

7340 Uppsatser om Military theory - Sida 61 av 490

Staten och civilsamhället i Uruguay

Lack of political interest and will to deal with human rights violations carried out under the civil- military dictatorship, has characterized the transition and post-transition in Uruguay. The systematic use of torture, arbitrary imprisonments and forced disappearances in the relatively small country created a culture of fear that has been present through out the post-transition phase. Human rights groups have been central actors in the fight for truth and justice and against impunity. This study analyzes how these groups multiple democracy-building functions have contributed to democratic development. It also analyses how the democracy-building functions have been constrained by the political context.

Kommunikation mellan företag - förutsättningar för bruket av sociala medier i en företag-till-företagskontext

The study examines how social media can be used in a business-to-business context. To understand the communication conditions, factors has been identified that affects the choice of communication channels for different types of information transferred between parts. Furthermore, the study investigates the underlying reasons for why certain communication channels are chosen before others, in different situations. The study results are based on qualitative semi-structured interviews with employees in a small engineering consulting company. The investigation has focused on employee communication and choice of communication tools primarily in relation to the business relationship.

The importance of relationship for self-care capacity among young people with diabetes mellitus type 1 : Based on external factors in Orems model of self-care.

In Sweden approximately a half per cent of the population have diabetes mellitus type 1. Self-care responsibility is a part of the treatment. Orem?s self-care theory has been used as theoretical framework. The purpose was to describe what it means to be young and have diabetes mellitus type 1.

Samhörighet, kompetens och autonomi inom omsorgsverksamhet

Syftet med den här kvalitativa intervjustudien var att undersöka hur personal i ett omsorgsföretag ser på sig själva och sitt arbete i relation till kompetens, samhörighet och autonomi. Dessa tre begrepp är centrala i Self-determination theory. Resultatet visade att samhörigheten främjades av ett nära samarbete med kollegor och genom många gemensamma aktiviteter, både på arbetstid och utanför. Det främsta hindret för att uppleva samhörighet var om arbetsgruppen strävade åt olika håll eller om det uppstod konflikter i samspelet. Kompetens innebar för respondenterna att känna sig trygga i sitt bemötande av brukarna och att de visste vad de skulle göra i olika situationer.

HANDELSHÖGSKOLAN VID ÖREBRO UNIVERSITET : En fallstudie av relationen mellan lärare och studenter

Title: The Swedish Business School at Örebro University ? A case-study of the relationship between teachers and studentsDate of seminar: 2009-06-04Course: Bachelor thesis in Business and Administration within Organization, 15 ECTSAuthors: Malin Blomqvist, Lisa Skoglund, Charlotte WallinAdvisor: Gabriella WennblomPurpose: The purpose of this thesis is to enhance the understanding about the relationship between teachers and students at the Swedish Business School at Örebro University. The purpose is also to describe the relationship with organizational theory.Research methodology: This thesis is based on a qualitative method. Semi structured interviews have been implemented with both teachers and students. Literature in the organizational area has been searched through to give a base for the study.Theoretical framework: This thesis uses the theory of stakeholders and the theory of resource dependence.Conclusions: Teachers and students are different stakeholders towards the Swedish Business School at Örebro University, where teachers is an intern stakeholder and students an extern stakeholder.

Hur skildras judar och judendom? En textanalys av svenska medier

In my study, I aim to examine how the printed Swedish media depicts Jews and Judaism.How the agenda is for the depiction of Jews and Judaism and how it can be related todidactic challenges within the school subject religion. The study is based on 194 articlesfrom the Swedish newspapers, Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladet, in July and August 2014. I use a qualitative and a quantitative text analysis where I put articles in different categories. The study?s theoretical framework is The Agenda-Setting Theory and my study leans against Bachner (2006), von Brömssen (2012) and Revell's (2010) thoughts on the media having great influence over our image of religion and religious groups.My study shows, among other things, that Jews and Judaism are mainly mentioned in the media in relation to the conflict in Israel and Palestine, World War II or anti-Semitism.

Erhåller svenska förband en relevant utbildning? : en studie av FS 15 utbildning inför Afghanistan 2008

Sverige har en lång tradition i att utbilda soldater och förband för försvar av det egna landet. Dettahar varit i fokus för de svenska förbanden under kalla kriget. Idag ställs svenska förband inför nyauppgifter och i andra miljöer än de traditionella, men framförallt möter de svenska förbanden enmotståndare som har andra drivkrafter, medel och metoder än vad motståndaren hade under detkalla kriget.Uppsatsen syfte är att diskutera huruvida den svenska soldat- och förbandsutbildningen äranpassad för denna motståndare. D.v.s. erhåller de svenska förbanden en relevant utbildning?Denna studie genomförs som en fallstudie av FS 15.

Att bli utbildare : En studie av kadetters syn på hur de formas till utbildare

Background: Officers in the Swedish Armed Forces educates their soldiers in various skills and arenas. The Officers get their educational training in officer training courses conducted by the Swedish Armed Forces or the Swedish national defence college. The aim of this study was to find out how the cadets, belive that they are formed into educators, their views on the literature being used in the Swedish armed Forsces, and their views on leadership and educational science.Methods: The data for analysis were collected in spring 2010, by use of a questionnaire among cadets studying the tactical/operational program Ta/Op 07/10 at the Swedish national defence college. The respons rate was 69, 6 %.Results: The majority of the cadets thought that experience was the most important factor in becoming a good educator. Most of the cadets also thought that the literature being used by the Swedish armed forces was good, however, few cadets stated that they will use the material for reflection on their own teaching when working as officers.Conclusions: The Cadets had a positive attitude towards the educational philosphy and literature being used, but few will use the literature in reflecting on themselves as teachers.

Konsumtion i rörelse : En kvalitativ intervjustudie av politiska konsumenter

The purpose of the study is to examine eight individuals? experiences and conceptions of political consumerism. Main notions in the study are concepts like reshaping of the politics, morality and individualization. The method of choice is qualitative interview and grounded theory. Theories that deal with consumer society, subpolitics and individualization constitute the theoretical framework.

Mångfald i planering : Uppsala stadskärna, en mångfald av människor och verksamheter?

AbstractTitle: Level/Degree/Grade:Authors:Supervisor:Research question:Purpose:How the bank may improve its financial counselling ? A qualitative case study.Bachelor Thesis; Business administration; Corporate finance.Andreas A?strand, Anton Persson, Kristoffer Wedebrand.Hans Mo?rner.How may the bank improve its financial counselling to private investors using portfolio theory?Our purpose is to examine the advice, with basis in portfolio theory, the bank?s financial advisors provide to their clients, the investors, and how they can improve. If we can identify and point out areas of improvement in the financial counselling, we hope to raise the question and contribute with an improved financial counselling. Another positive effect we are hoping for is to improve the situation for the investors whereas all parties benefit from an improved portfolio selection.This study is conducted through a qualitative case study, where we used a deductive approach and collected our data through personal interviews.The conclusion that emerges is that the financial counselling could potentially be improved if financial advisors improve their knowledge in portfolio theory.The originality shapes through the opportunity to investigate a specific bank and because of that an opportunity to examine a specific case more thoroughly was created. Our thesis contributes with opening La?nsfo?rsa?kringar?s and other banks? eyes to how their financial counselling could be improved through new knowledge in portfolio theory.

Mobilapplikationer som hjälpmedel i underhållsindustrin : med fokusering på arbetsorderhantering

This thesis paper discusses the results of a survey which was conducted to investigate the potential usefulness of mobile apps in the maintenance department at Perstorp Specialty Chemicals AB. The paper contains four sections, a theory section, a method section , a section that explains the functionality of the app, and finally a results section where the results and conclusions of the survey are discussed. The theory section explains and discusses relevant terminology used in the computer science field and in the maintenance industry. The theoretical model used in this paper is also discussed. The methods section gives a stepwise description of the project and a description of platform and software used.

Statlig neutralitet och politisk perfektionism i teori, ideologi och praktik

Abstract:The aim of this study has been to investigate (theoretically as well as empirically) the problematic notions of state neutrality and political perfectionism and, in particular, the potentially vast continuum existing between these concepts both in theory and in actual political practice. In order to accomplish this, a conceptual analysis has examined (some of) the arguments for and against state neutrality and political perfectionism, different aspects of neutralism and perfectionism as well as the exact definition of the concepts of ?neutrality of justification? and ?conceptions of the good?. Using a specific (though not entirely uncontested) definition of these concepts, an empirical analysis was made of Swedish parliamentary parties and their cultural policies. The empirical part of the study seemed to confirm one of the basic premises of this study; that state neutrality and perfectionism are often (as has indeed been recognized by critics of state neutrality) intertwined in the business of everyday politics..

Slutförvar av förbrukat kärnbränsle - studie av opinionen i Malå- och Östhammars kommun

The aim of this study is to describe and understand the reasons to why people choose to become foster parents. By using the theory of action we wanted to investigate their intentions rather than their motives. The questions we wanted to answer where: How do the foster parents describe their reasons for becoming a foster home? What reasons do they give fore keeping on being foster parents? How do they comprehend their task and the fulfilling of it? The study was performed by utilizing qualitative interviews with five foster parents, four women and one man. In the analysis we used the theory of action as a theoretical perspective.

Reciprok egoism, skeptisk empirism och modern fysikalism : Titelförslag på några principer och diskurs kring dessas korrelation

Denna essä är en ontologisk och epistemologisk undersökning av bland annat etiska och medvetandefilosofiska implikationer av en konsekvent fysikalistisk hållning. I detta kontrasteras mot en transcendentalistisk hållning, som den av T. M. Scanlon, den skeptiska empirismen av David Hume, reciprokt baserade moraliska system (e.g. J. L.

Praktisk tillämpning av virtuellt byggande i partneringprocessen

This thesis paper discusses the results of a survey which was conducted to investigate the potential usefulness of mobile apps in the maintenance department at Perstorp Specialty Chemicals AB. The paper contains four sections, a theory section, a method section , a section that explains the functionality of the app, and finally a results section where the results and conclusions of the survey are discussed. The theory section explains and discusses relevant terminology used in the computer science field and in the maintenance industry. The theoretical model used in this paper is also discussed. The methods section gives a stepwise description of the project and a description of platform and software used.

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