4377 Uppsatser om Mini Mental Test (MMT) - Sida 7 av 292
Psykisk ohälsa i skolan - Ett kuratorsperspektiv
Mental illness in school ? A counselors perspective - The purpose of the study is to examine school counselors work with students (13-
15 years of age) who are struggling with mental illness. Focus on mental illness is
discussed in a school context. From the school counselors perspective questions
like, what kind of working methods are they using and, how they collaborate are
examined. The research design is based on a qualitative approach, with ten Semistructured interviews with ten different informants who work as a counsellor at 10
different schools around Skåne.
Sex-minuters gångtest med olika grad av uppmuntran
Syfte: att undersöka om resultatet vid 6-minuters gångtest (6MWT) påverkades av ökad grad av uppmuntran.Metod: 30 friska personer ?60 år rekryterades via bekvämlighetsurval. Alla testpersoner genomförde tre 6MWT. Första testet var en försöksomgång. Ett test (test A) utfördes med standardiserad uppmuntran enligt American Thoracic Society(ATS).
Mini-HTA som redskap för evidensbaserat arbetssätt vid överburenhet. En kritisk analys.
Detta arbete är en teoretisk studie där syftet är att se om s.k. Health TechnologyAssessment (HTA) är ett arbetsverktyg som leder till evidensbaserad vård vidöverburenhet. Definitionen överburen graviditet är när graviditetslängden är mer än 42+0graviditetsveckor, eller mer än 294 dagar. Under januari ? mars 2007 genomfördes ettmini-HTA vid Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhuset för att granska artiklar gällandeöverburenhet.
Skolsköterskans arbete med psykisk ohälsa hos elever
Title: School nurse work with mental health problems among studentsBackground: A good mental health and psychosocial wellbeing is considered to be an important aspect of how students can cope with everyday challenges. In order to experience psychosocial wellbeing well working interpersonal relations and a belief in the future is important. School is an important aspect of the student?s early years in life and therefore it is vital that school health services become important part of the childhood. The school nurse is an important part of student health and he or she is responsible for vaccinations and health check-ups.
Testeffekten som medel för att förbättra läsförståelse?
Swedish school children exhibit deteriorating knowledge results in terms of reading comprehension. Previous research shows that a method to increase the level of knowledge is the use of evidence-based learning techniques. Test based learning generates what is commonly referred to as a test effect, which proved to strengthen the relationship between learning and memory, as well as being applicable to various test formats. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether test based learning, in terms of learning english words leads to increased performance in a reading comprehension test, more specifically a cloze test. The study was based on a within-group design and was conducted three times over four weeks.
Sjuksköterskans upplevelser om sin kunskapskompetens : intervjustudie med sjuksköterskor inom hemsjukvård
The aim with this project was to describe how nursing staff working in the home care environment perceive their level of knowledge regarding mental ill health and if this level of knowledge is sufficient / insufficient in their dealings with mentally ill patients. The study is empirical and a qualitative method has been used. Questionaires have been used and interviews have been carried out with nurses working in the home care system and data has also been collected from previous research in this area. Result The result show that home care nurses consider that they have inadequate knowledge of treating patients with mental ill health and they seek more training, guidance and collaboration with psychiatric nurses. Conclusion Increased knowledge of mental health care and continuous guidance would make home care nurses more confident in their dealings with patients suffering from mental ill health.
Hur personer med psykisk ohälsa upplever bemötandet inom primärvården : En litteraturöversikt
Background:Mental illness has increased in Sweden and the individuals seeking care expect to be met with respect. The way patients perceive themselves to be treated by health care professionals plays a central part to care and treatment of patients, and the patients experience will decide how future care will proceed. The majority of complaints from patients with mental illness suggest that the way they are treated in health care is inadequate. For people with mental illness it is crucial how they perceive themselves to be treated since poor treatment can lead to reluctance in seeking future help. Aim: The purpose of this study was to describe how people with mental illness perceive themselves to be treated in primary health care.
Teststrategier och användning av testautomation : En studie utförd på företaget Extenda AB
In today?s IT world where software is constructed in a rapid pace, testing has become a crucial area to master when testing has to be done at a greater speed. To still be able to handle the demands of high quality software, companies have to spend more resources on testing and introduce test automation. By automating test cases the testers can gain time which they can spend on doing more complex testing and thereby increase the quality of the software.In this thesis we have helped Extenda AB, who delivers systems to retail companies, to introduce test automation in one of their customer specific projects. This has been done using their own in-house ?capture/replay? tool ECP (Extenda Cashier Player).We have also derived a process that explains how Extenda can introduce test automation on other customer projects.
Motion som egenvård : en studie om personer med erfarenhet av självupplevd psykisk ohälsa och psykiatrisk vård
Backround: Many studies indicate that people with mental illness often suffer from physical illness. Many people with mental illness do not exercise even though they often have knowledge about the benefits of physical activity. Studies suggest that psychiatric patients have the desire to have an everyday life with more content. It is apparent in studies that healthcare professionals believe that it is the patients' own responsibility to keep themselves physically active.Aim: The primary objective with this study is to examine motivation and possible obstacles to exercise for persons with self-perceived mental illness and experience of psychiatric care. The secondary objective is to investigate how psychiatric care may be of importance to people with mental illness when it comes to exercise.Methods: Semi-structured interviews.
Handlingsutrymme : En kvalitativ studie - ur ett socialsekreterarperspektiv, gällande insatser för barn till föräldrar med psykisk sjukdom
How does a social welfare officer know when a parent with mental illness or behavioral symptoms is harmful to the children? As a social you are confronted with different ethical dilemmas on a daily basis. The social welfare officers have to follow their own authorities, laws, guidelines and regulations while at the same time do everything to satisfy their clients? needs. This inconsistency can sometimes be difficult to handle.
Brukarperspektiv på vad som är hjälpande i relationen till professionella : En kunskapsöversikt
The relationship to professionals has proved to be a helping factor for personswith severe mental illness, but it is also a relationship characterised by anunbalanced power relation. The aim of this study was to compile and analyze theknowledge of what persons with severe mental illness themselves consider to behelping in the relationship to professionals, and to specifically analyse this from apower perspective. The analysis was conducted using Foucault?s ideas of powerand knowledge, and an empowerment perspective. The method used was anarrative review.
Nutritionsstatus och boendesituation hos patienter med kroniskt obstruktiv lungsjukdom : En empirisk studie
Kroniskt obstruktiv lungsjukdom (KOL) leder till ökat energibehov, relaterat till ökat andningsarbete och brister i näringsintag är vanligt hos patienter med KOL. Näringsmässigt stöd för patienter med KOL, som lider av nutritionsproblem, är en viktig del av omvårdnaden vid KOL.Syftet var att beskriva och jämföra nutritionsstatus, lungfunktion och boendesituation hos patienter med KOL inom primärvård.Studien har en beskrivande och komparativ design och genomfördes som en tvärsnittsstudie. Urval och datainsamling baserades på en tidigare studie och studiegruppen innehöll 81 deltagare. För att bedöma nutritionsstatus användes bedömningsinstrumentet Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA).Resultatet visade att de inkluderade patienterna med KOL, som var ensamboende, bedömdes ha sämre nutritionsstatus än de icke ensamboende. Jämförelsen mellan lungfunktion och nutritionsstatus visade inget signifikant samband.
Flipped Classroom på högstadiet
Examensarbetet behandlar en jämförelse av Server Message Block 3.0 och föregångaren 2.1 i ett befintligt nätverk. Jämförelsen utfördes i fyra laborationsmiljöer bestående av fyra operativsystem: Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012, Windows 7 ochWindows 8. Sammanlagt har fyra tester utförts: Förstudie, Test 1, Test 2 och Test 3. Förstudien utfördes för att testa nätverksprestanda mellan två datorer. De andra testerna satte SMB 2.1 och SMB 3.0 på prov.I Test 1 ansågs SMB 3.0 prestera sämre än SMB 2.1, för att bekräfta resultaten kontaktades Jose Barreto på Microsoft.
Hur planerar och utformar förskollärare den pedagogiska inomhusmiljön för att främja barnens utveckling och lärande?
Författare: Johan SundTitel: Det handlar om inställning ? En studie om mental inställning i övningsrummetEnglish title: It is all about attitude ? A study of the effects of mental attitude in the practice room. Sökord: musik, psykologi, improvisation, övning, konstnärlig forskningDen här uppsatsen handlar om mental inställning och hur den påverkar situationen i övningsrummet för en improvisationsmusiker. Med hjälp av loggboksanteckningar och videoobservation har jag studerat mig själv under åtta övningspass där jag, inför min examenskonsert, övar olika improvisationsverktyg och moment. Min idé var att söka svaren på en av de frågor som vi musiker ofta ställer oss: ?Varför spelade jag så bra igår, men inte idag??.
Stigmatisering av depression och dess inverkan på vårdsökandeprocessen ? En litteraturstudie
Introduction: The relationship between depression and stigma is known to cause suffering among the depressed population. Depression is also one of the most common diagnoses in the world. Stigma caused by society leads to people being divided into groups which in term results in a general loss of status and discrimination. Aim: To identify the stigma of depression and its impact on help-seeking behaviour and to identify the underlying attitudes. Method: We chose to make a literature review to explore and compile the current research on the subject.