

2564 Uppsatser om Miljöplan - Sida 55 av 171

Working nine to five? - En studie om grÀnsdragning mellan arbete och privatliv

 De styrda tid- och rumsstrukturerna om nÀr och var arbetet ska utföras Àr under snabb uppluckring. Det blir allt vanligare att den enskilde individen sjÀlv fÄr sÀtta sina grÀnser mellan arbetsliv och privatliv. Studiens syfte var att undersöka hur individer upplever grÀnserna mellan dessa domÀner, hur dessa upprÀtthÄlls samt om olika roller och krav inom de olika domÀnerna leder till konflikt mellan dessa. Sju semistrukturerade intervjuer gjordes med chefer och andra nyckelpersoner inom olika branscher. Intervjuerna analyserades efter deduktiv teoristyrd analys.

Gestaltning av boendelandskapet i grÀnsen mellan stad och land : exemplet NorrÀnga i Lund

This is a 20 credit Master thesis within the landscape architecture education at the Institute for Landscape Planning at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences at Alnarp. NorrÀnga is situated on the fringe of the city of Lund, east of the existing district of Linero.The city planning office of Lund municipality has come up with a ?in-depth comprehensive plan? for the exploatation of the eastern area of Lund. The plan concerns an area of 1035 square kilometre which contains at least 1500 nya buildings, two schools, primaryschools, stores and bus station for local bus traffic and the new bus line - LundalÀnken. The townplan is inspired from the historical Square block city with defined street system. The municipality has visions of what the green areas should consist of.

LÀr man sig nÄgot av idrottsundervisningen? : En studie om gymnasieelevers lÀrande i Idrott och hÀlsa A

The purpose of this essay was to study what students at the upper secondary levels thought that they learned in physical education and if there were differences between girls and boys learning. The purpose was also to study different factors that could affect the learning and to show how curriculum and prior research relate to the students learning. In this essay we used the three aspects of health that are mentioned in the description of physical education: the physical, the social and the psychic. The study was based on a quantitative research where 165 students answered questionnaires about their learning. Our research showed that the students did not get the knowledge that the A-course in physical education should provide and that the goals for the course were not accomplished.

Individuell Utvecklingsplan (IUP) med skriftliga omdo?men ur ett elevperspektiv ? i den senare delen av grundskolan

The purpose of this article was to examine how students learn to use the Individual Development Plan (IUP) with written assessments as a tool for learning. The study is conducted according to an ethnographic approach. A total of 20 students, aged 13-14 years, participated. The production of data took place through participating observations, field notes and conversations. A qualitative content analysis was used for data analysis.

Relationen mellan spelberoende och kriminalitet : en kvalitativ studie med fem före detta spelberoende med kriminell bakgrund

Ett spelberoende kan pÄverka en person pÄ olika plan men syftet med denna uppsats Àr att studera hur relationen mellan ett spelberoende och ingÄngen till kriminalitet ser ut. För att beskriva denna relation har fem kvalitativa intervjuer utförts med fem före detta spelberoende med kriminell bakgrund. UtifrÄn Bourdieus teori om habitus och fÀlt samt normer och normalitet som en social konstruktion förklaras ocksÄ en spelberoendes vÀg in i kriminalitet. Resultatet visar att personer med ett spelberoende ofta vistas i en miljö dÀr kriminella handlingar inte ses som nÄgot avvikande och att det dÀrför blir enklare att bryta mot samhÀllets normer. Utöver det framgÄr det att spelberoendet i vissa fall har försvagat informanternas band till samhÀllets institutioner vilket har lett till en normupplösning.

NÀtmobbning : Anser barnen som Àr kamratstödjare i skolan att det förebyggande arbetet kring nÀtmobbning kan vara en uppgift för dem?

Do children, who are supporter of comradeship, think that working to prevent cyber bullying may be a task for them? This study describes, from a child?s perspective, how a supporter of comradeship can be supportive in the preventive work against cyber bullying. This study will also define the phenomena bulling and cyber bullying, the difference between them and where they can be seen. I will also describe the supporters of comradeship are elected, the information they get from school and how adults at school help them to plan their work. The schoolconsider, of course, the Swedish school law towards (against) bulling and insulting behavior and the school is also visited by inspectors from the Swedish National Agency for Education.

Förstudie och utveckling av styrsystem för lÄdförslutare

Ecolean Development AB are developing and manufacturing filling machines for pasteurized liquid food products. Because of lack of any appropriate supplier of box closer which seals boxes with small flaps, they have decided to start a project to develop a prototype of a box closer. Due to long experience from industrial automation I have been given a chance to develop control system for a box closer. Degree thesis involves electric design in ELPROCAD ic PRO and programming of PLC (programmable logic controller) and HMI (Human Machine Interface). The report describes degree project from the project plan phase via the development phase to the conclusions.

Kvinnorepresentationens konsekvenser. En kvantitativ studie av kommunpolitik i kvinnors intresse.

AbstractThe aim of this essay is to analyse the effects of women's representation on actual political outcome. Quantitative method and materials are used to study the consequences of women's political participation in Swedish municipals.Many theorists think that women have special interests, different from men?s, which is also the belief of this essay. This political interest is here defined as freedom from discrimination and violence against women. In order to see if this interest is present in local policy it is transformed into variables concerning whether the local authority has an equality plan, supports a local shelter for abused women and by how much money it supports women's shelter.

"Mig finner ingen, ingen jag finner" : En studie av identitetsmarkörer i Almqvists roman Drottningens Juvelsmycke

In this examination paper I?m using the qualitative method: phenomenographic analysis to present twenty educated and working pre-school teachers opinions about being outdoors in Swedish pre-school. The purpose is to describe the variation between different pre-school teachers? opinions, not to focus on wrong or right.    The paper starts with a review over the opinions presented by the literature on the subject.

Budgetering inom lammproduktion : en jÀmförelse mellan lammproducenter och Agriwisesstandardkalkyl

For a company to get the best possible profitability, requires financial planning. Budgeting isa common tool in financial planning. For operating lamb producers, a planning program suchas Agriwise is a good tool. Individual lamb producers may change certain standard figureswithin the planning program to better correspond with reality of the individual cases. In thisway, lamb producers may plan according to which revenues and costs they may expect thenext period.

Datorstöd i Geoteknik

Detta examensarbete Àr utfört för att fÄ kunskap om hur man kan anvÀnda datorbaserade verktyg för att rita upp och analysera data som erhÄllits i samband med en geoteknisk fÀltundersökning. Geotekniken syftar till att fÄ förstÄelse om hur olika jordarter Àr uppbyggda och hur jorden reagerar dÄ den utsÀtts för belastningar. Dessa kunskaper Àr nödvÀndiga för att utforma grundlÀggningen för en byggnad.Det datorbaserade verktyg som har anvÀnts i denna rapport Àr programmet Novapoint GeoSuite som Àr ett vanligt förekommande program inom byggindustrin i Sverige. Programmet anvÀnds bland annat till att ta fram plan- och sektionsritningar, samt att utföra berÀkningar av slÀntstabilitet och sÀttningar för byggnader.I rapporten redovisas ett fiktivt exempel pÄ grundlÀggning av en fÀrjeterminal pÄ ön Blixholmen i Norrköping. Exemplet syftar till att visa hur man arbetar fram geotekniska resultat med hjÀlp av programmet Novapoint GeoSuite.Det undersökta datorprogrammet Àr mycket detaljerat och ger realistiska resultat vid jÀmförelse med manuella berÀkningar.

Fred och sÀkerhet? : En studie om det Svenska Försvaret utifrÄn tre perspektiv, Bonsdorff, Andrén och Clausewitz

Following an increase in hostile foreign activity. The discussion regarding Sweden?s defense forceÂŽs ability to perform its task has come to a new heading. With the end of the cold war as a major revolution in matters of international security, a major overhaul has taken place to transform the static total defense plan of the nation to a less rigid operational system.Following an analysis of the budgets total amount from the governments of 2002 until 2015 it is clear that while the amount of resources has never directly been lowered, it has shrunk in relation to the countries total GDP. The possible futures for the defense of Sweden bring three possibilities forward in correlation three unique perspectives on military and political policy.Out of the three possibilities the focus on military strength as a political resource seems to be garnering the most support with the latest incursions made my foreign submersibles and the ever growing presence of 5th generation of warfare.

Ungas meningsskapande litteraturlÀsning : En analys av fyra lÀromedel för gymnasieskolans litteraturundervisning

Syftet med denna studie Àr att utifrÄn nyare forskning om ungas meningsskapande lÀsning synliggöra hur lÀromedel för gymnasieskolans svenska B-kurs gör för att skapa ett intresse hos elever för skönlitteratur. PÄ ett övergripande plan bidrar studien till den forskning som rör ungas intresse och engagemang för skönlitteratur och lÀsning. Fyra lÀromedel för gymnasieskolans litteraturundervisning har valts ut och undersökts kvalitativt med hjÀlp av analysfrÄgor konstruerade utifrÄn nyare forskning om ungas meningsskapande lÀsning. FrÄgorna handlar om texturval och frÄgeuppgifter i lÀroböckerna. Resultaten visar att texturvalet ofta följer ett traditionellt upplÀgg med kronologiska epokstudier.

Nyttan av Web 2.0 i en CRM-kontext

Web 2.0 is a relatively new concept which has made significant progress on the Internet. More recently, corporations as well have begun to get use of the different types of applications that are assigned to the Web 2.0. Organizations are primarily interested in making use of Web 2.0 in two areas: inside the company to increase efficiency and productivity, and from the organization to the customer to improve revenue and customer satisfaction. We have chosen to take a closer look at this last area, as can be seen as a CRM context. Our interest is to investigate how such a context may change by implementing some kind of Web 2.0 technology.

VarumÀrkets utveckling till strategisk resurs : varumÀrkesarbete i svenska statliga bolag

Today, Sweden has about forty companies owned by the government. These are active on markets with variable competition. Some have been given special areas of responsibility that in a practical notion make them monopolists. The period when most public companies where formed (and with that the following subjection to competition) during the nineties and early 2000's, forced the formerly protected businesses to act on the terms of the open market. Parallel to this development the brand has for the last twenty years evolved into something great strategic importance for the business, including the business-to-businesses (B2B).

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