i det dagliga arbetet med barnavårdsutredningar.
The aim of this Masters thesis is to investigate how trained social workers experience information in their daily work. The thesis focussed on three major questions: - What type of information and information sources are mostly used by the trained social workers? - What kind of information barriers are described by the participants? - How can the patterns of information seeking and information use be understood on the basis of the trained social workers professional and social context? Semi-structured interviews were carried out with trained social workers working with child welfare enquiries. My theoretical framework consists of user and context oriented theories about classifications of information, information barriers and models of information sources. My conclusions are that trained social workers working with risk assessment in child protection services, need to use different kinds of information in their daily work, such as problem information, domain information and problem-solving information.
Träning och manuell behandling för att minska impingementliknande symptom i skuldran hos idrottare? : En systematisk litteraturstudie
AimThe purpose of this study is to investigate whether there is scientific evidence that exercise and/or manual therapy can improve function, in terms of increased mobility and strength on shoulder impingement-like symptoms among athletes. Another aim is to investigate whether these interventions can reduce shoulder pain.MethodA systematic review was conducted in the databases PubMed, CINAHL, PEDro and Amed. A total of thirteen articles were selected for further review and compilation. They were then graded for level of evidence according to the PEDro scale and the Swedish Council on Technology Assessment (SBU).ResultsThe systematic review shows that there is strong scientific evidence that acupuncture and heat can reduce pain in athletes diagnosed with supraspinatus-tendiopathy. There is limited scientific evidence that exercise increases strength, limited scientific evidence that stretching increases mobility and insufficient scientific evidence that a combination of treatments, with both exercise and stretching, reduces pain and increases function in overhead athletes.ConclusionsExercise and manual therapy can reduce pain and/or improve function in terms of increased mobility and strength in athletes with shoulder impingement-like symptoms.
Stärkelsenedbrytningens betydelse för mjölkkors konsumtionsmönster och mjölkproduktion :
Feed intake in dairy cows is regulated by a variety of factors influencing hunger and satiety.
One of the regulation systems includes the short chain fatty acids produced during feed
degradation in the rumen. Starch can be digested either in the rumen where short chain fatty
acids are produced or in the small intestine where glucose is the end product. Since glucose
does not have the same effect on satiety that short chain fatty acids have, the site of starch
digestion might be an important factor that affects feed intake and milk production. The aim
of this study was to investigate the effects of site of starch digestion on feeding behaviour
(feed intake, consumption time, and eating frequency) and milk production.
Because feeding behaviour is closely connected to the cows? environment, the study also
included observations of behaviour.
Three different feed rations were compared.