

2564 Uppsatser om Miljöplan - Sida 20 av 171

IT-stöd för riskhantering : En studie av risk och kvalitetsarbete vid ZERT AB

This paper presents a project and literature overview about how risk management and quality sometimes goes hand in hand and sometimes in two different directions. Meaning that the risk management can affect product or process quality differently depending on what risks an organisation chooses to control.The purpose with this paper is to get a deeper understanding about how risk and quality works together with IT-support and therefore we have been actively participating in a project with a risk management company called Zert. A literature study and a qualitative interview study have also been undertaken to see what the customers and the other researchers have written, to be able to make proper conclusions on the subject.To easily work together and get the information that was needed, four methods where used. Besides the qualitative interview and literature study the think-out-loud, card sorting and a variation on the extreme programming method where used to help visualize and improve communication both with Zert, the costumers and among ourselves.Zert is a risk management company that helps other organisations to control their different types of risks that they might be taking, by offering a system where the risk management process is held and providing consulting services by helping within the processes. Both Zert and their customers see the communication, knowledge and teamwork as something important as well as the quality within the work, processes and the end result.

Autism i klassrummet : En studie i hur lÀrare planerar och genomför sin lÀs- och skrivundervisning, samt deras förhÄllningssÀtt till inkludering.

The purpose of this study is to investigate how teachers work with Autism pupils in two different schoolforms: a traditional elementary school and a language school. The study was based on three questions: 1. How do teachers in elementary school prepare, plan and implement reading and writing instruction to Autism pupils? 2. How do teachers in the language unit prepare, plan and implement their reading and writing instruction to Autism pupils? 3.

ADR och förhandlingslösningar: för bÀttre effektivitet och medborgarinflytande i planprocessen

Den hÀr uppsatsen har tvÄ syften. Det ena Àr att studera möjligheter till medborgarinflytande i 4 och 5 kapitlet plan- och bygglagen. Det andra syftet Àr att dels presentera de mest anvÀndbara förhandlingsmetoderna i USA, dels studera erfarenheterna frÄn olika aktörer i USA, samt beskriva hur man kan förmÄ olika aktörer att överhuvudtaget komma till en förhandling vid liknande fall som plan- och bygglagen behandlar. För denna magisteruppsats har en deskriptiv metod anvÀnts. I uppsatsen berörs inte den svenska miljörÀtten, dvs.

Attityd, NÀrvaro & Prestation : En kvalitativ studie om lÀrares och elevers uppfattningar av bedömning och betygsÀttning i Idrott och hÀlsa A

The purposeof this survey is to study both teachers and students view regarding theevaluation and grading in the subject Physical Education A. In order to meetthe purpose, the survey is executed by focusing on three main researchquestions: What is the teachers and students notion of the goals of the subjectand the course plan? Which knowledge is evaluated in the subject, according toteachers and students? Which factors, believe teachers and students, affect theevaluation? The results of the survey is established by qualitative interviewsthat has been conducted with four teachers and five students in two schoolslocated in a medium ? sized city in the south east of Sweden.The resultsof the survey indicate that not only teachers, but also students consider thecourse plan and the grading criterias is relatively unclear and interpretablein a lot of different ways. Teachers and students also states the theoreticaland practical moments are equally important when evaluating. Further, theystate that knowledge in ergonomics, exercises theory, diets, swimming andleadership skills are important knowledge in the subject.

Parkplan för KungÀlv med förutsÀttningar för sociala vÀrden :

To work with environments outdoors for people, animals and plants is the main topic for the landscapearchitect. On several occasions the work is about public places that is to be in relation with other parts of the town. It is about the activities and the life that take place. The physical environment and the interpretation of it gives possibilities or obstructions for people who moves around or spend time in it.Since public places, parks and places for movement are used in daily life they strongly effect the people who use the places. The concequences of this effect can be positive or negative experiences.A positive example is a passage over a brook on the way to school while a negative one is to be afraid while passing a tunnel when it is dark outside. Other examples of concequences are stress effect from traffic noice or calming environments with twitter of birds. The physical environment is also a part of the total interpretation of a town.

FörÀldrasamverkan i skolan : NÄgra förÀldrars och lÀrares syn pÄ hur samverkan kan fungera pÄ en skola

The purpose with this final paper was to examine how the collaboration between parents and teachers can manifest itself. With collaboration, we mean the dialogue that has to exist between parents and teachers in regards to e.g. how well informed the parents are about the regulated principles on which the education plan is built on, and in which way they can take part in and influence the system. This is to empathize on the fact that a good collaboration between parents and teachers help create a good foundation for the pupil?s ability to learn.The method that we have used are questionnaires given to parents and teachers along with studies of literature both as means of furthering our studies as well as a basis for the design of the questionnaires.

Lönsamhet i mindre slakteri : fallstudie pÄ Wiktor Olssons slakteri

Slakteriverksamhet blir allt mer intressant med tanke pÄ de stÀndiga variationerna i slaktsvinspriset, en av flera stora osÀkerhetsfaktorer inom lantbruksbranschen. Genom att komplettera olika verksamheter inom animalieproduktion med ett slakteri har man möjlighet till att investera sig till en större sÀkerhet genom att man har hela produktionsledet fram till konsumenten. Syftet med projektet Àr att undersöka om det gÄr att fÄ lönsamhet i ett mindre slakteri samt vilka formella krav som stÀlls. DÀrför togs kontakt med en mindre slakteriÀgare som bedriver slakteriverksamhet lokalt i Blekinge. Denna slakteriÀgare utgör huvudkÀllan till arbetet. Det första man ska söka vid ett Àgarbyte Àr tillstÄnd. Beroende pÄ hur mycket köttprodukter du producerar ansöker du antingen till kommunen eller till Livsmedelsverket.

Kriskommunikation - FörestÀllningars relation till praktiska arbetssÀtt

I den hÀr studien undersöks hur förestÀllningar kring kriser och risker inom en organisation pÄverkar och styr sÀttet man resonerar kring och arbetar praktiskt med kriskommunikation. Jag tog hjÀlp av fyra frÄgor för att undersöka detta nÀmligen: 1) Hur menar medarbetarna att kriskommunikationsarbetet pÄ landstinget Kronoberg ser ut? 2) Vad har medarbetare för tankar om kriskommunikation i stort? 3) Vad har medarbetare för förestÀllningar om hot och risker för landstinget Kronoberg? 4) Slutligen, hur ser kopplingen mellan organisationens arbetssÀtt och medarbetarnas syn pÄ hot och risker ut?Uppsatsens empiri bestÄr av Ätta stycken samtalsintervjuer med anstÀllda inom landstinget Kronoberg samt organisationens Plan vid Allvarlig HÀndelse. Jag intervjuade personer frÄn olika avdelningar med olika kopplingar till kriskommunikation. Jag valde att utföra studien hos landstinget Kronoberg dÄ de har verksamheter bevakade av media samt eftersom de har rÄkat ut för kriser sÄ som Sankt Sigfridsbranden under de senaste Ären.

HJ?LP, JAG KAN INTE ANDAS! Sjuksk?terskans omv?rdnads?tg?rder vid andn?d hos patienter med hj?rtsvikt

Bakgrund: Att kunna andas ?r grundl?ggande f?r livet och k?nslan av att inte f? tillr?ckligt med syre kan skapa r?dsla och obehag. Andn?d ?r ett symtom som ?ver h?lften av alla patienter med hj?rtsvikt upplever och kan p?verka den drabbades vardag negativt och leda till en s?mre h?lsa. Att f?rebygga oh?lsa, fr?mja h?lsa och bibeh?lla h?lsa och genom omv?rdnads?tg?rder ?r ett grunduppdrag f?r sjuksk?terskan.

Plan för multifunktionella buffertzoner lÀngs VramsÄn pÄMalörten AB : s jordbruksfastigheter

To create multifunctional buffer strips along a watercourse in an economically sustainable way requires consideration of many different factors. In this plan we have selected pollutant reduction as the main purpose of the buffer strip. We have also strived to achieve minimal income loss due to reduced production, increased biological diversity, good game preservation that leads to higher income from hunting, aesthetical satisfaction and possibility to profit from available subsidies. This is done mainly to make landowners/farmers more interested in creating buffer strips along water courses.As sand is the dominant type of soil in the area, the water course is less affected by surface runoff compared to if the soil would be clay or some other finer texture. Game preservation and subsidies have therefore been the main factors when establishing the width of the strip, because these require wider buffer strips in some cases.

Är Guldkunderna lönsamma? : En studie av LĂ€nsförsĂ€kringar Skaraborgs kundbonussystem

AbstraktTitel: Är Guldkunderna lönsamma?NivĂ„: C -uppsats i FöretagsekonomiFörfattare: Patrik Sandberg & Fredrik ÖstmanHandledare: Ann Wetterlind DörnerDatum: 2011 ? MajSyfte: Uppsatsens syfte Ă€r att, pĂ„ uppdrag av LĂ€nsförsĂ€kringar Skaraborg, undersöka om företagets kundbonussystem Ă€r lönsamt för företaget i praktiken.Metod: Uppsatsen bygger i huvudsak pĂ„ en kvantitativ metod dĂ€r data som har behandlats erhĂ„llits frĂ„n uppdragsgivaren i form av ett Excel-dokument. X2- tester har gjorts i statistikprogrammet Minitab för att pĂ„ sĂ„ sĂ€tt undersöka den verkliga effekten av bonussystemets utformning.Resultat & slutsats: UtifrĂ„n de uppgifter och data som har erhĂ„llits visar resultaten pĂ„ att bonussystemet Ă€r lönsamt för företaget Ă€ven i praktiken.Förslag till fortsattforskning: I uppsatsen har hĂ€nsyn tagits till redan givna variabler. Ytterligare variabler skulle kunna vĂ€gas in i analysen för att pĂ„ ett kvantitativt plan öka trovĂ€rdigheten för resonemanget och pĂ„ ett kvalitativt plan öka förstĂ„elsen för kundernas agerande.Uppsatsens bidrag: Resultaten i den hĂ€r uppsatsen har visat att kundbonussystemet Ă€r lönsamt för företaget Ă€ven i praktiken. Ett resonemang har förts om var de största effekterna finns och detta kan eventuellt sedan anvĂ€ndas för att effektivisera verksamheten..

Traumahantering hos nyanlÀnda flyktingbarn i skolan : Ett krispedagogiskt perspektiv

To this date there are 14 major armed conflicts, four of which are defined as war. Every day several people come to Sweden as asylum  seekers and refugees looking for a residence permit in Sweden. This paper is about the children who receive a residence permit in Sweden and attend Swedish schools. Many of these children have experienced trauma ? damage to the psyche after a traumatic experience.From two qualitative interviews of a principal and a counselor at a school in JÀrfÀlla municipality, and three teachers at the same school, I studied what trauma management at this school looks like.

Vad hÀnder med förskolans undervisning? : En kvalitativ studie av individuella utvecklingsplaner i förskolan

This is a study on individual development plans (IDPs) in pre-school and their relationship with the teaching performed. Skolverket does not mention the IDPs in their steering documents for pre-school, and have in a separate memo discouraged from the use. Yet reports show that many of the pre-schools in Sweden are using IDPs. Teaching in pre-school is expected to be a mixture of care and learning without clear boundaries to the scientific topics pre-school aims to introduce children to. The purpose of this study is to investigate if the use of IDPs affect the teaching in pre-school.

Differentiering och framgÄngsfaktorer pÄ en stÀndigt vÀxande marknad : Undersökning av bemanningsbranschen

Today it is mandatory for every college or university student to pay a union fee to their student?s union. The fee is mandatory and is a payment for writing examinations, receiving grades. The fees purpose is also intended to secure the education quality and student influence. In the presence of the abolishment of the union fee the Swedish student?s unions stand before an uprising competition between themselves and most likely a decrease in membership.

En arbetsmiljöutredning för yrkeschaufförer hos Schenker Åkeri AB i Halmstad

The project has been done in cooperation with Schenker Åkeri AB in Sweden, Halmstad. Theproject is based on an inspection made by Arbetsmiljöverket, where they found minorshortcomings with distribution of goods for the employees. The project is an investigation ofthe drivers? working environment.Schenker Logistics is one of the world's leading providers of integrated logistics services.Schenker Åkeri AB is a subsidiary to Schenker Logistics and transports 2.4 million tons ofgoods yearly.The project started with a background study to evaluate drivers working environment. Wehave studied goods receptions, the working environment, strain injury and injury mechanisms.Methods used was observations, tests, questionnaire surveys and ergonomic andbiomechanical calculations.One result of the study is a working model, which gives recommendations for the maximumweight a driver should push and pull.

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